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Power to Face on FaceBook

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2011
by truly_awake
My Dear Friends (Ex-BKs, BKs, PBKs, Ex-PBKs, F-BKs, Non-BKs, etc.)

Salute to all for being brave & curious and being part & heart of this forum.

Many of us are now truly awake; even my user name here is truly_awake

Well, those who are truly awake surely becomes active & alert. Those who are awake have the power to face. For quite some time, I have been truly awake, active & alert and have been using my Power to Face on FaceBook.

If you will check out my Facebook profile, you will find that I have joined various BK Groups on Facebook and I have been trying to "reveal the Father" and "reveal the truth" in front of the blind-faith people among BKs.

But many a times, I am almost alone who is awake and my posts to the groups are removed by the admins. Even they remove me from the group, but somehow I manage to join their groups again and start my campaign of revelation again.

Will you join me on this campaign of revelation?

Please join me on Facebook @

and also join the BK Groups over Facebook =>

So, see you on the Facebook with the Power to Face ...

Regards & Love,

Re: Power to Face on FaceBook

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2011
by ex-l
Fabulous. Wonderful work. Viva la Resistance!

It is essential that where ever the BKs go, there is someone there to reveal the truth about them and ask the uncomfortable questions they are trying to buy.

Let's get the message across that the rest of the world will not long put up with, or be fooled by, they lies, deceptions and "yuktis".

Re: Power to Face on FaceBook

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2011
by jann

Re: Power to Face on FaceBook

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2012
by xephani
All these facebook groups are for those who believe BK Murli's are the truth about reality ... not my cup of tea, thanks :).