Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided here

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Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided here

Post12 Feb 2014

Admin wrote:Moved from: here, here and here

Well ... hey people

I genuinely think that people here are misguided ... pink panther and ex-I what you have interpreted about the BKs is absolutely negative and sad ... .

Well ... I don't understand what's the harm in following a BK ... they teach us RajYoga for free. We can attend the Murli classes for free ... and they do not charge anything only what they expect from us is to be peaceful, happy, quiet and understanding ... their teaching is not causing any harm, it is only empowering us to become perfect"!!!! Then why so much of resentment??????

Hi ex-I ... I would really be happy to talk to u about god? I think you are just ignoring som realities trying to be in Reality ... please reply.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think that people here are misguide

Post12 Feb 2014


You should read the various posts in various topics. Rather than asking your questions with a presumption of "resentment” on our part (it may be some do have resentments, but I do not) - you might consider that most people here had long, even enthusiastic, involvement with the BKs on many levels. We are not spring chickens.

Are the journalists in the media resentful about the people in stories they report? Is the Department of Consumer Affairs ‘resentful” about shonky retailers? When you see something wrong in your community and tell others, are you being "resentful"?

Take the time to get a broader picture, there are many personal experiences and a lot of research, even original documents that the BKIVV do not want their own students to know about. The answers to your questions might just present themselves directly.
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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post12 Feb 2014

Thank you Pink Panther.

Hi Bhumika,

Why don't you give us a little bit of an introduction about yourself? When did you take The Knowledge, how long have you been a BK, how pukka are you, e.g. Amrit Vela, Morning Class etc? Are you a sevika, or just a user of the BKs' services? If you did, it would help me to answer you better.

Sadly, the BKs often define what is "objective" as being "negative". I think much of what we report and analyse here is uncomfortably objective. It's not sugar coated, it's not marketing PR or sales pitch. It's the hard, brutal and often ugly truth about the Brahma Kumaris.

We have documented many harms about the Brahma Kumaris from suicides to child abuse and many broken families and wasted lives but mostly, I agree, the harm to society caused by the Brahma Kumaris is at a low level. They are religious parasites feeding off the wealth, property and ideas of others. I accept they are fairly modest in their ambitions and "royal" in the way they get it according to their background, but they have a long history of manipulating their public image and history which makes their money making fraudulent.

They expect far more from individuals than to be "peaceful, happy, quiet and understanding". This comment suggests to me that you don't know very much about the Brahma Kumaris at all ... that you are still on the outside looking at the advertising, rather than experiencing the actual product. If possibly, the Brahma Kumaris want everything you have ... your mind, your body (free labour/servitude) and your wealthy. They will take as much or as little as they can manipulate you to give, and if you breakdown and collapse at the end of it ... they will just discard you like a dead dog.

There's no pension fund or retirement in the BKWSU.

It's also not god you're mind is becoming involved with if you surrender to them and their practise. The spirit behind the BKs is not god. They use the words for many gods, any that might attract you whether Hindu, e.g. Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, or Western and New Age, e.g. "The One", "The Light", "The Father" etc. At best, their god is the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani ... but I suspect there are other spirits involved. Even the representation of Lekhraj Kirpalani is a false projection largely borrowed from other religions.

You don't know the truth about the Brahma Kumaris. We can help you see it. Don't let them get inside you and don't spread them around until you know the whole truth about them.
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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post23 Feb 2014

With all due respect, here's a good reason why we are not Bhumika. This happens time and time again with the BKs.

What do you say to this?

BKs want my property & turning my family against me by BK_Victim

I am warning BKs to get the hell out of my property. If you want peace, go live in your own home OR go and live in your Mount Abu hills, or go to hell, or do whatever you want. I want to use my property for orphanage.

BK idiots not accepting it and provoking my idiot family member to fight against me.

This property is made with my blood and sweat and hard earned money. It's mind boggling for me how serving poor and needy with orphanage is not a service, but providing a luxury place to live for CULT BKs is a service.

How do you, as a sincere BK, feel about that.

Not once have we had the BKWSU come to us and say, "You are right ... we do have some problems. How do you think we can fix them?" Or for any BK to come forward and say, "This is wrong, give me the details and I will go and stop this disgrace".

Instead, we just receive insult after insult from twisted and snotty IT BKs and are completely ignored by the leadership who appears to go along with such banditry.


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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post24 Feb 2014

That's true ... BKs are very clever in grabbing the properties ... and that to with authority ...

I also know a similar case in our area where the landlord asked them to vacate the premises and BKs resisted initially ... but when they realized they had no other option, and they had to vacant the premises, they declared that the the landlord was not pure enough so Baba did not use his property of his noble cause ... See the double game ... that's really funny.
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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post25 Feb 2014

I think over time the BKs will stop trading, then the harm will be over.


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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post11 Mar 2014

Hi .. pink panther...

am extremely sorry for using words like "resentment". I am not completely into brahmakumari ... but I am a practical person with practical approach and that is why I joined this forum, to know things that I have no idea about. I will appreciate if you discuss and help me know things rather than getting annoyed.

Thank you.

Hello ex-l ...

Well, yes, I need to introduce myself ..:).

I am not so much into BKs ... I joined it last year in the month of November ... and, yes, I attend Murli classes, talk to the Sisters out there.

Yesterday, and the day before, Sister Shivani along with Dr Prem Masand and Banarasi Bhai came to our city. It was a pleasure having them.

I have doubts? Sheer doubts!!! And so to know the truth, I have joined this forum ... if you are okay with it, can I ask you few questions ...

Thank you
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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post11 Mar 2014

Yes, of course, that's what we are here for. I don't think Pink Panther was "annoyed". He wrote that he has no resentment (negative feeling due to experiencing injury or insult by the BKs).

The BKs will try and protect new BKs from us because we show people ... even warn them ... about the "dark" side of the Brahma Kumari leadership and experience. The "shadow".

Everyone has a shadow, a dark (negative) side. Put 1,000 people in a room and you have a 1,000 shadows. We all try to hide it from people to make a good impression, we try to limit it hurting or effecting others ... but, ultimately, it always comes out. We all know this and so we protect ourselves from it. The same is true about businesses, but even moreso as they need to make money.

The BKs put on a happy, smiling, Om Shanti face and put on a well rehearsed theatre show ... but you have to ask questions like, "What is behind that mask? What are they hiding? How does their business run? What have they done in the past?" ... in order to know what they will do to you.

We have a lot of experience with and in the Brahma Kumaris going back to the 1970s. We have seen inside and behind the mask ... and we are concerned. Very worried at what they do to people after they suck them in through their business doors.

The Brahma Kumaris are a business ... do not doubt it. They are a corporation now that can afford expensive marketing to dupe people. They are in the business of religion and politics in order to gain money to survive, and climb up in society. They use the wealth and free labor (work) of followers like you to do so.

The longer you are in the BKs, the more you will realise that.

We are concerned because they have lied extensively about who they are, their history, they have made many false predictions of the End of the World and exploited many individuals taking money, properties, splitting up families and wasting or ruining people's lives. Especially young people. And they use young girls like unpaid servants or slaves - taking their dowry from them which means they can, basically, never leave or marry and offering them no security.

They really don't help or uplift them.

I have researched the BKs very deeply and have exposed them in the hope that they stop exploiting people and reform themselves. That others can protect themselves from exploitation if they choose to become a BK ... although I don't know why anyone would want to ... unless they want the same things as the original Sindi BKs wanted.

I do not believe their spirit guide is God, or even a god. It cannot be. Our research is beyond doubt now. Therefore I consider they are carrying out a great crime of deception. Fine, if you want to be a criminal ... be a criminal but be honest about it. Admit you are a gang or mafia.

But if you want to carry out crimes of deception (fraud) to gain power, wealth and property ... never use the name of God to do so. To do so is many 1,000s of times worse.

That is my introduction. Ask any question you like and I will answer you are honestly as I can, point to any evidence that I can and suggest questions that you should ask them.

Questioning the BKs is a good way to expose their shadow ... but they are well practised in controlling people to avoid doing so.


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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post16 Mar 2014

2) about this baap Dada milan, what is that power,energy that takes over Gulzar Dadi? Her face looks like Brahma Baba? The voice? How is it possible?
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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post16 Mar 2014

bhumika wrote:2) about this baap Dada milan, what is that power,energy that takes over Gulzar Dadi? Her face looks like Brahma Baba? The voice? How is it possible?

It could well be the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani, or it could be another spirit or spirits pretending to be the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani; it could be Gulzar's higher self, or it could be a demon or Satan ... who knows? That is what the Christians say. They say that near the End of the World, the Devil comes as an "Angel of Light" to deluded humanity. What do the BKs claim Lekhraj Kirpalani is now? An "Angel of Light".

Some people feel nothing, and say she is also pretending at times.

The point is, no one has any way of knowing for sure. There is no guarantee ... and it is a *huge* leap to say just because *something* happens that it must therefore be "God". Much happens in the BK world that is not very good, and it makes people question if it could really be a god because they expect better.

You cannot tell, nor can we ... All one can do is look at the quality of what is said and done, and the actions directed by it, and decide.

Personally, my God does not keep making mistakes and false prediction; he is not ignorant of other religions and discriminatory, nor does he want to destroy them or think they are second class. He is not obsessed with power and wealthy, and chasing VIPs all the time, and he does not tolerate individuals manipulating others in his name and hurting them. He does not demand 100% of individuals' attention, their time and money; and he does not ignore those who are poor, weak and having a difficult time.

In short, my god would be far nicer and more divine and intelligent than the BKs' god spirit/spirits or whatever it is.

People choose their god on the basis of what they want and if you want power, money and wealth ... and you don't worry about tricking people to get it ... then perhaps the BK god is the one for you?


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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post15 Apr 2014

Sister Bhumika !! I am in contact with the BKs for over 15 years now and hail from Guwahati. I suggest you to believe your own feelings and perceptions and trust your conscience. Please do not fall prey to the people who only see SHADOW and ignore the individual altogether!! Take an independent decision .... don't just gather ideas from here and there ... if you want to know more about the BKs, get deep into their organisation ... come close to them and have first-hand experience ... borrow borrow this from others when we can do it ourself ...!!
Everyone has a shadow, a dark (negative) side. Put 1,000 people in a room and you have a 1,000 shadows.

The BKs never claim to be perfect .... they only strive to become perfect ... so what's wrong in that???? These skeptics always see the dark side ... and exaggerate the negative ...!!! Are they perfect themselves that they point out even the smallest of negativity and that too with such emphasis ...!!! Pity on these people who are hell bent to see the dark when there is so much of LIGHT out there !!!

They say that they are concerned about the facts BKs hide ... !!! Well, then ask them their true identity and none would come forward ..... on the other hand there is nothing in the BKs to hide .... they are out in the public with a 24 hours channel which carries live transmissions of most of their programs ...!!! Why don't these so-called weary people come out and face the world ...!!! This is my e-mail id, please do contact me if you really want to see the positive aspect of the teachings of the BKs. Beware of the deceptive criticisms here ....!!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post15 Apr 2014

Dear ObserverMe,

You make a valid point but jump to a wrong conclusion. Yes, every shadow has its source of light. But it is far from black and white (pardon the puns). To see the whole picture is not possible when all is whitewashed.

If some organisation denies its whole reality, pretends its past and its behaviours are other than what they are in reality, and this organisation presents itself as a paragon of virtue, highest dharma, yugya of Rudra himself, establishing an age of truth, then it is expected to not shun any truth, but to embrace it.

This forum may have some posts that appear over the top for loyalists like yourself, but it can become infuriating for those who’ve dealt with things you may be fortunate enough never to have encountered.

If the BKWSU was completely honest and transparent, this forum would fade into the distance of redundancy. If BK loyalists put truth and honesty ahead of ”positive thinking”, fanciful ideals and loyalty regardless of actions (all of which are part of the whitewashing) they might cause a shift in attitude


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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post15 Apr 2014

Dear All,

I did the BKs 7-day foundation course about an year and a half back & since then attended Murli classes (almost regularly). I quite liked their concept of meditation and, to some extent, it did help me get rid of some negative traits like anger, fear, aggression etc but going further, some things appeared slightly unacceptable ...

Last month, when I visited Mt Abu, I felt 'VIP-chasing culture' was quite prevalent there. So, yes, unfortunately, the organization is going overboard in running after VIPs & famous people while preaching 'equality of souls' on the other hand. Till now, I have not heard of this organization's involvement in making efforts to uplift the poor sections of the society or educating the girl childs and many such issues which they should address simultaneously while trying to make people spiritually strong. I wonder if they have plans to reach out to the millions of people in India who live below the poverty line, for whom earning their daily bread comes on top of the priority list & meditation on the second ...? (Please update me with correct & complete information if you feel I am unaware of the organization's social activities ...) Nevertheless, I feel, that as much as they are chasing VIPs, they should reach out to people living in remote places also & people living in pathetic conditions and help to make them emotionally, spiritually & financially strong.

I agree with ObserverMe on the point that one should go really deep to find out the true realities for themselves but I also believe that experience-sharing (like what we are doing here) also helps a lot in getting to know the 'inside-story'.

During the last one and a half years, I have tried to go quite deep (I think) and have observed both good and not-so-good things about the organization & so I am terribly confused on whether should I continue following them or leave (although I know this is a personal decision) still I would need some help !

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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post15 Apr 2014

ObserverMe wrote:if you want to know more about the BKs, get deep into their organisation ... come close to them and have first-hand experience ...

OK, here's an interesting experiment ...

Please help us to get deep into the BKWSU organization.

Can you tell us the Brahma Kumaris total financial income and how they spend it? Where can we see or access their over all financial accounts? Are the BKs' hiding them?

And I mean *all of the money* ... and the cash-cash donations and jewellery etc ... not just what they put through their books.

I know you won't give us it. I doubt the BK leadership will tell you either. Both you and they will come up with all sorts of excuses and counter-accusations, but let's try just to establish your integrity.

It's amazing ... you only took Gyan around the Year 2000, when Didi was telling all the BKs the world was going to end and for all the centres to stock up on food and water because Vinash was about to come. I wonder how many BKs made extra donations that year?

As far as the accusations that we are "hiding our true identity and none would come forward", the BK leaderships all over the world knows who we are. Before we left, we all tried to make positive changes within the BKWSU, I was particularly sickened by all their VIP chasing whilst refusing to allow us to do real charity. We wasted our time and then finally gave up.

This is an accusation of anonymity, that individual BKs come up with time and time again, is so common that I guess it is something the leadership is telling them think. It's false.
Tanya wrote:During the last one and a half years, I have tried to go quite deep (I think) and have observed both good and not-so-good things about the organization & so I am terribly confused on whether should I continue following them or leave (although I know this is a personal decision) still I would need some help !

The most simple illustration I can make is that it is like wearing two left hand shoes.

Yes, some of BK life is very comfortable. Yes, the "shoes" are quite well made ... but after a while wearing two left hand shoes starts to hurt and become naggingly uncomfortable. You know something is wrong and can never forget it.

You cannot change the BK. That is just the way they are. Either you get used to it and give up and accept it, or you have to leave.

Most of us here have had *long* experiences with the BKs, and lived very close to the Seniors who are now the top leaders. Please trust us, we have seen inside and tried to change it, and now some of us try to change it from outside ... stopping it hurting and damaging others, especially families.

People here remember when they were telling the world was going to end in 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 ... every time Destruction was going to come, the center took more donations and more free labor from its mental slaves. Destruction did not come.

They are still running the same scam business, and now turning their centres into shop.

Actually, things were nicer back in the old day, it was more like a family and less like a corporation. It was more innocent and pure. And, of course, they had not done so many nasty things and manipulated people so their spirits were purer too.

For some, the BKWSU will satisfy because it has nice 'middle class' or 'business class' retreat centres to use, etc. They like it because it feeds their ego and makes them feel more special. But, if you ask me, the BKWSU lost its spirit a long ago.

Now the BKWSU is a power pyramid where a few live off the backs of the many. It needs to suck in so much money and free labor to sustain it and it only gives a tiny fraction - the least amount possible - and mostly utterly pointless stuff ... like framed pictures to miserable corrupt politicians and stupid but rich industrialists.

If you are impressed by stories of which VIP which Senior Sister had her photo taken with, you will enjoy the BKWSU.
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Re: Bhumika: I genuinely think people here are misguided her

Post16 Apr 2014


Apart from the contradiction you mention about all souls being equal (but some more equal than others) and VIP/donations/endorsement chasing, does it not also strike you as odd that:
    - the main teaching is that ”qualities of soul” are innate and intrinsic, yet one seems to have to be a BK to manifest them, and non-BKs are of inferior ‘spiritual” caste (the term ”Brahmin” says it all)

    - the claim that it’s God Shiva, the Father of all souls teaching, a non-interventionist god whose only task is to incarnate and reveal Knowledge, a knowledge that has so many errors & gaps, including even the number of ”children” ”the Father” has? ( i.e. the number of ”souls” in Murlis went from 4.5 billion to 5 to 7 (they jumped 6) and the world is well on its way to 9 billion now)

    - that this revelation of knowledge is meant to be the foundation of the world religions ”next Kalpa” but ”God” confused Islam and Judaism (and their dates) and forgets ¼ of the world’s population (the chinese, koreans, japanese) with no mention of Tao, Confucius, Shinto etc

    - that the teachings are so nationalistic (India-centric) in the vein of Hindu nationalists of the early 20th century who deny the historical evidence of a pre-Aryan invasion India, let alone that e.g. egyptian history goes back further, that chinese historical records also contradict the mythology ...

    .. that there is supposedly no human guru and all are equal, yet there is a definite hierarchy, they meditate on Baba’s picture affirming him as the vehicle for God’s manifestation in much the same way any guru’s devotee considers their Baba/guru as a manifestation or vehicle of god, with just a spin of the terminology differentiating them?
There’s much more.

Essentially what the BKs do is they ”sell” themselves as teachers and providers of truths and qualities which are actually found universally (be kind to others, meditation techniques of spiritual affirmation, that your thoughts can be effectively directed, discipline yourself and gain the benefit etc) but, if you examine the things that differentiate the BKs from other ”beliefs”, the BK-specific things are the least attractive, the least cohesive with general truths, the least appealing, the most contradictory to evident truths of the natural world, the laws of physics, history, their disdain for democracy, their arrogant re-interpretations of other philosophies & traditions.

Also, when you say you may need to immerse yourself deeper into it to find out what it is really about - yes, that is true to an extent. But part of that process is succumbing to the social dynamic that sees people starting to think and behave as per their community, and of course, you can lose the objectivity you thought you were bringing to it.

To be fully accepted by the BKs you have to become a BK, and to become a BK is to no longer be as comfortable and at home with your old friends, family and colleagues, for the consciousness required is ”distaste" for life as it is, and to practice a detached aloofness called ”Upram” or in plain English ”up yourself” or ”the world is beneath me" ;) - which often leads to neglect of natural fundamentals and pretentious behaviour). And distraction from "what is”. If you currently do volunteer work in the community or give to Oxfam etc you’ll be encouraged to redirect yoru energy and money to the BKWSU

Do you really need to or become a full BK to do your inner work? Might it be counterproductive?
Make a list of the things that are universally true or appealing to anyone exploring such a path (eg practicing humility and gratitude, compassion, mindfulness) then list what is uniquely BK and analyse these. Are both sides of the ledger in harmony

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