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Seeking the truth

PostPosted: 15 May 2010
by scarab98004
My girlfriend is a BK and sometime ago I heard she had something to do with her spiritual teacher in one of the ashrams. One of the Sisters had to intervene and the incident ended. She stopped going there for years but recently started going back there again.

I am really worried since she doesn't even give me a kiss after she resumed going there. I don't have a problem with celibacy, but I do with the complete shut down of love. She denies anything even happened but I know there is something not right.

I don't know what to do. I love this girl a lot and I have no idea how to find the truth. I was thinking of joining them but I cannot sit through hours and hours of something I don't believe in.

I don't seem to feel that I am being told the truth and there is nothing I can do about it.

Re: Seeking the truth

PostPosted: 17 May 2010
by ex-l
This is just a quick reply as I am busy today ... welcome. I am sorry to hear of yet another wrecked relationship caused by the evil lunacy that the Brahma Kumaris business empire is.

Yes, if you do not know me and hear my tone of voice, that might read a little extreme but I meant is with a wry, 'gallows humour'. You are not the first, will not be the last, it has been going on for decades ... and, yes, the End of the World is still going to happen in 2 to 3 years time as Kirpalani Klan (Jayanti Kirpalani and Janki Kirpalani on behalf of the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani) used to teach in the 1980s.

Your love is dead. She has "died alive". She wants you to accept that she has "died alive" and is being groomed and counseled with suggestions by the center-in-charge and faithful is how to manage the death of your relationship and get you out of her life so that they can have it all.

Again, does that sound extreme? Sadly it is true ... down to verbatim quotes (die alive) and passing on of "yuktis" (devices) by the enulting Brahma Kumari adherents. She will be sitting in meditation, remembering their god spirit, "sending you positive thoughts" in the hope that you karma ends, relationship withers, and you let her go free.

The question is, do you want to save? Can she be shaken out of it? Difficult ... I do not know. Once the connection is made, it is very difficult.

The saddest thing is, from their point of view, she is a failure and will always be a failure for eternity ... a second class Brahmin. She knows it, they know it and although it will never be spoken about and they will always remain a polite cheerful front, it will always be there. She has failed for this Cycle and so will fail for all other cycles. She has swallowed 'the poison of lust' ... fallen on 'the sword of lust' ... and far worse if done so with other BK adherent. The two will be distrusted and policed like naughty under-age teenagers, probably one moved from one center away to another.

What happened? What can we do to help? I am really sorry.

You cannot join them ... it does not work like that. You will not get her back that way either. The best trying will do for you is to give you insight into the way they work and the way they operate. You will be like the only person in a mental asylum who is not on medication ... doctors (BK teachers) included. Write a book about it