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Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount Abu

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2015
by Free Speech
Today's Times of India newspaper describes in an article about comments from renowned people that every two minutes, there's a mistake in this movie. Well, who cares?

I am new user to this site but I have read several articles posted here. I want to know few things about BKWSU. As it is not related to the topic, so I would request Admin to make it as a separate page or thread.

What are various groups operating under BKWSU, their different names & the groups that run on same parallel BK philosophy with slight changes?

I know this person - John (name changed) who is a BK, a pakka one, for about 7 years, very dedicated to BKWSU & thus, completely brainwashed. I referred this site to him to know real things that are generally kept hidden from followers. He read a few posts & asked his center-in-charge about this website.

She told her that this site is run by Shankar Party or Shiv Shakti Party members. Is that true?

Second thing she told him that all the things mentioned here are fake & just written to abuse BKWSU & malign its image. And added that the facts the users talk about here were/are fabricated & individual experiences holds no proof too, which anyone can write, even she could write such things about anyone if she had wrong intentions. I do not know how to make him realize that there is no smoke without fire.

Another issue is that he went to Mt. Abu with BK Sisters (no one from his own family accompanied him) before few months & there, he was abused (which he did not discuss in detail but his expression suggested that it was something serious) by senior BK Brothers but somehow saved himself from extreme violence. He informed the same to BK Didis who took him there.

Their reply was, "This place is purest place on Earth. Here, God comes. So, many evil spirits also wanders here due to the peace & silence in whole environment. These evil spirit may possess anyone & commit murder, theft, rapes or other sins to fulfill their needs. So, beware & be alert." The problem is not this reply but the utter nonsense of John to believe it without thinking twice. I don't know how to make him understand the reality.

Also being a pakka BK, he has started giving 7 Days Course to newcomers now. He is not a teacher & lives with his family. He is also not a formal member of BKWSU. Is this allowed in BKWSU? And what are conditions to become formally enlisted in BKWSU as a teacher?

I think it is done to just the share the overload of blabbering done by center's teachers & also to instill confidence in him for themselves. The respect he gains from newcomers & a sense of superiority there, is definitely not available at other place, even conditionally. So, do you think that he would be safe in BKWSU if he remains like a dedicated members? [I already know how they suck money & only want money, property & human resource, respect, fan following to boost their ego, so please suggest things beyond that].

Thank you

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2015
by ex-l
Free Speech wrote:Today's Times of India newspaper describes in an article about comments from renowned people that every two minutes, there's a mistake in this movie. Well, who cares?

I am new user to this site ... [is] this site is run by Shankar Party or Shiv Shakti Party members?

Absolutely not.

Initially we invited all parties to discuss issues and some PBKs (Shankar Party) posted here but, unfortunately there was so much conflict, BK supporters attacking the PBKs, that we had to ask them to leave and have their own forum.

The BKWSU leadership knows who runs this site. We are all ex-BKs, and the friends and family of BKs/ex-BKs.

The BKs, like Scientology, spend vast amounts of their income and efforts on publicity and PR. They have shown a willing to engage in campaigns of knowing misinformation, and the exploitation of uninformed juniors and middle management.

We have a *very* high factual accuracy level and the BKs know it, and yet we only scrape the surface as far as all the abuses. And the BK leaders know that too.

You need to start by understanding what the BKs mean by "truth". They mean, "inline with our most recent beliefs and publicity". False means, "not inline with our most recent beliefs and publicity". It keeps changing. Junior and middle management BKs are deeply and deliberately misinformed about their cult's history.

I have read the article you refer to. It ls here. I also watch the interview with the author of the book. The New York Times employed 7 fact checkers and went through huge amount of data. I suspect it is highly accurate.
He went to Mt. Abu ... & there, he was abused (which he did not discuss in detail but his expression suggested that it was something serious) by senior BK Brothers but somehow saved himself from extreme violence. He informed the same to BK Didis who took him there. Their reply was, "This place is purest place on Earth. Here, God comes. So, many evil spirits also wanders here due to the peace & silence in whole environment. These evil spirit may possess anyone & commit murder, theft, rapes or other sins to fulfill their needs.

That is incredible!!! Blaming evil spirits for abuses carried out by BKs!!!

Recently, we had a case of male rape at Abu. In the past there was child sex abuse, suicide, financial abuses. I know the "security wing" walk about with lathis but have not heard of beatings before.

Please get more details so we can document it.
... he has started giving 7 Days Course to newcomers now. He is not a teacher & lives with his family. He is also not a formal member of BKWSU. Is this allowed in BKWSU? And what are conditions to become formally enlisted in BKWSU as a teacher?

Is that at centres or at home? Usually they ask someone follows 100% for at least 6 months but there are basically no conditions, except willingness and enthusiasm.
I think it is done to just the share the overload of blabbering done by center's teachers & also to instill confidence in him for themselves.

You hit the nail on the head. Teaching courses is a burden center-in-charges are happy to offload. It's often hard for them to find someone to do them.
... do you think that he would be safe in BKWSU if he remains like a dedicated members?

No. He will end up brainless, insecure and exploited. There is basically no future for a junior male in the BKs except as an unpaid "worker drone". They will separate him from his family, refuse him a family of his own, and fill his head with 'End of the World' nonsense which will destroy his life.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2015
by Free Speech
Absolutely not.

Actually, this person I am talking about does not understand what is meant by 'ex-BK' though I have continuously tried to make it clear to him. He says that those who leave BKWSU are either not interested in BKism or have other worldly priorities to fulfill. According to him, there is no such section which has received any suffering because of Baba & suffering are because they left Baba.

One day, he told me (after I told about several crimes that happened in BKWSU & available on different sites) that earlier people made very heinous allegations on Baba or Mrs. Dadi or Mr. Lekhraj because they all were/are anti-peace anti-God but after some years from now, the whole truth will get revealed & everyone will understand it then. Cases reported in newspapers, according to him, are all manipulated ones as media gets more readers through such things like defaming a well-known personality.
Recently, we had a case of male rape at Abu. In the past there was child sex abuse, suicide, financial abuses. I know the "security wing" walk about with lathis but have not heard of beatings before.

Told him all these cases too. But he said that all these things haven't occurred (like those for which factual proof doesn't exist but people just describe their sufferings due to BKWSU through experience) & those which are there (i.e., with facts/proofs) indicate that these BKs are not following teachings fully. Baba never supports such things. According to him, vices & virtues, both are present in Brahmakumaris & followers. So, anything can influence their activities, thus, their crime is not a big surprise.
Please get more details so we can document it.

I'll try to ask him more about it but it's at his discretion to tell whenever he feels comfortable. I cannot actually force him to tell every bad thing he faced in Mt. Abu HQ. I wonder he might have been told to forget it or give his worry to Baba & stay calm. When I ask something about BKWSU or his stay at Mt. Abu, he tries (always) to change the topic. And I also don't insist as he becomes very impatient while discussing BKism with me.
Is that at centres or at home? Usually they ask someone follows 100% for at least 6 months but there are basically no conditions, except willingness and enthusiasm.

No, he gives 7 Days Course at local center only. Yes, he is extremely enthusiastic about this whole thing especially after he moved to live with Brahmakumaris for few days (nothing suspicious, he is a pakka Brahmachari, has only watched "Fifty Shades of Grey" & similar type of movies recently). He had been listening to Murli lectures regularly for last 6-7 years except on few occasions when some other urgent work was to be serviced. He has organised few BK events too.
There is basically no future for a junior male in the BKs except as an unpaid "worker drone".

But, what if he leaves everything & joins BKWSU permanently?

I think these teachers, as they call themselves, get good amount from HQ. Money inflow is not a problem there, is it? Even their theory freely enables them to take money or property of others without even slightest guilt. They consider it as service to God. So, even though the mode or method is wrong yet there is great comfort.

Compare it with other sectors where boss bullies his employees regularly, just for a small salary. The problem in BKWSU might be just on ethical level, that he will have to play dominant towards submissive BKs in future, otherwise I don't think if person loses all moral instincts through the BK's theory gradually, there would be any problem for his survival in BKWSU.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2015
by ex-l
It's 'relative' rare for the BKs to want or accept a "surrendered Brother" as any "surrendered" individual *costs* them.

They prefer followers to *pay* them.

As you know, the market branding requires women teachers and they prefer submissive females. During the "Honeymoon" or intoxicated phase, individuals are "in love" and dream of surrendering full-time ... but the BKs generally steer them where they want them; working, bringing in money, financially support a centre/female teacher.

How long has he been a BK?

It's amazing ... he's already totally brainwashed by brainwashed individuals. He is repeating all the usual stuff. They must pump followers full of it to defend against the moment doubts arise. It depresses me when they reject and deny the truth irrationally. But arguing with them over such stuff is like trying to argue with a drug user who is high.

center-in-charges generally have to secure their own income either from their own/family's pocket or followers. Generally centres have to support the HQ, not the other way around.

Although a very few center-in-charges have lined their own pockets, generally surrendered BKs get very little, just survival level. And for that, they are on call and working 24/7/365.

If he has enough money and property, the BKs might accept him and take it all ... but, again, they prefer their males out working.

They sicken me, the BKs. They believe they are building an Age of Truth, but they are building it on a foundation of absolute lies. They believe they are humble but, really, they are so proud, conceited and manipulative.

All of the claims of the early accusations are highly exaggerated. A "persecution" myth. Actually, we have original copies of 1930s/40s accusations ... you can read them. They are perfectly reasonable and well mannered and from very well educated individuals.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2015
by Free Speech
It's 'relative' rare for the BKs to want or accept a "surrendered Brother" as any "surrendered" individual *costs* them.

I did not get this as I think fully surrendered ones can devote their whole energy & time in promoting the org. & bring in more money. They are still expanding the business across different countries, so HR is one of their important requirement.
How long has he been a BK?

He joined BK centers in mid of 2008. And since then, he is attached to them. I consider it my fault too as I was not knowing about real face of BKWSU & told him to follow the organisation with full sincerity. Generally, we say that do anything you wish but with complete focus - that's what i reminded him occasionally which must have pushed him more towards BKWSU. Later, when i came to know about the past of BKWSU & their business done in the name of religion, I felt sorry for him.
All of the claims of the early accusations are highly exaggerated.

Their theory of Destruction followed by transformation which is itself followed by Satyug in 2036 is highly mythical but what if post-2036 era comes out to be similar to pre-2036 era? Well, this person believes that there is something likely to happen in 2036.
All of the claims of the early accusations are highly exaggerated. A "persecution" myth. Actually, we have original copies of 1930s/40s accusations ... you can read them. They are perfectly reasonable and well mannered and from very well educated individuals.

But, they are of no use for making a pakka BK realize his mistake. I already gave him some documents available here but he considers them as fake. I think these are of good use for those who have recently joined BKWSU & know least about it from their centers.

One more question: How much a follower, who is also earning, required to pay currently in BKWSU? Recently, I was discussing this with him to which he angrily replied, "No one is forced to give money. One who wishes can donate but it's not mandatory. People give money in Yagya happily. And the money collected is spend in serving followers only. For example, thousands of people are served food & accommodation daily at Mt. Abu. I have also been there. Also, there is no partiality between rich & poors. People from different sections of society dine together."

Now, I try not ask him anything related to BKWSU as he is always ready with all already known answers. I think you must have gone through various experiences of different BKs & ex-BKs. So, can you predict where a naive educated male BK following Bkism faithfully would land up in future, say, after 25 years? You may ask the parameters which I might not have mentioned yet, for predicting such thing.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2015
by Pink Panther
Free Speech wrote:"No one is forced to give money. One who wishes can donate but its not mandatory. People give money in Yagya happily".

This argument is used by many dodgy ”charitable organisations” and technically it is true. Ethically, however, it is fraud.

In some countries now there are web sites where people can go and see how effective a charity is in using the money donated for the stated purpose - how much is used of administration and logistics and how much actually reaches the intended recipient.
The money collected is spent in serving followers only. For example, thousands of people are served food & accommodation daily at Mt. Abu.

When people go to Abu they are expected to donate to cover the cost of their own stay. Fair enough. But that means the ”money collected” you mention is some other money. What about the extra donations that go on all the time? They go to sustain the administration and administrators.

If this was a charity that was meant to shelter the homeless, it would be like getting the homeless to donate their money to pay for their own shelter and extra to pay for the shelter of those who run the charity!! Any charity that has more than 90% of the money going into sustaining the organisation would be ranked at the bottom of any ”effective charity” list. Look, here, to see what percentage the UK arm of the PBKIVV is used for its stated purpose.
from Forbes magazine article on good and bad charities:

"... for each charity we do calculate a trio of financial efficiency measures that provide some insights. To determine the 20 least efficient, we add two of the measures, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Charitable commitment: This is the percent of total expenses spent in direct furtherance of the charitable mission, as opposed to certain overhead or fundraising. The average for the entire list is 86%.

Fundraising efficiency: This is the fraction of contributions received after subtracting the cost of getting them. The average for our list is 90%. We counsel caution in contributing to any charity whose fundraising efficiency is less than 70%.

The BKs use 100% of funds raised to either generate more funds or to run its organisation.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2015
by Mr Green
This site is run by the wombles with assistance from Austin Powers

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2015
by ex-l
Free Speech wrote:I did not get this as I think fully surrendered ones can devote their whole energy & time in promoting the org. & bring in more money. They are still expanding the business across different countries, so HR is one of their important requirement.

A BK did some research of other BKs and came up with ...
It is significant to find from the study that majority of the disciples/students of the Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya were initiated to the spiritual training by their relatives (27.39%) and friends (31.21%). It is equally significant to find that self decision prompted them to join the spiritual training in case of substantial number of disciples (24.84%). However the initiation into the spiritual training of the Vishwa Vidyalaya through the Brahma Kumaris was very much limited (6.37%).

The "return on investment" of a surrendered BK is poor, unless they have special skills the BKs need. Opportunities for males are less.

Yes, it sounds like he is fully indoctrinated and indoctrinating others. The only good thing is, at least it will keep India's population down and help in the male-female balance ... !?!
Their theory of Destruction followed by transformation which is itself followed by Satyug in 2036 is highly mythical but what if post-2036 era comes out to be similar to pre-2036 era? Well, this person believes that there is something likely to happen in 2036.

That's the way they catch them ... it always 'just around the corner'. The problem with "2036" is, that is meant to be the crowning of Krishna (Lekhraj Kirpalani) into Narayan and the start of Sat Yug proper ... so *everything* must have happened and be ready ... Destruction, Creation, birth of Krishna, his maturity, building all the palaces and high technology etc. In short, it is impossible but such predictions have failed before and will fail again ... but strangely it does not concern them, morally or theologically.
I already gave him some documents available here but he considers them as fake.

This upsets me as individuals put a lot of effort and expense into find hidden documents. None are fake and the leaders know it ... but this is the way followers defend their blind faith.

How can you make an Age of Truth out of individuals who cannot recognise truth?

It is likely his career will suffer, because he is busy in BK publicity, and so his income. He will neglect his future security, as he does not believe there is a future (old age). The BKs will guarantee nothing, no pension, no healthcare etc. I doubt their finances can support all their old people. Likely he will end up back with his family empty at some point having wasted many years.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2015
by Free Speech
I agree, Pink Panther. Most followers of different organisation donate to promote & support its functioning so that many more can avail the same what they have got. And that's why I don't see BKWSU as an exception regarding donation issue. But use & misuse of donation is something that donors need to understand themselves.

In my opinion, the pension or healthcare cover in old age that ex-l has mentioned is still not necessary as most private organisations, here, do not have any such facility for their workers, rather worker need to plan it for themselves. But I agree that at least monthly payment should be given to them for their work (as they call it a University) which they may save for future in case they are expelled from BKWSU permanently. Also, one who is joining BKWSU as a teacher should be ready for such conditions, one cannot blame it on God as we all know that there is no existence of God there (where there is God, there is no crime & where there is crime, there is no God - that is enough to prove it) & only superficial belief exists. Several org. are running with similar beliefs.
ex-l wrote:It is likely his career will suffer, because he is busy in BK publicity, and so his income. He will neglect his future security, as he does not believe there is a future (old age). The BKs will guarantee nothing, no pension, no healthcare etc. I doubt their finances can support all their old people. Likely, he will end up back with his family empty at some point having wasted many years.

That is exactly what I was thinking. After reading some cases related to imbalance created within families due to BKWSU, I shared them with him. His response is, "These are again some random allegations. I have met couples who have been in BKWSU for 20-25 years & still doing good. Problem occurs only when students do not understand knowledge fully and do not churn what they listen here. Worldly people are never going to get this, so they sometime hate to see their family members involved in it. My center-in-charge says that first help your family & then come to us. She specifically told me to take care of my parents & consider them to be my top most priority."

I don't know from where are these moralistic teaching coming from BKs but I feel they are trying to persuade him in order to create only good image about BKWSU or may be to recruit his family members too. Whatever, I can now see his rude attitude towards victims (ex-BKs) which implies he is already deep into this faith & going to be like many other hard core believers. Simply, he is not able to see BKs on wrong side as he is promoting the same thing & selling it to others.

Thank you everyone for responding & giving time. If i get to know something related to this person or BKWSU, I will post it.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2015
by ex-l
Free Speech wrote:In my opinion, the pension or healthcare cover in old age that ex-l has mentioned is still not necessary as most private organisations, here, do not have any such facility for their workers, rather worker need to plan it for themselves.

But the problem with the BKs is they have for decades induced state of mind in adherents in which there is no future ... the world was going to end in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 (and to some extent but unofficially 2012) and so planning for the future was futile waste of time and money. Hence BKs discarded education, careers, buying property, pension & healthcare ... and having family which for most Indians *is* the normal form of "pension" or care of elders.

Further more, they are induced into a deluded stated of mind where they are told handing over money and property to financially support their leaders earns them palaces of gold and diamonds and a high status in heaven!

I could counter the few examples he offers and offer documentation of the many forms of BK money raking ... but it is well documented elsewhere.

If the BKs were just honest and said theirs was a "mutual aid society" or a "co-prosperty scheme", then no one could complain (except it is not "mutual", it is the few - who have mostly never held down real jobs - exploiting the many).

What is offensive is the lies and deceit, as in the case of their influential UK branch which they claim was set up to promote Hinduism and "alleviate poverty" ... presumably their own poverty not others!

Their contortionistic word play is too much. In India, for a long time they avoided account for their income claiming they were just a "family".

I have never read of just how much income or assets they have.

Can you find out?

BKism is ultimately a Ponzi Scheme, a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return to investors.

Ponzi schemes generates returns for older investors (adherents) by acquiring new investors (adherents). Such scams actually yields promised returns to earlier investors (Sindhi Om Mandli followers who live in their little heaven on earth empire in Abu, London, New York, Sydney etc), as long as there are more new investors (adherents) coming in ... hence the emphasise on recruitment (e.g. each surrendered BK requires, say, 20 financial supporters to pay their living costs).

These pyramid style schemes usually collapse when the new investment stop. There are numerical limitations to them.

Free Speech wrote:In my opinion, the pension or healthcare cover in old age that ex-l has mentioned is still not necessary as most private organisations, here, do not have any such facility for their workers, rather worker need to plan it for themselves.

But the problem with the BKs is they have for decades induced state of mind in adherents in which there is no future ... the world was going to end in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 (and to some extent but unofficially 2012) and so planning for the future was futile waste of time and money. Hence BKs discarded education, careers, buying property, pension & healthcare ... and having family which for most Indians *is* the normal form of "pension" or care of elders.

Further more, they are induced into a deluded stated of mind where they are told handing over money and property to financially support their leaders earns them palaces of gold and diamonds and a high status in heaven!

I could counter the few examples he offers and offer documentation of the many forms of BK money raking ... but it is well documented elsewhere.

If the BKs were just honest and said theirs was a "mutual aid society" or a "co-prosperty scheme", then no one could complain (except it is not "mutual", it is the few - who have mostly never held down real jobs - exploiting the many).

What is offensive is the lies and deceit, as in the case of their influential UK branch which they claim was set up to promote Hinduism and "alleviate poverty" ... presumably their own poverty not others!

Their contortionistic word play is too much. In India, for a long time they avoided account for their income claiming they were just a "family".

I have never read of just how much income or assets they have.

Can you find out?

BKism is ultimately a Ponzi Scheme, a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return to investors.

Ponzi schemes generates returns for older investors (adherents) by acquiring new investors (adherents). Such scams actually yields promised returns to earlier investors (Sindhi Om Mandli followers who live in their little heaven on earth empire in Abu, London, New York, Sydney etc), as long as there are more new investors (adherents) coming in ... hence the emphasise on recruitment (e.g. each surrendered BK requires, say, 20 financial supporters to pay their living costs). These pyramids schemes usually collapse on themselves when the new investments stop.

Eventually there won't be enough money to go around, especially as the number of elderly increase ... what happens then to all the young girls who have had their lives stolen from them?

The only 'getout clause' the BKs have to save their faces is death ... or Destruction.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2015
by ex-l
I'll tell you how corrupt a joke it was in the West ... as they preached the End of the World in 1976, they were investing donations in long term property mortgages.

At the same time discouraging adherents from doing so.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2015
by Free Speech
But the problem with the BKs is they have for decades induced state of mind in adherents in which there is no future ... the world was going to end in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 (and to some extent but unofficially 2012) and so planning for the future was futile waste of time and money. Hence BKs discarded education, careers, buying property, pension & healthcare ... and having family which for most Indians *is* the normal form of "pension" or care of elders.

It's sad that they misguide their own followers. But it is past & should be forgotten, as if one thinks that they are going to be compensated ever, then that will remain as an ever unfulfilled dream. So, better move on & accept life as it is without pulling past & destroying the present. Now it does not mean that I am asking to shut the awareness campaign that this site has always been about. But for victims, the best solution in my views is that they should seek other available options instead of wasting their energy on doing anything related to BKWSU as its attitude towards anyone is not going to change EVER.

I think all these problem erupted because gullible followers just followed everything as instructions from God & did what generally superstitions like this teach. Their mistake is that they believed channeled spirit to be God without even checking whether that is ghost or just staged-acting.

Read this claim they usually make: "Dadi do not remembers anything she speaks while she is in trance channelizing their God" (which is probably ghost or nothing). Now, this is exactly opposite to any existing theory about God. It is said person becomes full of knowledge by witnessing God or realization or awakening or whatever name they use. And here in BKWSU, it is completely opposite. First thing that their God do is that he takes whole memory of their Dadi & make her loose all senses (except speaking and hearing power, another clew that it is fake). Now, that is one silliest joke.

Like ex-l you always ask that how an age of truth could be made on the foundation of lies. I would ask, "How anything can be achieved permanently on the foundation of unproven beliefs?" BKWSU is nothing but a big chunk of belief & believers similar as that in many other organisations.
Can you find out?

I am neither part of BKWSU nor any of its funding associates. These details can be given only by top authorities or their accountants otherwise why would they handover such crucial information to any random person.

These Ponzi schemes are playing havoc with many people. I have seen my friends destroying their career due to a few similar ponzi scheme which were more commercial than religious.
... hence the emphasize on recruitment (e.g. each surrendered BK requires, say, 20 financial supporters to pay their living costs).

The only 'getout clause' the BKs have to save their faces is death ... or Destruction.

Well, that is really very conclusive to the real state of BKWSU's functioning. I think John can be in real trouble if he does not realize truth in time. I cannot still imagine how people are getting fooled in this age of science & technology. But one should understand that he himself is sole responsible for his fate. If one jumps into an ocean, how can he be sure of his survival? BKs saying that Baba will bring you a lifeboat is an utter non sense & should be discarded.

People like the atmosphere of BKWSU centers, the ambiance & feeling to belong to a group, meeting people who have similar faith & are quite vocal about it. It's more like externalizing things that people generally avoid in front of others or at other places. That sense dominates their overall personality as I found in many BKs I met. Though they are 'nothing', yet they consider themselves 'something' when they are at centers and 'everything' when they are out of it.

This person John is an engineer but he believes whole BK's illogical theory. If such an educated person is fooled by BKWSU just by playing with his faith, then what can be said about illiterate or other superstitious people? I find BKWSU like an entertainment industry which entertains you, takes your money indirectly & ruins your time except the constructive part that both may impart. BKWSU is running because people like it though it can be harmful for everyone. Just like a drug. In this age, don't expect for justice from others, better place right moves so that you never fall in such state. I will keep on convincing John about the mistake he has done, though it does not seem to fructify any good outcome.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2015
by Save Innocents
Hi there,

Same thing happened with my friend too. Don't worry, Free Speech. It has now become a common thing in BKWSU. I decided not to post anything in support or against BKWSU. Co-incidently, your case looks quite familiar to me.

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2015
by ex-l
Free Speech wrote:I am neither part of BKWSU nor any of its funding associates. These details can be given only by top authorities or their accountants otherwise why would they handover such crucial information to any random person?

Why? Openness and accountability. If they are a charity/trust they may have to by law.

Can you ask?

If they are "God's instruments" ... why would God have to hide his accounts? Surely only a devil would?

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2015
by Free Speech
Why? Openness and accountability. If they are a charity/trust they may have to by law.

As far as I know, there is no openness or accountability within BKWSU. Their financial details could be available through regulatory authority to which they are sort of answerable.
Can you ask?

Please let me make it clear. No one can just run to an organisation to seek their financial information like transactions, expenditure, savings, etc etc. Every organisation has its own privacy clauses & they would disclose such crucial information to authorities that too on basis of a legal notice or for statistical assessment. It is clear & same as if some random person asks about your account details, savings, transactions, etc, would you agree to tell everything just like that. No. Same with BKWSU too.
If they are "God's instruments" ... why would God have to hide his accounts? Surely only a devil would?

At least I & everyone here knows that there is no such divinity associated to BKWSU. So, expecting decency from them would be of no use. I am not able to get this, ex-l. On one hand, you are exposing all crimes related to BKWSU which shows that you know it very well that it is not a fair org. & just fooling followers while on other hand, you demand something that they are never going to do.

I can declare myself God or even you can do so (though i would never do that for God sake). You or I may not be having followers while BKWSU has a lot. But that follower-count does not prove the truth or existence of God. It is often said that sinners have bigger following these days.
I would like you to conclude the discussion suitably. If i get any information, i will post it here.