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Re: to arjun Bhai

Post10 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:After 2 days you will find PDF formats of our English book on our website.

Is it there yet, I cannot find it?

sakshi delhi

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Post10 May 2007

param shanti,

Sorry my dear Brothers and Sisters, as i am too busy at work to keep up contact. After 1 or 2 days definitely you would find pdf file of the English book in our site.

I have come to know that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has left the country? Can anyone confirm it? As his passport has been seized by court, how can he leave India? I have come to know from PBK sources in India and also the media which has visited of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit's centre? Sorry but may i ask? Can you please confirm this?

Thanks, with regards.
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Post10 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:I have come to know that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has left the country? Can anyone confirm it? As his passport has been seized by court, how can he leave India?

Why don't you ask Mr Patel to ask Brahma to ask Virendra Dev Dixit where he is?
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Post11 May 2007

sakshidelhi wrote:I have come to know that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has left the country? Can anyone confirm it? As his passport has been seized by court, how can he leave India? I have come to know from PBK sources in India and also the media which has visited of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit's centre ?

As far as I know this news seems to be untrue because I have been getting replies from him through email almost everyday.

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Re: reply

Post11 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote: Can you please confirm this?

I have my own questions regarding the events which happened to Virendra Dev Dixit BUT please do not allow this to distract to the questions that are in front of you Saksh.

How are we progressing with your Father's answers?

sakshi delhi

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Post11 May 2007

Parma shanti

First you have to understand who is Lekhraj Kirpalani, is he Brahma? This is my last letter.

Bramha gives The Knowledge of the Shastras and Vedas but until today he has not given this knowledge and not believed in the Shastras. He only gave the 5000 year World Drama.

Please try to understand, Lekhraj Kirpalani is not big thing. He is just like Christ, a guru. Christ says, I am a messenger of God and God is light. So some soul entered in the body of Lekhraj Kirpalani and he started his own religion. Nothing new. Just like a Dharma guru start his own religion. But it is right that Shiv is somewhere, but what is his identification? It is true that BKs only, and only, is run by Lekhraj Kirpalani. Thre is no Shiv is there.

Bhog (toli) is given to bhoot (ghost). If you stop giving this Bhog to them, then he refuse to do so. Like an occultist does. If an occultist refuses to give Bhog then the ghost (soul) also refuses to do said work. When you know that Shiva is not there, and whatever he said it is his own manmat (thinking), then why are you interested in Lekhraj Kirpalani and BK? You should open our mind and think again? Do you have answer of the question about the world, what going on the earth?

If you don’t know Sai Baba was is sent a mahatma. Now he is died but I think that his Follower are more then that the BKWSU. He himself says, "I am god". Second(another one) Sai Baba is in South India there are 2 crore followers who is believe that saibaba is God, but his Baba not give Divine knowledge but he is doing miracles like giving apple to his follower etc, He gives blessings to people, and by this blessing people get whatever they want? Can you think, why Shiv Baba ever not does this thing?

Shiv is the only Sakar (sea) of divine knowledge. He does not come to make miracles. Please wash your mind and try to find out truth. Why do you come on earth? Only for listing to the Murlis or something else? What do you want? Shiv, Lekhraj Kirpalani, an occultist or a guru? In which category you are staying? 108, 1008, 16,108 , 900,000?

If you are super souls then you just want only Gyan divine knowledge but you are in
33 crore then you are free and if you don't want to place your self in this category then
became nastik. What is the mark of a seed soul? Only divine knowledge. Seed souls only want Gyan (not Murli). For example, a frog in a well, you know it? The frog thinks that I have seen the world from the well but when he actually come out from this philosophy, he think again "I was wrong".

If either you BKs or PBKs think again there is no 5000 year world drama, read the Sastra again, or read scientist's reports. It is easy to cheat our self but finding out the truth is very difficult. I have no interest. All of you, I only just want to wake up all of you? How long you wait? Already 70 years have been past and you still want to wait then you are free? You can wait? But listen carefully, if Lekhraj Kirpalani has not this knowledge, then when will he give it to you?

Last thing, my Father said if you want to ask something to Lekhraj Kirpalani then you should go to the BKWSU directly and ask them. Why you not ask this thing for last 70 years? And other way if BKs do not give an answer, then you should go to an occultist and ask about Lekhraj Kirpalani? If you give them money then he will definitely contact to Lekhraj Kirpalani.

A person who is living and has divine knowledge, you are not interesting in coming and ask some thing. but you want to know about the person who is not living? Very good. Mind it very well, if you follow ghosts (follow Brahma) then you have to became a ghost and you have to add yourself to the group of Lekhraj Kirpalani. Not only in Lekhraj Kirpalani's group but there are so many groups in the world, like Sai Baba, Christ, Osho Rajneesh, Pegaimbar, Pop etc.

Today these groups increase and increase because these souls don't want to be reborn, and join they these group because the soul has not any knowledge of where to go after death. We want to wake up 33 crore devta, not only in BK (900,000). Our duty is very big. Today, you will find the English pdf file in our website, in the news section.

Someone asked to please give an answer from Dada. My Father is not an occultist or a messenger. So kindly, if you want to know about Dada, then you will have to go to the BKs. We have so much work, because this world is waiting for us. We have started the meditation in which we first start freedom (over) the ghost souls. Because he controls 33 crore devta, in both BK or PBK. They will not come out from his religion.

I think people here don't want knowledge. There is no reason to waste my time here because the world is waiting for God, and we have made an animated CD in which we show how the world what is going on and how is it created. So many people want to know facts. People who don't like the system of BKWSU, sitting and waiting for god to call at their own homes.

And if you still want to test (examination) God (Shiv)? Then you should first join the BKWSU and then PBK, and last come here? But the question is, how you will do the (examination) test of God? When you not have enough knowledge? How you believe that this is God? Will you believe my god if I would make a miracle and give you an apple from the air? What is the definition of God? How you would test him?

First you should test yourself? My request is, you just follow the divine knowledge not us. When you have not regard for Shiv than what you will get? Ask your self, "am I able to take the test of God? Without knowing divine knowledge, how could you identify God? Please read our book and then think again. I know God will not do magic but you want this only.

I have just told that my Father has the power that he can see souls (ghosts) then you
give a list of demands and write that if your Father can give this answer, then we will start study and believe them. We don't need this kind of student. Sorry to waste your time but you open your eyes.

Now, I will not write any more messages. When you feel very tired from the Murli, then send a message to me. Without studying you want to be doctor ... how could it be possible? Are you in search of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar or in search of Shiv (God)? If you really interested in knowledge then i will spend my time.


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Allegations of corruption of Dashrath Patel e.g. bribery etc

Post11 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:First you have to understand who Is Dada Lekhraj, is he Brahma ? this is my last letter.

We know who Lekhraj Kirpalani is. You claimed that your Father Mr Patel is the Supreme Soul Shiv and that he is meeting with and teaching Lekhraj Kirpalani.

I wanted to test you to see if you were honest and easy to speak to. I also wanted to ask some very basic questions to Lekhraj Kirpalani person to person. Not worship him or claim he is God.
    • I understand that self professed "VVIP BKWSU member" who donated 10,000s of Rupees to the BKWSU, and now Vishnu Party leader 'Supreme Soul' Dashrath Patel confessed to Virendra Dev Dixit whilst he was in the PBKs that he makes money laundering black money via courtcases for his "clients". Although "accessories to the crime: would be a more accurate terminology.
    • I have also heard that Vishnu Party leader Dashrath Patel was involved in bribing many individuals to act against Virendra Dev Dixit and that agents of his camped out nearby the Kampil center influencing matters.
    • I have also heard that when Vishnu Party leader Dashrath Patel split from the PBKs he sent his son Anant back to the PBK to claim certain items that he had donated.
I would like to ask, or leave on record if you are not going to answer the spiritual questions we ask of you, are these allegations true and is 'Supreme Soul' Dashrath Patel still involved in bribing officials against Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs and perverting the course of justice? By your actions here, you have shown that you are out to prejudice other individuals against him.

You have contined to make many allegations against Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs without substantiating them with evidence. If Dashrath Patel and his son Anant are advocates and educated men - nevermind God and the son of God - then they know how what proper evidence is and how to present it. If Dashrath Patel has any spiritual powers at all, and is engaged in spiritualism of any sort, then they must be viewed in this light.

I had hoped that you would engage in reasonable discussion but obviously not.

It seem clear that Vishnu Party leader Dashrath Patel is using elements not just of BKWSU and PBK knowledge, (e.g. Nuclear Destruction, Supreme Soul, Beads of Rosary of Victory), patterns and organization structure to promote whatever it is he is doing. And promoting it to ex-BKs, ex-PBKs etc by using similar language and ideas.

My concern is that Vishnu Party leader Dashrath Patel of is in someway setting up other individuals to repeat what he has done with the BKs and PBKs. And, if it is true that he is engaged in money laundrying activities that has benefited the BKWSU or AIVV, then it is a matter of public concern.

You have opened up a can of worms in public by attacking others rather than talking resonably. We are left considering that you cannot substantiate your claims. That they are not true. Now, the ball is in your court to give us answer in detail about all this.

Perhaps someone can write to the BKWSU and ask for their version of the Mr Patel's claims? Who is Vishnu Party Maa? (Picture below) Is that you? Does Baba Patel have a Mama too just like Lekhraj Kirpalani?

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Re: reply

Post11 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:First you have to understand who is Dada Lekhraj, is he Brahma? This is my last letter.

Sakshi Delhi

You make claims then when asked to prove any you and Mr Patel can not prove anything you say, instead you just make excuses.
Now, I will not write any more messages. When you feel very tired from the Murli

When you are tired of your nonsense come back and together we can all try and find out the truth.
How you believe that this is God? Will you believe my god if I would make a miracle and give you an apple from the air? What is the definition of God?

No, we are not so naive as to ask for any miracle, all we asked was for you to show us that Mr Patel could do what he claimed he could do (contact Lekhraj Kirpalani) and you are unable to do that.

Does Mr Patel, know how you conduct yourself on his behalf and on behalf of the Vishnu Party? It would be so much better if Mr Patel had direct contact with the forum and not go through you, how do we know if what you are reporting back to mr Patel or vica-versa is the truth? ... Or should I say without your own spin on it.
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Post11 May 2007

Typical Indian-style charlatans; a pinch of spiritual nonsense blended with a subtle aggression and cook until a fine smell of profit is unmistakeable.

What a bunch of jokers.
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Re: reply

Post12 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Now, I will not write any more messages. When you feel very tired from the Murli, then send a message to me.

Fine by me. I will put this note in my list but will be in the last i.e. least priority. There are much, much more important things to do in the world than to contemplate Mr. Patel's wierd theories (I am not saying it is False).

Meanwhile, if you think you're life has been ruined by the deceit of your Father, Mr. Patel, please drop us a note. We are here to support you. We understand where you are coming from. Everyone of us has gone through the arrogance and intoxication of the "Knowledge".
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Vishnu Part Summary

Post12 May 2007

tinydot wrote:Everyone of us has gone through the arrogance and intoxication of the "Knowledge".

Good point. Ditto to the "subtle aggression" that works so well to control passive individuals. It seems that a large proportion of the the population is programmed to go "Haji" (Yes, sir!). A small proportion wakens up to this and say to themselves, "Hoho ... I will be the one they haji to". One can sense the "caste violence" that is prevalent in India where those that have (good karma) are masters and talk at or down to those have have not (bad). The demanding delivery, the one-way broadcast, was awful.

Sakshi and God Patel are both steeped in BK-ism. He seems conscious that there is a significant number of disaffect ex-BK to use to start a new religion using the language and models of both the BK and the PBK. It is as if he has studied PBK 'business' model and said, "hoho ... I could do that. Just move the furniture around a bit. Write in a bit of the easily acquaintable Vedanta. Bingo ... New PBK, New Hinduism". He knows he wont get many, so he only wants a few. 108 superior seed souls.

I am genuinely disappointed that he and sakshi refused to do (or could not do) what they said he could do. She said he taught Lekhraj Kirpalani, was it too much to ask a few historical questions to prove her claim and answer what the BK covers us? I think she raised some fair questions and sguuested approximate answers regarding the spiritualism or occult aspect of the BKWSU but she complete lacked any awareness for what this forum was about. Again caste violence or intoxication arrogance.

My deepest concerns are to do with this shadow side, the financial intrigue, the bullying and conspiracy, the attachment to money or donated items. He obviously wants to damage and bring down Virendra Dev Dixit. Is that justified or is it just a king wanting to topple the throne of another to grab it? Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs can sure pose no threat whatsoever, consequently their behavior has not been one of reasonable people.

What is this strange currency called "Knowledge" and "Knowing". The business of being able to provide answers to the unaswerable?

sakshi delhi

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Post12 May 2007

Final and concluding message. Param Shanti.

Now I need to be honest and straight forward. I joined this forum with the intention to give you The Knowledge imparted by Vishnu Party. But now I have understood that the masses present here are not really willing to come out of the history of one another. If you all are happy with the teachings of Shankar Party and Brahma Kumaris its fair enough. If you all are happy and satisfied then we don't have any problems, I am happy if you understand their knowledge because every person has their own intellect and beliefs, and no one has the right to make someone forcefully believe theirs. So I think we should stop at this point.

But this is for sure, I don't believe Virendra Dev Dixit is Shankar. I will say that the person who is God is he who imparts the super most knowledge, who can tell the history of universe, souls, drama, how we come into being and much more which will be beyond the history of this Lekhraj Kirpalani or Virendra Dev Dixit. Who tells the beginning, middle and end of this whole world drama? The world will say, "He is God". Who are you or I to say or declare that this is God?

I would like to conclude that if I have said some words which have hurt the feelings of the souls present here then I deeply regret for the same. Because now we cannot move together with hands in hands. My well wishes are with you all.

So I take a leave ...

NOTE:- for the information of interested souls (if any) pdf has been placed in new section in our site.
Param shanti
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Post12 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Now I need to be honest and straight forward. I joined this forum with the intention to give you The Knowledge imparted by Vishnu Party. But now I have understood that the masses present here are not really willing to come out of the history of one another.

This is written by a different person, surely? It is a shame that Anant or another did not consider us important enough if that is his written English in the PDF. But you are utterly wrong in your insulting final comment.

You made the mistake of talking at us rather than with us at a very basic level. Expecting us to bow to that level like scared servants or children. You could not meet us as equals in attempting to understand not just BK but God and truth where we would have listen to you.

Someone need to consider a little bit more patience and politeness if you wish to escape future ridicule. BK History is only one of the subjects that we study and we study everything in great detail.

It appears to me that members of the Vishnu Party have always sought to ignore and cover up their past history, why? What do you want to hide? Even the PBKs are too goodwilled so as to not want to discuss the damage done.

The activities of the BKWSU breakway Vishnu Party and Mr Dashrath Patel are something that we will continue to take interest and publicize. By walking away without answering the allegations of bribery and the conspiracy to cause the downfall of Virendra Dev Dixit, you are making a far louder statement on behalf of the Vishnu Party than if you had addressed them. Is it true he sent his son Anant in to take back those items he had donated?

My only additional comment is to note that since the part Dashrath Patel played in the breaking up of the PBKs, I understand that the Vishnu Party has split into schisms and declined in numbers. We and others will discover and document that history too.

My very strong advice to you is not to just walk away but take this opportunity to air your grievances and set the record straight.

Are these individuals ex-BKs or ex-PBKs;
    Ramchandra Ameta
    Anant Patel
    Vallabh Patel
Interestingly enough, although I do not know the Vedas, the concept of 'spiritual planets' or "Planetary Souls" and the evolution of different souls exists in many places even within the Western spiritual tradition, Goethe, Steiner, Astrology, the Greek Schools etc. Note the clear references to Blavatsky and Besant of the Theosophical society which must give some clues to his influences. There are very strong elements of BKWSU and a pepper of PBK. The usual tendency of (erroneous) appeal to Indian nationalism.
Vishnu Party wrote:Bharat has long been the happy playing field of spiritually conscious souls. Who believed in the concept of the whole world bring
a single family.

Bharat was the one country that introduced itself to the world at large with its lofty philosophical and spiritual ideals whose immortality made it the world Guru in these extra mundane topices. Imbued by high ideals and anchored to pious sanskaras. This ancient land had presented to the world a lifestyle wedded to virtuous living.

But today we find a scene here which has no comparison to our glorious heritage. All those high ideals which inspired our ancestors have been given the go-bye, And we see the resultant decadence.

We are chasing the mirage of Western materialistic life based on sense gratification in preference to our time-tested traditional values perfected by our saints and sages.

Is not the selfish man who has forgotten his glorious legacy unhappy as he apes the West? Are not chaotic forces let loose by powerful countries based on brute power throttling human values? Is not terrorism adding to the misery of our unsettled times? Have not demonic forces raised their head?



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Re: reply

Post12 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:I have come to know that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has left the country? Can anyone confirm it? As his passport has been seized by court, how can he leave India? I have come to know from PBK sources in India and also the media which has visited of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit's centre? Sorry but may I ask? Can you please confirm this?

Hi Sakshi,

Before you go ... in the future, before you do any kind of allegations like the above one :cry:, first see what's happening around. You seemed to be out of touch with reality, the hatred against PBKs takes over your judment. You missed the fact that Shivshenabhai together with some PBK souls from the UK met Virendra Dev Dixit in Mumbai just two weeks ago?!!!
Shivshena wrote:Just last week Baba came to my lokik Father's house where I attend Gita patshala class twice a week and he was there with 4 other PBKs (3 of them from uk) for about an hour and we had breakfast together. When Baba was leaving he gave me a very tight embrace for 10 seconds and he smiled at me and gave me dhristi and then we all went down to escort him to his car and then again he caught hold of my hand and smiled. See on: Meaning of BapDada/06 may

If you have to leave us, please go in peace!

Like you said we should be one family but what are you doing? On behalf of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, I wish you all the best. :D.

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Post12 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:If you all are happy with the teachings of Shankar Party and Brahma Kumaris its fair enough.

I am an ex-BK. I understand the teachings of BKs and partly the teachings of PBK, but it doesn't mean I believe in them and therefore how could I be happy with the teachings that I do not believe in? I am happy to have understood something out of each and every religion I got involved in. I am happy to continuously verify the path of "spiritual truth" which has nothing to do with the path of "abstract physical theories". I am happy to have known a lot of people here in this forum who have valued honesty more than anything else.
sakshi Delhi wrote: If you all are happy and satisfied then we don't have any problems, I am happy if you understand their knowledge because every person has their own intellect and beliefs, and no one has the right to make someone forcefully believe theirs.

I am glad if you have realized this valuable point.
sakshi Delhi wrote:I will say that the person who is God is he who imparts the super most knowledge, who can tell the history of universe, souls, drama, how we come into being and much more which will be beyond the history of this Dada Lekhraj or Veerendra Dev Dixit. Who tells the beginning, middle and end of this whole world drama? The world will say, "He is God". Who are you or I to say or declare that this is God?

We are going around the circle.
    Question: Who is God?
    Answer: He who imparts the super most knowledge.
    Question: Who gives the super most knowledge?
    Answer: The super most knowledge is given by God?
    Question: Whose God?
    Answer: Our God, Mr. Patel.
Nice logic.

Truthfully, I believe in God with all my heart and I believe He is so subtle that you don't need to prove Him. Be content that we have life and our lives can well be spent in building a better world based on honesty, love, sharing, etc.

Most true scientists were/are not rich people. They spend their time many hours in the laboratory receiving a monthly salaried pay. They don't claim they have answers to everything. They have contributed to the betterment of the world. I am using this laptop and internet, a product of science and engineering. It is a nice little toy, they make the world smaller, our distance shorter, and communication faster. This is my reply to the tone of your post with regards to the men of science. I am happy they did something for the world.

Religious founders had brought their share, too. They imparted philosophical knowledge which guided man's ethics. The sad part is, some went over the border.
ex-l wrote:You have opened up a can of worms in public by attacking others rather than talking reasonably. We are left considering that you cannot substantiate your claims. That they are not true. Now, the ball is in your court to give us answer in detail about all this.

ex-l is right. You have left a lot of bad PR to Vishnu Party. When somebody google Vishnu Party in the future, they will be directed here and would leave them an impression of the quality of your group.

But if this is just for dirty business money, then you can still promote the idea of 108 seed souls and play the game of not-going-to-be-100% completed, so donations and the 108 search continuous indefinitely.

Best wishes.

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