Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

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Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post13 Aug 2008

Something that could unite us all ... why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism. Please add to the list or correct me where I am wrong.

    Brahma Kumarism is a religion, Hinduism is many religions
    Brahma Kumarism is monotheistic, Hinduism is not
    Brahma Kumarism thinks Lekhraj Kirpalani is Brahma, Hinduism does not
    Brahma Kumarism believes Lekhraj Kirpalani is Krishna, Hinduism does not
    Brahma Kumarism believes Vishnu is symbolic of Lekhraj Kirpalani's perfect form, Hinduism does not
    Brahma Kumarism believes the Kalpa is 5,000 years long, Hinduism thinks it is 4.32 billion years
    Brahma Kumarism believes every Kalpa is 5,000 years long, different schools of Hinduism thinks the length varies
    Brahma Kumarism believes the Kalpa repeats identically, Hinduism does not
    Brahma Kumarism believes there are only 3 worlds, Hinduism believe in many or unlimited worlds
    Brahma Kumarism believes the self is an individual soul, most schools of Hinduism do not believe in an individual self
    Brahma Kumarism believes the self always remains separate from God, Hinduism believe the self is a part of god
    Brahma Kumarism believes the soul is seated in the forehead, Bhakti schools of Hinduism believe the soul is seated in the heart
    Brahma Kumarism believes human souls remain human, Hinduism believes in the transmigration of the soul between species.
    Brahma Kumarism believes the Brahm element is a home for the soul, Hinduism believe that the Brahm is the ultimate state of consciousness
    Brahma Kumari spiritual leaders have no spiritual lineage, Hindu spiritual leaders have ancient lineages
    Brahma Kumarism believes Bhakti is the path to degradation, Hinduism believes that Bhakti is path of upliftment
    Brahma Kumarism believes no soul has become enlightened or gained liberation, Hinduism believes many souls have reached enlightenment and gained liberation
    Brahma Kumarism believes the self is an individual soul, not all schools of Hinduism believe in a individual self
    Brahma Kumarism believes it is the highest path, Hinduism believe all paths lead to god
    Brahma Kumarism believes it teaches Ancient Raja Yoga starting from 1950, Hinduism believes Patanjali taught Ancient Raja Yoga starting 2,000 years ago
    Brahma Kumarism generally has female gurus, Hinduism generally has male gurus
    Brahma Kumarism is exclusive, Hinduism is pluralistic
    Brahma Kumarism believes it is the original religion, Hinduism thinks Brahma Kumaris are a sect of Hinduism
    Brahma Kumarism believes no religious founder was an incarnation of God, Hinduism believes there have been many incarnations of God
OK ... I will not spoil the fun and will allow others to suggest answers
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post14 Aug 2008

    Brahma Kumarism is evangelistic, Hinduism is not
    Brahma Kumarism seeks to make converts, Hinduism does not
    Brahma Kumarism think there is no merit in going to temples, Hinduism sees temples as the center of the community
    Brahma Kumarism discourages worship (except for Dadis), Hinduism encourages worship
    Brahma Kumarism teaches the soul declines over many births, Hinduism teaches the soul ascends over many births
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post14 Aug 2008

Brahma Kumarism is exclusive, Hinduism is pluralistic

Perhaps not entirely true. there are some Hindu Temples in India that only allow Hindu people in. ???
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post14 Aug 2008

Possibly then ...

    Brahma Kumarism does not promote caste and segregation within the religion, Hinduism does
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post14 Aug 2008

    Brahma Kumarism is millenarianist, Hinduism is not
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post14 Aug 2008

    Brahma Kumarism believes that all BK adherents are Brahmins, Hinduism regards Brahmins as hereditary members of the highest (priestly) caste
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post15 Aug 2008

    Brahma Kumaris is Sindhi and Hinduism is Hindi
In 'Christian Witness in Pluralistic Contexts in the Twenty-First Century' by Enoch Wan (p. 121), Brahma Kumarism is listed as "Non-Hindu New Religion or Non-Religion".

Alternatively, from 'Devotional Literature in South Asia', editor Ronald Stuart McGregor (p. 298-301),
Richard Barz wrote:from A reinterpretation of Bhakti theology: from the Pustimarg ot the Brahma Kumaris by Richard Barz

From the point of view of those interested in modern Hinduism, the most striking difference between the International Society for Krishna COnsciousness and the Brahma Kumaris World SPiritual University is that the forum stresses its Bhakti heritage by proudly proclaming its descent from the Caitanya sect founded in the 16th century by the Bengali Vaisnava leader Caitanya, while the latter does not associate itself with any earlier Hindu movement, Bhakti or otherwise.

Although Lekhraj Kripalani would have had an understanding from is childhood of the sort of Bhakti practised by followers of Vallabhacarya, I have never come across any indications by Brahma Kumaris either in writing or in specech that the doctines of the Vallabha sect had any influence on the BKWSU however ...

The paper goes on to describe the relationship between Lekhraj Kripalani and the Vallabhacharya sect pointing out the lack of any evidence in the BKWSU biography but picking up on his wife's pilgrimage to one of the Vallabhacharya's main temples etc.
In standard Hindu Bhakti thought this preference from the transmutation rather than denial of emotions expresses itself in the five ways that a devotee, in accordance with personal temperament, canlove the divine; either with the affection of a friend for a friend (sakyha Bhakti), or with the passion of two lovers (madhurya Bhakti), or as a parent loves a child (vatsalya Bhakti), or as a servant is devoted to a master (dasya Bhakti), or even in dispassionate quietde (santa Bhakti).

Here Brahma Kumaris theology is in harmony with mainstream Bhakti thought.

I agree with both, BKism is not Hindu but has roots in it (e.g. just as Christianity or Islam is not Jewish).
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post16 Aug 2008

    Brahma Kumarism thinks Shiva is Shiva Baba, Hindusim think Shiva is Shankar
    Brahma Kumarism thinks Brahma (Lekhraj Kirpalani) is Shankar, Hindusim think Shankar is Shankar
    Brahma Kumarism thinks Shiva lives in the Brahm, Hindusim thinks Shiva is the Brahm
    Brahma Kumarism is monotheistic, Hindusim is pantheistic
    Brahma Kumarism has specifically claimed it is not a Hindu sect, Hindusim comprises of many Hindu sects



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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

I am not against anybody. But would like to add something.

Common things between BKs and Hinduism:-

Both believe in Karma philosophy to the highest possible extent.
Both believe in rebirth.
BKWSU believes Hindu scripture bhagavadgeeta is yaadgaar of Murli. BKs are the best followers of Gita in terms of celibacy, food purity, etc
Many teachings of Gita are applicable to BKWSU. The words bhagavanuvaach are common to both Murli and Gita.
Bhagavdgeeta says, forget body and all bodily relations and remember one God. Murli also speaks the same. BKs also have faith in one God.
Bhagavdgeeta mentions the word RajaYoga and BKs explain it properly. Both say to remember God continuously (nirantar Yaad) and sacrifice body consciousness.

BKs and Hindus believe that God himself incarnates for benefit of mankind. Other religions believe in prophets or different types.
BKs say soul is a point situated in forehead and Hindus put a dot at forehead.
Hindus worship deities and aim of BKs is deities.
HQ of BKWSU is in India which is also called as Hindustan.
National language of India is Hindi and BK’s Murli is also in Hindi(90%)
Common words in Murli and Hinduism: Rama, Ravan, Shiva, Krishna, Shrimat, Trimurti, arjun, Brahmin, Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar, viratroop, beejroop, yajna, rudra, geetapathashala, day of Brahma, night of Brahma, and much more. Also kansa, jarasandha, duryodhan, dushasan, shishupal, etc.

The highest knowledge of BKWSU is called as Murli, the term which is famous in Bhagavta, a Hindu scripture.
Shivarpanam, Krishnaarpanam and Srimat & Brahma’s math (directions) are the famous words in Hinduism. For BKs, these are the highest guides and goals.
The photo of deities, Shivling used in BKWSU match to a large extent with that of Hindus.
BKWSU believes Hindu religion is degraded version of Deitism.
BKWSU believes Hindu scriptures and festivals are yaadgaar of Sangamyugi BKs. They also celebrate some of the Hindu festivals.
Hindus had given warm welcome to other religions. But fight themselves. BKs give warm welcome to agyaanis (newcomers). But there is conflit of sanskars in members of BKWSU.

Nobody knows beginning of Hindu religion. There is confusion in exact Date of Birth of Lekhraj Kirpalani, when Shiva entered in him, Prajapati, Prajapita, etc
Hindus wander here and there. They easily get converted to different religion. Hindus do not follow their own scriptures properly. BKs become PBKs, ex BKs, and some become BKs again. [aascharyavanti, sunanti, kathanti, bhaaganti]. Many BKs do not follow Murlis properly.
Even though there is great essence Hindu scriptures many Hindus have not understood it properly. Similarly most of the BKs do not know the depth of Murlis.
Hindus have different scriptures. BKWSU has classes from different Dadis, Didis, SML, etc (fun)
There is confusion and contradicting statements in Hindu scriptures as well as in Murlis.
One who wished to lead a religious life only enjoyed Gita, epics and other Hindu scriptures. Similarly those who wish to sacrifice vices only can enjoy Murlis.
Hindus and BKs offer naivedya(Bhog) to their God.
Hindus fear to human gurus more than invisible God or status of deities. Many BKs get influenced by alowkik human gurus(BK administration) to considerable extent.
Whatever confusion or injustice may be present in Hinduism, most of the Hindus do not protest strongly. Similarly most of the BKs do not protest much against their superiors. They just move on.
Bhagavadgeeta is interpreted in many ways by many people. Murlis are interpreted in different ways by BKs, PBKs and ex BKs.
Majority of BKs are Hindus.
Hindus love and defame God maximum. Similarly BKs love Baba and defame Baba maximum (including at least some of the ex-Bks and PBKs).

Another thing I feel is, threat to BKs is will be maximum from Hinduism. This was seen in the beginning of yayga and in the end also it may occur when BKs openly say that Gita Sermonizer is not Krishna but Shiva. Those who attack will become devotees, because they will have to repent later. Hence Hindus are devotees of deities.
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

You have headed 'off topic'. Is Brahma Kumarism Hinduism? Yes or no?
mbbhat wrote:Both believe in Karma philosophy to the highest possible extent.

BKs are the best followers of Gita in terms of celibacy, food purity, etc.

Highest ... Best ... how do you measure that? Surely many Vaishnavites follow the same rules and how can you measure "highest faith". Not all BK follow celibacy, not all BKs observe food rules which most Hindu Brahmins would not break ...

Also, can you explain the difference between the BK belief of Karma and the Hindu belief of Karma? There is a topic on Karma, here but no one has been able to answer the technical details of how it works. My understanding is that the BK use of Karma philosophy is quite different from the Hindu and certainly Buddhist understanding (from which it came).



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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:You have headed 'off topic'. Is Brahma Kumarism Hinduism? Yes or no?

I agree that Brahmakumarism is not Hinduism.

Since the points are related to the same matter, I posted here itself. Even in my thread, "Do BKs treat agyaanis as shudras, I had accused you that you were off topic. But later I felt that you were not wrong, since there were common points. I had also mentioned that you might have written in hurry. So, if possible, please excuse me".

Thank You for guiding me to the Karma thread. I had a thought of posting a thread, "Karma Philosophy made simple". This may help me to make me better.

Thank You once again.


Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:Brahma Kumarism believes the Kalpa is 5,000 years long, Hinduism thinks it is 4.32 billion years

Hinduism shows some realistic viewpoint, according to science.

ex-l wrote: Brahma Kumarism believes there are only 3 worlds, Hinduism believe in many or unlimited worlds

Need some clarification. Which are the 3 worlds?
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

mbbhat wrote:I agree that Brahmakumarism is not Hinduism.

And you are right.

Why then does it tell the Charity Commission that it was set up "to promote Hinduism" and why in eligious leaders in Birmingham

And why when religious leaders in Birmingham, England met with the Prince of Wales in an event organized by the government-backed TimeBank charity, was Dadi Janki presented as a "Hindu representative"?

Please, if you are going to go into Karma, spare us the pages of waffle and get to the point. Explain how and through which medium karma returns, its limitations and the difference of BKist adopted from the Hindu or Buddhist. You do realise that they are different, don't you?



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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:1) Why then does it tell the Charity Commission that it was set up "to promote Hinduism" and why in eligious leaders in Birmingham ... Dadi Janki presented as a "Hindu representative"?

1) Are you sure that BKWSU had itself declared that Janki as Hindu representative or the authorities have written like that?
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Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

Post30 Aug 2008

Sure, yes, it is documented on the forum. Prajapati ... yes, there are copies of published documents over a period of approximately 10 years including the original hand-painted picture of The Tree?

Have you seen it?

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