Is an impartial website?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Do you consider to be impartial?

Yes, it is impartial.
It is impartial as it is possible to be.
It could be more impartial.
No, it is not impartial at all.
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Is it true or is it false, that is what I would like to know?
I thought according to the Murli BKs should only accept donations from BKs.
Or does not it matter what is written in the Murli any more?

I think that for a student of the BKWSU those 2 little questions go to the heart of the matter. Any other musings avoid the main issue.

Manmat, Parmat or Shrimat?
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Post31 Jan 2007

I thought according to the Murli BKs should only accept donations from BKs. Or does not it matter what is written in the Murli any more?

I think you are absolutely right in this point. I think Arjun may have posted some Murli points to the effect of donations should only come from within the BK family for the BKSWU.
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Post31 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Now is not that the crux of the matter?

Thank you. And to that let me also add ...
Mail on Sunday wrote:The group is led by 90-year-old Indian spiritualist Dadi Janki, a woman Dwina regards as her guru and whom she consults, according to a source close to her, 'about everything'

How do you think BKs like Mr Green, who was ripped off of thousands whilst attempting to get the senior's attention, feel when they read the likes of that?

It might not be so bad on its own, VIP's or contact soul's egos might well require a little bit more pandering to and Dadi access than normal souls, but I remember a very similar quote from some business gurus elsewhere.
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

It might not be so bad on its own, VIP's or contact soul's egos might well require a little bit more pandering to and Dadi access than normal souls, but I remember a very similar quote from some business gurus elsewhere.

You mean that VIP service will cut down on the number of, Murli's oooops i mean, classes that come through the emails every week?

In the interests of accuracy I retrieved this BK post that fills us in on the ethos behind the Seniors classes: ... the classes of Seniors should be taken similar to a group study effort. Murli is the basic lesson. Some souls don't understand the Murli points directly. So they are clarified by the senior's classes. But it does NOT mean that they have more importance than Baba's Murli's 8.
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Post31 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:You mean that VIP service will cut down on the number of, Murli's oooops I mean, classes that come through the emails every week?

Thank God you are joking ... no, I mean that BKs that at the point of jumping on buildings and other that are being ripped off by center-in-charges (my words, their experience) cant get to speak to Janki but bi-sexual druid priestesses or multi-millionaire capitalists can.

Actually, to be honest, I have no personal knowledge of the Gibbs' sexual practises, by all accounts it sounds enviable if you have chosen that path, but the Sisters love of glamour I have seen. Glamour is not the same as virtue. One generally excludes the other.

I just think God ought to marketed in a different, more Gandhian, manner. The moment Madonna or Paris Hilton turns up at a BKWSU event, I will know The Cycle is over and it is really is the time to go home to Nirvana ... it will be me with my finger on the big red button.
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:... it will be me with my finger on the big red button.

Which leads me to ask - apologies if i repeat myself - any thoughts about whether the destruction vision that will one day befall us (according to the BKWSU) is destined to be instigated and/or aided and/or abetted by the BKWSU itself or agents thereof? Or will the institution be by-standers?

Or to put it another way: What if the world does see the light with great conviction such that peace and goodwill abounds upon the earth and brotherhood of soul-kind spreads into the hearts of us all so that nations do indeed turn their weapons into plought-shares etc etc etc. Then what happens to the vision?

Will it be the BKWSU mission to see that the prophecy is fulfilled?

I am leaving in case the men in white coats come get me
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Post22 Feb 2007

I wasnt quite sure where to put this question, but this seemed like as good a place as any... have you had any kind of response/ communication at all from the "official BK party line" concerning this website ? I am curious :wink:
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The Evolution of

Post11 Apr 2007

I started writing to Abrahma Kumar:

If you can accept somewhat crude language of praise, I think quite a number of posters have been... er... kicking a$$. The way those women talked about their difficult situations, and the way people responded supportive in their own ways, I felt how grown up as a community! Successful in the _now_ in a way that BKs would promise it would be in the future, "when we all have become complete."

I would say that the spiritual beginnings of the group were mysterious, Brahma Baba was charismatic, inspiring to an extraordinary degree. Well intended, he accuses the saddhus of making a business of spirituality, whereas we are real family.

Now the BK teachers, whether faithful or cynical, end up managing the grooming of followers to provide resources. They are faithful and thorough in the details of their faith, yet all understand the basic formula for income.

Center Sisters, by being presented with financial limits, are selected for those who are financially creative, who can encourage others to donate in association with her relationship with them and the richness that her experience of faith, philosophical reflection, family belonging can bring to their lives.

India has a culture of gurus, who harvest their livelihood from the wallets of their patrons. Many in India experience direct value in encountering the persons of the BK teacher/organizers. Most do not surrender their power to the BKs. Some do. Young women joining the BKs today resemble women going to join the Catholic church. The vow of celibacy plus dowery, her dependence on the parishoners and on Madhuban.

The role of the impending catastrophe in the fundraising, is ah, fundamental. 'There won't be anyone to inherit your wealth,' says Baba.

And the purpose is the highest, saving the souls of others. So people wanting to do good with their money and their help to the projects of another presented as spiritual service, they might support the BKs. Others will feel more belonging (or entangled), becoming more deeply involved in the teaching and promoting of the BK work.

Since one side are the salesman/organizers, and on the other the providers, the inhabitants of opposite sides of the bhandara, which in many centers is traditionally found in the kitchen, and leads to conflicts (which Baba acknowledges in the Murlis) over money and authority, that are sure to arise when people share resources, and when a single person is appointed as the director of group activity, when a chain of command exists in which a higher authority may intervene personally, an authority that expects to be informed about such issues, an has full discretion to do anything or nothing.

Based on the philosophy of obedience to the higher members of the group as God's mouthpieces, "Baba will make it right even if the Sister's in charge make a mistake" devotee-students fully entrust their lives to the direction of others. This authority relation is found in military organizations, Baba even refers to the group as a 'spiritual military'. Corporations, too, have a culture of obedience. Schools also. Hospitals also. Through the group identity as the same pioneering family of Kalpa after Kalpa, through the ultimate family identity, the group supports the complete surrender of self identity to another. The bonding that makes this possible takes place through the medium of 'reading' the Murli sermons, of 'giving the course', of 'service' , by allowing oneself to 'receive Srimat', through exhibitions, cultural programs, gatherings of all kinds, which serve multiple social needs, as the churches in early Canada and the U.S., just to give New World example. Is the 'mind control' any more severe than the Catholic Church. authors were conflicted.

It is similar. Something about the code of behavior, the disciplines, the Maryadas, receving Shrimat. Brahma Baba also correctly intuited that there was a place for charismatic women spiritual teachers in the male-dominated culture.

In the early days the experiences were mysterious, they are still mysterious for new converts today. In the beginning people did leave their families. Family members felt threatened by the group's apparently kidnapping their children. After all strongest emotions of family protection are aroused when a family member changes loyalties. For a woman in many Islamic families to have sexual liaison or even 'inappropriateness' outside the family is cause for killing her.

Killing is the worst thing one can do, says Baba, with the exception that he says essentially that giving a hand job or a blow job is actually worse. That is true in the West, today, where one may imprisoned longer for giving a teenager a blow job than for murdering a person. One may be imprisoned longer for selling a joint than for murdering a person. This is clearly disproportionate, since hand jobs and blow jobs can be consensual, are biological, the pleasure/reward orientation is associated with a person, as well as with distension of erectile tissue, pressure, sliding, warmth and wetness.

You see the problem with making a sin of this is that every element of the pleasure is present in a mother-child or caregiver child relationship. And even arousal and fulfillment of a mother and nursing child involve all the same pathways.

There is surely inappropriate, traumatizing ways that one can be contacted sexually.

Yet the mistake of the BKs, in my opinion, and in my understanding of human biological and emotional character, is their suggestion there cannot be healthy sexuality. It is a stand that tends to limit the number of followers, since many people will not give up playing their God-given instruments for pleasuring themselves or mutually pleasuring others.

Those that do renounce direct sensory pleasuring (as per the Mind Control Video) also give up the making of decisions for themselves, teach themselves to disregard their own feelings. Dissociating oneself and then depending on another for cues on how to respond/behave leaves us uniquely vulnerable to injury. The first step in learning to dissociate oneself, is learning to put oneself into trance, through which one can disconnect from other wants and desires, switching them on an off. That is a state that is paradoxically vulnerable to being manipulated, ironically, at the same moment the person is decided they are becoming their own master by renouncing all of the 'customs and systems of the Kaliyugi world.'

Each student, as he or she learns to 'give the course', or 'give experiences' or emcee for a BK public service event, learns the art of drawing others toward a state they can share in the BK trance experiences of soul identity, and of bathing in the warm presence of God's love.

Growing in size has made the organization the victim of statistics. As groups get larger, there is always room for opportunists, manipulators, authoritarians, who are all equally qualified to share in the group's spiritual trance.

With such people taking charge, there is almost inevitably the neglect for Duty of Care, especially when displaced by the extremely high priority for service, which requires maintaining a code of silence about incidents that could sully the group's reputation. This is covered by the excuse of 'not giving waste thoughts to others'. While a potentially legitimate motive, this justification is readily hijacked by higher-ups. The inner circle privvy to the group's secrets, such as rewriting Brahma Baba's discourses or the group's financial activities, this elite will never spread bad news about the group, and will use their authority over their centers to cover up bad news: all students are trained to share only positivity.

We could see this was unhealthy when Dadi Janki and other Seniors responded fatalistically, wholly unmoved by news of suicide and other psychotic behavior among students who are not merely 'possessed by vices or evil spirits' (BK terminology) but actually in need of psychiatric help, possibly even medication, which might have the potential to be effective, calming the person sufficiently to be amenable to verbal communications, to eat and sleep normally.

A psychotic person can readily aggravate their unstable tendencies in response to extreme 'points of knowledge' which I have covered earlier, destruction, the depth of vice in the current world, the extreme of perfection to be expected in future. The priority of taking urgent actions in the present, as opposed to changing oneself subtely inside. 'Stay in the home and business and remember the Father' says Baba, yet the reality is that psychoticaly biased people attempt to fully escape their sorrowful world into a kind of blind suggestible obedience to a new family.

The teacher/organizers are either cynical or naive, but the fact is they support many of this unstable subgroup diverting their manic energy for institutional purposes. These are the people that are hurt. They can victimize their families by physically, financially, emotionally and/or intimately absenting themselves from those they have an obligation to support and love. In this instance, the BKs do a direct disservice. They should support the husband to be a good Father to his children _and_ loving to his wife. They should support the wife in being loving to her husband. The husband in being loving to his wife. Intimate relations involve trust and the ability to listen to and respect another person's feelings even when those feelings are different from your own. Compromise, risking. Respecting, negotiating, exploring even playing with boundaries between self and other. The BKs mostly chop off all such considerations with admonitions for 'soul-conscious vision.'

Instead of learning to love in the family, we were encouraged to learn the 8 powers and 16 celestial arts. These do not including cuddling children, or adults or lovers, or friends, or lovers-to-be or not-to-be.

We did not know that while only appearing to cut ourselves off from society, from the world, we succeeded in cutting off ourselves from others and from ourselves.

The problem with trance is its proclivity to dissociate the self, making the person suggestible.

The BKs are (by selection) shrewd about who they accept as part of the 'Divine family', especially among the upper ranks. Many lower-ranked BKs were disappointed (heartbroken, jealous, angry) to learn that they would never be part of the inner circle, despite their manic efforts to serve and support the group, despite sometimes near-Herculean achievements. Ability or accomplishment themselves are never sufficient to guarantee getting into an 'in group'. The only certain guarantee for that in our society is money. The BKs will certainly consider donations, it would create that soul's fortune, even one as sinful as Ajmil.

So what began spontaneously in the society around Dada Lehkraj, was eventually codified to the point that the group has survived more than two generations beyond its founding members. While its spiritual message and family ambiance satisfies many, the group's need to maintain a scandal-free public face, the untrained followers positioning themselves as teachers and counselors to others, the vulnerability of followers to manipulation with kindling effects on latent or manifest mental illness, these factors mean that the groups will continue to produce 'casualties', until such time as the group re-adjusts itself for its rising membership and the risks inherent in a larger organization. The alternative will be that BK casualties will increase in number and in publicity to the point that the group receives blame for untimely death of students, whether by suicide or apparent accident, blame for broken families, for precipitating psychotic behavior--possibly including murder--people's feelings can get that strong and psychosis provides the opportunity for such reactions to express in the most violent, dissociated ways.

We already hear that BK events now have beefy Brothers to bounce PBKs from their exhibition sites for attempting to ride on BK coattails or perhaps BK saris, re-interpreting BK pictures and knowledge to potential BK recruits, competing for members.

We know that violence is possible among humans, even those who are taught and believe that 'I am a peaceful soul.' So it would not be a surprise to see a killer among the BKs, realizing the ominous promise of the Mind Control Video, "I would do anything for You. I would even kill for You."

Even if (as I expect) BKs successfully distance themselves from such a person and their act (whether motivated by self or vice, or Shrimat) there can be no question that the group, as a consequence of its activities, brings a substantial portion of its new members into harms way by uprooting latent-psychotic members, interrupting their self-regulating habits and patterns in a way that makes them vulnerable to extreme episodes.

I know that I had such an episode my first trip to Madhuban, which I am sure that Eugene remembers. I wonder how many others have. That could be a poll, too. "Have you had a psychotic break or similar episode while living or as a result of living as a BK?"
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Post12 Apr 2007

Taking into context these insightful comments and open discussion Joel has created on this subject matter I'd like to share about one issue which rises to mind.

In my opinion one of the reasons why sex and/or sexuality is not condoned within the BKWSU armbands could be due to trust. Trust in respect of the Seniors not being able to trust themselves.

I know firsthand of instances where supposed Seniors ended up in bed with a student in a centre. Perhaps, this kind of open discussion cannot happen within the confines of the organisation becasue the center-in-charge or supposed senior themselves couldn't handle the topic without there being some fallout within themselves or would open up their own can of worms for them to deal with? Do not speak of such things, Josephine, my ears cannot take those things.

Sex happens within the organisation, this is a fact, how much and when etc, is not known as much will be covered up from within the organisation and also because the participants themselves will be harbouring this information and not sharing it as there is no open door policy or trust with this type of experience.

Celibacy has a great spiritual following and has huge merit for many inner journeys, provided the follower has deliberately, with intelligence and the right type of information and knowledge, embarked on way-staying the rod so to speak. However, when one is made to feel dirty and guilty for thinking or acting out any unresolved issues of any nature, a set of internal and external consequences comes into action. We were taught that not to have sex would make us better than those who did. What ego and judgment indeed. Not that being sexually active doesn't have it's own problems!

The only time I remember of anyone speaking of these inner workings and 'lustful' things was Sr. Diane once in Madhuban but even then it was not 'officially allowed' to be a deep enough class to cover slightly more than the usual, but hats of to her for trying to broach an important and interesting subject, I am sure she made a difference to a few.

Without correct understanding and teaching, one may only make this type of life-changing decision based on 'wanting to belong' to something or some-one. This could also be perceived by outsiders as " feeding the ego of lack of self-esteem"? Anyone with a lack of the ability to love would certainly bite into this way of life, as one wouldn't NEED to face some inner issues and could fob it all off as 'unneccessary'. I wonder how many of us have had to face these issues before we could commit to new relationships once we'd emigrated from the Gyan lifestyle and are perhaps still sitting with the residue?

However, Joel's comments are not only about the issue of ones practiced/desired sexual nature and I hope many others will be able to comment and share their own viewpoints on this and all the other subtle processes portrayed therein.

I so appreciate being part of this community and honour everyone's journey into their own light and love.

XX Aloha Greetings. P XX
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power of truth

Post12 Apr 2007

I feel like "standing ovation!" for these posts! Many points to think about, discuss and write, later on. You said almost everything that all BKs deserve to hear as an eye opener, one day!. Thanks for your time and commitment. One love.
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abrahma kumar

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Post12 Apr 2007

Wow, what posts! and again so much of this is REAL.

I will say that since i found this site i do not feel the same 'shucks-i-missed-class-again' binding of guiltiness when having NOT religiously appeared at the centre every day.

I am NOT suggesting that this is a desireable state of affairs - one of VS Naipaul's chartacters famously berated her daughter with the words "Do as i say but do not do as i do". And while I couldn't even propose the first directive to another soul, what i state about my own stage is simply a matter of fact - and I do not feel that my stage is 'falling'. Quite to the contrary.

This forum provides such opportunities to read well-informed posts put together with great honesty and devotion to sharing, informing and revealing. Having chosen to maintain an active connection with Baba (i include Yoga meditation) and this Forum; plus a wish to have unfettered access to the Murli I do not feel i need much more to remain in a state of spiritual joy.
Celibacy has a great spiritual following and has huge merit for many inner journeys, provided the follower has deliberately, with intelligence and the right type of information and knowledge, embarked on way-staying the rod so to speak.

Can any BK read that and not recognise that it is talking about his/her freedom?

"Deliberately, with intelligence and the right information and knowledge embarking on a journey".

Awesome! Who would refuse an opportunity to venture onto a path that afforded the luxury of living a chosen life rather than one we were 'impressed with' somebody else's living. I include in the idea of "being impressed" any lack of know-how to deal with the issues we may face along the way. And then there was:
Anyone with a lack of the ability to love would certainly bite into this way of life, as one wouldn't NEED to face some inner issues and could fob it all off as 'unneccessary'. I wonder how many of us have had to face these issues before we could commit to new relationships once we'd emigrated from the Gyan lifestyle and are perhaps still sitting with the residue?

Which actually makes me stand tall and truly look at the life i have lived as a BK and the life i hope to fashion with the active participation of like-minded others after I leave the BKs. In doing so I experience the truth that my own experiences were not due to a lack of ability to love but were rather the reflections of a quest to awaken the eternally loving being that I am. Ah, so sweet! Now I am ready.

The post seems to intimate that there are ways of seeing oneself through the BK lense that obscures our individual reality for the benefit of a group ideal. As was said, this happens in many walks of life so no need to beat one-self up too badly having found that the BKWSU might have components of its philosophy based upon such a common ideals.

However, Cassius Clay became a conscientous objector and many others too have chosen to walk that lonely path on which accusations of self-interest and cowardice are hurled from the parapets. But why not walk it if one's heart says that it is the thing to do?! And when i read this:
They (the BKWSU) should support the wife in being loving to her husband. The husband in being loving to his wife. Intimate relations involve trust and the ability to listen to and respect another person's feelings even when those feelings are different from your own

I want to add that if a chlild does not witness the sort of loving relationship referred to here then what chances do they have of leading fulfilling lives?!

Thank you for the posts people. Much love
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Post12 Apr 2007

ABK wrote:Cassius Clay became a conscientous objector and many others too have chosen to walk that lonely path on which accusations of self-interest and cowardice are hurled from the parapets. But why not walk it if one's heart says that it is the thing to do?!

Float like a butterfly - sting like a Beeeeee.
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abrahma kumar

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Post20 May 2007

yudhishtira wrote:I wasnt quite sure where to put this question, but this seemed like as good a place as any... have you had any kind of response/ communication at all from the "official BK party line" concerning this website ? I am curious :wink:

Know that it is an old question - but definitely worth reviving. Yes we have had a response. Deafening silence. Given that "no action" is also an action then we do not need them to be any more eloquent. Silence speaks louder than words.
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abrahma kumar

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Do you consider to be impartial?

Post09 Jul 2007

The sum-total of responses to the above question as at the 09th July 2007 was as follows:
Yes, it is impartial: 41%
It is impartial as it is possible to be: 41%
It could be more impartial: 11%
No, it is not impartial at all : 5%

Based on feedback to date we see that 16% of respondents expressed a contrary view, that is less than one-third of the combined total of the "yes it is impartial' and "it is as impartial as it is possible to be" voters.

For the sake of argument I am going to conclude that the 82% are expressly content with the status quo. But what of the minority 16% of respondents? In which direction do they want to see the site going. More BKWSU-bashing?; Less BKWSU-bashing?; Less PBK kid glove treatment?; More PBK protectionism? More allowance for alternative viewpoints to be aired - even including blatant advertising and recruitment drives!

For the record I voted amongst the "It is as impartial as it is possible to be" lot and i will not change my view. However, my observation is that this ONLY holds true as long as we posters remain objective in our contributions and do not equate "Mutual support, and independent discussion with ANY other purpose".

IMHO some contributors to this site are abusing the previledge accorded to us ALL in having this place. Todate i have been restrained in voicing my concerns on this score, however my feeling after today's observation can be summed up in these few words sung by the late Bob Marley in the song entitled I shot the Sherrif (also performed by Eric Clapton), "Everyday the bucket go to the well, one day the bottom ah go drop out"

Seems to me like the reputation of the site is under threat from zealots and other sorts of proseltysers. Dare i say also that the threat seems to reflect some concerted effort on the part of these so-called spiritually enlightened folk. ROTFLMAO! The song goes on to recount that the Sheriff's response was to utter a proclamation: "kill them (the herb plants) before they grow!". This was a threat that could realistically only evoke one response from the herbsman: "Pai, pai, pai ... I shot the Sheriff ... but I swear it was in self-defence" If you want to 'kill' this site then go right on ahead. Personally, I would not pay my money to provide facilities for such cretins as i have read posting here recently.

As always the case when we start to believe our own publicity - I do not exclude myself from displaying evidence of this myopia (narrow-mindedness; intolerance) - we can make the mistake of seeing everybody else as 'stiff-necked fools that think seh that they cool' and that it is only we, meaning onself, who knows the truth. But tell me, are you so sure? Did God tell you so Himself that you alone are right and all the others wrong?

Any percieved imbalance in the views expressed on this site can not be righted by bashing the group(s) that appear to remain un-scathed nor can it be redressed by pummelling those groups that seem to have grown accustomed to delivering the bashing. My advice would be to take your physical selves off to the respective organisations that you have a gripe with and sort your stuff mano y mano!

Maybe I am over-sensitive but in the past 2 to 3 months I feel that certain contributors have brought a really bad vibe around this place and it shows no sign of letting-up.

Now I am going to hack the whole world off by saying what i think: I think that the recent, blatant rudeness and uncivilised behaviour on the forum is coming from a non-western contingent of souls. If this is the type crudity that lies just beneath the surface of your Godliness and ancient civilisation then you can have the forum to yourselves. You haven't a clue about manners and care even less for truth or facts.

So, imagine yourself johnny double-foreigner, walking to the front of the class genuflecting at the knees to take the toli from the hand of these thinly disguised savages that fight over what? Holy men and women, my ass!

I want to say more but i will hold my tongue for now ...

Regards to the decent folk of the forum; excuse this outburst but I feel no need to take a single word of it back. Look around and you will see clear evidence of what i allude to in this post.


P.S. i just realised that these posters to which i refer might be speaking up for the 57% of the contributors who want to show us the sort of impartiality they feel ought to be reflected on this site. In which case i ought to apologise for my outburst as they are in the majority, but i won't!
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Re: Do you consider to be

Post09 Jul 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Maybe I am over-sensitive but in the past 2 to 3 months I feel that certain contributors have brought a really bad vibe around this place and it shows no sign of letting-up.

Now I am going to hack the whole world off by saying what I think: I think that the recent, blatant rudeness and uncivilised behaviour on the forum is coming from a non-western contingent of souls. If this is the type barbarism that lies just beneath the surface of your Godliness then you can have the forum to yourselves. And if ever you BKs, PBKs, Vishnu Party or whoever you call yourselves come offering me your God, the answer is NO thank you!

Why is it that the chorus to that Madness hit song "Welcome to the House of Fun!" is ringing in my ears!?!*
Madness wrote:Good morning miss
Can I help you son?
Sixteen today
And up for fun
I am a big boy now
Or so they say
So if you'll serve
I'll be on my way


Welcome to the House of fun
Now I've come of age
Welcome to the House of Fun
Welcome to the lion's den
Temptations on his way
Welcome to the House of

And welcome to the Satish Groop too ... my, my, my ... what HAS been going down on Bharat's pure and ancient land!

"BK family ... meet the World ... World ... MEET THE BK FAMILY!"

Right ... same place, same time in 5,000 Year time folks?

* cultural note, "The House of Fun" is a traditional fairground attraction in the West full of trick, whoopees, slides, wobbly floors, skirt blowing wind pipes and trap doors promising to shock, surprise or entertain the user at each turn.

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