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Questioning myself and BK life.

PostPosted: 09 May 2010
by angel
Hi guys, Om Shanti to you all. I am still questioning myself and my "mentor" in the BKWSU. I came out of a very abusive relatuionship (as it seems a lot of people have in, maybe, desperation). I have not been spiritual at all my entire life. I completed all courses to allow me to attend the Murli. Even during these courses I had constant questions. These were not answered to my liking.

Far be it for me to question something that so many people believe in. (It must just be my sanskars, and Maya that are stopping me realizing what is real and what is not). I have to have a think a bit more about what I would like to ask. I have so many questions but don't know where to start. I need to gather some clarity before I ask any questions. I don't want to sound nieve and not knowing what I am on about. Thanks for your understanding.

I feel that this website will allow me to explore all my questions about the Murli and everything really about the BKWSU, without being judged or backed into a corner due to my lack of clear vision from Shiva Baba. Thanks.

Re: Questioning myself and BK life.

PostPosted: 10 May 2010
by bkti-pit