The sickness that is "intoxication"

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post21 Jun 2007

Intoxication can also be something positive. It is not nessessarily based on deception or self deception. Whatever we like, we get intoxicated with. Whatever we like, we think about, wherever we think our benefit lies, there we invest mind power, power of the body, money. Then we remember that and our rememberance brings some feelings.

There are such people that as if they are always in love, always enthusiastic and energetic. What do they do, how do they sleep and what do they dream, what do they eat, how do they live, so that they can become pillars of support for others?

We can get intoxicated with perishable object or ideas. There are people that are ready to work for the sake of an idea. They become intoxicated with fine ideas. They will die for the idea, which can also be good or bad. Others work for what they will get instead.

Also in the case of a lover and beloved, some become intoxicated with one another and some need a lot of external confirmation for the love they give and receive. True lovers see one another just once and remember one another until the rest of their life.
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Post21 Jun 2007

The difference in Gyan or the BKWSU is that the spook appears to be able to control this "intoxication" turning it on and off at will.

We do not know who or what the believed spook is. His or their past record suggest that they are changeable, dishonest and manipulative; and they have created a changeable, dishonest and manipulative worldly organization with great political ambitions that is running on money and free labor taken off intoxicated individuals at a time when they are not fully aware of this.

What you see is not what you get.
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Post21 Jun 2007

Agree, what a shame!!!

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