The Murlis: Ownership, access to and re-writing of

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Post11 May 2007

mr green wrote:I posted their official line on this somewhere else, I'll find it if I can.

Thanks. I know there has been a few comments.

One, maybe within the BK circle, is that governments around the world wouldn't take kindly to some of the Destruction ideas within the Murli. But that has to be nonsense because what religion/cult worth its salt doesn't have Destruction in a subtle or literal sense in its scriptures. It's not exactly a new idea.
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Post12 May 2007

He comes, then when all teaching is done returns home is another plausible interpretation, the quote doesn't necessarily mean he returns home everyday.

But it is also said that i don't ride the bull all the day. So it is a matter of everyday too. Then in the specific quoted passage it says that he returns and he is busy. We know he is not busy in the Golden and Silver Age.
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Post12 May 2007

andrey wrote:But it is also said that I don't ride the bull all thay, so it is a matter of everyday too.

Yes, you are correct it does say that, but where Shiva goes when he is not 'riding the bull' is what I would like to know. It seems a very unknown side to Shiva's part in the drama.
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Post12 May 2007

It is said i can come and go in a second. He leaves his Paramdham and comes in a body, but then even when he is in a body he still is a resident of Paramdham. He also says you children will bring Paramdham in this world.
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Post12 May 2007

andrey wrote:It is said I can come and go in a second. He leaves his Paramdham and comes in a body, but then even when he is in a body he still is a resident of Paramdham. He also says you children will bring Paramdham in this world.

I think you are confusing Sakar Murlis with Murli clarifications and rolling them into one. The original post was with regards to Sakar Murlis. This whole thread is concerned with Sakar Murlis and is not in the PBK section, so I think we should be very clear where the points are coming from.
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Post14 May 2007

John wrote:Are you saying PBKs want the Murlis to be available to all? Is this Veerendra Dev Dixit's wish?

Yes, PBKs want Murlis to be available to all those who wish to read it. But since the Murlis would be understood in a better way if one has done either the BK or the PBK course, so it would be better if any non-BK who is going to read the Murlis undergo some sort of basic/Advance Course before reading them.

Otherwise, it could lead to a lot of confusion because the terms used in the Murlis do not actually mean what they otherwise mean in Hinduism or in the outside world. For example, Brahma, Prajapita, Saraswati, Brahmins, Ravan, Pandavas, Kauravas, Yadavas, etc. everthing means something else in Bhakti and something else in BK/PBK context.

I think this is the wish of ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) also.
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Post14 May 2007

arjun wrote:Yes, PBKs want Murlis to be available to all those who wish to read it. But since the Murlis would be understood in a better way if one has done either the BK or the PBK course, so it would be better if any non-BK who is going to read the Murlis undergo some sort of basic/Advance Course before reading them.

This is where the "Double Foreigners", in BK terms, have an advantage ... because they have not got the pre-conceptions of Hinduism to be beaten out of them.

Indeed, it is one thing we have joked about before, that we used to have to sit having Bhakti beaten into us by the Sisters in order to have it beaten out of us again! It was not an issue, we were ready to move on. In fact, I would say 95% of BK Double Foreign BKs could have gone straight into Advance Knoweldge at full speed without the introductory course. All you have to say is the magic word, "metaphorical" and they would get it immediately.

This is why some of us are building up the EncyclopediaArjuna. So that individuals can piece together the puzzle themselves at their own speed. Go ahead fast. It is really not that complex to grasp. esier than learning a language or mathematics. "Here are the Murlis ... here are the keys ... go ahead and see how much sense you can make out of it ... come back if and when you have a problem". Trust and empower. Personally, I found a lot of the BKs/BK stuff a real drag.

I am sure there are many in the world that will never be able to practically visit a center or a Madhuban that will find their way here and take some sort of an inspiration from it all, without paying tax to the BKs to get it. I know that there are BKs coming here already for nourishment. Its crazy when they label us an anti- or attack site!

I'd love to see the complete Murli collection up here and more.
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Indian Volunteer Force

Post19 May 2007

I am trying to address this issue of Murli availability serious. We need some more help. A little volunteer force committed to breaking the embargo the BKWSU has put around the Murlis.

There are a few doing fine service and making generous offers who I will not name because they will not want the ego attached. But we need more volunteers for the front.

What we need I believe are some English speaking Indian who will be willing to converts Murlis into typed text.

No need for technical skills, just the ability to either copy and paste already typed up versions or to type in paper versions. (My suggestion this can be done in both Hindi and English). Individuals from all over the world including current BKs are asking for Murlis to be openly available. Screw the BKWSU if they are going to try and hold them back ... they could do this all in a second.

Shivasena has offered paper versions. Others may have more. I do not think the economy of sending them to the West and them being processed here is necessarily the wisest.
    Does anyone know anyone else within the ranks of BKs, ex-BKs or PBK that would be willing to help out in this area?
Many hands make light work etc.

Thanks in advance. It would also be good to have scans of original old ones to show as evidence as the BKWSU are accusing us here of tampering with the Murlis ... a joke after their re-writes and re-editing!!!
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Post19 May 2007

Presently, I am having problems with the scanner but as soon as I get it resolved I will scan all the ones I have in my property.
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abrahma kumar

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Post20 May 2007

driedexbk wrote:Presently, I am having problems with the scanner but as soon as I get it resolved I will scan all the ones I have in my property.

There are some scanning packages that can scan text directly into a word processor format so that spell checking etc can be done immediately. If your scan package has this possibility it will save a lot of time. Thanks for the help.
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Post20 May 2007

Thank you, Abrahma Kumar. It may take me a few weeks to get to it but I will send them. Now to where shall I send them?
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Post21 May 2007

Although I cannot help in anyways, let me just thank ex-l for using thet word "embargo" as it perfectly and truely defines the issue and once more confirms to me the BKorg methods as being politics-like. BTW, why Sakar Murlis have become so short and bodies of Avyakt Murli so short, but, many pages for meetings with groups? Is the junior spook not as "deep" as the old one we were accustomed too? Love to both of them anyway and
Love to all+thanks
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Re: embargo

Post21 May 2007

alladin wrote:BTW, why Sakar Murlis have become so short and bodies of AM so short, but, many pages for meetings with groups?

Yes, I even read a recent one where he even named checked the boss of some, presumable big, toileries company ... weird ... may be he was rich and influential is that is what it takes to get a personal meeting with "God" and a mention in the Murlis. I wonder if he follows the Maryadas?

There now follows a commercial break on behalf of Prajapati God Brahma ... cover your eyes, boys.
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power games and mercy

Post01 Jun 2007

I was talking with a Sister who lives in a bhawan and was telling me how one of the other shaktis has Murli batches but keeps them from her (they both cannot go to the center everyday due to job shifts). This reminded me of the bad vibes that overwhelmed me, whenever a center-in-charge or a senior student either refused to lend me a Murli for my re-reading of it (suppose I dozed off in class or just wanted to take more precise notes), or made a big deal out of it and hid it somewhere. So you had to shyly ask if you could take a look, make a photocopy. All about power games and possessiveness.

And guess what? The more down, fluctuating or stagnating you are, the less they are keen on giving you the 'life giving herb', because you don't "deserve" it!!

Ah, these humans!! So, if you bump into a kind BK that may give you a class, a toli or a cup of tea and a loveful drishti, you are prone to think that, "wah, she/he's really an angel!". This is why often BKs are accused of being "not humans", or worse than lokiks. What a shame!!! :cry:
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Re: power games and mercy

Post01 Jun 2007

alladin wrote: The more down, fluctuating or stagnating you are, the less they are keen on giving you the 'life giving herb', because you don't "deserve" it!! Ah, these humans!! So, if you bump into a kind BK that may give you a class, a toli or a cup of tea and a loveful drishti, you are prone to think that, "wah, she/he's really an angel!". This is why often BKs are accused of being "not humans", or worse than lokiks. What a shame!!! :

And so one sees beneath the surface, huh? And do you still enjoy the taste of carrots considering you've been the donkey trying to catch it all this time ...?

Take heart that you're able to see the difference these days! And with this new frame of mind that you have nowadays know that as you go along you'll be able to get the spiritual nutrition you seek from many other sources free, just open your heart to receive it. Spirituality is not all about the written word.

All the best ... keep smilin! ~p~

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