Food for thought for all PBKs

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reforming BK

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Post08 May 2007

I too have wondered how ShivaBaba can be seen in the Subtle Regions.

In a book I have, Dadi Gulzar explains how she sees ShivaBaba as a point of light in Avyakt Brahmas forehead when she goes to the Subtle Regions.
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Post08 May 2007

If the personality of ShivBaba is seen in the Subtle Regions it does not mean that he has left the body. The body of light of Brahma Baba used to be seen in the Subtle Region even when he used to be in corporeal. In one Murli it is said that he /the Purifier/ has to purify even the Brahma of the Subtle Region. It means the soul of Prajapita can be in the corporeal world, but in the Subtle Region there can be his perfect form of ShivBaba.

This body of light there of course belongs to the corporeal personality of the Father Prajapita as Shiva the point of light does not possess neither subtle nor gross body and as you have pointed in the Murli it is said that he does not enter a subtle body.

However it does not mean that the task of ShivBaba is performed by this soul of the Father whose body we see there, like we have the body of Brahma Baba /and his light body even in advance/, but the role in his body is played by the Supreme Father, the soul of Shiva. This soul plays both a role of the mother through Brahma Baba and the Father through Prajapita /ShivBaba.



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Post08 May 2007

Please refer to all the avaykt messages immediately after Brahma Baba's demise in 1969 (these have been printed in the first book of avaykt Vani).


I always wanted to have this book of Avyakt Vanis. Now you said you have it! Can you do me a favour! Would you please upload the book on the Murlis section!? And also any other Murlis you have?

You asking questions about the Vanis that we cannot read because we don't have it. If we would have the Vanis, we would discuss with you about it!

Thanks you! :roll:
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Post08 May 2007

andrey wrote: It means the soul of Prajapita can be in the corporeal world, but in the Subtle Region there can be his perfect form of ShivBaba.

So are you saying the Avyakt body of Virendra Dev Dixit has been seen in the Subtle Regions?
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Post08 May 2007

We all have Avyakt forms.
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reforming BK

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Post08 May 2007

andrey wrote:We all have Avyakt forms.

According to BKs, yes. But here we are talking about seeing ShivaBaba in the Subtle Regions.

So I say again, has anyone reported seeing Virendra Dev Dixit in Subtle Regions as you are trying to say. Yes or no?
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Post08 May 2007

surya2037 wrote:I always wanted to have this book of Avyakt Vanis. Now you said you have it! Can you do me a favour! Would you please upload the book on the Murlis section!? And also any other Murlis you have?

An excellent idea Surya! We can add it to our shopping list at Shivsena's Superstore of Murli Wisdom.

I think John also makes a very interesting point about seeing the Avyakt body of Veerendra Dev Dixit in the Subtle Regions.
    Has it ever been seen?
    Do the BKs see it but cover it up?
    If it has not been seen, then why not?
But in case previous questions are buried by such interesting discussion, can I just remind the learned Brother of my suggestion;
Let me put a more practical solution to you;
a) how much would it cost in India to hire a touch typists to type up those Murlis for us?
b) how long do you think it would take?
This would remove any burden from you and I am sure than a number of individuals here would be happy to financially contribute to that happening, as I would. Perhaps another PBK could benefit twicefold in this manner?

Thanks in advance, shivsena, for making this possible.
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Post09 May 2007

John wrote:I too have wondered how ShivaBaba can be seen in the Subtle Regions.

Omshanti. I had conveyed this question to ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) many days back when Shivsena Bhai had discussed the same issue (in this or some other thread). A reply has been obtained from Baba but its translation and checking is going on along with some other Q&A. As soon as I receive the final replies from Baba in English and Hindi, I will convey the same through this forum.




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Post09 May 2007

andrey wrote:We all have Avyakt forms.

Dear andrey Bhai.

That is right - but does bindi ShivBaba have an avaykt form????? He is either a bindi in Paramdham or when he comes on this earth He is in prajapita Brahma as ShivBaba. So who is this subtle angelic ShivBaba??? That is what we all want to know.




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Post09 May 2007

ex-l wrote: An excellent idea Surya! We can add it to our shopping list at Shivsena's Superstore of Murli Wisdom.
Let me put a more practical solution to you;
a) how much would it cost in India to hire a touch typists to type up those Murlis for us?
b) how long do you think it would take?
This would remove any burden from you and I am sure than a number of individuals here would be happy to financially contribute to that happening, as I would. Perhaps another PBK could benefit twicefold in this manner?[/color]
Thanks in advance, shivsena, for making this possible.

Dear ex-l and surya Bhai.

Murlis are a treasure house of gems of knowledge and only by reading (with a goal in mind) that these gems of knowledge can be identified and understood. BKs read the Murlis like a parrot, without having any goal in mind, and so they miss out on the gems of knowledge. Then came Advanced Knowledge in 1976, through which Ram's soul (Virendra Dev Dixit) was identified and a compilation of Murli points under various headings was printed, they revealed a new interpretation of Godly knowledge and a new group of PBKs was formed. But this new knowledge also did not bring about any transformation in the souls, the Yagya further degenerated and so to find out further answers i started studying the Murlis intensely from 2000 onwards. It is these Murli points (gems of knowledge) which i want to share with like-minded souls who think logically and do not accept anything at face value.

Now let me come to the point:
why do you have to do the hard work of reading the Murlis repeatedly several times to search for the gems of knowledge, when i have a long list of the gems (along with the dates of Murlis and queries attached), which i am going to post on this forum in the next few months. You just eat the gems and start churning right away, instead of wasting precious time in reading the Murlis and searching for the gems.

Each Murli contains just a few gems and the rest is just repetition and it will take your precious time and energy to find those gems. This is the time before the final exam, so why waste time on making your own notes by reading text books, when there is someone who is offering his notes to you? i have taken years to read and underline and prepare a long list of queries, by which i aim to prove that the whole Advanced Knowledge is subtle Bhakti-marg, by which jhoot khand is going to be established. So what i mean to say is, you can just sit back, relax and just churn on the gems of knowledge, and give your point of view, so that we can all share, see the each other's viewpoint and become wiser. It will benefit everybody. It will save time and energy for both of us. I will save on the time spent to post Murlis on the net and you will save on the time reading those Murlis and searching for the gems. That is all i have to say.

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Post09 May 2007

shivsena wrote:Now let me come to the point. why do you have to do the hard work of reading the Murlis repeatedly several times to search for the gems of knowledge, when I have a long list of the gems (along with the dates of Murlis and queries attached), which I am going to post on this forum in the next few months. You just eat the gems and start churning right away, instead of wasting precious time in reading the Murlis and searching for the gems.

No one likes to eat a small part of someone else's regurgitated food Shivsena. Every one likes to eat a complete, fresh dinner, full of variety.

OK. I accept your point. I have no problem with what you say. I want to study the Murlis regarding the many other points of interest as other do. Will you enable us to do so?

It is just an excuse ... what profit there is in it I have no idea. Perhaps the king wishes us all to bow at his court and to his superior wisdom as we paupers have no such wealth of knowledge.

I asked you how much to have some type them up and post them. I am willing to pay as much as I can afford.
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reforming BK

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Post09 May 2007

shivsena wrote:Now let me come to the point:[/b] why do you have to do the hard work of reading the Murlis repeatedly several times to search for the gems of knowledge, when I have a long list of the gems (along with the dates of Murlis and queries attached), which I am going to post on this forum in the next few months. You just eat the gems and start churning right away, instead of wasting precious time in reading the Murlis and searching for the gems.

With all respect your attitude is completely wrong.
why do you have to do the hard work of reading the Murlis

Because the one that does the hard work gets the butter.
Each Murli contains just a few gems and the rest is just repetition and it will take your precious time and energy to find those gems.

What else should we spend our precious time on apart from deep study of Murli?

To go through you or use you as a filter, will mean bowing our intellect to you, that is the way for bhagats and not intelligent souls. If anyone did follow you they would automatically miss the gems that you miss ...

Your printing of Murli gems is appreciated, but in no way can be seen as definitive and complete.
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Post09 May 2007

john wrote:Your printing of Murli gems is appreciated, but in no way can be seen as definitive and complete.

OK, to put it another way, who are you willing to take Shrimat regarding this matter from?

Is Virendra Dev Dixit's Shrimat good enough? If we find proof in the Murlis, is that good enough?
    • From whom do you accept Shrimat?



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Post09 May 2007

ex-l wrote: OK, to put it another way, who are you willing to take Shrimat regarding this matter from? Is Veerendra Dev Dixit's Shrimat good enough? If we find proof in the Murlis, is that good enough?
    • From whom do you accept Shrimat?
Dear ex-l.

First of all, i believe that the whole BK and PBK family are passing through the "Night of Brahma" (darkness and ignorance) and so in this subtle bhakti-marg shooting period there cannot be any Shrimat. The Murli says that, ''Shrimat se sadgati and manushya mat se durgati''. Since there cannot be any Shrimat during the Night of Brahma, i cannot answer your query from whom i take Shrimat. All i know is that the whole period from 1947-48 to 2008-9 or maybe later (till Ram attains 100% nirakari stage), is earmarked for study of Murlis only, for the BKs and PBKs to solve the mystery of who is ''Shri Shri ShivBaba'', and only when Shri Shri ShivBaba, i.e. Ramshivbaba (Ram+Shiv combined) will be revealed then only the true Shrimat will be coming forth, and souls will start getting sadgati numberwise.

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Shivsena's right to withhold the Murlis.

Post09 May 2007

shivsena wrote:Since there cannot be any Shrimat during the night of Brahma, I cannot answer your query from whom I take Shrimat.


answer the question from the Murlis (if you cannot answer from your own heart). Do the Murlis say that we should and should be allowed to study? You say, "yes ... study and study only". So, where individuals are willing to even pay, are you willing help us study by working cooperatively to publish such a valuable connection so that everyone can benefit?
    Do the Murlis say that the BKWSU, or you, have the right to withhold the Murlis?
• You will notice in the latest poster of 1949 that I have uploaded, "Key to World Sovereignity", it talks of the Yagya "starting in 1937 ... and lasting 12 years".

I hope the effort I am making to discover and share these will encourage you to share your wealth.

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