ब्रह्माकुमार बाबा ने बचाया जेल जने से..(Baba protected me)

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ब्रह्माकुमार बाबा ने बचाया जेल जने से..(Baba protected me)

Post17 Jul 2013

Bhrahmakumaris publishes a monthly Magzine "Gyanamrit". In every edition they publish stories by which they can trap innocent people. This is published in July 2013 page-8 :-


It is a incident where a person was crossing the railway tracks and the pedals of his bicycle got stuck in the tracks. He tried hard but was unable to get the pedals out. Suddenly he saw a train coming and by BK Baba's inspiration he left the bicycle and stood aside. The train hit the bicycle and dragged it and stopped after some distance. The one RPF man (railway police force) took him to police station as it is illegal to cross the railway tracks in open areas, where the station-in-charge saw his BK badge and released him by saying, "you are an innocent BK, so you are free to go".

So all credit goes to BK Baba !

I was thinking why BK people are so hungry for credits ...

What would have happened if the train got derailed from the tracks due to bicycle which was dragged by the wheels of train? By leaving the bicycle stuck in the tracks, and not informing the rail department, put the lives of people that were in that train in a great danger, and BK people say that it was done by Inspiration of BK Baba !!!!!

Instead of publishing these kind of stories BK people need to first learn to behave like a responsible citizens.

If The Cycle was stuck and BK Baba told him to leave as it is, then as a responsible citizen his duty was to inform railway department or should have tried to stop the train. But standing aside and waiting the train to pass on the bicycle risked the lives of thousand people. And BK people see this incident as opportunity to take credits.

They want to give their followers the message that what ever crime you do Baba's badge will save you.
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमार बाबा ने बचाया जेल जने से ... (Baba protecte

Post17 Jul 2013

pawan_kr wrote:They want to give their followers the message that what ever crime you do Baba's badge will save you.

Funnily enough, that is exactly the same moral of the story that I saw, as are the kings (BK leaders), so is the kingdom (BK followers)!
    "... If you want to break the law or commit a crime, wear a BK badge and you'll get away with it!"
It's a little irresponsible to publish stories like that, is not it?
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमार बाबा ने बचाया जेल जने से..(Baba protected m

Post18 Jul 2013

Maybe the real miracle is that the BK still had enough 'animal instinct' to jump out of the way rather than dozily trusting in Baba to stop the train and save the bike (which was of course 'Baba's bike'!).

Is it normal for police to book people who cross rail lines? I saw so much of that going on in India, police would would have no time for anything else if they enforced that!

Such 'wondrous stories' are found in all religions, small everyday events that are deemed 'miraculous' and proof of faith. People are healed by teams of highly trained and experienced staff often using very expensive technology but they'll attribute their healing to St So'n'so, while if a loved one dies they'll say, "God wanted her to be with Him" ...

If there is an interventionist God, surely he has bigger fish to fry?

(Now you see that is a very cryptic pun, because fish are traditionally symbolic of the spiritual life in Judeo-christian traditions and ... oh, forget it).

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