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How can we attain peace despite having negative environment

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2014
by riaa
hello. I am the person who gets angerd easily when anyone around me excite me for it. At home, usually anyone don't want that I remain calm .. in peaceful .. They always want a reason to empower my anger on me .. and, in the end, after conflict with one another .. my whole energy gets wasted that I want to focus on my study. I really want to do my study calmly .. with happiness. I always want my family to talk with me like friends. So that I can share every happening of the day with them .. but they don't want so .. I am watching Awakening with Brahma Kumaris at 2:30 to 3:00 pm. But they do not like me to watch it peacefully and always find an excuse to argue with me ... I really want to get good marks in my study as that I have done previously but because of these reasons. I cant focus on my inner energy. Plz help me.

Re: How can we attain peace despite having negative environm

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2014
by ex-l
Practising meditation might help you but you don't want to get involved with the Brahma Kumaris.

You have to realise that the Brahma Kumaris are an End of the World cult who want you to surrender your mind, body and wealth to them and throw away your life.

The leader of the Brahma Kumaris tell the followers that the purpose of Brahma Kumarism is to earn a high status in the Gold Age heaven on earth that will come in 2036 after a nuclear war which will kill off 7 billion human beings.

Somehow, they believe, this nuclear war will kill off everyone but Brahma Kumari followers and supporters.

Programmes like Awakening with Brahma Kumaris are just marketing devices designed to suck you in. They use just about any mental hook they think will work to do so borrowing ideas from Hinduism, other religions, even business philosophy ... it is all just marketing.

Your problems will only increase if you get involved with the BKs.

You have a choice if you want to get angry or not. You can start by watching your mind and emotions and becoming aware of the patterns that set you off. Then just choose not to, just walk away or side step them *before* they explode.

It sounds like you have simple, everyday family problems. You do not need to join an End of the World cult to try and escape them. The BKs will just slowly tell you to give up your life and surrender to them, give all your money and time to them.

What age are you? It sounds like you might just be experiencing hormones rising.

Find someone older and sensible in your family to speak to. Ask them to act on your behalf. Good luck. If you want to try a meditation, try a simple one without any gods or gurus like the Brahma Kumaris.

Why not study a martial art to learn how to control your anger, or beat the crap out of anyone that annoys you. Do that once, and they won't do it again. Learn how to assert yourself without losing your power.

Re: How can we attain peace despite having negative environm

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2014
by Mr Green
Anger is normally our own and is held inside us until we deal or process it. We blame and project it on others but it our own disquiet.

The answer is always to forgive yourself for everything and develop true love for yourself

Re: How can we attain peace despite having negative environm

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2014
by Save Innocents
Riaa, you are most vulnerable to Brahmakumaris. If you think Shivani is what she pretends on her show, then know that she is a fake id used by BKWSU. What Shivani speaks is ideal talk which none of BKs follow practically. It's more about blabbering than implementing.

And, for overall peace, follow the step that Mr. Green said. It is completely true. Forgive yourself first, it will take time to understand this but after understanding it, half of the problem will get solved. You get angry not just because of your faults only. Many people are responsible for it.

Main cause behind anger is that when a person does not get the desired reaction as per his expectation, he gets angry. Anger is definitely a weakness & you realize it. But your responsibility ends after understanding the extent of your involvement in it. Are you completely responsible for anger? Or just partially?

Second step for removing this weakness is stop expecting others to behave in the manner you desire. Why? Because even we do not behave according to everyone's expectation. So, understand that it is not possible for others too to follow your instructions & actions & finally fulfill your desire. Accept them the way they are. No one on this Earth is perfect.

Third step is to repent for all mistakes that you can see within, which are responsible for anger. Ask for forgiveness from God you pray & energy to never get angry ever. It will give you a nice feeling about yourself. Repent for those flaws by which other get hurt due to your anger. And decide never to get angry again.

All this will reduce anger gradually & you would feel control over your anger & then you can just delete it.