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Please Help me....

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015
by Deepa
Om Shanti,
I am Deepa. I am an Engineering Graduate. Till now I am not got any job. While going to Interview I am very confident but after I sit in front of interviewer I become fully blank. Please help me for this solution. Always bad thoughts will come in mind. Please help me....

Re: Good quotes

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015
by aham brahmashmi
when i had not job my aunt told watch tv program of brahmakumaris so you can get job.but it is not help me.than i start to overcome my weakness .and i get job.
Deepa you should go for personality development .it is very helpful to me to get job. i m also engineer .i have got my job after 3 year completion of my graduation . ... kills.html

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015
by Pink Panther
You need to broaden your life experience. A job interview is a life interview. Remember that when they are seeing if you are the right person for the job, you are also seeing if they are the right kind of employer for you.

It becomes no different to making a deal at the market. Is what you are selling (your skills, time and effort) what they want? Are they offering the right price ? Why did the last person leave?

If you are aware of that, you are an equal in the negotiation, not at their mercy any more than they are at yours.

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015
by ex-l
My grandmother once shared her technique for dealing with difficult, troublesome, frightening authority figures. She used to imagine them naked and then look them up and down from head to foot ending up at their eyes. Not the advice the BKs would give ... but it worked for her. You need to find you own.

Please allow me to say this ...

You were attracted to the Brahma Kumaris to ask for assistance with personal problems, probably via BK Shivani's TV programme.

The BKs really don't give that kind of help.

The Brahma Kumaris are end End of the World cult who want to exploit your fears, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and insecurities to hook you in and then brainwash you; to exploit you financially, to take your labour for free and even turn you into a servant of the cult.

We do not.

I am guessing you have other confidence or even familial problems and that this problem is just what counsellors call the immediate or "presenting problem" ... the initial symptom motivating a patient to consult a counsellor. We all do, so I am not being personal here.

Again, those are the kinds of issues the BKs prey on, keeping you coming back for course after course, and going further into their cult beliefs, to "slow cook" you into becoming one of them.

You need to find non-cult support and advice, e.g a careers guidance teacher, or if you have other problems, a wise counsellor who has no other motives.

We can tell you what the BKs really believe. I suspect you really don't want to know at this time in your life.

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2015
by because.parmeshwar
Deepa, I think you are new to BKs.

I can tell you the sure shot trick to gain confidence. It worked for me

Just go and ask BK teacher at your place, "how the money of those is acceptable to you where you clearly refuse to eat any thing because they are impure shudras"? If their food is impure, is not their money impure for you?

Watch them going speechless.

The confidence will give you energy to face any hell interview. I guarantee you.

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2015
by warrior
Are you in India Deepa?

I know someone who may help in India.

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2015
by AntiBrahmakumaris
Are you in India Deepa? I know someone who may help in India.

Warrior is going to flirt via PM.

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2015
by warrior
;) hahaha

Re: Please Help me....

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2015
by khemkaran
I am Deepa. I am an Engineering Graduate. Till now I am not got any job. While going to Interview I am very confident but after I sit in front of interviewer I become fully blank. Please help me for this solution. Always bad thoughts will come in mind. Please help me....

Deepa, your problem is physically not mentally, You not have coordination in Your mind and heart. Your concentration power is weak. If you do Pranayam or any breathing expercise regular, definately you will get profit.