Dreams narrated, dreams explored

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Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post13 Apr 2007

We had a dream-sharing topic in ex-BK Chat, with a separate thread for discussing dreams. Perhaps this thread can serve for both of those functions, for those of us interesting in posting/exploring this facet of our deepest nature.

Working with my dreams is currently one of the principal ways that I meet and work with myself at a subconscious level.
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Mr Green


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Post13 Apr 2007

i learnt how to do lucid dreaming when i was a BK, I'll tell you more if you want to hear it 8)
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Post14 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:I learnt how to do lucid dreaming when I was a BK, I'll tell you more if you want to hear it 8)

Tell me more. :D
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Post16 Apr 2007

I've been wonderin' ever since Joel launched this post about the where the saying "the stuff that dreams are made of" comes from???

Some o' my dreams knock the stuffing out of me and there's a definite difference between the dreams I had in Gyan and nowadays, with one noticeable difference, the sex dreams!

I'll be more complete next time I post here ... will need some time to formulate the right way of saying it ...

L8R Dude/Dudettes ...
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Mr Green


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Lucid dreaming

Post16 Apr 2007

proy wrote:
Mr Green wrote:I learnt how to do lucid dreaming when I was a BK, I'll tell you more if you want to hear it 8)
Tell me more. :D


OK, the first time it happened was completely a surprise to me. I had had my usual Amrit Vela head rolling session, made myself a rather strong cup of coffee at 4.45 am, and went upstairs for a lie down. I drank the coffee and lay down, keeping in mind I couldn't fall asleep properly as I had to study the Murli before reading it to the class.

So, after a few minutes I woke and stood up to get ready for class, when I noticed things were not quite right around me. In particular, a part of the window sill was moving and drawing my attention intently. This strangeness pulled my attention until I felt almost sucked into it, then with a jolt I awoke and I was still lying on the bed. This was my first experience of lucid dreaming and it really freaked me out. A mixture of excitement and amazement.

The next day, I decided to try again and I drew on stuff I had read many years ago by, funnily enough, considering the recent post on Carlos Castenada. Anyone who has read his stuff will know he describes lucid dreaming technique in some detail. I used 2 of his ideas;
    1) that before going to sleep you should instruct yourself that you are going to become conscious in your dreams
    2), once conscious in your dream you should focus on something deliberately to strenghten your experience, e.g. look at your hands (obviously these are dream hands!)
So, I had my strong coffee, lied down and told myself I would be conscious and then I drifted into sleep ... and it worked. The next thing I know I am awake on my bed, and I get up and remember to look at my hands. It was really hard to do but I managed to see them, and the whole experience became more lucid and real. What I found was that because this is obviously not natural, your mind tries to trick you back into normal sleep by pulling your attention or focus, normally by something weird that catches your awareness and takes your into unconscious or subconscious sleep. For me it was normally something moving that shouldn't be ... like the top of a door flapping ... and your awareness literally gets sucked into it and you lose self-awareness ... hence the deliberate focus of you awareness on your hands or anything.

In my second experience, I attempted to fly. It was easy ... I just told myself that I would now float off the floor ... and I could do it. It felt just like it does when you fly in dreams, that I was restricted by nothing!!! I floated upwards (still in my tiny box room) and became horizontal parrallel to the celing and floated on top of the wardrobe ... at this point I was pulled by something, lost awareness again, and woke up with a jolt still on my bed!!!!!!

Have to go now but there is much more!!! I even talked to the Seniors about it who gave me some ideas ... Part 2 soon :wink:.
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Post17 Apr 2007

mr green wrote:So, after a few minutes I woke and stood up to get ready for class, when I noticed things were not quite right around me. In particular, a part of the window sill was moving and drawing my attention intently. This strangeness pulled my attention until I felt almost sucked into it, then with a jolt I awoke and I was still lying on the bed. This was my first experience of lucid dreaming and it really freaked me out. A mixture of excitement and amazement.

I had something very like this happen to me about 20 yrs ago. I was lying on my bed and as I stood up, saw the furniture & my wardrobe changing sizes from big to small and back again several times. Then back in my bed as you described. I told my doctor (as I thought maybe madness is finally hitting me lol) and he told me that this is a common phenomena ... actually something called a "hypnopompic" reaction where you are in the space between sleeping/waking. So you're kind of dreaming while part of your consciousness is 'awake'. "Hypnogogic" visions happen as you're falling alseep ..."hypnopompic" ones happen as you are waking up. A brain thing apparently.

Don't get me wrong, I am not necessarily saying AT ALL that's what went on in your case though mr g :D ;) Just thought i'd throw in my .2c :biggrin:. As far as dreaming goes, I hardly ever remember them ... if I do dream! (I am presuming I do lol) The only dreams I actually remember are nightmares ... about 1-1/2 months ago I had a near-fatal car accident & for the next 3 weeks I had constant nightmares every night where I was killed in a variety of interesting ways, lmao. But none I can remember since. Seems like I am 'back to normal' now (or as normal as its possible for me to get :lol:)
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Mr Green


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Post17 Apr 2007

No, I think that's correct zhuk. It is the sort of place between being awake and asleep. I used to experience many strange sleep-type experiences, and I am sure now it was mostly because of exhaustion ...

Many centrewasis don't get proper rest. All in the name of seva you know :lol:
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Post17 Apr 2007

mr green wrote:No, I think that's correct zhuk. It is the sort of place between being awake and asleep. I used to experience many strange sleep-type experiences, and I am sure now it was mostly because of exhaustion ...

Same here.

I've put it partly down to a state where your logical mind is not functioning, therefore unreal dream things can appear and feel very real.

I've never been able to control the state, but I have been aware that I am in it. With exhaustion, I can suffer from sleep paralysis and it actually feels like some other entity is trying to take over. Whether I believe it is some entity trying to take over or whether it is my over active 'feels very real' dream imagination, I haven't totally decided yet.
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Post19 Apr 2007

mr green wrote:Have to go now but there is much more!!! I even talked to the Seniors about it who gave me some ideas ... Part 2 soon :wink:.

This cliff hanger is worst then when I saw the first movie of 'Lord of the Rings' and during a crucial plot point the screen just went black and said "to be continued ..."

I have been analyzing my dreams with a method I developed about 5 years ago successfully for about 5 years now. Its gotten quite boring after 5 years, but in the beginning it was glorious. The amount of insight I got about my true perceptions about reality was overwhelming. Nowadays, if I analyze my dreams I get some good realizations but they all revolve pretty much around the same thing. A problem of mine that I cannot crack and my dreams are just saying I need to make more effort, or don't lose hope. I probably need to refined and improve my dream analysis methodology.

Haven’t analyzed my dreams for a while actually. Just rather not remember the drudgery of sleep when I am in the drudgery that is awakeness. In regards to lucid dreaming, I had some nice experiences in my BK afterlife. I had been studying Gnosism. In particular the stuff of Samael Aun Weor, and doing some of the meditations and stuff. They lead to that hypnogogic state where you have consciousness in between sleep and being awake and can do astral travel. It only happened once, and I tried it like 10 times, so I stopped doing it. It did not last very long either cause I got all excited, guess my heart beat too fast, and I woke.

Several times in dreams I gained conscious awarness as well and I usually ended up getting too excited and thrilled and wake with my heart pounding. The farthest I ever got with the conscious awarness in a dream is being able to will myself to the "Gnostic Temple" and being greeted by some being in a robe, we exchange a couple of one liners and then I awoke, over excited as usual.
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Mr Green


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Post19 Apr 2007

Well, OK, Part 2.

Actually, neo, what you say is true about excitement (whatever that means in a dream state is another enemy to the lucid dreamer). Anything that disturbs your attention and you get this strange experience where you are literally sucked away into an unconscious state.

Well, I had a new toy to play with and, boy, did I try it out good. I continued my practise everyday and the technique never failed. I came aware everytime. It was like waking up for real but it was eerie in there. That is how you knew you were asleep.

I found it easy to fly around my room and could happily float there for a while before something would inevitably distract my awareness and I was sucked away either into full sleep (not good considering the class was often waiting downstairs :lol:), or I would awake with that jolt everyone has experienced.

I asked my next in command what they thought I should do, was it Maya I was up to? It certainly wasn't Shrimat, but there again it wasn't Shrimat not to do it ... Well, the answer came back to try and go downstairs to Baba's room and have Yoga in this state ... so this was my quest.

This was to prove more difficult than I imagined because as I understand it, my awareness is actually creating my surroundings whilst I am acting in them, under my conscious control!!!!!!!! ... a bit like a video game

Part 3 soon ... hehehe.
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Post20 Apr 2007

Curiouser and curiouser, mr green ... :).
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Dream Narration: Stunt Plane

Post29 May 2007

Toward the end is a BK-themed thread, a dramatic presentation about the emergence of the new world. I include the entire story. I am fascinated with the variety of images and stories.

Wed Apr 11, 2007

Stunt Plane

I am working in a yard with old electronic equipment of many kinds. It is volunteer work.

Someone narrates and I see the story of the men who worked with radiation here. One man in particular, one of the brilliant scientists, was exposed to one liter of radioctive gas, which from the tone of the narrative was a lot. He was humorous about this risk.

I can see him behind a protective glass shield in the "hot" area, playing with a ball, hitting it with a stick. I am surprised to see a girl there playing ball with him. But there is a difference: she is there only for a short time, whereas he "lives" there, working there everyday. Perhaps she is his daughter.

I have a motorcycle next to a curb. There is another motorcycle "double parked" next to me. So that when I ride away that bike appears to be in the middle of the street, relatively speaking. It is not my responsibility where he parked the bike. I ride off.

When I took the volunteer job, what I actually signed up for was a job riding on a stunt plane, a little Cessna. That was what I wanted to do. Much later, I got an letter of acceptance. The job involved standing on the plane's landing gear (something solid and convenient down there) and holding some handholds, so that I am outside the cockpit while the plane flies. I am completely secure. At the speed we are traveling the wind is not excessive. It is exhiliarating.

My "job" is to be the observer, due to my excellent view from outside the cockpit. I note the points where the plane has to turn for doing stunts. The way the pilot does a dive is to climb, climb, climb, then slide off to the right, pick up speed and turn the nose down. He pulls up leaving plenty of space below: he doesn't get especially close to the ground. He is a younger pilot. He tells me how an older pilot showed him tricks learned over years for cutting close to the ground.


As tho in the scene from a play, I see the end of the "old world" according to the BKs, preparing for the "new world." In the new world, the air is chilly and brisk, too cold for the delicate constitution/habituation of the residents of the "old world". This is dramatized by a number of people dozing under quilts. As the fresh air comes in, they sleepily and sensuously wrap themselves up. When they wrap themselves completely, they are gone. Eventually there is just one character on stage, standing awake, and the final sleepy ones are disappearing into their cocoons: a woman with her child.

I am enthusiastically telling Ian (Hawaii) about how the new generation of people ("the deities" in our BK-speak) will not feel the cold due to their vigor and their enthusiasm and love for life. Not that the world somehow changes and becomes perfectly climate-controlled.

It is night, we are in our bedroom as I tell him this. I am speaking loudly, like an enthusiastic patron at a bar, forgetful of the situation.

Jerry K., sharing the next bed, wakes up. He is livid, severe in tone and speech as he castigates me for waking him up, disturbing his night's sleep.

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Post08 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:Part 3 soon ... hehehe.

Well, I tried that telling myself that I would become conscious in my dream tonight thing (like twice) and it did not work but I did become conscious in a dream a couple nights back, so I guess this is just one of those things ya have to do all the time, huh ...

When I became conscious, I tried flying, but that didn’t work. I tried to will myself to the Gnostic temple but that did not bloody work either. Maybe cause I don't think about that stuff much anymore. I just sorta walked out of my body, and perceived the outline of the room I was sleeping in, although it was skewed and inaccurate. I saw a window and was about to jump out, but then thought, maybe I am still in my body so this is not a good idea.

Hmmm. So where do we go mr green?
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in the night

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ex BK lucid dream

Post08 Aug 2007

Interesting that you bring this topic up ... the other day, a few nights back ... I had one of those very lucid dreams which are very unusual in my life.

It was about a group of people that I did not recognise, but we were all going through a sort of spiritual or therapeutic retreat and being instructed in some ways. When i woke up, I was thinking what it could have meant ... and all you forum participants came to my mind ... reaaally weird, man!!!
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Re: ex BK lucid dream

Post08 Aug 2007

in the night wrote:IIt was about a group of people that I did not recognise, but we were all going through a sort of spiritual or therapeutic retreat and being instructed in some ways. When I woke up, I was thinking what it could have meant ... and all you forum participants came to my mind ... reaaally weird, man!!!

I could believe that. On some other spiritual plane ...

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