What is Shrimat and What is Murli ??

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Post22 Oct 2006

Dear Brother shivsena, I found this point: Murli 31.01.04
"... I am a soul and my Father, the Supreme Father, The Supreme Soul is also the Father, Teacher and Satguru. There is also Prajapita Brahma ..."

It becomes obvious it is a different personality.

Once you said you had difficulties in distinguishing the 3 souls present on the forehead (Shiva, Ram, Krishna). Now, having come to a conclusion which to remember, did you find a method to distinguish them? It is not only said, "follow the Father" but "follow the Mother and Father". Who is this Mother?

This Mother is along with the Father. When at the end of the Murli it is said, "Mother and Father", it means two different bodies. But also when it is says, "BapDada", it means combined in one body. So the Mother and Father are also combined in one body in the from of the half-male and half-female form of God. That is why it is said, "you are the Mother and you are the Father". We need not oppose any.

new world

Shrimat & manmat

Post28 May 2007

According to PBKs the recorded versions of Murlis & Avyakt Vanis through Brahma's mouth can only be called as Shrimat. They also believe in upliftment through Shrimat & downfall from manmat (personal opinion).

But PBKs believe that Virendra Dev Dixit (Virendra Dev Dixit) is also a corporeal Chariot of ShivBaba. Then in PBK's defination of Shrimat, why spoken versions 1) of ShivBaba through Virendra Dev Dixit & 2) of Virendra Dev Dixit after incarnation of ShivBaba in his body, are not included in Shrimat? If these spoken versions are Shrimat, then the PBKs defination of Shrimat must be changed.

Are the clarifications of the Murlis & Avyakt Vanis through Virendra Dev Dixit not Shrimat? Are they manmat (personal opinion)? If these clarifications are not Shrimat, then they must be manmat. Then they will lead to downfall of PBKs. If these clarifications are neither Shrimat nor manmat, then in which type of mat (opinion) they should be added?

Now Avyakt Vanis of Brahma are also included in Shrimat. But Virendra Dev Dixit's role is superior to that of Lekhraj Brahma according to PBKs, then why are Virendra Dev Dixit's speaches are not Shrimat?
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Post28 May 2007

new_world wrote:Are the clarifications of the Murlis & Avyakt Vanis through Virendra Dev Dixit not Shrimat?

Yes, they are also considered to be Shrimat.




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Post29 May 2007

arjun wrote:Yes, they are also considered to be Shrimat.

Dear arjun Bhai.
If clarifications of Murlis and Vanis is 'Shrimat' from omnipotent ShivBaba, then why there is no sadgati of any PBK in the last 20 years, when it is said in the Murlis that ''Shrimat se sadgati aur manushya mat se durgati"? Or the fact is, this clarification is ''manushya mat'' ie Krishna's mat (as Murli says ''Brahma ki mat bhi mashoor hai'') and this Brahma ki mat (during Brahma ki raat) is causing the downfall of the whole PBK family and the real Shrimat will come only when Ramshivbaba comes and gives Ram-mat (Shrimat) through which ramrajya will be established. Can this be a possibility!!!

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Post29 May 2007

Dear Brother,

Shrimat is one thing. Following Shrimat is something else. Can you say you have followed Shrimat completely to, "Remember only Me". If we have not followed Shrimat, then who is in the wrong?

Shrimat is not compulsory, it is knowledge of laws. If you do this, you will get this and if you do that, you'll get that. This is everything God comes to do - to give knowledge, then it is in our hand to follow. Whatever is the practice over a long period of time will be our final fate.

With the same success you could tell that Murlis and Avyakt Vanis are also not Shrimat because no one received satgati from them up until now. It is said that satgati is received in one second, is not it? I explain it to myself that in one second the soul recognises - receives a destination then satgati means that our intellect becomes engaged with knowledge and forgets the world.

Shrimat means ekmat. Direction of one. Directions of the Supreme Father, through one personality. In the lesson of the Trimurti, it is explained through which personality we receive Shrimat. We receive Shrimat through the highest personality amongst the Trimurti - Shankar. In some ways, Murlis and Avyakt Vanis are also not Shrimat since we are not able to understand them. That's why we have the form of the teacher through which we study.

I know that you maintain the idea that we will receive Shrimat only in the futrure, but i think we have already received it - to remember only one - and now is the time to practically do it. We know rememberance is the main subject and, in my opinion, there is very little probability this will change in future.

new world

Bro andrey, again come to the point

Post02 Jun 2007

Bro andrey, again - for the second tine - you committed the same mistake. What was my query? And what's your reply? Here I've not asked whether the clarifications of Murlis & Avyakt Vanis though Virendra Dev Dixit are or aren't Shrimat. The question is if these clarifitions are Shrimat (or considered to be Shrimat), then why in PBK's defination of Shrimat, they are not included? If you have answer, you may reply; otherwise not necessary.

I repeat again PBK's defination of Shrimat: 'The recorded versions of Murlis & Avyakt Vanis though Brahma's mouth can ONLY be called as Sgrimat. Here what is meant by the word 'only'.

Now there are two possibilties:
1) If this defination is correct, then the clarifications through Virendra Dev Dixit are not Shrimat &
2) If these clarifications are Shrimat, then this defination MUST BE wrong and\or incomplete.
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Post02 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, where do you take these definitions from?
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Post02 Jun 2007

new_world wrote:I repeat again PBK's defination of Shrimat: 'The recorded versions of Murlis & Avyakt Vanis though Brahma's mouth can ONLY be called as Sgrimat. Here what is meant by the word 'only'. Now there are two possibilties:
1) If this defination is correct, then the clarifications through Veerendra Dev Dixit are not Shrimat &
2) If these clarifications are Shrimat, then this defination MUST BE wrong and\or incomplete.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. I don't know from where you have quoted the above line, but even if the line is available in some PBK literature as it is, it is not wrong because PBKs consider the current corporeal medium (Shankar) also to be a Brahma. So, whatever ShivBaba speaks through his mouth in the form of clarification Murlis or whatever he speaks is also Shrimat.

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Post02 Jun 2007

Draft of answer to Shivsena Bhai's querry:

Question: If clarifications of Murlis and Vanis is 'Shrimat' from ShivBaba, then why there is no sadgati of any PBK in the last 20 years?
Ans: Sadgati of everyone can take place only when all the three personalities, i.e. Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu get revealed. Vishnu has not got revealed so far. Moreover, although PBKs have received Shrimat from ShivBaba in the form of Clarification Murlis, but they have not become complete nischaybuddhi. Only when they become completely nishchaybuddhi will they achieve vijay, i.e. victory.


new world

PBK defination of Shrimat

Post02 Jun 2007

Dear bro andrey & arjunbhai,

I've got that defination from the website: http://www.advanceparty.com - churning points, point no.1.

Arjunbhai, like andrey also you are tring to discuss on unconcerned topic. Whether the clarifications through Virendra Dev Dixit are\aren't Shrimat - is not our discussion topic. Please concentrate on this defination.

Clearly this defination - especially the word 'only' - goes against the idea that these clarifications are Shrimat. Exactly this is the central point of our discussion.
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Post02 Jun 2007

Dear Brother new_world,

Omshanti. The website referred to by you is not the official website of AIVV (Advance Party or PBKs). As per the definition of PBKs, Shrimat includes Sakar Murlis as narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba, Avyakt Vanis being narrated by Avyakt BapDada through Gulzar Dadiji since 1969 and the clarification Murlis as being narrated by ShivBaba through the medium of Shankar (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit acc. to PBKs).

If you want me to get the above statement officially approved by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) I will do so and intimate you. That would probably satisfy you as to PBKs consider the clarification Murlis as Shrimat or not.


new world


Post02 Jun 2007

Dear arjunbhai, the definition may be revised (to include that clarifications) in the clarifications through Virendra Dev Dixit. But even today in the book 'Advance Course' you can find that definition quoted by me. Now even this book is not officially published? Which are the official website & books of AIVV?
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Post02 Jun 2007

Dear Brother,

This ONLY may mean that Shrimat is not the sayings of the senior Sisters and Brothers.

new world


Post03 Jun 2007

Dear bro andrey. But from that definition, the word 'only' implies that only Murlis & Avyakt Vanis are Shrimat. Your deduction is not valid. Do you know the meaning of 'only'?
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Post03 Jun 2007

It is only a word that someone has written that you take into account. If you had taken the 7 days course you could undertsand.

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