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Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2014
by Chaandneeben
Sixteen years ago I left BKs after going there for three or four years. They have not stopped watching me and harassing ever since. Everyday I hear bad language and I know where its coming from.

After kicking me out all those years ago they take away your good energy straight away and surround you with bad energy that makes you feel ill, nauseated, depressed, weepy and just horrible. Then starts the harassment of sending pains, giving ugly scary visions, watching constantly, causing accidents inside/outside home, breaking of glass and crockery, scratching skin till blood comes - all this and many more forms of abuse have been sent to me since I left them.

They caused me a major car accident where my new car was a complete write-off. I have fallen over so many times on footpath while walking, now I have stopped walking. Gardening always results in plenty thorn pricks. Taking a shower was like twenty people watching me and laughing at me, same while using the toilet. I was not allowed to work, or go out, or speak to friends, or go on holidays. I was also stopped from dressing up and taking care of myself.

And if that's not enough, he takes away your living energy and leaves you without any energy for three/four days. "He" is someone who claims to be doing it all and no power on earth can stop him from sending out abuse. For last three days, I been in bed lifeless, he has taken away my energy yet again and has done this twice before couple of years back.

There's plenty more types of abuse that have taken place which I shall write about.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2014
by ex-l
Chaandneeben wrote:After kicking me out all those years ago ...

Did the Brahma Kumaris force you to leave?

If so, why?

Please tell us about your history and experiences with them first. Not your recent problems.

Did you have such problems *before* you joined the Brahma Kumaris?
They have not stopped watching me

Whilst we may have to work out what is really going on, it is worth mentioning that this is what the Brahma Kumaris tell their adherents ... that the senior and deceased BKs, and their "angels" or god spirits, can magically and invisibly beam over to any BK center or follower and spy on whatever it is they are doing, see who is attending class or not.

No solid evidence of this has ever been present but some BKs will often tell each other and neophytes such stories in order to strengthen their faith or, arguably, coerce them. After a while, such individuals will believe they were being visited by their deceased Baba and/or other spirits.

Thank you

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2014
by Chaandneeben
BKs are all about subtle hints as you may be aware. Before leaving them, once I had a nasty fall down the stairs inside Global House and was in pain for some time; another hint was one Sister who, while reading Murli, had asked 'how can you show your face here?". Another hint was when I had driven to Global House to listen to Murli and ''did not feel like '' going in. All this took place way back in late 90s.

Since 2000 onwards harassment and abuse from them has not stopped even for one day, apparently by one Sindhi-speaking man who lives somewhere in London and watches 24/7. Anything one does one gets harassment, abuse, bad language via voices, sometime he pulls your hair, or he won't allow you to use toilet for a week, or will make you feel sick with fever, or cut finger while cooking. I mean anything one does one is open to abuse from him.

He can read what I can read, I am not allowed to think or I get abuse in the form of pain or a fall, or nauseated, or very sleepy with huge yawns. I hear bad language in my head. He won't stop buzzing my eardrum, or worse. I am still feeling not energetic, as last friday morning upon waking I had ''zero'' energy - he says he will only give energy to finish the task I am doing.

My family members are his victims too, and few months back he deliberately made my mother fall inside my home which resulted in a stroke. I can see this man in my mind's eye because he watches me 24/7.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2014
by ex-l
Who is this Sindhi man? Is he an active BK?

Tell us about your history and experiences with them first, your life before the Brahma Kumaris.

Did you have such problems before you joined them, or did they only start when you left?

How deeply were you involved with the BKs, and how and why did the BKs push you out?

Thank you

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014
by Pink Panther
I suggest Chaandneeben should see his or her local doctor and have a talk about all the symptoms and events.

It may be these different things have different causes, e.g. imbalance can be inner ear infection or neurological problem somewhere. Some other may be helped by referral to counselling or other service.

The important thing Chaandneeben is - do not think that the BKs have any power at all other than what you give them.

If you wish to be free of their influence do not seek solution from the same level of thinking that caused the problem.

Forget about lokik or alokik - just think practically.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014
by Chaandneeben
This ''evil'' sindhi-speaking man is remote-viewing 24/7, he has got his power from BK but of course. He has not left me alone for a single day or night since last sixteen years - I can only do his ''will'' or nothing! Get Real readers, once you have power it can easily be used negatively, how long does it take a man to become a devil? This one is. All he wants to do is torture, abuse, cause accidents, injuries, listens to every spoken, thought of word. Yesterday he pushed my head to the wall - why? I was 'thinking' - and he is the one putting thoughts to me. He wants one to sit at one place, not speak, not do anything, nothing. There are hundreds of other atrocities he has done - shocking and ugly.

Does Jayanti know? But of course. She knows of this man, and he knows a lot about her family life and relatives, he has told.

Over the years I have spent in nearly 10K in getting psychic protection from other cults. I been seeing doctors and psychiatrist for past ten years and also had counselling inc CBT for a year. This sadist feels happy when things go wrong - he been telling me so - he watches my soul and talks all day. By watching the soul he can see everything, even an ant in my home.

My life was normal before joining them, even had a free will and went anywhere without thinking twice. I used to go there off and on, not regularly, and was not too deep, and had at least 300 copies of Murlis which I enjoyed reading again and again at home, but when 'he' took over my life from 1998 onwards (or before) he made me return them all to Global House. He has given me several panic attacks which had completely grounded me.

Horrible they are panic attacks, just horrible.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014
by ex-l
What was Jayanti's response?

How did the BKs treat you?

If we are to help you, you need to help us with a more specific and detailed account, and the history of how you got into BKism, when it first started, how the BKs dealt with it etc.

Who is this individual and why did they start or choose to pick on you?

Thank you

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014
by Save Innocents
Hello Chaandneeben,

I read all your posts and reached a conclusion that you are completely under his control. Even your own mind is strictly controlling you. First thing you need to do is meet a good psychiatrist (a medical one not a simple counselor). He can help you to control anxiety & stress to large extent.

It is sad that you are under such circumstances for such a long duration but you now need to work to get out of this suffering. Understand one principle that no one in this Universe can control your soul, they may manipulate your mind. And, yes, they have done that successfully.
"They have not stopped watching me and harassing ever since. Everyday I hear bad language and I know where its coming from. After kicking me out all those years ago they take away your good energy straight away and surround you with bad energy that makes you feel ill, nauseated, depressed, weepy and just horrible. Then starts the harassment of sending pains, giving ugly scary visions, watching constantly, causing accidents inside/outside home, breaking of glass and crockery, scratching skin till blood comes - all this and many more forms of abuse have been sent to me since I left them. "

This all is a result of the virtual visualization that you did for years. Now it has taken its control over your mind. Surely you can come out of it. But don't blame them for what events are unfolding currently in your life. Most of the things that you have mentioned happens to us & many others in their normal life. It happens on its own. BKs have no involvement in causing these events. But, yes, they have impact on your interpretation of these events. As BK tell that they are superpowers or gods, so you believe that they have some ability to influence your circumstances. But the reality is as described by Pink Panther.

Just mix with family members, go out on a vacation or join some classes of music or dance or whatever suits you & take yourself out of the thought box that has encosed you. One more thing you can do is to start worshipping the Gods & Goddess of the religion you belong. Visit your religious place (temple, church, gurudwara, mosque, etc). It is very helpful in such situations. You mind & body will get relaxed & recharged.
"By watching the soul he can see everything, even an ant in my home."

Sister, this is not a possible thing. Soul cannot be seen or observed. If BKs have claimed this to you, know that they lied. Become more practical while dealing with daily events & use general understanding that you used to have before joining BKs. If they have brainwashed everything, then please start learning it from your friends & relatives. Observe how they act in a situation. Ask them questions like if they fall from stairs, what could be reason? Or while peeling vegetables if they cut their fingers by mistake, what is the reason?

Life is very precious don't waste it like this. BKs have done what they wanted from you. Now it is your turn to put things back in right path.
"Over the years I have spent in nearly 10K in getting psychic protection from other cults."

Except doctors & psychiatrists, if someone asks for money for protecting you, know that he himself has no protection. Get away from such money makers.

Last thing : you may take assistance from Iyengar Yoga master Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar. He possess real spiritual siddhis & has cured many. He even do not demand followership. I came to know about this woman whose hands got paralyzed completely in an accident. After covering thousands of kilometers, she reached Iyengar institution. On first meeting with Iyengar, he told everything about her. Her name, place where she lived, about the accident & cause of paralysis. She was startled by listening everything (that happened to her) from Iyengar's speech. He has a siddhi to read mind of people. He used it for taking her into confidence as you know patient need to have full faith in his doctor for complete cure. Then, he started Yoga sessions for her.

Within 7 days, this lady (who had initially paralyzed hands) was standing on her palms. This is a real event that occurred many years ago. You can also contact him as I think you condition is quite serious.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014
by Chaandneeben
Hello Sister, thank you for replying and thank you for the good advise. Too much abuse that has been carried out by this man, who I can see, when I become soul-conscious - he won't let me be soul-conscious. He is looking at my soul. In fact, he won't stop looking at my soul. That's how he knows everything, can listen to me speak, can pick up my thoughts, can watch my every move, and then sends bad energy if I don't do his bidding, i.e. always show dignity or if he don't like something, he sends bad energy causing pains, accidents. I am so sick of being controlled by him - I am surrounded by his energy - my home is all his vibrations.

If I think about other Gods, he can see my thoughts and starts threatening. If I disobey I am punished. I am not allowed to think, and if I do he is able to locate what he saw in my thought and then will start talking nonsense (voices).

It's hard to believe such a person exists but he does and is sat there just watching watching watching, like a shameless person. Don't think about Baba or any other, I am here giving you sufficient energy for survival - he keeps telling me.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014
by ex-l
Who is he?

Does he never sleep?

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2014
by arvind.giri
Hi Chaandneeben,

If you feel that anyone is remotely controlling you, first thing you have to understand is 'you have power to overcome that'.

When any hacker remotely controls our computer, first thing we do is 1) 'cut connection with his computer' 2) Use firewall so that he can not control it again. These are applicable for person being 'remote controlled' as well.

1) How to cut connection

This is very subtle energy. The gate for the external energy is thoughts. The moment we think about anyone or anything we are connected to that.
So if we want to cut connection with that person, first thing we need to do is slowly-2 stop remembering him.

Next time if a thorn prick you while gardening, you should say to yourself that I need to be little more careful next time. It may happen with anyone. The moment we take responsibility of anything we empower ourselves and more we empower ourselves more we are protected.

If you will remember that energy after every bad incident, you are allowing that energy to penetrate you even deeper. Detach yourself from that energy by ignoring it.

Next time if anything unpleasant happens don't remember that person or negative energy. That way you would be cutting connection with that person and energy.

e.g. If a glass or crockery breaks next time just say to yourself that it happens. Crockery and glasses get broken in other houses as well, its not due to negative energy. Make it your belief. If you will stop remembering that person, slowly-2 the gate for negative energy will close and it won't be able to affect you.

2) Create firewall

Again its at subtle level. If you want to counter this energy you have to have a shield. Shield for this subtle energy is having strong belief (strong thoughts). A shield of belief can be created by repeating a positive thought again and again until it becomes your belief. Negative energy can be neutralized by positive thoughts only.

Try this for next 30 days. First thing you should do in the morning after waking up is, create a thought that 'Now negative energy IS not affecting me'. Repeat this thought for at least 5 minutes. This would create a shield in your subconscious mind and you will feel empowered.

Last but not the least, I am sorry to hear your story. Creating trouble for ANYONE by ANY MEANS is a bad karma and would definitely bring bad luck to the person exercising the same. These kind of person would eventually loose their powers. BKism never teaches such things nor it allows doing such things, if anyone is doing it, he is doing the same in his individual capacity. BKs having understanding of Karmic theory, would never do that.

Let me know if you need any help. If you want I can also share my phone number with you, if that helps.


Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2014
by Pink Panther
first thing we do is 1) 'cut connection with his computer' 2) Use firewall so that he can not control it again.


You are right.

This person needs to cut connection with BK. Whether their problem existed before BK contact or began after contact, the fact is that BK ideas and practices have exacerbated the problem rather than helped.

Stop throwing more abstract ideas on the fire of abstracted thoughts.
Or if you prefer, turbid water can only clear when it is no longer stirred.
Solidity is needed, an earthing of the energy.

Do not use someone’s difficulties to practice or prove your beliefs. The "here & now" is real and concrete and more than enough to be connected to for a sense of stability and belonging.

Distractions of metaphysics do not help in such situations.

Chandneeben, see your GP, look after your health, do meaningful work or activity and share love with your loved ones.

Forget all the theories and beliefs.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2014
by Save Innocents
"Forget all the theories and beliefs"

Best solution for your problems. Try it Chaandneeben, at least once. All problems in our life is just due to beliefs. Your thoughts (from mind) like "he is watching me, he is listening me, he is reading my thoughts", etc are outcome of deep faith in belief that you got from BKs. No one has time to do anything to hurt you or make you feel good. It's just a belief that someone hurts you.

Well, when you say that some voices interfere your normal life, one thing becomes clear that your intuition has gone stronger. Now work on that. The intuitions are very unreliable & many times the intuitive effect bring miseries to you & people living with you. I had experienced this phase. It is common when you internalize & remain isolated within too much. But you can overcome it. I left all forms of teaching, religious or spiritual beliefs for approximately 3 months & things( like my own perception) changed to their normal condition.

Leave everything for few months & soon result will be in front of you.

Last thing again I have to say that this "He" cannot control anything, he neither knows his destiny nor yours. Your case is full of co-incidences like falling of a weak bridge when some vehicle passes through it. Can we say that bridge got destroyed due to that vehicle or because it was already weak or old or with some construction faults? Don't take it otherwise. It is neither your fault nor anyone else. Just move on from beliefs. That's it.

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2014
by Chaandneeben
Please understand, twenty years is a very long time. And that is the amount of time harassment and abuse has been taking place. A BK will come to know in one day if harassment takes place. But 20 years??

Senior ones know all about these kind of atrocities and such a shame they are ignoring ABUSE. From India, they can see what going on in South America, that's the sort of power they possess. They know everything. This man has too much power and people in the ''know'' are aware of him - mostly those who have been in Gyan for very long time.

There is nothing wrong with me, I am educated and outgoing. But when they take away all of your living energy and turn you into a vegetable, and keep giving you breakdowns every time you want to do something, and you are unable to think or move and sit at one place all day not being able to focus or think, or don't ''feel like'' doing anything, and in your mind can see a dark area and someone in that area looking and watching you and talking to you, everyday, what do you think that is? Day after day its the same thing, the same thing.

Please save me from this evil sadistic man, please anyone.

Shamelessly he sits watching and harassing and talking to and controlling and abusing. One daren't ''think'' about one's future or of going anywhere - this shameless sindhi man won't allow it, he's constantly watching me and my


Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2014
by ex-l
You are going to have to tell us who he is in order for us to help you and others.

Also more about your time and experiences in the BKs, how this came about, and how the BKs treated you.

I don't mind even going to speak to this man.