BKWSU in Germany

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BKWSU in Germany

Post02 May 2007

I was reading about some "splintering" of the German BKWSU in 1992. Something to do with Bhog messages/messagers and challenges to the authority of (I guess) the leadership perhaps?

Does anyone know anything about this? Was this when Suman and Surya split and left? Or was it when Heidi Madkau packed her trunk? Thank you.



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Germany's incidents

Post06 Jun 2007

Hello everybody!!

I am new in this forum. Of course, I am ex-BK. A friend of mine, also an ex-BK, told me that there were some students from Brahma Kumaris - Germany, that had the intention to create a center aside the legal one because they did not agree on the topic of celibacy. He told me that person in charge of Brahma Kumaris - Germany called the Dadis to tell them about the problem. What my friend told me was that the Dadis agreed to allow them to be in another center because the people that wanted to create the other center were wealthy people and the money given by them has always been very important for the center's sustenance. OK my dear friends, if that's true it is just another proof of the real intention inside the Brahma Kumaris organization.

If someone else knows something about this, please let me know.

Thanks for all the support that you give to the people that visit this forum.

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Post06 Jun 2007

Hi Verdad

A warm welcome to the forum - its wonderful to have you with us and thank you for such a powerful and informative first posting.

Welcome aboard!



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Post17 Jun 2007

Thanks Paul

I would like someone who knows the truth about that incident to post a message. I am sure that there are more people who know something about the situations that happened or have been happening in Brahma Kumaris Germany. I encourage the people who visit this site to post what they know, because it is not fair to let this kind of topics hidden forever. No one can hide the light of truth forever. Everything is going to be reveal.

I think that every person or creature in this world is unique and valuable and just for respect to them, and to me, I want to unravel the intentions behind this kind of communities, even though I belonged to it, and I still go there. Not just because I can not live without it, but more because I want to learn, to face those who think that Maya swallowed me completely. And "to face" for me is to look at those BKs with a true smile, born from my heart and sending to them messages like these: "You are a beautiful soul who shows mercy and real love to others no matter what their condition or appereance is. You see others with no distinction"

Thanks for your postings.
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abrahma kumar

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verdad y reconciliation

Post17 Jun 2007

verdad wrote:I would like someone who knows the truth about that incident to post a message ...

Hola verdad, thanks for your enlightening post. It is interesting to observe that so many of the contributors here express their involvement as manifesting an ongoing spiritual development rather a 'death' of same.

Your own courage will sure assist us all.
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Post17 Jun 2007

verdad wrote:I would like someone who knows the truth about that incident to post a message. I am sure that there are more people who know something about the situations that happened or have been happening in Brahma Kumaris Germany. I encourage the people who visit this site to post what they know, because it is not fair to let this kind of topics hidden forever. No one can hide the light of truth forever. Everything is going to be reveal.

I think that every person or creature in this world is unique and valuable and just for respect to them, and to me, I want to unravel the intentions behind this kind of communities, even though I belonged to it, and I still go there. Not just because I can not live without it, but more because I want to learn, to face those who think that Maya swallowed me completely. And "to face" for me is to look at those BKs with a true smile, born from my heart and sending to them messages like these: "You are a beautiful soul who shows mercy and real love to others no matter what their condition or appereance is. You see others with no distinction"

Hi Verdad,

perhaps you are the one to reveal the truth???
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Re: Germany's incidents

Post18 Jun 2007

verdad wrote: ... some students from Brahma Kumaris - Germany, that had the intention to create a center aside the legal one because they did not agree on the topic of celibacy ...

Thinking about this some more - you're quite right. It would be very interesting to see if it is indeed happening in Gemany, as we would then perhaps see if the Murlis or classes used would be edited or altered to suit the needs of this new BK splinter groups leaders and 'followers' ~ would they edit out the celibacy points for instance or just ignore them as if they did not exist? The new group would then be no different in essence would they?

I remember many years ago that Jayanti had to rush over to Germany to try and damage-control the media when some German journalists had 'dared' to even suggest that the BKWSU was a cult. Wonder if the BKs there did not start splintering at that time? ...
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Post18 Jun 2007

I know that Suman official shut the center down at some point, if this is the same incident. She was a very surrendered BK, taught and followed principles. In fact, some BKs found her scary because she was strict.

I heard that there was some clash with Jayanti and then London center ran a disninformation campaign that said she had left Gyan and married Surya ... which, to be honest, I swallowed as truth. It turned out not to be.

I would stand and say I think it was more about the unwritten rule that all the center-in-charges had to bow not just to Baba but Jayanti too. I always found the Germans/Frankfurt lot progressive. I have no idea what life was really like.

Yes, please, let us know your opinion of what happened or any specific facts. It is service to newcomers see for real what they are getting involved in and a mirror to the organization on how to improve.



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Post22 Jun 2007

Than you abrahma Kumar, mr. green and all of you.

I can see clearly now and it is so horrible to realize how fool I was. Thank god I found this supporting forum to know more about this organization.

Please continue to post the information that you know. And maybe the people who participate in other rooms (topics) can post here to give more details about this incident.

All of you are incredible human beings.

Take care.
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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Janki´s visit in Frankfurt September 2007

Post01 Oct 2007

Rcvd via the BKWSU:
Dadi Janki´s visit in Frankfurt 15th- 16th September 2007

It was our great fortune, that Dadi Janki and Hansabhen were coming to Frankfurt for 28 hours! Our tireless messengers for the world were welcomed by Didi Sudesh and the German Family in Frankfurt Centre at 15:00; and as is Dadis nature and our luck Dadi went straight in the class room and welcomed all of us with her unique, radiating eyes and Toli.

The evening´s programme took place in another city, about 20 Minutes away from Baba's Centre. The topic of the programme was: "Can we save the world with money - solutions for a worth living future". Beside Dadi Janki and Didi Sudesh there were 2 other speakers invited: Dr. Franz Alt, a very well known television presenter, speaker and journalist, who is famous for his revolutionary way of thinking in the areas of environmental protection, alternative energies - especially solar energy, politics and economy. The second speaker Mr. Peter Killmann, entrepreneur and economy consultant, coach for smaller and middle companies, is engaged in promoting effective controlling systems for global financial markets and global antitrust control to save the competitive market against monopolies. Sister Uschi moderated us through the programme and the round table and Sister Suman from Frankfurt translated for Dadi from Hindi into German.

Lyn Taurus a singer from Iceland enriched the programme with a touching voice coming from her heart. It was her love for Dadi and the BK family that she came to Germany especially to sing for the event.

The whole programme was accompanied with a back round screen, which showed pictures according to the different topics and songs and whilst an introduction to the BKWSU showed pictures of different BK projects.

Didi Sudesh welcomed everyone and introduced the evenings topic by drawing our attention to the attitude with which we are dealing with the earth´s resources and money. She shared her motivation for organising the programme, which was the desire that every
guest should connect with their own, inherent, natural state of fullness. Didi explained that it is the experience of inner harmony and fulfilment which brings back selfless interactions and a natural way of giving, and receiving and of using everything in a worth while way.

In a round table the four speakers were offering solutions for the different problems in the world. Whilst Dr. Franz Alt was pointing out different possibilities for environmental protection and the need of it´s political sustenance, Mr. Peter Killmann suggested ways to save the economy from greed and structures of might through early educating young people in values such as conflict resolution, respect, and knowledge about the similarities of religions and balancing this with physical sporting activities.

Dadi Janki shared how the physical, the financial and of interpersonal relationships are influenced by our minds, that the motivation for using money emerges from within of us and guides our actions. She explained how she only uses that much for herself which she needs and that she uses that which is extra for the benefit of others. Dadi explained the benefit of leading a life of simplicity, to use everything in a worthwhile way and not to waste anything. When she was asked, how she was able to run and extend the BK institution of over 800.000 students worldwide, Dadi answered that it is on the basis of spiritual virtues and love for God that it is possible to live and work together without jealousy, animosity and misuse of might, but with respect, love and cooperation.

Didi Sudesh finished with the last question, of "how God can help in times of world crisis" and answered, that God doesn´t interfere in the worlds situations as such, but that God helps those who help themselves. He helps by strengthening His children internally, by giving strength to our minds and intellects. Didi pointed out that He can only do this when we build up a relationship with Him based on love.

The evening finished with Dadi´s drishti in a moment of silence and the song "From a Distance".

On Sunday about 60 BKs from different cities had come to Dadis class. Dadi fed us hot halva and Lyn was singing for us.

At 12:00 am Dadi met a group of 15 contact souls in Sister Shakti´s flat. Here Dadi took up the event´s topic again, going more deeply into it. After a break lunch was served. Dadi then went back to the Centre to leave for London.

Dear Dadi, we thank you somuch for making it possible to come here and delight us with your presence and classes.
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Post01 Oct 2007

Sudesh officially a 'Didi' and is 'Suman from Frankfurt' back in the fold ... or is she some kind of independent BK VIP now?

BKs playing the environmental card via the solar cooker in the final minutes in the run up to total Destruction ... how wierd. Did they tell the non-BKs that, post-Prakashmani death, time is short and resistance is futile?

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