Are the PBKIVV and AIVV a beneficial cause ?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Are the PBKIVV and AIVV a beneficial cause ?

Yes, they benefit me much
Yes, but they could do better for me and for others
No, they don't do enough for me or for others
No, they don't do anything at all
I don't really know (add comments)
Total votes : 13

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Are the PBKIVV and AIVV a beneficial cause ?

Post20 May 2007

Whatever your views, opinions and experience, on the whole are the PBKIVV (BKs in BKWSU) and AIVV (PBKs) beneficial to people across the world?

Options to consider :
    - Do you like what they do ? Yes ?
    - Do you think they try to help, but could do better ?
    - Do you think they try to help, but do not do enough ?
    - Do you think they do not help me or anyone at all ?
    - I don't know
Whilst this is a personal vote, also think of the wider implications and see the benefits (or not) not only to yourself but for others. In a sense, this poll is generally a question to show the balance of positive and negative benefit the BK/PBK community offers to mankind.

Note 1 : There are up to almost a million BKs who currently find that the BKs/PBKs are beneficial to themselves. There are also many who have left, who may or may not have benefited.

Note 2 : Take the option statements as both past and present (i.e. do <--> did) depending on if you are still a BK/PBK or was a BK/PBK.

Note 3 : Both BKWSU (PBKIVV) and the PBKs (AIVV) together in this as encompassing the entire "Brahmin" community.


PS : PBKIVV = Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (= BKWSU/BKWSO)
AIVV = Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. (=PBK's "Shankar Party")
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Post20 May 2007

Could there ... should there ... be a negative option? For example, if one things they a negative effect?

I am not sure it is right to lump together BKs and PBKs given the way the BKWSU treats the PBKs. Its a bit like say, "is this family good for the world? ... when the older Brothers and parents are abusing the younger kids.

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