Gyanamrit pages full of pictures of famous persons

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Gyanamrit pages full of pictures of famous persons

Post11 May 2013

BKs' magazine GYANAMRIT's cover pages are full of pics of famous politicians, bureaucrats, fame personalities which are either receiving "ISHVARIYA SAUGAT" (spiritual gifts) by some BK Sisters or inaugurating some BK functions.

It's a general man's wish to get related to some famous personalities, click some pics with them and then feel proud by showing the world that I am so and so related to the person which is so famous or hold a high rank in the government because they have high grade in the society. A person never feels proud to be related to a relatively low grade persons.

BKs probably do this to impress their followers and the followers too feel proud that such a famous person is related to our institution or group.

But the question is who is feeling proud, the BKs or the famous personality ????? Certainly the BKs, because they are giving this event so importance that they cover the whole front and back page of their SPIRITUAL magazine.

So the BKs know that they have a less face value than these people and to boost their face value they are trying to get associated with them by either clicking some pics with them or offering them a holiday packages to visit their five star vip accommodations at Mt. Abu.

This in facts also helps them in getting rid of complaints or legal cases against them. They really know how to play the game ...
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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post11 May 2013

pawan_kr wrote:It's a general man's wish to get related to some famous personalities ... BKs probably do this to impress their followers and the followers too feel proud that such a famous person is related to our institution or group.

But the question is who is feeling proud, the BKs or the famous personality ????? Certainly the BKs, because they are giving this event so importance that they cover the whole front and back page of their SPIRITUAL magazine.

Yes, we call it "status by association" in English and it is a game the BKs have played since the beginning of their religion by working their way up the slippery pole of society bouncing of one "IP" (Important Person), "VIP" or another.

It's an amusing contradiction because in most religions, "pride" (ego) is a vice ... and here they are showing off. "Look how important we are standing next to these people".

In the beginning they used to boast Lekhraj Kirpalani's importance merely on the basis of his sent a letter or a book to the King of England or Viceroy. Of course they never wrote back ...
So the BKs know that they have a less face value than these people and to boost their face value they are trying to get associated with them ... This in facts also helps them in getting rid of complaints or legal cases against them. They really know how to play the game ...

Yes, this is also generally true. They court judges, politicians, policemen and so on ... and make problems go away. We've also noted how many of the individuals they have courted have gone on to do very unspiritual or even terrible things ... but that does not matter because all that matters is that they are famous.

Actually, I think it is for a slightly deeper purpose ... it is to impress their donors so that they keep supporting them to fly all over India and the world chasing these VIPs. By having their picture taken with an IP or a VIP, the leaders of the BKs convince their followers they are important and that the donors are supporting something that satisfies their ego.

Not every one can be important or famous ... nor every one can meet someone who is important or famous ... and so just to know someone (a Dadi) who has met someone who is famous excites the followers enough to make them think they are achieving something and they give me.

Actually, the Dadis' obsessions with self-advertising and VIP chasing ... instead of real charity or social service ... was the reason I left the BKWSU. And now they have a little army of IP and VIP chasers. It's pointless and a waste of money. They meet these people who have no interest and don't believe in BKism, give them a framed picture and take a picture, and that is it ... "Service"? I call it self-advertising.
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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post12 May 2013

There is an interesting parallel manifest within the core of the BK cultural & philosophy - the "aim & object" is to become worship worthy, of high status.

For a supposed 'spiritual" practice, there is a remarkable lack of emphasis on downplaying any ego-fulfilling desires, on the contrary.

Although BKs would beg to differ ... Consider this:
    - The BK practice is essentially one of ego redirection and affirmation;
    - all of the group activities are for the 'glorification" of the super ego (that which the group identifies with), to promote and proselytise;
    - and as stated earlier, the personal aim is to become high status, worthy of being worshipped (next cycle) - i.e. universally acclaimed for all time
    - more immediately, to be recognised and validated within the organisation as a good yogi, or a serviceable soul, to be invited onto the stage or the ghaddi, or be told one is a powerful yogi, to be invited to service meetings, to have one's churnings validated, to be given that one half-seconds more dristi from BapDada or a Dadi...
And what do the aim & objects actually do? What are BKs trying to achieve? Detail are sparse. Just more "photo opportunities"!!, an inverse narcissism (or not so inverse?).

All we ever see is them posed for their portraits, like celebrities who want a certain public persona and mystique which is essentially an archetype. No humanity or depth in these cutouts.

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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post12 May 2013

You make an interesting point regarding the inhuman nature of the 'statue pose'. It seems where the BKs get annoy is when people expect them to be more than just an angelic statue and look around the back to see what is going on.
Pink Panther wrote:And what do the aim & objects actually do? What are BKs trying to achieve?

In many of the major cities of the world, and a few minor ones, there are beggars who make a living by pretending to be statues. That's all they do. They sit there, or stand and have their picture taken, and they get money.

Actually, the Brahma Kumaris do this too at their "peace exhbitions", we've pictures of them here pretending to be ShivShakti riding a tiger.
    The beggars have learned that when people go to tourist destination, they have lots of money and want to drop it somewhere.

    The BKs have learned than when people to God and religion, they have lots of money and want to drop it somewhere ... generally in the thought of getting some return.
Therefore, the BKs give them a thought of some possible return in the future ... a better return than other religions ... in exchange for their money. It's very simple.

And people tend to give more to religious people they think are more important so photos standing next to "powerful" people make them look more powerful.

It makes me realise where the dissonance in my relationship with the BKs was because when I think of "God and religion", I think of giving time and money to someone else ... not the religion, e.g. the poor, the vulnerable, unfortunate etc. At the time I met them, I knew nothing of the predominant tendency within Asian societies of transactional relationships (I give to you, I get back) and what I had in my mind was altruism.

How great altruism must seem to the BK's bookkeepers ... people who give and don't expect any return!

human-statue2.jpg (74.72 KiB) Viewed 20842 times

It is a beggar's pride that he is not a thief - Japanese proverb


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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post12 May 2013

When I was an active member of BK, I was much impressed by the way they are teaching people the true religion by devoting so much time and energy free of cost for preaching the true meaning of various Hindu goddesses by acting live statues at the time of NAVRATRI (the biggest festival celebrated in India) during September – October every year. The young beautiful girls are only used by showing some love and intimacy over them, also they are quite innocent and dedicated for some Godly service and prepared for any hard efforts for the sake of GOD.

Devi Darshan

Real targets receiving their Godly gifts - (Thanks for making us famous)
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Gradually I learned that the real agenda is to attract people, VIPs and of course money. The teachings are far away than the practice.

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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post12 May 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:Gradually I learned that the real agenda is to attract people, VIPs and of course money. The teachings are far away than the practice.

Yes, and it was an issue that was raised decades ago in the West ... but swept aside; the ethics of Brahma Kumaris using female sexuality to attract people to their religion. Like you say, it tend to be the pretty ones (body consciousness) rather than the ugly ones, even if they are more spiritual (soul consciousness).

It's a double joke when Sanjay Kapoor is well known for his 'steamy' sex scene movies and celluloid "yoni" worship ... including one of him "dogging" in the back of a car with a half-naked, stripping starlet in white. Oh my God, look at how big his property is (... and how big her boobs are)!

Do standards not matter to the BKs now? It appears to be a very mixed message they are sending ... anything goes if you are rich and famous, but if you are a BK subjects they'll control every aspect of your life.

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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post23 May 2013

Meeting with international cricket players during IPL matches at Raipur Cricket Ground.

Visit of ex-chief of CBI Karthikeyan-ji at Raipur.

Raipur BK Centre in-charge BK Sister gets full score for that !!!!! She is promoted to higher rank for Golden Age
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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post23 May 2013

pawan_kr wrote:Raipur BK Centre in-charge BK Sister gets full score for that !!!!! She is promoted to higher rank for Golden Age

Quote BK website ... "Comments are closed". Dem sistas is still pumping out those ancient BK branded Lakshmi & Narayan pictures. They must have order a huge quantity of them to get a good discount.

It's a good trick as it depends on Hindus veneration of Lakshmi and Narayan *not* to chuck them straight out ... and then it get a Shiva Baba branding into their house.

The real value of it all? It's not worth the cost of printing the pictures and making the frames. It utterly lacks any social value or even imagination. They've been playing this number for decades now. Every generation is going to throw up a new batch of IP, VIPs and famous cricketers so it will keep the BKs in business forever.

What does it really achieve? Why not use the money to feed some starving kid or save a trafficked girl?

The Truth of BK VIP Service
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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post11 Jun 2013

What a cheap method to gain publicity !!!!!

Invite some VIPs, gift them with rs.100-200 worth of picture frame, click a photo and then publicize through their own magazine ...

Does accepting some gift means supporting or believing ??????

Does accepting some gift means supporting or believing ??????
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Re: Gyanamrit Cover Pages Full Of Pics Of Famous Personals

Post11 Jun 2013


And then repeat for 40 years ... how many 10,000s of pictures have they spent donations on, and for what purpose? Each picture frame could save two children's lives with medical treatment for diarrhea.

It's crass advertising again ... slipping their logo onto pictures of Lakshmi and Narayan which Hindus might be afraid to throw away due to superstitions. Since the beginning of their religion, they have played the same game. Status by association even if association only means having your picture taken with someone for 30 seconds. The power of the image.

Girls, if you surrender to the Brahma Kumaris this will be the result of your life.

Please go and do some good for the world and society instead.
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Re: Gyanamrit pages full of pictures of famous persons

Post13 Oct 2013

front cover.JPG
"Brother I want 25 acres of land in every city as my Rakhi Gift and also promise me that you will save me from police and law every time I get in trouble - OMSHANTI"

last cover.JPG
"Brother I want 25 acres of land in every city as my Rakhi Gift and also promise me that you will save me from police and law every time I get in trouble - OMSHANTI"

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