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Post15 Nov 2013

BK people are the GOD chosen peace messengers and they talk of peace and harmony. Recently they launched a non-violence awareness campaign from President House (Rashtrapati Bhawan). Although BKs are present in every city of the country, you can see them participating in every social or religious ceremonies in the city but during religious riots or communal violence we do not see their existence during nor after the incidents to calm the people or trying to bring peace or harmony between two communities.

We have never heard or seen their efforts to bring peace nor ever seen any people of the society approaching them for their help for bringing peace and harmony. This shows even our society does not think that they can do something for the harmony between the communities, Then why and how are they the peace messengers ???
From: 107 killed in riots this year; 66 Muslims, 41 Hindus

Perhaps for the first time, the government has identified the religion of victims of communal violence across the country, saying of the 107 people killed so far this year, 66 were Muslims and 41 Hindus. The worst scenario has emerged from Uttar Pradesh, where twice as many Muslims lost their lives than others. According to a Union home ministry document, UP recorded 62 deaths (42 Muslims and 20 Hindus) in communal violence, the highest in the country.

India’s most populous state and politically crucial state had recorded the highest number of deaths (39) in communal unrest in 2012 as well. UP saw 93 riots in the first nine months of 2013 along with 108 incidents of tension. A total of 219 Muslims and 134 Hindus were injured. The statistics come at a time when Western UP’s Muzaffarnagar district is limping back to normalcy after bloody riots in which at least 48 people were killed and more than 50,000 displaced from their homes. The frequency of flare-ups in UP, which has 80 Lok Sabha seats, has triggered talk of conspiracies to polarise voters on communal lines in the run-up to the general elections due in 2014.

The home ministry’s statistics, circulated among members of the National Integration Council, indicate the administrative machinery often does not respond effectively when minorities are targeted. Overall, till September 15, the country saw 479 riots. Altogether 1,697 people including 794 Hindus, 703 Muslims and 200 police officials were injured. The home ministry compiles the data on the basis of reports from the state governments.

Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood of Zakat Foundation said he had his doubts about the accuracy of the official statistics, suggesting they did not capture the complete picture. “It is much worse,” he said. “There are camps after camps full of people who fled their homes during the Muzaffarnagar riots. Why are they only full of Muslims?” In Maharashtra, 10 people were killed and 271 injured in 56 incidents of communal violence. Seven of the 10 killed were from the minority community. Of the injured, 101 were Hindus, 106 Muslims and 64 police officials.

Bihar saw 40 communal disturbances, 25 incidents of tension-like situation and recorded nine deaths - five Hindus and four Muslims. Among the injured, 123 were Hindus, 66 Muslims and 19 police officials. Gujarat saw 54 cases of communal violence, 21 of tension and recorded six deaths - three Hindus and three Muslims. The injured included 85 Hindus, 57 Muslims and five police personnel.

In 2012, the country had seen 640 incidents of communal violence and 93 deaths - 48 Muslims, 44 Hindus and one police official. A total of 2,067 people were injured. The injured included 1,010 Hindus, 787 Muslims, 222 police officials and 48 others. UP had seen 117 incidents of communal violence at death of 20 Hindus and 19 Muslims. Among the injured, 266 were Hindus, 197 Muslims and 25 police officials. Maharashtra had recorded 94 riots, 208 incidents of tension and 15 deaths - nine Muslims and six Hindus - in 2012. Among the injured, 110 were Muslims, 97 Hindus, 44 police officials and 29 others.

Madhya Pradesh had recorded 89 incidents of communal disturbance, 92 of tension and deaths of five Muslims and four Hindus in 2012. Among the injured 146 were Hindus, 80 Muslims and 15 police officials. In West Bengal, eight Muslims and one Hindu were killed, while 38 Muslims and 19 Hindus suffered injuries in 23 cases of communal disturbance and 21 of tension in 2012.

There were 20 riots and 30 incidents of tension in Bihar last year, leading to the death of three Hindus. A total of 87 Hindus and 52 Muslims were injured. Gujarat had seen 57 incidents of communal disturbance, 20 of tension and recorded the death of four Hindus and one Muslim in 2012. The injured included 91 Muslims, 82 Hindus and 28 police officials.

(With inputs from PTI)
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Post15 Nov 2013

In real terms, the Brahma Kumaris do nothing and have done nothing for the whole of their history ... apart from 'use' and 'take'. The very little some earnest BKs manage to squeeze out of the cult for the genuine embetterment of society is allowed so grudgingly and cynically because it distract from their main interest ... which is spending multi-millions on their own PR.

If "peacemaker" sells, they will use it with a cryptic twist referring to what they believe to be peace which, in accordance to their teachings, means
    a) when all souls have be blown out of their bodies by nuclear war, or torn out of them by terrible suffering, and are residing in their Soul World, or
    b) when the world is free all other dirty, impure, ignorant vicious non-BKs are remaining in that Soul World and they alone inherit a Golden Age on earth.
The concept of BKs as "peacemakers" is new and comes from Western influences, the Bible and then via their United Nations connections.

The quote is, "Blessed are the Peacemakers (οἱ εἰρηνοποιοί from poieó, "to make" and eirō, "to join, tie together into a whole"), for they shall be called sons of God" - Matthew 5:9. It comes from probably the most famous sermon in Christianity, not a Brahma Kumari spirit message, called The Sermon on the Mount. It refers to an award given to them for the Million Minutes of Peace PR campaign back in the 1980s, a campaign which also started in the West, inspired by junior Western BKs, and against their leadership's initial will or wishes.

What we see is the Brahma Kumaris doing what they do ... taking something from another religion and using it for their own self-agrandisment and advertising ... and doing nothing at all for anyone else. Taking credit for other people's ideas.

The funny thing is, if they tried to take on board the rest of Jesus's sermon ... they end up choking in their own vomit.

Yes, you are right. They do nothing for any cause other than their own. That is BKism. I have heard it said out of the mouths of their top leaders. BKs don't do "charity", they don't do social services, they promote themselves ... even though they will then turn around and claim to, say, the British Government, that they were established as a charity to "alleviate poverty" ... yes, their own poverty. What they called "Service", or even "the highest charity", is their own self-promotion. PR. Public relations effect. Everything else is not only a waste of time ... because this world and humanity must be destroyed ... but negative as worldly charity only binds the individuals back to this old, impure world.

The BKs actual teachings have been specific and persistent from their very beginning, *their* peace will be established only after a nuclear war that they will inspire or give courage to. Those are the actual words their god spirit uses. In the beginning, they even wrote to military marshals and political leaders encouraging them to enact martial law and carry out scorched earth tactics to destroy humanity. Fact. That is the real face of the "peace loving" Brahma Kumari elite ... the ones who hold power within BKism now. They could not give a damn.

Street riots ... Racial murders ... anarchy in the streets? What their real message is, "Great ... bring it on ... more of it please ... Baba hit the button and bring Destruction upon the world!!!". It's good for business. It encourages their followers to believe and submit more.

What the BKs think of as "peace" is the hypnotic stupification of their practise. "Don't think ... don't question ... just 'remember Baba'".
The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes

Now when he saw the crowds, he went up the mountain and [after he] sat down, his disciples approached him. And opening his mouth he began to teach them, saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the ones who mourn, because they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, because they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the ones who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, because they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, because they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things against you, lying on account of me. Rejoice and be glad, because your reward is great in heaven, for in the way they persecuted the prophets before you".

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