Are healthy exercise and the BKs mutually exclusive?

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Are healthy exercise and the BKs mutually exclusive?

Post05 Mar 2007

Having just started to regularly exercise again after several years, and enjoying the benefits of this; it made me remember that regular exercise didnt seem to be hugely encouraged in the "pukka" ranks, apart from the odd walk, and whether there was any documented reason for this in the Murlis; or whether it was another adopted cultural thing. Any thoughts?
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abrahma kumar

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Post05 Mar 2007

Never heard of this being excluded Yudhishtira though as you say the early morning stroll seems to be the vogue and extent of it as I have witnessed in Talehti and other places. I remember on my first trip to the Madhuban I donned my track suit and went for a run only be be coralled by one of the Sisters from my part of the world - at the gates of Gyan sarovar none less - whereupon I was 'cautioned' that even for such activity while was a la mode ;). I wont tell you what i was wearing just in case memories run long ;).

Back in my native lands I do go for a jog and the affect is super. Wouldn't drop it for the world! Anyway do not the Dadi's regale us with their stories of tennis, and other such outdoor pursuits back in the day? Not to mention their walks legendary up the mountain ;).

Wasn't there a time a few years ago when som US based Sister was travelling the world of BKdom extolling the virtues of exercise and proper diet?


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Post05 Mar 2007

Children wore shorts during Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) days, and only Lekhraj Kirpalani wore white shorts. Some old photos of the Yagya show this.

How many folks here went up Baba's rock over Lake Nakka in Madhuban, huffing and puffing in their saris and kurtas. :oops:
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Post05 Mar 2007

I agree about the walking and such; I guess I am talking about the more athletic forms of exercise; and I have seen a lot of unhealthy centre teachers/ surrendered BKs who on a fat and oil rich diet end up having problems. I remember swimming being specifically discouraged in my early days; I wonder if its a matter of "what you wear" ; which as Bansy and Abrahma Kumar say, seems to have become more conservative now than it was in the days of Brahma Baba!
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Re: Are healthy exercise and the BKs mutually exclusive?

Post05 Mar 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:any documented reason for this in the Murlis; or whether it was another adopted cultural thing. Any thoughts?

I specifically remember one Murlis quote saying that one should "always run on service" and enjoyed taking it literally ... only to be told off and put down by older BKs (that could not always get up in the morning). On the other hand, Lekhraj Kirpalani used to enjoy Badminton into his old age and square bash (march/army exercise) the young girls in the old days. I also remember specifically being put down in the most condescending manner by one senior Brahmakumari Sister when another BK Brother "snitched me" for having an interest in martial arts.

To have such an interest was "Bhakti", "body-conscious", something for another life (read Copper Age) and no real BK would waste their time on such frivolities when there was Godly service to be done and inheritance to be earned.

Looking back on it, perhaps the senior Brahmakumari was a little jealous, trapped in the role they were playing ... The strange perversity was that they were quite happy to sit back and watch/allow me become fat and unhealthy. That was acceptable and widespread. I could rant on quite a bit about the counter health and wholefoods aspects of the BKWSU ... and for any young BKs reading this, you have no idea what a hard won battle it was to make any influence against the Indian SS on these matters. I would list it as part of the emasculation, or neutering, of the male BKs and de-sexing of the Sisters. I hear it was different in other parts of the world though.

What other "shames" can I think of ... oh, the new/young Sisters that went sunbathing or even ... swimming!?!? Shocking ... disgusting ... body-conscious ... something was done about it.

In my time, there was no exercise, there was the shame or not being doing service and any exercise that was taken was all done covertly. In my own experience, may be 80 or 0% of what folk thought of as "Maya" could be put down to either health or dietary influences, depression, nervousness, dreaminess, talkativeness, lust ... I saw the results of direct experimentation.

Just out of interest, does this Brahmakumari Sister look fit or soul-conscious? Do you think the product is being sold on the body or the soul? May be things are changing ...
BK Bliss .... She figures highly in BKWSU marketing and BKWSU marketing features highly on their website.


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Post05 Mar 2007

She looks like Celine Dion.

A tip I was given ... you are allowed to go swimming, provide there are no other BKs around.
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Post05 Mar 2007

bansy wrote:A tip I was given ... you are allowed to go swimming, provide there are no other BKs around.

:lol: so the vision of the BKs is more impure than the so called "lokik" body conscious folk using the pool ; oh boy!
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Post05 Mar 2007

I was reading a revised Sakar Murli dated 16.12.06 published by the BKs which had the following line:
"Baba kahtey thay mai patang udaatey huay bhi koi saamney aaye toh unko samjha sakta hoon."
"Baba used to say that - I can explain to anyone if he comes in front of me even while I am flying a kite."

I suppose kite flying is also a sports/physical exercise :D :P :D

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Post05 Mar 2007

Interesting new topic on the Forum, old painful topic for many of us. I came in Gyan not long after I stopped competitive sport activity. Other BKs tried unsuccessfully to make me give up exercise, sunbathing, swimming. I never will, as long as the body cooperates! But they attempted so hard to mould me and make me quit using very insulting manners, through slander, treaths, bad drishtis, definitions about being a teacher: definetely incompatible with fitness.

I totally agree with all the above posts, so much truth in them! What a nonsense and horror having to do some stretching or changing into a jogging suit covertly! I remember my first year in Madhuban I was litterally flying, and running, often, across the courtyard. One Sister stopped me and said it was inappropriate (same as laughing, socializing and being happy). See, we came across Talibanism!! True that in some countries/continents, BKs are more liberal or the situation has gotten out of control. What can SS do if a large number of BKs decide to practise naturism on beautiful deserted beaches?

To me one of the worst situations, torture-like, were the pic-nics, wherever these were organized. You had to wear proper attire ( as you know Indian women bath in rivers and at fountains, wearing saris, and this, by Western standard is considered much more erotic than nude!), either sit in a corner hiding from the sun or jump around sweating like crazy because you couldn't take clothes off freely. I felt miserable and tried to avoid. Brother and Sister going to the beach together: like in most conservative Muslim countries; Sisters on one side, Brothers far away on the other side. What a paranoia! Again, repression, ignorance, jealousy towards those who were more fit or "daring".

Is it still like this or things have loosened up a bit? I cannot figure out how even BKs from very liberal cultures (Scandinavians, Japanese who traditionally have saunas, hot tubs at spas all naked and together) could accept such impositions in name of "you have to give up your culture and adopt Brahmin culture".

True, we heard and saw photos that show Baba as a broad minded chap. This is why I never felt wrong at returning my white uniform and leaving the gaddhi to some accurate instrument who won't do disservice by means of body-conscious activities and bad example!!
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Post06 Mar 2007

Engrossing topic!

Indeed, debilitating the body is one way of making one's mind weak and infirm. Is this not what a cult is after? Evidently, they do not need any documentation from Murli or any other source to perpetrate atrocities against moral standards. I, too, experienced their disdain with respect to this matter. Once I went to a gym and the instrument got extremely insulted with my action. I was told a Yagya soul would never expose itself to the impure vibrations of such a place. Farcical!

After leaving the BK's and feeling free from their dominance, I decided to join a fitness center to catch up with my well-being. It is one way to divert thoughts away from the sorrow that one experiences after being subjected to the indoctrination of a cult.
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Post06 Mar 2007

I feel that this is a further example of how a puritanical religious response is falsely identified with being soul conscious; it is not! The soul is the caretaker of the body and so surely has a responsability to ensure it's health. Mama and Baba used to play badminton for goodness sake! OK, they didnt put on lycra to do it, but they obviously had an awareness of the importance of healthy exercise, as well as fun!

I have not desire to be an Olympic athlete, but neither do I want to be an unhealthy blob with high blood pressure! I am not so naive as to suppose that wearing revealing kit wouldnt possibly pull the intellect of any soul; there is a balance I feel that I can make, but it doesnt make me less soul-conscious; and as for gyms being dens of impurity, are we not meant to be masters? if we cant go into a gym without being affected, what chance of world transformation!!! Our stage is our own responsability, not anyone elses.

I agree with the observations of alladin, driedexbk, exl. I really feel that the reactions of those BKs have more to do with their own fears, insecurities and Bhakti sanskars than anything to do with Baba, the Murli or spirituality.
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Post06 Mar 2007

Did not Brahma Baba used to play badminton. I am sure he was keen on keeping the body healthy.

Dadis do seem to be rather large, maybe they just like sitting around. I don't know, it all gets silly, the advice for not being body-conscious, unless it's in Murli. I'd take it with a pinch of salt or ignore it
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Post06 Mar 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Anyway do not the Dadi's regale us with their stories of tennis, and other such outdoor pursuits back in the day? Not to mention their walks legendary up the mountain. Wasn't there a time a few years ago when som US based Sister was travelling the world of BKdom extolling the virtues of exercise and proper diet?

Yes, walking, exercising, drills etc. were part of the daily routine when the Yagya was in the form of Om Mandali at Karachi. They used to walk to the beach to exercise (if I am right). I will check from the History book.

Yes, even during the days of Yagya at Mt. Abu under the guidance of Brahma Baba, BKs used to walk up the Mountains (Baba Pahadi). I heard that there is a Mama's rock also situated behind the Omshanti Bhavan. A PBK who lived for many years at Mt. Abu had told me about his experiences of climbing up to the Mama's rock. Very few Madhuban niwasis know about it.

ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) has exalted the virtues of walking in many Murlis. In one of the Murlis he has said that even if one walks from Abu Road to Mt. Abu in Baba's remembrance one would not feel exhausted. In many Murlis he has said that one should not miss the daily class just because the house is far away. One could easily walk upto the center in Baba's remembrance. But I don't know how many follow this Shrimat. For most part of my BK days, I had to walk nearly three kilometers to the nearest center. So, I know the benefits of walking. In fact, I got to know about the Advanced Knowledge from a P(BK) during my return trips from the center.
Yudhishtira wrote:The soul is the caretaker of the body and so surely has a responsability to ensure it's health. Mama and Baba used to play badminton for goodness sake! OK, they didnt put on lycra to do it, but they obviously had an awareness of the importance of healthy exercise, as well as fun! I have not desire to be an Olympic athlete, but neither do I want to be an unhealthy blob with high blood pressure!

I agree with you fully and even Baba has said in some Murlis/Avyakt Vanis that one should take care of the body because only when the body is fit one would be able to do service and also be able to witness the last scenes/climax of drama. :lol: When Jagdish Bhai left his body, I remember that Avyakt BapDada said that he did not take care of his body and had to suffer because of that.

I too walk and exercise almost daily for some time in a garden. Sitting long hours on computers at office as well as home left me with lower back pain and cervical pain. When medicines could not help, I started doing exercises and that helps me keep these pains in check. Even if I skip exercises for a few days, these pains come back to haunt me. So, I try to exercise at least for a few minutes daily, even if it has to be done at home.

I have heard experiences of PBKs who have accompanied Baba Virendra Dev Dixit during his tours that he never misses an oppurtunity to walk and walks fast. When the mini-Madhubans at Farrukhabad was being constructed, and there were not many bathrooms, the sevadhari Brothers accompanied by Baba Virendra Dev Dixit used to go to the ghats of river Ganga and take bath as well as swim. I have heard from PBKs that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit used to be an expert swimmer during his childhood days. He even knew how to float on water. But, my only attempt at learning swimming at a pool for few days was not so successful. Looking forward to swimming in clean medicated waters of rivers in the Golden Aged heaven :D



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Post06 Mar 2007

One excercise you'd all better learn is to swim and swim well, kurtas or no kurtas. Especially when the floods come soon ! :P

I managed to get a peek at a nice article in World Renewal February 2007 issue regarding Holistic care and physical Yogic exercises Yogaasanas. These are not the bendy hatha Yoga positions but simple stretches to help regulation and stimulation of limbs muscles and body parts. I am sure there are other similar book sources. Walking exercise is also good because it's free, the best time apparently when at dawn break or sunset (oxygen levels versus CO2), and best to actually brisk walk to break some sweat.

Basically excercise (and wear) moderately to make yourself feel good, and not others to feel good.
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The outlook called "Mama's Rock"

Post06 Mar 2007

arjun wrote: I heard that there is a Mama's rock also situated behind the Omshanti Bhavan. A PBK who lived for many years at Mount Abu had told me about his experiences of climbing up to the Mama's rock. Very few Madhuban niwasis know about it.

I've been there. A narrow path goes a short distance--maybe 20 minutes' walk--to sandstone cliffs looking out over the plains below. Brother Ramnath of the Toli department took me there. He had a story about being out there late in the afternoon in deep, deep Yaad (remembrance) intense meditation, and stayed a few minutes longer. On his way back there is a narrow part of the trail along a slope with a large rock on the uphill side and a drop-off below. There was a tiger waiting there with shoulders that came up as high as Ramnath's chest. He tells that he wasn't thinking anything and walked straight ahead, looking the tiger straight in the eye. The tiger lept out of the way as he passed. Later he remembered some line from the morning's Avyakt Murli about Baba protecting his children, and started shaking uncontrollably as it dawned on him the danger he was in: there had been reports of a tiger roaming in the area and that it had killed a calf.

After Ramnath took me there (pointing out the rock where the tiger was) I came a few times either alone or with friends, making sure to come back while it was still light.

As a side note, Ramnath taught a very interesting method of meditation, that I've mostly forgotten. Perhaps I'll remember it enough to write it up. I had my best bodiless experiences through that. Now I am remembering something else: the honor of being invited to give drishti to the group before Avyakt BapDada would come in Om Shanti Bhavan (or earlier in the Meditation Hall). Sometimes trying to go away and be bodiless, other times consciously looking/not-looking at the group, using my powerful lighthouse stage to invite those seated into soul-consciousness. What was humorous was the intense desire that I and others had to be the one on the white stool in front. Occasional people would come up to take drishti who hadn't been designated. They were allowed to stay there, but were scolded (sweetly, firmly) afterwards. It was Maya!

Now my story about going to the lookout. On my last visit to Madhuban, a group of friends from the Hong Kong center and I walked out there. (I never called it "Mama's rock.") One of the group was a good-natured once-athletic woman from Singapore, who because of some kind of stroke had a leg that dropped. Her walking was slightly unstable.

I had become aware of how my starvation for the warmth of touch, combined with my sexual starvation, had made my system so edgy that any touch I found disturbing, as it evoked my intense feelings of need. Facing those feelings on one side, and on the other seeing the instability of that woman's walking, I decided to risk taking her hand. It was a step for me in taking responsibility for my acts, and in deciding to be human-mammalian rather than... uh... reptilian in my relationships. Walking hand-in-hand made the hike joyous. She was a friend. Strange for me to have been so alienated from touch.

So, near that same place that Ramnath faced the physical tiger, I faced the tiger of self-judgment, self-suppression and external conformity. The tiger jumped away and I am here to tell the tale.

Now that I remember, there was another really nice man (I would have said 'Brother' in those days) with us on that hike, Richard Green, who I would certainly be pleased to hear from.

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