Why only Gulzar?

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new world

Why only Gulzar?

Post04 Jun 2007

From 1969 Avyakt Vanis are delivered through Dadi Gulzar. I wonder why Dadi Gulzar is the only one Chariot through whome BapDada's Avyakt Vanis are delivered. But why only Gulzar?? What type of personality is she? She's a great puzzle. All senior Dadis are criticized, but Dadi Gulzar is generally safe from being criticized.

Are there any Murli points which indicate that only Gulzar is capable Chariot to deliver Avyakt Vanis? And what's the future of Avyakt Vanis after departure of Gulzar from Yagya?
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Post05 Jun 2007


This question had been raised in one of the discussion classes of PBKs and ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) gave a reply as to why Gulzar Dadi is instrumental in delivering the Avyakt Vanis. Since I do not remember the reply correctly, I will post the same after consulting the nimit Sisters.

One of the qualities could be her egolessness. She has always been content with not being in the limelight whenever her body is not being used to deliver Avyakt Vanis.


new world

Wonderful part of Gulzar

Post05 Jun 2007

Thanks Arjunbhai for reply. Wonderful is the part of Gulzar! A great puzzle! Please ask your nimit Sisters. Waiting for your reply eagerously. If possible, find the Murli points & Avyakt Vanis which explain why only ... only Gulzar is instrumental to deliver Avyakt Vanis.
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Post05 Jun 2007

:o Om Shanti,

Glad to be back after my vacation. I have heard that Gulzar Dadi's Soul was PURE in her previous birth's. May be this is the reason!


new world

Is purity the only one reason?

Post05 Jun 2007

But dear Brother mitra, purity may not be the only one reason. Gulzar's personality is much more than purity. For thhs deep churning of knowledge is necessary. And what will be the future of Avyakt Vanis after her departure from Yagya?



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Post05 Jun 2007

Brothers OMSHANTI,

I heard that the BKs are now training souls to replace Gulzar Dadi. :o

new world

Replacement - What!!!

Post05 Jun 2007

Om Shanti Suryabhai,

Interesting! Replacement of Gulzar! Is that possible? To whom is such training given? But I've heard (only heard) that she is the only one instrumental for Avyakt Vanis? Please reply in details.



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Gulzar Dadi

Post05 Jun 2007


Replacement because she is fragile and not well most of the times. The entering of the aviakt form must be prepared in advance because it causes such inpact on that body.

Is not the subtle soul of Shiva that is entering but an Avyakt body entering a physical body.

I don't know how the training is done, I will ask the BKs.

Good day ... :lol:
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Post05 Jun 2007


if you read the forum or this website you will find a News report about it. I do not know how you expect others to run around answering all your questions and doing your work for you. Especially if you are going to be cutting and condescending.

The answer is 'allegedly' ... because I only read it second hand ... that 4 Sisters are being trained up in New York State in the USA. You need to contact the BKWSU, or ask Mitra here to do so, and get an official statement. When you do, please post it back here. I do not know if they are Indian or Western. I will find it interesting if they are ONLY Indian. (May be they cant find any Double Foreigner virgins ... ).

But I agree with you. This is a very interesting and important issue to discuss and investigate, that as usual the BKs are very quiet about.

As far as Gulzar goes, she is the holy cow of BKWSU and so no one will say anything against her. But, frankly, she is consider to be not that bright. As in not very intelligent. Perhaps by "egoless" they mean lacking in personality which is not surprising. I would guess to be a good medium or channeller it would be a benefit not to have too strong a personality and having lived all her life in the organization, she will have a limited experience of life.

All the same, despite having direct access to Lekhraj Kirpalani via trance (or allegedly Shiva) and having been in organization for decades, she is also be one of the Seniors that is going along with the historical re-writing, the editing of the Murlis and the cover ups; so that lowers her in my eyes. Legally, as an official administrator, she is also responsible for the abuses the BKWSU is doling out to the PBKs and others. If it turns out that the whole of BKWSU is nonsense, then she will have a hell of a karmic account to sort out, especially for accepting the "Trimurti Dadi" stuff. Disgusting ...

I am trying to keep out of this but have to say ... because every one else is too polite too ... your attitude stinks. I do not know who you think you are. I wish you would just get over your insecurity and join in as an equal rather than assume a superior position. Every one here knows they are not complete and perfect nor is their understanding. Most people accept that Gyan is also for a number of reasons partially incomplete. People are working together to attempt to put the pieces together.
    So, what do you believe?
    Which group do you belng to?
    What are your experiences with the BKs and PBKs?
    What is your practise now?
No wriggling out of the answer, thank you.
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Post05 Jun 2007

Gulzar is not dumb. She doesn't get much press because she tends to be uninhibited, with a wicked sense of humor and an unabashed love of a good time.

She was chosen for her chariotic role by virtue of her purity and virginity according to official accounts. Probably the choice was easier due to her natural ability to go into trancelike states and receive dreamlike experiences, blending them from sleeping into wakefulness.


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Post05 Jun 2007

Slightly aside, I hear that Gulzar Dadi is touring around this month. Parts of Asia and others. If anyone has details, would be nice to know. Imagine. BapDada Chariot arriving in your neck of the woods ... which begs the question, is this what is meant when ShivBaba says He travels around the world ? And when He is not, where is He ?

About Dadi, she is unquestionable pure as pure. I don't think I ever heard anyone or anywhere about one blemish on her part given her prominent role in the Yagya. There is the query is why it is needed for her to take several days beforehand to prepare the BapDada meetings, surely BapDada can come and go into the Chariot without having to "check" the Chariot to prepare oneself. The other query is where or what is Dadi Gulzar's soul doing when BapDada enters. Other than that, of the few times having met her, she's always been as sweet and calm, and I recall the entire Rahjani Express crew awaits for her as she nonchalently boards just on time each time and goes up to Mt Abu, as free as she would like to be as if knowing each step of the drama is accurate.



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medium for BapDada

Post05 Jun 2007

I will find it interesting if they are ONLY Indian. (May be they cant find any Double Foreigner virgins ... ).

Yes, I agree here. Why only Indian, and no Brothers or males?

I know that we Brothers have no chance whatsoever and that our job is to protect the mothers and Sisters but this time the new medium of BapDada should be a double foreigner at least. I think that there must be a double foreigner that speaks Hindi! BapDada keeps saying that the double foreigners are the decoration of Madubhan ...


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Re: medium for BapDada

Post06 Jun 2007

Ever since Destruction never took place, the BKWSU has a problem when Gulzar leaves her body (dies). Destruction again?? What the BKWSU will do is make up some good story, which all poor BK souls will fall for and even believe.

Interesting, I cannot wait. They probably have their PR experts and psychologist working on that ever since Gulzar had her first fever. They will end up with more money, more property, and BKs with sorrow, and weakness as mentioned in the Murli because they cannot keep up.

Good luck!

Jannisder :P
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Post06 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:As far as Gulzar goes, she is the holy cow of BKWSU and so no one will say anything against her. But, frankly, she is consider to be not that bright. As in not very intelligent. Perhaps by "egoless" they mean lacking in personality which is not surprising.

You may be right in your statement. My observations about her are only guesses and not definite statements because I did not have any personal interaction with her, nor have I seen her much except for the Avyakt Vani classes and the normal classes. I wrote egoless only because that whenever I had heard her apart from the Avyakt Vanis, she did not display any ego of being the medium for Avyakt Vanis.
she is also be one of the Seniors that is going along with the historical re-writing, the editing of the Murlis and the cover ups; ... Legally, as an official administrator, she is also responsible for the abuses the BKWSU is doling out to the PBKs and others.

I agree.

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Re: medium for BapDada

Post07 Jun 2007

jannisder wrote:Ever since Destruction never took place, the BKWSU has a problem when Gulzar leaves her body (dies). Destruction again?? What the BKWSU will do is make up some good story, which all poor BK souls will fall for and even believe.

Interesting, I cannot wait. They probably have their PR experts and psychologist working on that ever since Gulzar had her first fever. They will end up with more money, more property, and BKs with sorrow, and weakness as mentioned in the Murli because they cannot keep up.

As far as I know, Destruction has to and WILL take place at any time unexpectidly. It will come as a surprise to everyone. Souls will be least prepared for their death. There will be great turmoil. :wink:

It is also said that all the double foreigners residing outside India will fly over to Madhuban if ONLY they have good Yoga, i.e. they will get the touching of mind from Supreme Father to pack every thing and come back to India. Look for this kind of transport and you can expect Destruction at any time.

MITRA :wink:

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