Virendra Dev Dixit's interpretations

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Virendra Dev Dixit's interpretations

Post02 Jan 2007

I am looking at clarification of Murli 28/3/88 Tape 95 - and have a question about Virendra Dev Dixit's interpretations. Trying to work out how they work e.g.;
Virendra Dev Dixit wrote:Now it has become a very big city, a very big nagri of Maya. This will not be there in Satyug. Like in the outside world America is a very Mayavi-desh [country of Maya]. In Satyug this country is not there, Bombay is not there either, not even as a village. It goes to the bottom of the ocean. In Satyug there is no Bombay village.

What is America? In Bharat Bombay is Mayanagri and in the World America is the Mayanagri. In the Avyakt Vani it has been said for America "Avo mere ho kya" meaning, come are you not mine? It really means you are not mine, you are of Maya-Ravan's. He is calling them saying come into my lap and yet he knows they are not his. What is this America, with one bomb it will finish. Where did the name Bombay came from? Bomb-Bay.

The head of Yadavs who is in the Brahmin world will straighten out all the Yadavs. In Mahabharat Krishna is shown to be the head of the Yadavs. This is a matter of Sangamyugi Krishna, whether you call him Sangamyugi Krishna of Sankar it is the same. For Sankar it has been said in the Murli that he is the head of Yadavs it is also said that Father has become a videshi [foreign] to play the part. If he does not play a part by becoming a videshi he will not be able to meet the children.

As it was being said with one bomb everything will finish. Look what happened in Hiroshima with one bomb only? That was not even a proper bomb just a small bomb but now there are more powerful bombs ready. With one little bomb Hiroshima, which means a gathering of Jewels, got finished. When? In 1944/45. In the beginning of the Yagya, the gathering of the live jewels and heroes got finished when the flame of destruction was ignited. What ever happens in the beginning takes place in the end also. The whole town finished with the one bomb but now there are many bombs that have been made.

OK, these are small details but he says;
    • "Where did the name Bombay came from? Bomb-Bay."
Well, actually, the English name Bombay has its origins in the 16th century Portuguese "Bombaim" and it was anglicised to Bombay in the 17th century. It was known as Mumbai or "Mambai" in Marathi and Gujarati; and as "Bambai" in Hindi, Urdu, and Persian - (who killed Bambia? ... indeed!). Then he says;
    • "With one little bomb Hiroshima, which means a gathering of Jewels, got finished."
The Japanese think Hiroshima means literally "broad island".

So what is he on about ... does he just work with free association and psychic impressions?

I pressume this is Virendra Dev Dixit rather than Shiva Baba, or is it both?

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Post03 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:I pressume this is Veerendra Dev Dixit rather than Shiva Baba, or is it both?

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. Your question is valid. For a newcomer it may appear to be strange, but for those who have been following the Sakar Murlis and Avyakt Vanis, this should not come as a surprise. In Sakar Murlis, the interpretation of words was done very sparsely, like the interpretation of 'aum', 'ham so, so ham', 'manmanaabhav', 'BapDada', etc.

The interpretation of the meanings of words increased with the arrival of Avyakt Vanis. To quote a few - 'pass', 'bindu', 'light', 'Madhuban', 'lighthouse', etc.

The interpretation of the meanings of the names of countries/cities/towns began with the meetings of Avyakt BapDada with the Indian statewise/citywise and Countrywise parties of BKs. For example, Avyakt BapDada gave his interpretation of the meanings of Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Indore, Karnatak, etc.

This trend increased with the Advanced Knowledge. ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) started giving more interpretations of the meanings of many Hindi/Sanskrit words and names of cities/countries and names of persons mentioned in BK Murlis & Avyakt Vanis. This got a further momentum with the commencement of Discussion classes of Shivbba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) with the PBKs. Many PBKs started asking the meanings of their own cities/states. The names of many cities/countries/states/persons have some alphabets/bits which correspond to some English words and some alphabets/bits which correspond to the Sankrit/Hindi language. When parts of these words are interpreted in English and Hindi/Sanskrit, they give a new meaning to the word.

Well, PBKs feel it is an interpretation given by ShivBaba, but others may think it to be an interpretation of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit. It is this art of interpretation of words, which was mainly used by the so-called new chariots of Shiva, which emerged from among the ex-PBKs to start their own groups.

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Post03 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:The interpretation of the meanings of the names of countries/cities/towns began with the meetings of Avyakt BapDada with the Indian statewise/citywise and Countrywise parties of BKs. For example, Avyakt BapDada gave his interpretation of the meanings of Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Indore, Karnatak, etc.

Top marks as ever Arjun, thanks for the clarification of the clarification!

You underline the value in having the evolution of Gyan, and history of the Yagya, logically documented and explained.

Yes, the adoption of what we call in English "ditties" by the BK Sisters in widespread. They especially like using English ones as, say, English speaker might use French to appear more interesting. If I am to be harsh in my opinion, for the most part these are empty and meaningless. The Sisters repeat them in place of any real depth or meaning, like politicians or marketing slogans.

At best, these can be seen as loveful and playful between friends and I have no objection to a bit of lightness and fun. Shiva Baba followers have a variety of different levels of intellect and I have not seen the PBK family to comment. I was just concerned that they were taken with a deathly seriousness. However, I do think that within the BKWSU there is a dangerous tendancy towards infantilism and the exploitation of infantile states of mind. BKs are made to feel like children, talked to like children, manipulated like children.

Of course feeling like a child touches us with love, like when we go to see our grandmother and she wants to feed and look after us, but I think this can been falsely induced and sustained, and when the child starts to grow up the BK mothers can react against them to stop doing so, spiritually crippling them; because they want the students to stay as children. From the PBK point of view, these thoughts will come as no surprise given the theory that Lekhraj Kirpalani/BB had the child-like consciousness of a Krishna.

I am not saying that I cannot respect what he did or have love for him. It is just to say that one would not put a child in the driving seat of a family automobile nor the other children that the older child had taught how to drive.

Never mind a juggernaut eating up resources and crashing through other people's lives.
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Post05 Jan 2007

For me it makes sense there should be unlimited meanings and a reason behind all names. People/locations in particular, although they may have taken a name due to some lokik reason, even then definitely there is a deeper and unknown unlimited meaning that aligns directly with it, that can only be known now. It seems like in some languages the meanings of words are so clear but in English its not really the case? or maybe you have to break the words down more.

In that case of Bombay, if you consider the idea that India from north, south, east and West is a microcosm of the entire world. I find that really interesting. So Baba can refer Bombay and refer to the Western like souls within the Brahmin world. That being said when ShivBaba through Virendra Dev Dixit gives the meaning, often its still hard to fathom what even the explanation means :).
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Post04 May 2007

In the Bible it is said that God named animals and birds and we now know there are human souls who play part like fish or crocodile.
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The Great Ball of Merit

Post12 May 2007

andrey wrote:In the Bible it is said that God named animals and birds and we now know there are human souls who play part like fish or crocodile.

And so when the animals come into Noah's Ark "two by two" are they talking about the king and queen souls of each human species? It works as a metaphorical concept.

I was reading VCD* No.287, Audio Cassette No.771, Dated 5.9.05, Nilanga and enjoyed it. it is an interesting comparison to the open sewer of accusations that the Vishnu Party attempted to present about Virendra Dev Dixit.

To be honest, I do not really care about media reports, bogus accusations of tax fraud or even if had consensual sex with someone. The tax system is complex and corrupt and open bribery, people make mistakes and it run contrary to Knolwedge. The media is even moreso as they make money and power out of selling filth, the have a need for filth and will produce it for themselves even if it does not exist. Consensual sex ... it happens, it is all part of growing up. My only concern would be if there had been any abuse of power involved but I have seen nor heard any evidence of that and heard witness to the contrary that the Vishnu Party leader was involved in bribery. I do not know this to be true yet but would have to ask the question to all parties before I allowed it to enter my head.

But ... on a metaphorical level what Virendra Dev Dixit, or Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit if you wish, is good thinking. You would be able to apply it fairly universally to all of life. It uses metaphors and stereotypes that are universal and this is good evidence of truth. If thought can be taken and applied and fit pretty much everywhere, then you know that it is close to being truth.

Truth, in my opinion, stands apart from any individual or personality. It is not subjective. Anyone that attempts to subjectify it, where to own it or to attack it. Truth could exist in a Nazi just as easily in a Saint, as too the opposite.

In PBK terms, I probably converted to the Bauddhivanshis because there are many concepts left in Buddhism that are very attractive. One of them is "The Great Ball of Merit", the idea that truth or goodness is contributed to by all and should be appreciate as such. It comes up in the 2,000 year old As?asahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra.

Buddhism, not the religion but the "Yoga of the Intellect", is such a relief from the hoodoo voodoo of Hinduism. Most Indians within the extended BK family, in which I include PBKs, make the mistake of thinking that because someone is white they are therefore a Christian soul. It is laughably, primitively, body-consciousness.

I would go as far to say that some of the highest thinking Bauddhivanshis are in the West and that many Suryavanshi have attempted to recreate a balance combining the positive virtues of Buddhism and Christianity, i.e. the heart and the intellect. I would say that many Westerners also attempt to refer back to Suryavanshi consciousness when they talk about and relate to Taoism and it saddens and disappoints me when the alleged Supreme Soul does not reference the minority religions that have created a whole lot less trouble on the planet, e.g. Toaism, Zoroastrianism, Jain, even Buddhism is a tiny minority within India (may be less than 1%).

If the PBKs wish to speak to the world they should emphasise the word "metaphorical". It appears to me as an outsider that you are trying to understand the metaphorical not literally meaning of BY Knowledge and expand your thinking to see the metaphorical meanings of all or any literature. There is no fault in that.

Anyone that is attempting to do good and reach higher, however gifted or faulted they are as a person, will almost have to come into conflict and controversy with worldly authority. It is inevitable and unavoidable, in my opinion on the basis of historical examples, as worldly power is corrupt and suppressive. Any organization that co-exists well with worldly power and authority has almost guaranteedly got to be of the same nature. "Birds of a feather flock together."

One question for whoever walks this way, why has BapDada spoken so little about Buddha and so much in comparison about Christ when Christ is the lesser soul by a few degrees? And why is Abraham the greater soul than Buddha?

I do not want the pea brain answers, I know them. I want the in depth answers if it is a question worth answering. Personal, I think the entire Abrahmic tradition through the Jews, to the Christians to Islam stinks of blood lust from the very beginning to the end. They have always lent towards the outside world by the sword even putting to death their own mystics, whereas the Eastern traditions (not Hinduism which is the center) have withdrawn and looked within.
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Post12 May 2007

One question for whoever walks this way, why has BapDada spoken so little about Buddha and so much in comparison about Christ when Christ is the lesser soul by a few degrees? And why is Abraham the greater soul than Buddha?

'Less said, the better'.
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Post12 May 2007

button slammer wrote:'Less said, the better'.

Your river runs too deep for me to fathom again, button slammer. Perhaps a better question to ask, which would appear less offensive to non-BKs, is who amongst the BK family are the seed souls of each religion and what are the qualities of each religions.

Obviously each has positive qualities. I note that from lokik history it was Ashoka the Hindu warrior turned Buddhist emperor that united all of India only for that way to have been lost.
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Post23 Aug 2007

I just wondered if there was any comment or feedback from Virendra Dev Dixit about the Om Radhe book and the original posters of The Tree and The Cycle?

I know the PBKs have their own interpretation of the early period but I am still wondering about how and when Shiva by name was introduced ... or if it had been written out by Lekhraj Kirpalani (Prajapati God Brahma) and the early BKs.
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Post24 Aug 2007


I don't know if the Mama Om Radhey book - 'Is this Justice' has been shown to Baba. But I think some of the posters that have been uploaded here and the list of original members of Om Mandali has been shown to Baba Virendra Dev Dixit. I do not know what his comments were on that as it might not have been recorded when he might have seen the same. I will try to request him for comments on those pictures, etc.

By the way, I could read about 40 pages of the book 'Is this Justice' and feel that if the main reply given by Mama to the Government representative contains a chronological description of events that took place in the begining, could be typed, it would be an interesting reading as well as an important material for quoting in different threads of this forum.


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