The Indian Congress Party & "Dictator" Gandhi

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The Indian Congress Party & "Dictator" Gandhi

Post24 Jun 2007

My intention here is not to construct a full or political history of the said organization but to briefly draw out parallels and contradictions relating to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization from a spiritual point of view - for further discussion.

Congress Party of India

The following quotes regarding the Congress Party of India are all taken directly from Om Radhe's book, one of many "Divine Decrees" which were sent to "His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth, Ministers, VIceroy, Governors, Rajas, Ranis, and all other most well-known religious as wall as political leaders... as performed by us Kalpa after Kalpa" and joyfully, for me, remain in public and private archives outside of the Brahma Kumaris ability to hide or destroy.

Described by Mama Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom, called BK Om Radhe on behalf of the Brahma Kumaris as "The Crow-Race of the Kauravas ... over-enamoured of their Worldly possessions of woman, wealth, palaces and jewels and still hankering after something more", the entire Congress Party of India is described as "Shudras" and a;
Om Radhe wrote:"Devilish organisation ... whose bellies are filled to capacity with their ill-earned victuals".

She, first president of the Brahma Kumaris goes on to predict in 1943 that they would;
"soon repent for their misdeeds and are sure to be taken by surprise just at the final hour of their annihilation when they will be left only crying hoarse;

"Oh Divine Father (Lekhraj Kirpalani) of Gopes and Gopies (Divine Ones ... aka the Brahma Kumaris), Most Wonderful are Divine Deeds of Thine and of Thy Divine Ones!"
"But through the effect of the Arrows of 'Aham Brahm Asmi', this entire castle of Kali-Yuga tumbles down to the ground after all and "The final VICTORY is scored but none else than Divine Ones[the Brahma Kumaris]"

"Fie upon these atheistic, vicious, presumptuous monkeys! What power have they to obtain the Swaraj of Bharat? The Devils pour into [the BK organisation] the filth emanating out of their qualities of 'Rajo' and 'Tamo'"

The inspiration leader, who BKs are happy to quote at will now, Mahatma Gandhi she describes
"the blind (Self-unrealised) dictator of the Kaurva (Congress) organisation, lacking faith in the Divine Doctrines of 'Aham Brahm Asmi' claims that he gets inspirational light from Shreemad Bhagwat Gita scripture which he proudly proclaims, urges him to adopt various self-slaying contrivances such as treason against the King, Civil Disobedience, Picketing, Hunger-Strikes, etc., for the attainment of Complete Self-Rule of Bharat."

Gandhi obvious refused her early invitation to join the BK for the 7 Day Course, as documented in her letter sucking up to him!!! And so, on the subject of Indian Independence, they decided that
"This idea appears most preposterous on the very face of it ... They [The Congress Party] have been called 'THE BLIND' because of being Self-unrealised ... KAURAVAS ... (and) The title of 'KANSAS' has also been merited by them on account of contracting their innocent virgins' lives like butchers, for transacting sensual poison with vice-merged, monkey-like 'JARASANDHIS'."

Now what is most interesting to me is how the Brahma Kumaris suck up to King George and the British Imperialists and attack an Indian democratic movement of home rule Of course, at this point, the Brahma Kumaris were led to believe by Lekhraj Kirpalani that the world was going to end during World War II. History has proven them a little wrong in that ... I wonder how they were derided and made fun off after the end of WWII and Indian Independence being announced? I wonder how many BKs left THEN as they did in 1976!?!
And "The final VICTORY is scored by none else than Divine Ones, assure Gita, Quran & Bible."

So, according to history, who were the Congress Party?

The Indian National Congress is a major political party in India. It was started in 1885 by;
    Englishman civil servant and Theosophical Society member Allan Hume (who in his private life wanted to become a chela of Tibetan spiritual gurus),
    a Scottish civil servant and politician, Sir William Wedderburn,
    a Zoroastrian intellectual Dadabhai Naoroji who was the first Asian to be a British MP (Liberal Member of Parliament) and brought into the limelight the drain of India's wealth into Britain,
    and another Parsi, Sir Dinshaw Edulji Wacha, a great nationalist economic critic and financial wizard.
Yes, 'ignorant, impure and deluded Kali Yugi Shudras' to the BKs, each and every one of them ...
In 1859 Hume wrote:"a free and civilized government must look for its stability and permanence to the enlightenment of the people and their moral and intellectual capacity to appreciate its blessings".

The Congress Party became India's leader in the Independence Movement with over 15 million Indians involved in its organizations and over 70 million participants in its struggle against the British Empire. After independence in 1947, it became the nation's dominant political party.

It is Social Democratic, Center-Left or popularist in comparison to which, the early Brahma Kumaris under Lekhraj Kirpalani at least, appear to be distinctly Right Wing. (Personally, they sound like demented Racial Supremacists and Fascisti to me). Many would that the BKWSU is still is Right Wing in its political order and, as we are discussing elsewhere, clearly and distinctly Imperialist and Anti-Democratic.


On the basis on Om "Mama Saraswati" Radhe's uncensored recorded writings above, a women the Brahma Kumaris worship today as the Number 2 soul in the World and "Eve" ... as I write on "Mama's Day" I propose that she, and they, were actually a little bit mad, conceited, utterly ignorant of the real world and awfully arrogant towards others. Futher that if she went along with the later cover-up and re-writing of the history and philosophy, she was also as deceitful and dishonest as those within the BKWSU that continue to do so.

She, and they, were also wrong about their world predictions or, if you wish, their interpretation of the garbled predictions emanating from Lekhraj Kirpalani. It is my strongly held opinion that anyone on a truly spiritual path would not, and could not, act to official sanctify her.

Where are the written or recorded refutation of any of these quotation? I don ot think that they exist but I think that they are still currently held and unrepentant beliefs, internally, within the BKWSU. They loved it and they love her.
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Post03 Aug 2007


A Hindi film named 'Gandhi - my Father' has been released in India today. For the first time in history of cinema world, a film has been made on the personal life of Gandhi.

While Gandhi was able to impress most people of the world during his times, he could not make his son follow his principles.

I was thinking of a comparison with Brahma Baba. In the Advanced Knowledge Brahma Baba is compared to Gandhi. Even Gandhiji's son could be compared to Brahma Baba's son. Just as Gandhiji's son did not follow his principles, Brahma Baba's son Narayan Dada also did not follow his Father and left the Yagya to lead a lokik life at Bombay.

It has already been stated on this forum that just as Gandhi was killed by a fellow countryman, Brahma Baba may also have left his body due to the pain caused by one of the Brahmin souls. It is notable that the World Renewal Trust was registered a few days before Brahma Baba's demise due to heart failure.

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Post03 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:A Hindi film named 'Gandhi - my Father' has been released in India today. For the first time in history of cinema world, a film has been made on the personal life of Gandhi.

It is not the first time Gandhi film
Directed by Richard Attenborough
Starring Ben Kingsley
Released 1982
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Post03 Aug 2007

Arjun means to emphasize the "personal" aspect of Gandhi's life which is what the new film is selling itself on, here. "One Family's Tragedy was the price of a Nation's Freedom". The film is based on "Harilal Gandhi: A Life" by Gandhian scholar Chandulal Dalal and is said to be historically factual.

For those that do not remember, there was huge uproar in India about the Attenborough. A film of Gandhi being made by a mere whiteman and using a white actor ... the most vocal parties wanted the part of Gandhi to be play by a twinkling star to indicate where Gandhi would be. The rest of the actors responding to it. To which Attenborough responded approximately, "I am not having Gandhi played by bloody Tinkerbell!". There were the usual political outcry.

Indian has come along way if it is willing to play out the full paradox of a complex character. I wonder if it goes the full distance over stuff like his sexual experiments of sleeping between two young women just to test himself if he was pulled by lust!!! Attenborough certain moved India towards being ale to make this film. No Indian could have without causing another civil war!


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Post04 Aug 2007

There were a lot lot google videos about Gandhi (before google merged with youtube). Not sure if they are still there, but many archives of Gandhi's days.

Most media footage on Gandhi was done by Western media (i.e. British and American), so it would be nice to have the local-Hindi perspective. A bit like the encovering of the BKWSU, whatever the "pitfalls" found in the BKWSU, do these matters so much to the local Indian BKs as to the West? One of the things I hope this forum will bring out is the Indian perspective of the BKWSU from those in India, and not of the "Westernised-Indians". I learned much about the BKWSU from speaking to the Madhuban wassis (mentioned this somewhere in other thread).

On a side note, in the West, we come to "study" the BKWSU, whilst in India, the BKWSU seems to be another integral part of life. Thus it is not surprising that in the Murlis, there is more mention of Gandhi, who is just a 20th century icon, then other philosophers such as Plato, Confucius, Lao Tsu, etc. After all, how many Indians would know of the latter ?

An on another side note, Arjunbhai and others,

In elementary or high school, is "Religious Studies" part of the school curriculum? I was lucky to study this in my school albeit touched upon the surface of many religions which at the time I did not find very enthralling but it did open my eyes to the variety in this world.
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Post04 Aug 2007

John wrote:It is not the first time Gandhi film. Directed by Richard Attenborough. Starring Ben Kingsley. Released 1982

I agree with Brother ex-l. All the earlier films including the one quoted by you focus on his life from the view point of his role in Indian freedom struggle. This is the first one about his personal life with focus on his children/son. I came to know of it only through newschannels, which give information about the new Hindi films that are released every Friday.
Sister Bansy wrote:In elementary or high school, is "Religious Studies" part of the school curriculum? I was lucky to study this in my school albeit touched upon the surface of many religions which at the time I did not find very enthralling but it did open my eyes to the variety in this world.

Yes, in most schools (both private and Goverment schools) the curriculum contains some lessons on religious stories/morals. For example, I studied in a Central Goverment School where the entire Ramayana and the entire Mahabharata was taught in class XI and VII respectively. We read it more as a story and a lesson of morals than as a religious text.

Most schools give students the option of choosing Sanskrit as the second or third language. Those Sanskrit textbooks also contain verses/shlokas from Gita, etc. Since I have not studied in a convent school, I do not know about their curriculum. But I am sure they do impart some knowledge on Christianity/Bible. Similarly there are hundreds of minority educational institutions where Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc. study the general curriculum books apart from their own religious texts.

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right wing sect

Post08 Aug 2007

Hi, I was browsing around, my attn. was caught by the title "Gandhi the dictator", so I took a look on that topic and came across what ex-l posted on jun 24th and I was really struck, especially by the following parts I quote below:
"the early Brahma Kumaris under Lekhraj Kirpalani at least, appear to be distinctly Right Wing. (Personally, they sound like demented Racial Supremacists and Fascisti to me). Many would that the BKWSU is still is Right Wing in its political order and, as we are discussing elsewhere, clearly and distinctly Imperialist and Anti-Democratic. ...
she, and they, were actually a little bit mad, conceited, utterly ignorant of the real world and awfully arrogant towards others."

I think that many of us were able - unless we denied it - to touch with our hands, the reactionary and despotic intrinsic qualities of BKWSU - just look at the unquestionable hierarchies, inequalities and exploitation of "low ranks", the caste system they function upon, etc etc ...

Now, it's interesting to look at the roots of this anachronistic attitude. Even more interesting to see how such an organisation tried to "capture" lots of left-field, intelligent, maybe gullible but well-meaning Westerners who were seeking for truth and eastern mysticism in India in the seventies. Maybe frustrated in their attempt to change the world by political means - and convinced to start dedicating their lives to BK service in the West, and in the 4 corners of the world.

This sect has been and is constantly painting and marketing itself as tolerant, progressive and modern. It takes more than participating to a conference or a VIP lunch, to find out what their methods and the true philosophy are all about.

On top of that, the tone and words Mama used, were so insulting and arrogant, that it gives me the impression she was either possessed by some peaceless damned spirit, or under the negative effect of some hard drug, a real bad trip! And why did they use monkeys and baboons as an insult towards any non-BK? After all monkeys do not lie, do not steal professionally, do not manipulate or use people, try to convert nor persuade. They do not beat others with the stick of some law, do not instil fear in followers in some devious way, do not slander anyone, and they do not hide their vices behind phoney smiles or white saris :wink:.

So, save the monkeys, and lock the BKs in an Indian zoo! (Indian because usually cages are smaller!).


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Re: The Indian Congress Party & "Dictator" Gandhi

Post30 Mar 2022

The Congress party looted India more than the British and the Congress party did not respect the poor or created British-style police and corrupt government In India, people do not vote for the Congress party anymore. They fought two wars against Pakistan and they are not non-violent. they oppressed the people of Kashmir and democracy in India is now based on the Muslim Hindu vote bank and it is a total flop
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Re: The Indian Congress Party & "Dictator" Gandhi

Post07 Apr 2022

jayadeepan wrote:The Congress party looted India more than the British

Lekhraj Kirpalani called Congress "the Crow Party" & said their happiness would be short lived.

Strangely, in the early days, he was a British patriot & a royalist, & against Gandhi & the independence movement.

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