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Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2015
by Harleymachine
I am just curious about what people think about "detachment" it seems to be encouraged alot in the BK world. Is it just a justification for the commitment phobic or is it a beneficial thing to learn? Thanks : )

Re: Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2015
by Mr Green
I think it's cold and silly.

Better to live and love.

Re: Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2015
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:Better to live and love.

Or let's say, live, love and learn for yourself.

It's just a way of the BKs separating you from all and any other social, intellectual and emotional influences except them and their leaders.

It only sort of works if you buy into their End of the World theory, and think it is worthy giving up everything to earn a high status in their heaven on earth.

It works by denying all of your natural needs, wants and feelings in order to heighten any experience or expression they might allow you ... like a kind of fasting.

Indians have weird and screwed up customs, superstitions and cultural values when it comes to stuff like sex, touching, affection, male-female relationships some of which are Victorian in natured. Women particular are repressed by patriarchal systems.

The BKs are just exporting that and not challenging it, they are just putting themselves at the top of it as the mediums of a patriarchal, dominant male.

The BKs actually know very little about life and even spirituality. They are marketing themselves as top knot Brahmin and so must put on an act of being religious in order to conform to their society's expectations.

Western BKs have then had to work out justifications and embellishments for that borrowing from other religions like Buddhism.

There are also strong veins of narcissism and psychopathology within BKism and amongst its leaders, e.g. women willing to leave there own children, women willing to cover up child sex abuse for sake of their own reputation, leaders willing to hide serious accidents where children lost limbs from their parents, a founder who ditched the mother of his children to married a teenage girl as his "spiritual" wife and future Empresss ... and they are ruthless when it comes to splitting apart families if their is money in it for them.

They want you to be unfeeling towards others in order ti capitalise on your time, money and energy, e.g. they are anti normal charity.

Ask them what they think and do for all the starving children in India.

Re: Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2015
by enlightened
It's so BK management can get control over you and your life and use you like a puppet!!

Detachment taught by the Brahma Kumaris is the most unhealthiest type of detachment! We are social beings and have been put on this planet to love, care, share, live, communicate, create, procreate, enjoy, laugh, cry, socialise and the list goes on and on!

BK detachment takes all these things away from you! You end up living in a kind of bubble and eventually reach a moment when you cannot even connect with your own feelings and emotions!

Surely that cannot be healthy at all!


Re: Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2015
by clearofBK
Detachment as a principle is not against caring or loving or communicating. It's not a BK concept as such. Detachment has been the core of teachings of many scriptures but if practiced incorrectly, can make you a dry person. ... etachment/

Re: Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2015
by because.parmeshwar
Enlightened wrote:BK detachment takes all these things away from you! You end up living in a kind of bubble and eventually reach a moment when you cannot even connect with your own feelings and emotions!

True and rightly said.

The term “detachment” is highly exploited by BKs. Especially by the centre in-charges and the Seniors. They discourage the simple loving and caring for our loved ones in the name of detachment.

BKs believes detachment as a sign of soul consciousness. I, personally, saw many incidences in which BKs insulting, disobeying, and shouting over their own parents and relatives, just to pretend in front of their leaders that they are soul conscious, near to Baba and away from dirty body and bodily relatives.

Though it is not a BK concept but CLEARLY it is exaggerated by BKs. The Murli often say that directly. “Deh Sahit Deh ke Sab Sambhando ko bhul kar mamekam yad karo” (Forget your bodily relatives including your own body and just remember me). This is core teachings which comes in Murli almost daily. And Centre-in-Charges cleverly (mis)use it for their own interest.

Re: Detachment, what do you think?

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2015
by ex-l
because.parmeshwar wrote:They discourage the simple loving and caring for our loved ones in the name of detachment.

BKs believes detachment as a sign of soul consciousness.

... And especially any other charitable or compassionate feelings for non-BKs. They were always against charity to others, e.g. victims, the poor etc, until it became a PR problem for them. Anything that might draw money and free labour away from their bank account.

You know, the attitudes of the real Gita and the non-BK Brahmanic callousness are not without their critics too, including BR Ambedkar, e.g. here & here. It preaches a kind of fundamentalism as far as caste, violence and war goes. It's like Muslim fundamentalism when it comes to killing, Krishna encourages Arjun to be detached from his moral feeling in order to kill his relatives. In it, war is justified on the basis that it is a mistake to think that body and soul are one. BKism makes much use of both this and the illusion and language of war and armies.

Yes, although Lekhraj Kirpalani was no great scholar of it, BKism contains a sort of concentrated element ... but can we really claim BKism teaches detachment from the consequences of one's actions when BKism is all about doing stuff - including cutting off from loved ones and family, even pets or good causes - for the sake of a greater promise consequence in their heaven on earth, soon to come?

I would say the BK teaching of detachment is the thin start of a thick wedge they want to drive between you and anyone or anything else but them (on behalf of their god spirit). It is about separating and cutting you off from any other influence, pleasure etc except from their world.

Even - or perhaps even especially - your body and its feelings. That is where it starts and ends, the ability to detach from your body ... "and all its relationships". Not 'your' relationships but 'its'. Like your mother and friends etc.