Dadi Prakash Mani Day celebrations, Washington DC, USA

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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Prakash Mani Day celebrations, Washington DC, USA

Post07 Jun 2007

Dear Forum Members rcvd via the BKWSU email rosary. I post without comment.
Dear Family: Join now by sending a blessing in to be placed on the Dadi Prakashmani Peace Tree on June 10, 2007. The initiative this year calls everyone to concentrate and write a blessing for their loved one/s, their country and the world. That blessing/s will be placed on the Blessing Tree on Capitol Hill. We now have a bronze plaque with the inscription honoring Dadi's Day in Washington DC. It would be a wonder to get many Baba's children sending in their blessings for everyone to read. So timely this is as well for our sweet Dadi to feel so many blessings being placed on a tree that will keep growing. Send to

See below if you care for more information.

In Baba's yad, Washington DC

Celebrating " The Tree of Blessings" June 10, 2007

( Send us in a blessing and we will place it on The Blessing Tree to keep growing)

Dear Friend:

We are approaching the 8th anniversary of the Brahma Kumaris "Dadi Prakashmani Day", a day for peace proclaimed by Mayor Anthony Williams on June 10, 1999. Throughout the years, since the proclamation, many meaningful initiatives, in and out the metropolitan area, have been garnered in recognition of the importance of that day. The history of that day began with the planting of a Peace Tree on Capitol Hill, which was later extended to the lawn of the Pentagon and local schools. Envision a City of Values, which collected values from citizens in the area and showcased them on colorful banners around the city, was another initiative. In addition, banners with the logo: Remember Me were displayed around the city to decorate the streets with a sense of a higher purpose.

Click here to see some of them:

This year we would like to invite you to share your blessings with us and the city of Washington DC. It is quite simple:

Concentrate and share with us a blessing that you would offer your loved ones. That same blessing would hold true for America and the world. The blessing will be placed on the Peace Trees around the metropolitan area on June 10, 2007 for everyone to experience as blessings that grow in our own lives. Whatever is your faith all are invited to join on The Blessing Trees Initiative.

Here is an example of a blessing sent in by someone:

May you be one who walks the path of peace and claims victory in every step.

We wish your participation in this meaningful and timely initiative of our nation's capitol. Please, send in your blessing as soon as possible before June 7th,2007. For more information or to lend your support to further the success of this initiative, please ...
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abrahma kumar

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Post07 Jun 2007

Never heard of Brahma Kumaris "Dadi Prakashmani Day". Did I miss something? The more time advances the more apparent it seems that the BKWSU higher-ups are obsessed with immortalising the names of their chosen ones. At the same time warning its rank & file members of the perils of 'name & fame'. Is this a double standard?
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Post07 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Never heard of Brahma Kumaris "Dadi Prakashmani Day". Did I miss something? The more time advances the more apparent it seems that the BKWSU higher-ups are obsessed with immortalising the names of their chosen ones. At the same time warning its rank & file members of the perils of 'name & fame'. Is this a double standard?

It is indeed a double standard. As history unfolds we can now witness this for ourselves, whereas the past (before we knew of BK), we had to take their word for what had happened previously.
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Post09 Jun 2007

I had so far heard about several roads, streets, crossroads etc. being named after 'Brahmakumaris', and several Dadis and senior Sisters having been awarded prizes/titles by the Public representatives/organizations of various Indian states and cities, but 'Dadi Prakashmani Day' being celebrated since last 8 years in a foreign country is news to me!!!!!
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abrahma kumar

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Post09 Jun 2007

arjun wrote:I had so far heard about several roads, streets, crossroads etc. being named after 'Brahmakumaris', and several Dadis and senior Sisters having been awarded prizes/titles by the Public representatives/organizations of various Indian states and cities, but 'Dadi Prakashmani Day' being celebrated since last 8 years in a foreign country is news to me!!!

You are not alone in being surprised Arjun Bhai.
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Post13 Jun 2007

It is a good service to hang BK knowledge in electric posts.

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abrahma kumar

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Dadiji slowly on the road to recovery though ...

Post15 Jun 2007

Dear Forum Members rcvd via the BKWSU email rosary. I post without comment.
To Avyakt Bap Dada's beloved leading lights of the world and Dadi Prakash Maniji's
special and divine Sisters and Brothers,

Please accept hearty Godly remembrances from Madhuban (Shantivan).

Every year during the summer months, Gyan Sarovar and Shantivan remain busy is hosting Seminar-cum-retreats, conferences and RajYoga Meditation Camps one after the other. This serves quite a large number of the educated class, IPs and VIPs. Almost all categories of people from around India would be served by mid-July.

With Avyakt Bap Dada's blessings, Dadiji has been on the road to recovery though at a slow pace. It gives me great pleasure to share with our Sisters and Brothers good news: Dadiji has been enjoying her daily 20-30 minute visits to the morning Murli class in Shantivan for the past week, where she reads a passage or two of the Murli. Dadiji also meets groups of BK Teachers from different zones of India, as well as Madhuban niwasis (from Pandav Bhawan, Gyan Sarovar, Shantivan and Global Hospital) in the evenings. The Sisters who look after Dadiji engage her in spiritual conversations during the daytime and she loves to read at least 2-3 pages of the Murli to us every evening in her Cottage, at around 7.00pm.

With the power of your good wishes and love, I am sure Dadiji's health will continue to improve more and more. I have been waiting to see continuous progress for at least a week before sending you this latest news. Now that Dadi Jankiji is in Madhuban, she has been keeping Dadiji company as well as sustaining everyone in the four complexes under an inspirational and punctual routine.

Rest is fine. With Godly loveful remembrances and best wishes,

B.K. Nirwair

Om Shanti
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abrahma kumar

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Re: Dadiji slowly on the road to recovery though ...

Post15 Jun 2007

... Now that Dadi Jankiji is in Madhuban, she has been keeping Dadiji company as well as sustaining everyone in the four complexes under an inspirational and punctual routine.

... Is that code for Dadi Janki has been kicking butz?! :roll: If so, the routine might be inspirational but is it inspiring?

After reading that some totally Freudian-type irrationality moves me to ask: Anyone heard, heard of or seen the fictional character: Sgt Ernie Bilko from THE PHIL SILVERS SHOW? a.k.a. You'll Never Get Rich; a.k.a. Sgt. Bilko :wink:
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Post16 Jun 2007

Bro.Nirwair wrote:To Avyakt Bap Dada's beloved leading lights of the world and Dadi Prakash Maniji's special and divine Sisters and Brothers,

Omshanti. Is it not sufficient if a BK is Avyakt BapDada's beloved leading lights of the world? Do we need to become Dadi Prakashmaniji's special and divine Sisters and Brothers to get Godly inheritance???

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abrahma kumar

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Post16 Jun 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. Is it not sufficient if a BK is Avyakt BapDada's beloved leading lights of the world? Do we need to become Dadi Prakashmaniji's special and divine Sisters and Brothers to get Godly inheritance??????

Om Shanti Arjun Bhai, the terminology used may be just Brother Nirwair's way of expressing heartfelt sentiments to us in a way that he feels Dadi Prakash Maniji herself would. So to my mind, I may say that the language is a bit 'flowery', but not necessarily 'putting someone in-between me and my inheritance' (imho). What are your thoughts? Om Shanti Brother
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Post16 Jun 2007

Abrahmakumar wrote:Om Shanti Arjun Bhai, the terminology used may be just Brother Nirwair's way of expressing heartfelt sentiments to us in a way that he feels Dadi Prakash Maniji herself would. So to my mind, I may say that the language is a bit 'flowery', but not necessarily 'putting someone in-between me and my inheritance' (imho). What are your thoughts? Om Shanti Brother

I agree that this is only a way of expressing heartfelt sentiments, but this was not done for most part of the Yagya history. In fact, when Kumarka Dadi herself used to write letters (both general and individual) she never used such terminology. The terminology used in the above letter only proves the extent to which Bhakti has permeated in the Brahmin family, or may be the position to which Dadi Kumarka has been catapulted, definitely at the cost of Mama (Om Radhe Saraswati).

When all Murlis and Avyakt Vanis say that 'Remember Me alone' and 'none but one', then where is the need to remind the Brahmin family of Prakashmani Dadiji along with Avyakt BapDada???? Giving respect to her for all her contributions to the Yagya is a different matter, but one can decide oneself whether remembering her at the cost of ShivBaba is according to Shrimat or not????

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Post16 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:The terminology used may be just Brother Nirwair's way of expressing heartfelt sentiments to us in a way that he feels Dadi Prakash Maniji herself would. So to my mind, I may say that the language is a bit 'flowery', but not necessarily 'putting someone in-between me and my inheritance' (imho). What are your thoughts?

In the photos that bansy drew our attention to, there was one of Dad Janki looking at the corpse of the corruptive charlatan Vishwa Ratan. It was entitled something like, "Dadi Janki give Dada's Chariot Dhristi".

Does this language come between BKs and their inheritance? In isolation, not much but as a total re-write or whitewash of BK philosophy, lifestyle and lore, of course yes. For those that were not in the BKWSU during its high or pure period, they have little hope of seeing, knowing and coming to understand what Gyan was meant to be ... especially if the history and benchmark of the Sakar Murlis are also being erased. It is

It also reveals another two faces of the BKWSU; why does the Murli say, "if your lokik mother dies, eat halva", if they then go to great effort, expense and emotion over a stiff BK? All that is left is meat, why was Dadi Janki giving it dhristi? Why all the intercontinental fights to ferry senior ranking BKs for a body burning!?! Where does it instruct all this in the Murlis?

I remember the death of Didi Manmohini. I believe in Gyan at that time and I could not work out what the hell all the tears, whivering chins, grave looks were about. it prove that despite all the years, these BKs had made no progress at all. And now, what are these all about it? They are utterly lokik ... rituals and affirmations of power and influence through which the powermonger within the BKWSU reinforce their positions and their agendas.

They are also a good sign that the BKWSU has too much of other people's money to spend on their Bhakti.

Mentioning Didi Manmohini, it is funny but just as we see time and time again Dadi Janki's early period of involvement with the BKWSU re-written ... so I am seeing in the media her late period re-written to so that now God chose her to be one of the two ... Didi being written out to make way for Janki by Dadi Janki's bhagats. It is disgusting. Yes, I also agree with Arjun about Om Radhe. Despite being caste as a some 'Super Sainted Mary', she and her spirit have been buried and is unknown to neo-BKs.

Personally, I think the Dadis are just fronts for the Dada Mafia that really runs the BKWSU. Those such as BK Nirvair that are willing to perpetuate frauds to the new BKs.
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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Prakash Mani Day celebrations, Washington DC, USA

Post17 Jun 2007

Reading the feedback, I wondered for a while whether a BK would think it better not to post stuff like that here? Do the contributors feel that the item has/will emerge invaluable churnings to benefit the soul?

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Re: Dadi Prakash Mani Day celebrations, Washington DC, USA

Post17 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Reading the feedback, I wondered for a while whether a BK would think it better not to post stuff like that here?

I am sorry. My bad.

I did not look to see that this was posted in the BK forum. If it is seriously inappropriate, please move my post.
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abrahma kumar

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Re: Dadi Prakash Mani Day celebrations, Washington DC, USA

Post17 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:I am sorry. My bad. I did not look to see that this was posted in the BK forum. If it is seriously inappropriate, please move my post.

No ex-l ! my feedback attempted to engage us in observing how even in cases when BKs pass on 'positive news' that they reveal traces of Bhakti and the advent of the BKWSU corporation.

The only BK comment so far was;
It is a good service to hang BK knowledge in electric posts

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