False Gods within and outside the BK Family

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post21 Jun 2007

bansy wrote: We know that water is water. Whether you are in the North Sea where the water is cool or whether you are in the Mexican Gulf where it is warm. Water is water whatever angle you look at it in a bottle.

I totally understand your point Bansy, water is water yes. Delightful and healthy and totally neccessary for life to exist.

However from a BK viewpoint they might say that some water is purer than another. Yes? Read the label on a bottle of water and we can see that 'bottled' waters are not all the same ... but is what's printed on the label actually in the bottle or does the bottled water change over time until it's not the same as on the label but we believe it to be the same because we can read the label?

Or does the water bottling company ensure the standards are kept to what the label reads? Or do they change the label to keep up with the supposed purity of the water ...???.

Same with a big bottle of G-d methinks ... :wink:
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Post21 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:... how the BK mind is firmly programmed to ignore and dismiss any input from any other source ... as it is mentally programmed that all other sources other than the BK source (on basically ANY topic) are impure, vicious, evil, wasteful.
This filtering and dismissal goes on constantly ... indeed the subject of such mental conditioning is even programmed to mentally reward itself for dismissing any other input, even if that other input produces immutable facts and evidence to contradict the BK.
***** The BK becomes an automaton ...Folks don't realise where they are talking to BK types that the BK is not even listening to them ... they are just disappearing away into the ether somewhere in Yoga and waiting to hear a key word that will trigger some automatic response based on Gyan ...

Hi ex-l, it seems that whilst knowing this I had actually also forgotten this. So thank you for the reminder, I'll behave much better now.... 8) and perhaps won't be so frustrated either. Sometimes I feel that using the same 'mind-set' that you discuss above would be more powerful (by completely ignoring the relevant posting and/or poster) but then this forum is supposedly all about discussion, huh?

I truly am see-ing that often-times its pointless making a point about a point ... or in BKspeak, we are perhaps pointless because we no longer have 'a point' in our lives ... ~ but it does all sometimes truly seem pointless to try have a forum member recognise this when they simply cannot. I highlight the word cannot! but also see the word 'won't' there too. Big pity indeed.

Gee, so many 'points' to try remember ... but at least I can recognise the difference between reason and logic now ~ thanx to some ...

p.s has everyone done their Godly duty and hugged a BK today? xxxx :arrow: :biggrin: :arrow: :shock:.
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Post21 Jun 2007

paulkershaw wrote:p.s has everyone done their Godly duty and hugged a BK today? xxxx :arrow: :biggrin: :arrow: :shock:.

Of course, it is not a universal truth ... but I think there is a good deal of meat in it. I can remember sitting there as a BK, giving some poor Shudra "killer dhristi" whilst they tripped all over the circuitous labrynth of Gyan. I think of the glove puppet act of Jayanti and Janki and how the Seniors use the gap between translation to zap the poor unsuspecting BK into submission ... and I can remember how grateful were were to receive that dhristi and how we shut up afterwards even though our questions were glossed over entirely.

But I like the idea for the t-shirt, we should work up our own independent designs;

"Have you Hugged a Brahmin today?" ...
"A Brahmin is for Life, not just Rakhi" ...
"do not Make Love, Make Mahabharata War" ...
"I spent 15 years in Gyan and all I got was this Lousy T-Shirt"
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Mr Green


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Post21 Jun 2007

All you have to remember is Andrey gets a subtle erection from this rhetoric.

All BKs have is food, or intellectual showing off ... both a bit gross in my eyes.
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Post22 Jun 2007

mr green wrote:All BKs have is food, or intellectual showing off ... both a bit gross in my eyes.

That is an interesting statement to which I might add, "... and a nice property portfolio and international airtravel holidays".

I have to agree that Gyani debates are like some form of 'Intellectual Kung Fu' which reminds me of the tireless Hindu Pundits.

Its largely sophistry as well, as it is all based on unprovable abstractions, self-references (its true because it says it is true) ... and they squeal like girls and run away claiming that you are a cheat when you bring up anything too serious. They mistake rhetoric for either truth or genuine education.

Sophistry: an argument or option which is clever and plausible, but false and misleading. See the link above.

Rhetoric: the art or technique of persuasion through the use of spoken and written language.

Jagdish Chander was the greatest sophist, in my opinion, who justified his meal ticket at the BKWSU, and the train and air fares, on the back of an endless monkey dance of subtly deceptive reasoning that only the uneducated could fall for whilst covering up the very truth of the BKWSU.

Virendra Dev Dixit is walking a dangerous path if he does not deliver, especially as it is said he was the real source of much of Chander's ideas (an unproven claim but one reported on this forum) But I admire his counter-establishmentary position. The BKWSU need him as much as he needs the BKWSU.

Sadly, Chanders 'erect' example is up held by many BKs and remains as a model for "acceptable" BK thought. Lingum worshipping all over again.
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Post23 Jun 2007

Dear Brother Mr. Green,

Note has been taken of the shorcomings pointed by you.

You are experienced in the BK world and can reveal the shorcoming of anyone, drawing a specific picture out of experience, but in the outside world food has become a central issue and intellectuality too.
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Mr Green


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Post23 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:Note has been taken for the shorcomings pointed by you. You are experienced in the BK world and can reveal the shorcoming of anyone, and draw a specific picture out of experience, but in the outside world food has become a central issue and intellectuality too.

When you show your humility, Andrey, you can be quite sweet.
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Post25 Jun 2007

The interesting thing in all this deification of individuals prevalant in the BK organisation is that it runs totally contrary to one of the most beautiful qualities of God, i.e. His unlimited vision of everyone, that "the last go fast" and that "effort is a matter of a second".

JB thinks that the Dadis are the only ones who will be in the 8 but Shiv Baba has never said that ... there is a vested interest in following a system of putting some people up on pedestals:
    1. this means that you choose the reality where you cant achieve the high aim that Baba gives and the benefit of this is that you do not have to try and you can stay in your comfort zone.
    2. This means you hand over responsability of your life to a human being and you then give up your power and do not have to think.
    3. This means that you do not have to feel bad when you see your negative patterns, because you have decided you cant change anyway.
    4. This means I do not have to go the trouble of making a connection with a bodiless god, I just need to pick up the phone and talk to my senior.
    5. This means I do not have to bother being soul conscious and a creator, I just follow a system of doing and experience self respect on the basis of comparing myself to all the poor sudras out there.
And If you add all these together, you get ... A Religion/Cult!!!! i.e. doing without being!!!

God help us ...
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Post26 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:The BK becomes an automaton and their mind runs a simple programme like a sci-fi robot. You can watch the programme run; "does not compute ... does not compute ...

Hehe. So very well put, as usual, ex-l.

EXACTLY what i've seen personally ... to the letter in fact :)

When I used to be visited by a pukka BK, I could see him sitting there, evidently not listening to my 'lokik concerns', just waiting & biding his time, as you say, to pounce when an innoculous word I would use would give him an "opening" to crank up the Full-Tilt Gyan-Propaganda-Machine (tm) :lol:.

Of course, all done in the name of Godly Service, naturally! :P.
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Post26 Jun 2007

yudhishtira wrote:The interesting thing in all this deification of individuals prevalant in the BK organisation is that it runs totally contrary to one of the most beautiful qualities of God ... JB thinks that the Dadis are the only ones who will be in the 8 but Shiv Baba has never said that ... there is a vested interest in following a system of putting some people up on pedestals. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...

6. It also means you get a job, with a single bedroom, when Janki finally snuffs it.

Following a couple of interesting dreams (watch your dreams after joining and contributing to this forum), I was thinking today about Jayanti [JB] and what she would be best to do at this time.

I suppose most have heard that apparently she and Big Mohini are being shortlisted to become the faces of the BKWSU. Other say she just looks tired and is waiting for Destruction. By creating and sustaining a throne for Janki and the others, she assures there will be one for herself later. By incorporating and instituting rituals, activities, benefits; she is assuring herself of them as well. Its the family business ...

If this was politics, and it is as well, what would the leaders of a political party do if faced with the kind of stories that are starting to break, and make waves in the corridors of power they frequent and depend on for their status and credibility?

My feeling has for a long time been that much of the high profile service they do serves them and is designed to keep them high in the eyes of the BK family. Probably too good a thread to bury away here and so I think I will pull it out somewhere and time else. Anyone else have any thoughts? False Gods ... hmmn ... may be a good place for it.
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My Baba

Post26 Jun 2007

Don't we all think that the boat of truth may shake but will not sink? And that God will keep honest seekers under His canopy of protection and that truth will be revealed?
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Re: My Baba

Post26 Jun 2007

alladin wrote:Don't we all think that the boat of truth may shake but will not sink? And that God God will keep honest seekers under His canopy of protection and that truth will be revealed?

As far as I've seen in the world that the boat of truth does rock, and does sink. War doesn't discriminate its victims on the basis of virtue. That my boat is still sailing is grace, not a credit to superior spiritual effort-making. Otherwise it would appear that the rich are the most virtuous of all!

Lately I've been noting the connection between the invulnerability felt by youth, and the adult sense of eternal life cultivated in religious and spiritual context, the promise of protection, salvation by God of an eternal self-essence.

To return to your question, I think any of us could suffer any tragedy. Perhaps we need faith that we are protected, perhaps such faith is part of who we are as humans. I found an account of the Sudan boys, the story written by one who had walked hundreds of miles to Ethiopia seeking to avoid slaughter at home. Sorry, no link. Some survived, some died. They had faith in God, and in each other.

Faith in protection may be important, the very need reflects the reality that we are vulnerable. So how do we reconcile the invulnerability we seek through faith with our inherent vulnerability in life?

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