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Mrs. Pokardas

PostPosted: 13 May 2013
by Misty
A post about Mrs. Pokardas' presumed reïncarnation, that is if I am well informed.

Radhi Pokardas Rajwani, or as she was later renamed, Om Radhe, is the motherfigure in BK-ism. She was not the first one to leave her body (according to what I was told in the 1990-1992 period, when I visited the BK-center). There were a few others before her, but she was the most important soul to leave her body (she deceased on 24-6-1965), before Mr. Kirpalani did so. The BK teachers told me that she would become the first empress, named as Radha firstly and later on as Lakshmi, in adulthood, in the Golden Age, or at the end of the Confluence Age. I thought that she was dwelling in the Subtle Region as well, just as Brahma Baba does, but to my great surprise that was not the case (*).

(* As discussed before, I followed lessons at a center were probably a lot of false or twisted information was spread, so this presumed reincarnation of Mrs. Pokardas may not be true as well)

But in 1992 April, I learned that Om Radhe had already reincarnated. According to the BKs I met, she was living incognito and played a special role in a little kingdom. She was an advanced person and there were more like her on earth, but only a few. (According to them the advanced people do not reconnect amongst each other and are ignorant about each others existence). So Radhe, I don't how her present earthly name, must be at least 20 years of age right now, probably even older (of course, if that knowledge was correct).

The BKs at the time did not address to any special Murli's dedicated to her, in which her situation was mentioned, only they told me that she was living on earth and played her special role in a little kingdom. They told me this knowledge was Murli based but never gave any proof by citing Murlis. I left them soon after so (maybe) they are not to blame for that. I am not specifically searching for any Murlis about her but I wonder if this fact is true.

Left to say is that, according to the BK teacher I met, Mrs. Pokardas, after having reincarnated, cannot remember the BKs and probably also the BK doctrine anymore. This is also a strange aspect of her role. According to them, she lives in ignorance on earth. The only explanation they gave is that once you reincarnate in the physical world to start a new life, you will forget all about your former life. But this doesn't explain her "living in oblivion"; it's purpose. Also I wonder how (and when) Mr. Kirpalani and Mrs. Pokardas are going to meet/reunite because Brahma Baba
(Mr. Kirpalani), is still in the subtle, spiritual world and Mrs. Pokardas presumably lives on earth. It will be a marriage of a great age difference then.

Anyway, they were married before as well, around 1953, according to information I found on the net. But it was a so called "spiritual marriage". Spiritual or not, the event was a big blow to the head to Mr. Lekhraj's legal wife, Jesoda. In fact, most family members left the ashram after hearing of this event. It is rather strange that BK adherents must free themselves of all the bondings whereas Mr Lekhraj and Mrs. Pokardas are marrying in the cause of their spiritual transformation ...

Something else that is very strange as well, if you start to think about it, is that a reincarnated BK-soul, unless "safely" captured in a Brahma Kumarian family will not receive the "Godly" kowledge, will probably not eat premeditated food and will dwell in a body-conscience world of "sin" abundantly filled with sexuality, like everyone else. If Mrs. Pokardas has reincarnated this is probably more or less the case for her as well. She may as well be having sex.

One may wonder how she will be able to maintain her subtle angelic form being deprived of all the core BK-ian instruments for transformation and besides that she is even lacking the link-up with the "supreme" soul. Going to "hell" if you are dreaming of "the BK-ian heaven" is at least something like going on a bad vacation for her, I think. Being ignorant probably makes it worse.

But Mrs. Pokardas, she is here, living on earth, amongst us, according to the BK's that I met in the 1990-1992 period.

Re: Mrs. Pokardas

PostPosted: 13 May 2013
by ex-l
Thank you, I appreciate your down to earth logic and your cautious humility, questioning what you are been told rather than repeating as if it is true ... in order to score "Brownie points" from some BK center-in-charge.

I think what you say is all perfectly reasonable and accurate according to BKism (... there is a lot more to say about Radhi Pokardas Rajwani but not at this time). The BKs have elevated her into some Goddess/Mother Mary figure in the mind of their adherents, very few of whom met the real person, to whom she is deified and portrayed in super human sized images ... but, as usual, the BKWSU is doing so in order to hide something.

Yes, I agree, Lekhraj Kirpalani's relationship with her and marriage, a mature man to an attractive young woman hardly out of her teens, must have been devastating to his real wife. No wonder his community attacked him for doing so, and quite right too. I don't buy the BKs excuse it was "spiritual" at all.

It we accept 2013 - 1965 = 48, Om Radhe could be 47 years old and if the Golden Age is going to start in 2036, then she will be 70 years old ... and a little old to be having little baby Krishnas.

Then other complications arise. Year 1-1-1 was meant to start at the the coronation of Lekhraj Kirpalani and Radhi Pokardas Rajwani as Krishna and Radhe. How old were they when they were crowned, I cannot remember ... was it to be 25 or 50 years old? Weren't they to have children in the Golden Age when they were 75 years old? Either way it means that "Krishna and Radhe" would have to have been born by now and by the impure Iron Age by the act of sex lust, not "Yoga".

Then another numbers game comes into play.

They say Om Radhe was number two soul, after Lekhraj Kirpalani, and that top BK souls all take the maximum of 84 births ... therefore, what birth number was that? It must have been birth number 82, so how could she have been complete and perfect? ... Why did she reincarnate to face making and experience further "karma"?

I have also heard BKs saying that she had to come back to "do service via money" ... typical!!! ... that because she came to the movement with no money or property to give she had to come back in this life in order to "serve" the BKs with them. The BKs encourage people to give money by telling them they have to be equal in all kinds of "service", e.g. by mind, body and wealth.

There was speculation that Om Radhe went off and reincarnated in Nepal where there was still a royal family which the BKs were very enamoured by ... and then one of them machine gun murdered the rest and the royal family was deposed so it's highly dubious that she was one of them!!!

Such examples are very useful because they demonstrate the true nature of BKism ... a shifting, changing, hidden, re-written philosophy full of unprovable, illogical and unaccountable claims that fail to happen or even add up to any one with half a brain ... but that still satisfy in some manner the desires and fantasies of a certain type of gullible religious character who is easily confused. And it has to also be said that BKism is extremely confusing from a Hindu point of view ... it is a ridiculous scrambled mess from their understanding. It seems to be what BKism is and does ... confuse the hell out of people until they just give up thinking and accept.

It also illustrates who the leadership can get away with spouting any old rubbish and the followers will not pulling them for doing so, just accept it, accept any chances and forget when it all went wrong. It's amazing for a so-called University ...

Here's a picture from when the god of the BKs taught that Destruction would be in 1976 (1967 + 9 years).


Re: Mrs. Pokardas

PostPosted: 14 May 2013
by Pink Panther
I'd forgotten about that 9 years prediction poster - it was everywhere for a while, well past 1976. I wonder when the call went around the centres to take them down?

Misty - the explanations you heard, of what the BKs thought of Radhe's reincarnation situation, all tally with my memory. Exactly. Born into a royal family, probably Nepal (as ex-l says). Even then, in the late 80's, when she presumably would have been in her thirties in any new incarnation, questions were getting asked about how old she could be to bear children, would it be parthenogenesis or not etc.

Many of the Murlis are filled with attempts to square the circle - the Gyan square with the circle of scriptures (after all, most rationalisations of Gyan come from those indubitably irrefutable authorities of historical and scientific fact, the Hindu scriptures, which have enough different versions of stories that any BK variations are but another drop)

It was said that Mama would first play the role of be Yashoda/Jasoda, Krisna's mother (sister in charge*), die at child-birth or soon after, then reincarnate as Radhe.

*However, Yashoda is only Krisna's step mother in the legends, his birth mother is Devaki.

Another complication in the Nepal royal family story i heard was that she'd actually been born into a "secondary" royal family that had previously ruled Nepal but had been somehow been replaced by the then ruling family, (that's why she was not in the public eye) and that the Nepalese would one day rise up and insist on reinstating the "rightful" royal family over the usurpers ... But Nepal is now a republic (there was never mention of the Maoist insurgents who fought a long hard struggle for equality, and eventually won), there's no royal family recognised in the Nepal constitution, so at least one part of that story is now redundant.

Re: Mrs. Pokardas

PostPosted: 14 May 2013
by ex.brahma
Good evidence ex-l . Brahma Kumaris own material will condemn them ... How could they dispute or deny false destruction date published and promoted by them ...!?

Re: Mrs. Pokardas

PostPosted: 14 May 2013
by ex-l
ex.Brahma wrote:How could they dispute or deny false destruction date published and promoted by them ...!?

Oh, they just work out a 'sound bite' response for their adherents in order to disable it and then circulate it via all their center-in-charge teachers, e.g. "it wasn't Baba, it was the churnings of the children" ... or "it wasn't Shiva Baba, it was Brahma Baba who was not complete and perfect at that point" ... or, the one they love the best because it makes their idiocy look like a virtue ... "Baba did it to test the faithful children" suggesting that only those who are stupid enough to accept it are the the most "faithful" and anyone who questions or doubt it is somehow "unfaithful".

As usual, the BKs invent new meanings, or distort words such as "faithful" ... what they really mean is "gullible".

They might also point out that "other religions make the same mistake" as if that in someway excuses their religion and god from doing so. Logically it should not do so because they also claim their religion is superior to all other religions etc.

Yuktis to keep people confused and dependent upon them for thoughts and answers rather than start using their own minds and being independent and truly growing.

Let's face it, religious types (bhagats to the BKs) are not that demanding. They just want something to believe in ... any old jumble ... and then some evidence that it is all wonderful, like big buildings and VIPs.

What are the BKs hiding about Om Radhe?