World population continues to grow ... BKWSU is aghast

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Post16 Apr 2007

Very interesting post, thanks Paul :)
paulkershaw wrote:One of the ways that I choose to be with G is when I manage to go deep inside and sit in stillness and then I 'feel' the connection being made. It feeds me what I need in order to always move forward. I know that this this method is taught by the BKs' but it works for me. Others will certainly have their own way and methods too and I ask that you please share these methods with me if you feel inspired to do so.

I've been thinking about this one: Could it be that we may have been socially conditioned to accept the very idea of 'god' through our society and culture, and so when we have an experience like the one described above (which i take to be a kind of feeling-of-oneness-with-everything-merging-type-experience - which is not necessarily part of any dogma or 'belief') that we take it as being proof of some external Creator :?:

Hmmmm ... just wondering aloud :?
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Post17 Apr 2007

zhuk wrote:I've been thinking about this one: Could it be that we may have been socially conditioned to accept the very idea of 'god' through our society and culture, and so when we have an experience like the one described above (which I take to be a kind of feeling-of-oneness-with-everything-merging-type-experience - which is not necessarily part of any dogma or 'belief') that we take it as being proof of some external Creator?

Yo Zhuk ... This, of course, is totally possible. Whenever we have feelings which are not usual, or not understood (because we're not used to having the experience), we will look elsewhere for the answer! Example - at work I am only the Boss when someone else has stuffed up and then they come to my door expecting me to have the ready answer!

I'd think though that the Masters in the spiritual realms would perhaps have a deeper understanding (anyway I would hope so ... (!)) and they often mention Mother/Father God in their discussions so perhaps, just maybe Mr Madam God thrives ... :D.

Of course, the Religious Code would say we'll find out when we die and go to Heaven. For me that used to be a great 80's dance club, virtually worshipping the lights ...
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Post23 Jun 2007

Its now 6.5 billion in Murlis :shock:.
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abrahma kumar

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6.5 Billions and rising ...

Post23 Jun 2007

Can anyone remember all those wonderful soundbites that we were exposed to (and might have repeated to others) regarding the futility of any from of birth control that was not based on purity i.e. total abstinence from sexual activity? Wasn't it something to the effect that: Governments are busy promoting birth control to curb an ever-increasing population, but what is really called for is "thought control".

Imagine the lost revenue that condom manufacturers would suffer if this "thinking oneself out of a condom" really caught on? And as for the untold number of real "human tragedies" as a result of unprotected sexual activity? No problem. Just stay in a bodiless stage, keep the Maryadas in mind, and you will be protected.

It is alleged that the world population can be estimated to now be 6,603,484,038 and rising.

jim brady


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Post23 Jun 2007

The BKs are beginning to look real, real sad at the moment. Imagine having to change “Godly knowledge” because it turned out to be false. How utterly pathetic and embarrassing.

How can existing members delude themselves into still accepting the whole sorry doctrine? If any BKs visit this site, surely if they are true seekers of truth, they must wake up, step out of the comfort zone and seriously start to firstly question their Seniors on the population charade.

Spare a thought for the poor unfortunate brain-washed B.K. teachers, uncomfortably shifting, as they are forced to skirt their way around such nonsense. I would dread, if I was back in the fold, having to explain my way out of such a childish U-turn.

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Post23 Jun 2007

The obvious conclusion is this -

The Bible is full of trivia, attrocities, absurdities, inconsistencies and contradictions ... it is clearly not the word of a loving and all-powerful God, but of men.

So is the Koran.

And all the other so-called Godly inspired books.

... and so are the Murlis.
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Post23 Jun 2007

jim brady wrote:Spare a thought for the poor unfortunate brain-washed BK teachers, uncomfortably shifting, as they are forced to skirt their way around such nonsense. I would dread, if I was back in the fold, having to explain my way out of such a childish U-turn.


Is there any official BK responce as to why the numbers keep changing? I mean, surely they've had to give some answer?
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abrahma kumar

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Post23 Jun 2007

john wrote:Is there any official BK responce as to why the numbers keep changing? I mean, surely they've had to give some answer?

Methinks never, jim brady. But just in case, why don't we check; "Hello BK teacher, according to the International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau, the total population of the World, projected to 06/23/07 at 14:15 GMT (EST+5) is 6,603,485,563. 8). How say you?"

Om Shanti
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For our benefit, let's discard numbers ...

Post23 Jun 2007

Haven't they said yet that we should not be "number conscious" since these little insignificant details, such as all Cycle inconsistencies, distract us and prevent us from claiming our fortune??? :wink:
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Re: For our benefit, let's discard numbers ...

Post25 Jun 2007

alladin wrote:Haven't they said yet that we should not be "number conscious" since these little insignificant details, such as all Cycle inconsistencies, distract us and prevent us from claiming our fortune??? :wink:

Hey! I thought it was all number-wise? Wow, am I learning lots!
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abrahma kumar

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Re: For our benefit, let's discard numbers ...

Post25 Jun 2007

alladin wrote:Haven't they said yet that we should not be "number conscious" since these little insignificant details, such as all Cycle inconsistencies, distract us and prevent us from claiming our fortune??? :wink:

According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau, the total population of the World, projected to 06/25/07 at 09:40 GMT (EST+5) is 6,603,866,878 and rising.


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Post25 Jun 2007

When I questioned this again to my ex ... the answer?

"You do not understand, its not about that."

So everyone here, "... you do not understand"!

"So, is it not about the absolute truths that 'God' decreed?" I asked. But I was then enlightened by being told I did not see the bigger picture. Are you all glad that is cleared up now? This is obviously the latest run around the BK centres are giving.

These are just mere details and we are all missing the bigger picture. :lol:
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Post25 Jun 2007

di wrote:This is obviously the latest run around the BK centres are giving.

No, it is not the "latest" runaround, it is the ancient, original, tried and tested 5,000 year old runaround.

It is generally said with a REALLY saccharine sweet, patronizing smile and a glaze that says, "poor you, you ignorant, deluded Shudra". You do not understand is a great insult and put down. What would happen to a kid that was constantly told, "you do not understand!" Of course, they would start to doubt themselves. This is what they are trying to do by that.

Honestly, this has been going on for decades; "Baba says ... Dadi says ... do not think ... merge the point ... be essenceful ... do not go into the expansion ... do not QUESTION ... and you know what happens if you do not do what Dadi says!". Its bogeydadi time ... Dadi the great big bogeyman. Woo-woo.

Any questioning is seen as a sign of a lack of faith, any requesting the Seniors to clarify they woolly answers is seen as an insult (you are the ignorant one, they are the essenceful ones), any questioning beyond that will put the Sister's backs up and you will be slowly elbowed out of the way. Am I right or am I wrong? That is why they do not have open questioning in public events in general, as mr green reported, they get to filter the questions first.

So what is it all about? Conforming to stereotypes and pre-programming offered by the SS?
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Post25 Jun 2007

In fact, ex-l, I have seen many methods more making students feel they never can fully understand.

One of the classics is employed by Janki and most Indian teachers (it wouldn't surprise me if Lekraj used the same, by the way, there used to be a few tapes of him speaking in person knocking around, I wonder if they're now blacklisted) is to ask a question to the class and let everyone answer as many times as they like, and always come out with a different answer once everyone is exhausted of suggestions.

Now the trick to this is if someone actually guesses what you're going to say, then you have to think of something else sharpish !!!

This is a very nice little technique to remind everyone who is the teacher and who is the student :lol:.
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abrahma kumar

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Post25 Jun 2007

mr green wrote:...One of the classics is employed by Janki and most Indian teachers (it wouldn't surprise me if Lekraj used the same, by the way there used to be a few tapes of him speaking in person knocking around, I wonder if they're now blacklisted) ...

I have one of these from the 1960s hanging around somewhere. Maybe i have a listen some day soon and feedback.

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