Please help me save my family member

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Please help me save my family member

Post01 May 2013

Dear Friends,

Looking at the threads running on this forum, it is clear that BKs are very strange and fishy in their operations. Recently one of my family member got her marriage fixed and there the chapter started. She denied getting married a couple of days later and much of the time she is reluctant to provide suitable reason as to why she is not willing to marry. All she says is BKs advice to maintain purity by not marrying. She says that Shiv Baba speaks to her in meditation and he guides her to maintain this status.

Apart from this few very strange things we have noticed:
    --She doesn't maintain cordial and lovable relations with family members including parents, as she says that BK advice to remove attachments with everyone. When asked that how can she ignore the pitiful condition of the parents, she answers that Shiv Baba has said that parents are getting these troubles because of their deeds and everything will be okay with time. We took her to BK center but they seem to be pulling her more towards them.
    --She also doesn't tries hard to develop her career as she considers these things immaterial.
The teachings of these BKs have destroyed many families and now it's somewhat similar with us. I request you all to suggest how can we bring her back on normal track and make her understand the corrupt reality behind the BK. I shall be thankful to all of you for helping me.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post02 May 2013

From the sounds of "fixed marriage" etc would it be correct to say you are in India or in a large Indian community abroad?

There's good news and there's bad news in my response - but which is which depends on your attitude.

The "good news" (IMO) is that she may only be being drawn to the BKs (at least partially) because she does not want this marriage. If the marriage is actually unwanted (despite what may have been publicly presented) she is forced to make a "Hobson's choice" - that is she is left with only one choice - the BKs, providing a way out.

If the marriage is arranged and she feels pressured and harbours doubts or fears, the BKs are giving her a strong platform from which to reject it, a rationale that uses the authority of God (as they believe God to be). This is good because it means that her attraction to the BKs is based on temporary utility and if other options appear, she may feel freer to not have to embrace the BKs so fully.

The bad news is potentially of two levels.

- if her attraction to the BKs is a temporary utility that helps avoid an unwanted situation, that attraction will become stronger over time and she will become ever more dependent on them because their teachings create a closed loop of logic, and she will forego income, studies, promotions etc becoming financially and socially stuck. If she is already genuinely infatuated with the BK experience and teachings, then she has already reached that later stage.

It is almost impossible to reason with people when they are actually motivated by feelings.

The irony is that either way, arranged marriage or BKs, she will lose her independence of thought, always compromise her choices and likely lose financial independence as well (for the BKs draw as much of this from the followers as they can) Maybe she prefers to lose it to an ideal than to a less-than-ideal reality?
    Where is her heart?
    Is it with her husband-to-be and the new life that promises?
    Is it with the BKs?
    Is it with her freedom, individuality and choice (which she may be identifying with the BKs out of convenience).
It may be hard, but if the only choice is between celibate spiritual life in the BKs or an arranged marriage with someone you don't love (which is a life contract effectively, not only with the husband but all his family) - you are really giving her no choice if she values any self-autonomy. And this "choice" is what gave much impetus to the BKs at their beginnings, where many wives and young ladies found a kind of refuge in the satsang from imposed relationships or the demands of keeping house and raising children.

Another avenue to explore is her profession and career. What is that? is she highly educated or intelligent? Is the marriage likely to limit her fully realising her potential? Where does this sit in her heart's priorities? BK life will also compromise that realisation, but maybe she doesn't know the BKs and their history well and she only currently sees how married life will limit her?

Maybe you, her family and every one else may need to examine your reasons and how your wishes for her may be inadvertently steering her to make stronger counter-allegiances than she may otherwise have taken (as per the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend").

So, if there was a blank slate, if you rewound a few years to before these things appeared - BKs & marriage, what were her hopes and aspirations? Maybe she needs a chance to live free of all these forces that want to dominate her life (although she may not see the BKs that way at the moment).

I am sure others will have other valuable contributions to make here.
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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post02 May 2013

Dear Inventor,

I am sorry to read of your family's problems. Yes, sadly, you are not alone and this pattern has been repeated all over the world for decades. The BKs know it and have evolve a number of strategies for dealing with it whilst families are generally at a loss because they don't understand who the BKs are, what they believe, even the language and ideas they use.

Having been through this situation many times with families, I have become hardened towards them and protective of families. Yes, I think Pink Panther makes a good point about the possible arranged marriage, and that is worth talking to her about, but it seems to me the BKs have gotten deeper into her mind.

Firstly, I have to say, prepare for the worst ... that is to say, that you have lost your child/sibling to the BKs. Do not financially support her any more, do not give her any money, do not give her her dowry because all of it will go to the Brahma Kumaris and I will always argue this is the Brahma Kumaris number one interest.

If your child/sibling wants to join the BKs, let her go now but with no money, nothing. If she wants to be a BK, let her leave the house and let her look after herself or let them look after her. Just tell her to leave.

The trick here is that the BKs really don't want her, especially if she brings nothing with her. They want you/the family to financially support her whilst she works for them for no reward. They want her dowry and to be 'fed', not another mouth to feed.

Don't enter into any more conversations because,
    a) she is not being honest with you any more, and starting to manipulate you with half-truths.
    b) the center-in-charge and women at the BK center will be filling her mind with ideas and "yuktis" (tricks) with which to fool and argue with you. They will be prompting her what to say and what to do in order to manipulate you.
Be as cold hearted to her as she is being to your family. The BKs tell their adherents they have "died alive", accept that she is dead and treat her as such.

When she says, "Shiva talks to her in meditation", this is absolute rubbish. It is rubbish by ordinary religion and it is rubbish by Brahma Kumarism. Shiva does not talk to anyone in BK meditation (and it is not Shiva as you might understand the term ... do not try and understand BKism from the ordinary Hindu point of view). This is entirely false. She is deluding you and therefore disrespecting you.

Again, presume she is being prompted and set up by the women at the center what to say.

Now, strangely enough, the two examples you give are actually against BKism, e.g. poor relationships with family and poor career, but are very common maladaptions of Brahma Kumarism and you can tell her so with confidence. BKism is meant to be "the family path", individuals are meant to remain "in the household", they are meant to not just fulfil their worldly responsibilities but do so with honours and to give the example of being a "true angel" and so, therefore, her bad example is disservice or defamation of her Baba. Looking after her parents are part of her karma, not to neglect them ... if ever you go to the BK center again, then you can ask them if these are true "according to The Knowledge (Gyan), Murlis (teachings) or Baba (their god spirit)". They are true.

The same goes for her career, she is meant to be setting a divine example, not destroying herself or giving a poor impression ... but, as I said, this is common because they teach adherents the world is going to end soon and so they become nihilistic. I think, partly, BKism is also used as an excuse for laziness on the followers behalf ... it is easier and more pleasant to day dream of fantasies and make believe and that is largely what BKism is.

Now, here, you may have some warnings for her that she might list. I say "might" because they are told not to listen to "ignorant, impure, non-BK shudras" like you. By the teachings of the religion, you are portrayed a devilish and an obstruction. The warnings for her are that the BKs have predicted the End of the World, called Vinash or Destruction, for decades and the predictions have failed; WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s (1986) to mid-1990s, Year 2000 and so on. They keep say, "two to three years".

Many youngsters have thrown away their lives and careers, and women their families, on such false predictions.

Now, the answer she will give is that, "Baba has never given a date for Destruction" or "It's not Destruction, it's Transformation" ... but both of these are false. People here have been involved with the BKs since the 1970s and know the religion better than newcomers who have all this hidden from them. It is true that "Baba" never gave a specific date, e.g. 2 May 2013, but he has given specific years. It is also not just the "churnings" (thoughts) of followers, it is direct from the top of the religion (that is the other excuse she will use). You have to try and break through the mental conditioning by pre-empting what they have told her to think and say ... to be honest, they are really not that deep.

This is again where you have to draw a very strict line and not support her nor the BKs through her. If she leaves and gives up her own family, who will support her when she gets old?

Now, the BKs are encouraging her to believe she will never get old, that Destruction (End of the World) will happen and then she will go back to the spiritual world and then reincarnate in Heave on Earth. They may even be telling her she was a BK in her last life and has come back to serve them again.

The BKs offer no pension, no holidays, no pay, no guarantees. The BKs are a pyramid sales outfit. Only a few example BKs can be paid for and kept by the BKWSU, all the rest must pay, or prove their value by pulling in donations. They seem very attractive to young girls with no ideas of the practicalities but the practicalities are it's a 24 hour, 7 days a week job for the rest of your life ... and if she has no family money to live off, then she will have to work to support herself on top. There is no guarantees the BKs will and she will have to work 10s harder to get anything from them.

Therefore, my advice to your family is ... don't allow the BKs to exploit your emotions towards your daughter, nor exploit your cultural beliefs and standards (dowry etc). Allow her to go and experiment *BUT* give her a full taste of BK life. Do not support her, leave her or the BKs to support herself.

Offer the chance to choose her own partner (avoid the risk she choses a fake BK one), offer to take her back if she decides she does not want BK life ... but don't accept any half and half compromise with the BKs. If they want her, they must take her and get no money ... not now; not when her parents die.

This is my primary advice to you, please feel free to comment and ask any questions you want. Any further information you can give us will be helpful, e.g. how old is she, is it is small center etc?

The Brahma Kumaris are parasites on society. They seduce the rich and powerful and poison young people's mind then live off the former's donations and the latter's free labour. The BKWSU is a madhouse playing out a psychodrama based on events which happened in the 1930s Sind. I hope someone in India can put an end to them one day and expose them for what they are. They have been teachings heaven on earth will come in 2036, just near enough for people to gamble their lives, just far enough way so that people will forget when the prediction fails yet again as in did in the past.
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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post02 May 2013

Of course, it is also a good time to look at mental and emotional health of the family in general and how the daughter has been treated.

Unfortunately, we do not know enough about the backgrounds of the girls and young women who are inspired to join the BKs, e.g. are they treated badly or are they spoilt, what is it that attracts them to BK life etc.

Do you understand my position above? I am suggesting that you don't fight it - because that will only cause her to dig her heels in and it will vindicate the BKs' position which is, partly, that "all the world is bad and against them therefore they are right" and fulfils their persecution myth; but also, absolutely, do not support it. Make her face the reality of BK life 100%. Make it clear what you will or will not support and do not be emotionally manipulated by her into supporting the BKWSU.

It will now be a matter of the BKWSU versus your family and she is taking sides against you.

My own personal disappointment with the Brahma Kumaris is that while they also attract the genuinely religion or spiritually motivated individuals, they mislead them from the path of true spirituality and charity. Instead of doing true service to humanity, which I think it is good and noble thing, they end up doing PR and evangelism for the Brahma Kumaris instead ... a lot of self-advertising.

The BKs do very little for anyone else but themselves. After the initial "high" feelings wear of, which they will, it's not so interesting a life. One is stuck in a small center with the same people by the BK leaders and has very little freedom.


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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post02 May 2013

How sad, how tragical the stories we read in this forum about family members, who get sucked-in BK cult and ultimately get "detached" from their own family members, their society, and the rest of the real world.

I am sure, what we read here is only a fraction of other untold stories, because not all victims are aware of this site, and many may not have access to the Internet.

I wish if Janki appears "Live" on T.V. and answer questions directly from viewers, rather than hide behind the "Facebook", screen received questions, and have Jayanti prepare "as per manual" replies.

The question I have for Janki ... Having ruined lives and dismantled so many families makes me wonder, if the Kirpalani gang members are born without sense of guilt at all ..!!


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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post02 May 2013

Dear Pink Panther/ex-l/Dany,

Thanks for your response. I must appreciate the way you people are educating people about the reality of BKs. I am in a somewhat better position to understand their philosophies and why such behavior takes place. I would like to mention couple of things which I could find as questions in your replies, let me answer them:

(1) It's an opinion that she might have taken refuge with BKs to support her desire to remain unmarried as she could have been forced with arranged marriage against her choice.

My Answer: Absolutely not. I must appreciate the way our parents have provided us a cordial and liberal atmosphere at home which is way far from any kind of pressure. Arranged marriages are an integral part of Indian system and most of the times, people are happy with their new partners. We arranged the marriage with her consent, only after she accepted the guy. There was no such pressure from anyone among the family members. When I spoke to her personally, she told me that she has no issues with the guy's family or the guy himself, but she said that since recently, she has been talking to Shiv Baba in her meditations and that he answers her questions. She told that Shiv Baba and Dadi Janki told BKs to enjoy celibacy and purity so that god will take you to heaven.

(2) Regarding her career: She has been a good scholar and has done her Masters degree in Science and Management, both. But since her early days, she has been reluctant in putting in hard work towards career. It seems to me that BKs have provided her an ideal way to hide her incapability to find jobs and say that these things are immaterial. These days people are quite liberal in terms of education, even after marriages. We have always left the decision to her to choose her career pre and post marriage and thus, marriage was never a boundary for her career.

One of our family friends has been a dedicated BK adherent and she visited our house once when my family member was undergoing a little mental depression about not getting jobs. She then gave her a few BK calendars to read daily. Since then she started watching BK talks on television and further she went on to watch Dadi Janki's talks with dedication on the internet.

Are there chances that BK member who visits our house hypnotizes other family members so that they donate their wealth to BKs? Are BKs expected to employ tricks to make the best out of us? Please guide me. I shall be thankful to each one of you.

You're doing an excellent work for the society. Keep it up.


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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post03 May 2013

Are there chances that BK member who visits our house hypnotizes other family members so that they donate their wealth to BKs?

First I wish, I really had a good news for you. But sorry, I do not.

They will definitely attempt to win over other family members and have them donate properties. They may or may not succeed with other family member. But. I bet the women whom you are talking about will demand from family members to donate in the near future.

How soon? Well it depends on, how quickly she falls into them more deeper (sorry, I am not knowledgeable enough yet to give a scale of depth at this time). BKs are smart to know and measure this depth and provoke her to demand property donation at the right time when is has reached that depth level.

Why I am certain about this? Well, I am a victim, Just like you and gone through these stages already.

BKs are more dangerous than jewel wasps. What I mean by that? Well, watch this link below and you will understand.

Note: It looks like a change of subject. But when you watch it completely you will clearly understand.

Why I say more dangerous? Well, because, anti-venum can save jewel wasps victim in early stages, But there is no known anti-venum for the BKs sting (at least I am not aware of yet). I mean not chemical but so called "BKs Gnanam".

I do not mean to make you hopeless. But I want to make you aware of the gravity of the situation that is yet ahead and prepare you to face it without getting surprises.
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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post03 May 2013

Wow! That video is so amazing BK_Victim. Thank you for sharing it. It's fascinating, and so true that the Brahma Kumaris are as bad as if not worse than the jewel wasp.
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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post03 May 2013

Seconded! The video says,
... they paralyse their victims so her offspring can live off them.

In BK terms, the Seniors or their spirit guides mentally paralyse their victims, especially the wealthy or VIPs, so their spiritual offspring can live off them and, yes just like the jewel wasps, with each generation they appear to be refining their skills and getting better at it.

Going back to inventor's problems, I have to repeat this business of "talking to Shiv Baba in her meditations and that he answers her questions" he a lot of rubbish from a BK point of view ... not just a non-BK point of view. Shiva (if it exists) does not talk to BKs. What is going on is just human indoctrination from this woman and other BKs.

How involved with the BKs is she? Does she go to class every day? Does she get up at 4 am in the morning? Has she been through all the courses (we used to call it 7 Days Course but now it take longer to get the full knowledge). How deeply involved is she?

It sounds like she is hooked but it is not clear how much she actually knows because what she is saying is a bit wrong from a BK point of view, e.g. there is no "heaven" from according to the BKs, "heaven" takes place on earth after "Destruction" their End of the World when 7 billion human being are killed off so that the BKs alone can enjoy a heaven on earth for 2,500 years.

Excuse me for asking but are you also fairly wealthy? And this woman who talks to her, does she have the background to just being to chitchat all day to people? Is she also a 100% BK in white or is she a 50:50 type of BK supporter? I would politely stop her from coming around. She will also be hooked and motivated to convert your family member so as to gain extra points or a better status.

Sounds just like the Jehovah Witnesses in the West going around converting people in their homes.

Yes, Janki Kripalani is a bit of a maniac in my opinion. She fills 10,000s of young girls minds with such nonsense and encults them into being unpaid servants for her religion. We can explain why from her early experiences; she did not join the BKs straight away but went off and became married, then her child died (suspiciously, we think) and she came back late to the BKs. She obviously did not have a good experience with her husband/child bearing and was in love with the founder Lekhraj Kirpalani. Being a latecomer she double her efforts and became a fanatic. Now she encouraged young girls to become fanatics too. I think she is deeply dishonest and deceptive. Arguably, she is responsible for much of the corruption of the religion into a personality cult and is their "money magnet".

You ask,
Are there chances that BK member who visits our house hypnotizes other family members so that they donate their wealth to BKs?

The answer is no. Not specifically. It is not as obvious as that. It appears that the meditation certainly has many similarities to hypnosis but the enculting, indoctrination and, finally, the demands that individuals surrender their mind, free labour and wealth comes in the teachings called Murlis and the classes of senior BKs. They are encouraged to believe that if they give more money, jewellery, property and so on they will get a higher status in heaven on earth when it comes. The meditation just softens their minds up, weakens their logic and resolve. Especially in the early days, it is quite like taking drugs, e.g. makes people feel light and high, encourages them to fall in love with the BK god spirit and to cut off their family. Meditation - class - meditation ... The classes are quite simple and very repetitive.

What you can tell her now is to be aware. The BKs predictions of Destruction have failed many times. Absolutely. WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s to mind-1990s, Year 2000 ... 1,000s of people surrender their careers and waste their lives chasing this "heaven on earth" (Sat Yuga) only for it not to happen. Some of them stuck and now they are old with no family living off others in the BKWSU, most of them left but with their lives damaged.

If you think of her as an individual becoming hooked on a drug, and that drug is the BK meditation, you will understand what you are dealing with. Just like an addict, they will give up everything to get their supply, and fight if it is taken away from them.

They may be interested in her because she has a management degree ... that is becoming their style now, they like to chase corporate types with their bogus "management coaching" approach ... "something something leadership" usually.

I am sorry to be blunt again but if the family is supporting her financially, that has to stop now. If she has free time to indulge in the BKs because she is not working, then make her get a job reduce her free time and don't let her have money to donate to them.

You will regret it if you do not believe me when I write this ... it is now a slow battle between the BKs and your family for whatever money and property you have. The BKs will go very slowly and sweetly, and "like sugar in milk", to get what they want and will try and encult other family members.


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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post08 May 2013

Thank you BK_Victim, Enlightened & ex-I.

ex-I, let me make a couple of points here as an answer to your questions:
How involved with the BKs is she? Does she go to class every day? Does she get up at 4 am in the morning? Has she been through all the courses

Even I am not sure how involved is she because I told you that she hardly interacts with the family. It's very difficult to get any information from her. She hasn't attended any course but yes, she gets up at 4 am every day to meditate for an hour. We recently got to know that BKs call her frequently to discuss something, i don't know what. The family friend whom I mentioned that she is trying to pull her towards BK, also calls her daily to discuss something.
Excuse me for asking but are you also fairly wealthy? And this woman who talks to her, does she have the background to just being to chitchat all day to people? Is she also a 100% BK in white or is she a 50:50 type of BK supporter?

We're a middle class family with fair amount of savings, not too much. This woman who talks to her was earlier known to us as a great socialite who mixes up well with the society ans enjoys a happy life despite not having her children with her. She's not a 100% BK but seems to be 50:50 types. Her husband is also involved into BKs with her.

After you all suggested on this forum, I have advised her family not to support her financially and do not give her money to spend.

I am not clear from all of the replies above that whom she actually talks to in meditation? Is it a soft form of hypnotism which forces her to speak to some BK spirits? I totally agree that it is not Shiva. In fact, attaining Shiva is not that easy as BKs tell their followers.


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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post09 May 2013

Could you please provide the links to various criminal cases filed against BKs in India & abroad and the evidences of their indulgence in such illegal acts?
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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post09 May 2013

inventor wrote:Even I am not sure how involved is she because I told you that she hardly interacts with the family. It's very difficult to get any information from her. She hasn't attended any course but yes, she gets up at 4 am every day to meditate for an hour. We recently got to know that BKs call her frequently to discuss something, i don't know what.

It's very helpful to us to know how the BKs operate in India. It's strange that she has never been through any of their indoctrination course. Perhaps that other woman brought a teacher to the house in order to initiate her there?

4am meditation is what they call "Amrit Vela" and all pukka BKs are meant to do it every day for the rest of their life.

I suspect what the BKs are doing are phoning up to read to her a summary of the daily teachings called "The Murli" if she is not able to attend the local center, feed her BK advice on how to deal with her family, and to encourage her gradual encultation in the group.

How long has she been involved with them? Often in the first 6 months to a year, perhaps, adherents go through a phase they call "the Honeymoon Period" which is a bit like being in love ... but with their god spirit. It's a period of unnatural highs which encourages them to modify their behaviour, cut away from their family and re-attach to the BK community. During that time they will often appear quite irrational to non-BKs, call it their Mira Bai phase (my term, not a BK term). It feels a little like being hooked on drugs. Other BKs will often love bomb them with support and attention and put on their best faces, they will think the BKs are far better than their demanding natural family, but that too will wear off.

It would help if we had more information. You can ask her if she has done the 7 Day Course, hears the Murlis and try and find out if they have filled her head with their philosophy, e.g. does she know about the "5,000 Year Cycle" or "Destruction". The terms in apostrophes are specific BK words and let her know you know a bit about what is going on.
I am not clear from all of the replies above that whom she actually talks to in meditation? Is it a soft form of hypnotism which forces her to speak to some BK spirits? I totally agree that it is not Shiva. In fact, attaining Shiva is not that easy as BKs tell their followers.

It could be anything from her sitting there talking to herself repeatedly, e.g. I am a soul, I am soul ... to a light trance making her feel like she is floating or drifting off. She may be evoking feelings of yearning typical of any Bhagat (religious devotee) which she is then projecting onto Lekhraj Kirpalani and their Shiva Baba god spirit. Yes, self hypnosis and self-affirmation is a fairly good way to understanding, there's no real secret to the actual method ... but what I feel is different is that, in theory, they will have initiated her into a relationship with their god spirit without her really knowing anything about this "god spirit". *

("God spirit" is my term but I use it to differentiate between the god of the BKs and the concept of God that the rest of the world has. The BKs will use the word God and claim their god is the god of all religions, a universal god of light but when you study their religion it becomes quickly apparent that whatever their god is ... it is not the same or God as the rest of the world believes, so do not be fooled by their language).

They may just be spiritualist and their god the spirit of the decease founder Lekhraj Kirpalani who they claim is Brahma.

One thing for sure is that there is no god speaking back to her. Either she is imagining that or she is fooling you. That is 100%. She may so but I think by saying so she is just being encouraged to mislead you. Their God "speaks" to them via their spirit medium called "Gulzar" in Mount Abu only and the messages are called Murlis ("Sakar Murli" and "Avyakt Murli" (or Vani).

To the BKs, they are right and the rest of the world is wrong ... only they have the truth ... only they have a direct relationship with god ... only they are pure and self-realized ... all other religions are lost in darkness and ignorance.

I don't know any details of actual cases. Yes, the BKs have been on government watch list; yes, BKs have been held by police; yes, the BKs have carried out or attempted a low level frauds usually to do with visas or moving money around; but I don't know of any successful cases against them. Usually they are able to talk their way out of public scrutiny and keep their activities fairly low key. The damage to individuals and families worldwide and the extortion of money and properties which they are successful are not necessarily crimes according to the law.

Has you family member stopped eating the food her mother etc cooks yet?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post11 May 2013

Push only brings push back. Redirect her energy somehow.

"Distract" her interests towards some other activity with good people around her - a community service group, or idealistic activist group -say women's or children's support or environment etc. If she now believes such things are a waste of time it probably means she has bought into the BK scenario of imminent Vinash - global destruction and transformation to a new world. It's now serious.


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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post23 May 2013

A strange thing: Yesterday she was telling her friends that she dreams during her sleep that there is some ghost in the house, on the floor where she meditates in the morning. What relevance does it have with BK tricks? What could be their motive behind this?

Is it harmful to family members living in there?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Please help me save my family member

Post23 May 2013

Dreaming something is different to there actually being something. People see all kinds of things in dreams. And if she dreamt of a ghost, was it fearsome, benign, friendly?

Given that BK meditation spends much time considering "subtle bodies", spirits, angels etc, it is not unexpected that if she sleeps after meditating she has such dreams of spectres. Anyone who wakes in the night, whether to meditate or to urinate, will, when they go back to bed, dream a lot at that time of morning, and quite vividly too. It's a state called "hypnagogic" (and "hypnopompic") - coming into or out of the sleep state, where many wonderful phenomena are experienced, including "sleep paralysis".

You can start worrying more if and when it affects her waking consciousness, if she starts thinking less pragmatically and more irrationally in terms of sprits and ghosts and supernatural forces, if she becomes less assertive and forthright, more defensive and insecure. That would be a sign of a mental shift.

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