Stockholm Syndrome, Tribal Power within the BK

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Post22 Jun 2007

yudhishtira wrote:However, having been through it, I am glad that I am still with Baba but not part of this dysfunctional and co-dependant set up. It aint easy though, and I couldnt have made it without friends. Waves at all disheartened BKs ... yo, guys!! It is possible to have your spiritual cake without the rat poison!! You are not alone!!

(ex-l sidles up next to yudhishtira and put a spiritual arm around his consciousness and wakes back smiling at BKs too).

Well ... welcome to this dysfunctional and co-dependant set up instead! Where, I assure you, we have many spiritual fruitcakes and offer even more poisoned rats to throw back at the BKWSU*.

I wonder if the SS keep a little book or file on their computers, a list the center-in-charge ubermensch can check their Murli class registers with ...
    "Brahminz wot we haf bannish 'n' wot they dun."
How else would they know how to keep BKs out of their centers if they just moved location? Or is it just the "nice" centers that they keep people out of, like Global Retreat and Madhuban? I must ask my center-in-charge soon. Imagine, the person sitting next to you at morning class could actually be a secret member of the forum!

* Historical note; in early siege warfare, all around the globe, armies would randomly catapult dead bodies and animals into the besiege city in an attempt to frighten the subjects of the enemy kings and spread disease amongst their people.
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Post25 Jun 2007

How else would they know how to keep BKs out of their centers if they just moved location? Or is it just the "nice" centers that they keep people out of, like Global Retreat and Madhuban? I must ask my center-in-charge soon. Imagine, the person sitting next to you at morning class could actually be a secret member of the forum!

Didnt you know, you automatically get iris scanned when you enter the centre and then it goes onto the FBI (Federal Brahmin information) central computer. And then when you go to another centre, if you are on the blacklist, Shiv Baba's light starts flashing in Baba's room to alert the Centre in Charge?
    (Gosh. This paranoia thing is fun, I'll have to try it more often :lol:. )
And, yes, all you Brahmins out there ... be afraid, be very afraid mwahaha ... for we are everywhere; in your centres, in Madhuban and taking notes, pictures, video tape and DNA samples 8).

Actually, I'd love for us all to be able to bury the hatchet ... BKs are essentially nice folks with a desire for spiritual truth but too dependant on their Seniors, who are not listening to Baba ...

Ex-BKs and the rest are basically nice folks, with a desire for spiritual truth who have decided they do not want to have all the clap trap that surrounds the essential spirituality.

I think we all have more in common than we think.
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Post25 Jun 2007

yudhishtira wrote:Actually, I'd love for us all to be able to bury the hatchet ... BKs are essentially nice folks with a desire for spiritual truth but too dependant on their Seniors, who are not listening to Baba ...

Yeah, I had a problem with some BK guy offering me DNA samples as well.
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Post26 Jun 2007

yudhishtira wrote:And then when you go to another centre, if you are on the blacklist, Shiv Baba's light starts flashing in Baba's room to alert the Centre in Charge? (Gosh. This paranoia thing is fun, I'll have to try it more often :lol:. )

I can just see it now ...
    WARNING! WARNING! Shudra approaching Centre! Ready to repel all lokik invaders! neener neener
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banished but not vanished: a blessing!

Post26 Jun 2007

Hi, Yudhishtra! Nice reading your numerous posts on the Forum. We are obedient Baba's children, so we want to make sure the lock on the intellect stays open!!

I posted some points related to "banishment" in the women's topic in the Newcomers, you may want to take a look. So, many heartfelt good wishes from a soul that day one with BKs had the Cinderella/Ugly Duckling role, and after some understandable sorrow, soon grew out of it, started enjoying and is still alive spiritually! :wink: :D

As in Steel Pulse's lyrics "dem a try to keep I down: I will always prosper, walking on a tight rope!"

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