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Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
Felt nice, that the days of final decision are coming. Final “To be or - Not to be” is going to happen soon. Your website will, of course, play a good role in it in pulling out the weak ones ...

Hello everybody, I am a newcomer on your website. Perhaps would be the first and last time visitor. Of course, if any reply comes, I will be happy to reply back.

All of you seems to be very much informed about the outside world, in the field of computers, science, literature and others ... some of you are quite brilliant in putting the things nicely, but perhaps not happy with your achievements and so naturally concentrating on the activities of BKs in and outside India.

It is not your fault ... perhaps this day was destined to come. It will be more serious in near future, when all the things go wrong and people will naturally pulled towards BKs. Some knowledgeable will feel jealous that it was not "their" part in BKs. I learned through this website only, that most of you were “once upon a time BK”, could not manage to stay, and so ...

I am a Kumar BK of 62 years of age. I came in Gyan when I was 21. For more than 40 years, I am following celibacy, deep Yoga, applying Yoga in almost every where I work. Working as a Chartered accountant and running my own company.

What I observed that, there are two different websites, for non-believers and believers and see the number of postings in the two. Naturally, the postings in the believer’s site is quite less, as all of them are experiencing true bliss of supreme and are busy in making their fortune for coming 21 births, also preparing for final exit in a peaceful way, learning to leave body as one leave clothes. Smooooothly ... and look at the postings in non-believers, as they are busy in making unnecessary comments on them, who are trying to take people away from sins, sorrow, depression and the list continues.

Not needed to say to you guys about the present situation of world ... crimes, corruption ... and the list you know very well ...

As quoted in your website, BKs are using almost everything, Hinduism, Management, Festivals, Quantum Mechanics, Science, Medicines, Law, Politics to reach to the public. I can proudly say, YES, we are using every opportunity to reach people in order to take them to the lake where they can quench their thirst of peace, happiness.

There are many posts about the Money that BKs, as you say, BKs are synonymous to Money. Can I ask you a question? Please, if anybody can tell me, the spreading of message of God's work to such a big world, How you expect to be carried out? They are the only BKs, who are using money in wise way, or the usage of money you yourself better observe in the outside world. People are being killed for money, there is dirty business of selling and purchasing of young innocent girls throughout world. Not needed to explore as you know all very well ...

Regarding History and failed predictions ...? You may correlate it with a small example. Say, you are running a training institute where you are intended to train, say 1,000 guys to doctors and time given to you is 1 year ... You start training ... some people give up saying this is not our cup of tea ... some because of fear ... Some, because of doubt on the trainer. The number of people lessens ... some others join ... The training again start ... and the same happens for the whole year ... and at the end of the year, people starts shouting that the trainer is not genuine one ... Some drop outs also take the chance and add their voice, even after proper understanding, that the trainer was genuine, but we could not cope up ... Finally, the day come when the training completes and 1,000 doctors are READY ... for the service of human beings ... becoming thankful to the trainer for its unbreakable faith and commitment. The drop outs would be naturally feeling, Alas ... if we wouldn’t have left the ship ...

All I want to telly you is that don't waste your time, PROVING GOD SCIENTIFICALLY as it is impossible.

Guys, there is still time ... wake up ... God’s doors are still open ... come on join again ... Om Shanti



Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by button slammer
Hello, dear soul, and welcome.

Prepare yourself for the hornets nest you have stirred up. Congratulations on your courage. I hope you can sustain your points, as you will be fiercely, and politely, drilled on every issue raised. Perhaps you are testing yourself and faith, by taking on the Perhaps you have lost faith in the old world, and need sustenance from independent, clear minded souls. There are no obstacles here, everything is freely available. An abundance of love, support, and a great depth of non-censored Gyan and Yoga experience. Once again welcome to the online family.

BTW do you have:

    1. A supply of unadulterated Sakar Murlis you could upload for the world.
    2. A clear account of the Yagya history, especially the beginning?

Q. How can a point of light in the Soul World shed love from the eyes? A body is required is not it? After 40 years meditation on a point, have you seen God's eyes yet?

Regards Button Slammer

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by john
nishaybuddi wrote:Felt nice, that the days of final decision are coming. Final “To be or - Not to be” is going to happen soon.

My Dear Nishaybuddi, how soon is soon?

Really Brahma Baba has been predicting "final decision time is soon" since at least the 1950's.

How do you account for a string of failed Destruction prediction dates going back to the 1950's?

Hope you stay the course on this site and don't get scared off when having to face genuine facts about the BKs, which they have deceitfully airbrushed from their history.

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
John wrote:how soon is soon?

Really Brahma Baba has been predicting "final decision time is soon" since at least the 1950's.

Have faith, don’t be impatient. Regarding predictions I’ve quoted the reasons ... This is transformation going on ... Allow yourself to be transformed.

I had read the various posts ... I say, I will not waste my time reading further ... as I mentioned these posts are because of ...

Om Shanti

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by john
nishaybuddi wrote: as I mentioned these posts are because of ...

Of what?

Heard it all before mate;).

You're really just trying to make yourself sound ominous and self-important.

Why don't you pull up a chair, put your feet up and stay awhile, you'll be amazed at what you'll find out.

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
Don't get upset john, please read my first post fully ... you will know ... As mentioned earlier, these talks will be only the waste of time. The real question is of faith.

Since you asked, I repeat ... because of ... some knowledgeable will feel jealous that it was not “their” part in BKs. I learned through this website only, that most of you were "once upon a time BK", could not manage to stay, and so ...

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by john
nishaybuddi wrote: I learned through this website only, that most of you were “once upon a time BK”, could not manage to stay, and so ...

I strongly object to the use of the term, 'could not manage to stay', that is what BKs would like to believe. It's not true. Ex-BKs are now becoming very informed, something sadly you are not.

I urge you to stay and learn the true facts before carrying on your spiritual quest, before it's too late .... (see I can sound ominous as well:)

Incidently, did you know Brahma Baba and the BKs for a long while thought Brahma Baba was God himself and Shiva Baba is not mentioned until about 1950?

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
That's why I avoid debate John, please don't misunderstand me.

I only can request you and ask you that believing in some positive power, his knowledge, his part, his directions are not the questions of faith? Strong and determined faith rather ...!

As you must be knowing, Shiv Baba has come in Maya's world, Maya is also powerful. If it was the question of one to one fight, may be Shiv Baba will not take a second to throw Maya out. But he has to create new world comprising of we souls. So we have to transform. And this transformation is taking time. So asking when will Destruction happen is like asking when will I wake up. It is up to us. The day we will 100% awakend we will find ourselves in the new world.

Om Shanti

Re: Stay on the Ship.... Please....

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by john
nishaybuddi wrote:That's why i avoid debate John, please don't misunderstand me. I only can request you and ask you that believing in some positive power, his knowledge, his part, his diretions are not the questions of faith? Strong and determined faith rather... !

Nishaybuddi, I am a believer, but I cannot understand why the BKs have had to lie and deceive so much. Even in my day to day life I have met ex-BKs who have appalling stories to tell and most of them are the same stories, they cannot all be lying?

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
No body is lying, no body is telling the truth either. Every one is speaking as per his conscious, the level of Gyan, he has grasped, the subtleness, he has gained, the power, he has received from the supreme. So relying on human talks take us to various doubts and confusions..

Thats why the primary and basic teachig of Shiv Baba is to consider yourself soul, forgetting body and bodily relatives..
People starts taking it otherwise, that our God is asking to forget the relatives. It is not so. Forgetting body and bodily relatives doesn't mean to leave them, but to firmly take them also in their original form i.e. SOUL, and sustaining this consciousness then you will find that truly the soul is full of bliss, power, purity, happiness and love..

Take care...
Om Shanti

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by ex-l
40 years ... that takes you back to 1970 and the 1976 failed prediction of Destruction ... can you tell us anything about it and the atmosphere in the Yugya at that time?

John is correct in the questions he asks, nishaybuddi. One other interesting question that came up here recently was ...

    if there was no God Shiva in the BKWSU, no knowledge of him, no mention of him until after 1950 - which is true - how were the early Brahma Kumaris purifying themselves or having Yoga? Who of what were they having Yoga with?
I add my own questions to John's ...

    Who, when, how and why did the BKWSU introduce spirit entity they call ShivBaba around 1950? Surely such a momentous correction or revelation must be recorded SOMEWHERE in the BKWSU? Why has it been covered up, why has the history been falsified, and by whom?
Faith is just for Bhakti and should be replaced with Knowledge. I must have gone to the wrong university when I was young ...

I would love to have a serious discussion with someone of knowledge. I still have many unanswered questions. Sadly, I have given up trying to get straight answers from the BKWSU, it is only becoming worse. How can an Age of Truth be built on lies?

BTW, 2010 Season Avyakt Vanis (Murlis) are available thanks to an incognito PBK, here. It would be great if a "Master Donator" Brahma Kumar like yourself uploaded the rest of the collection, in its most original form, to be available for everyone?

Could you do us that service? Thank you.

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by john
nishaybuddi wrote:No body is lying, no body is telling the truth either. Every one is speaking as per his conscious, the level of Gyan, he has grasped, the subtleness, he has gained, the power, he has received from the supreme. So relying on human talks take us to various doubts and confusions..

Nishaybuddi, sorry you are wrong. Higher up BKs are lying of that I have 100% faith, please for your own spiritual developement, open your eyes. I believe you are a good loyal soul, that's why they've been able to pull the wool over your eyes for so long. Become a true believer, face the mirror, be brave and accept that those you trusted have abused that trust.

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
I don't understand John, how trust could be abused. All my spiritual family is quite supportive to me. What made you feel so?

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by john
nishaybuddi wrote:I don't understand John, how trust could be abused. All my spiritual family is quite supportive to me. What made you feel so?

Read through the history section, question the BKs and then see if they are still supportive. Are they supportive because you toe the party line?

All I ask is that you open your eyes. Your faith is your business, but let it be a completely honest one. Are not God and the truth one and the same ...?

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
Thank you ex-l for your post,

I was assuming that my first post will be the last post, as I was browsing this website and felt that there are many good souls who have lost faith from Gyan, tried to convince them to rejoin. Once you start discussing the topic it gets prolonged as many other points also come out.

I came in Gyan somewhere in December 71. At that time ours centre was a small one room, with one surrendered Mataji living there. I agree she had tough time running the centre and I was not earning. We were just running our centre with 3-4 regular students.

You asked me about 1976 Destruction prediction. Yes, that time many souls left Knowledge taking it as bogus because the Destruction did not happen. Many problems regarding centre (main) building, then contributions repayments etc arose but that time also passed. Baba paid emphasis on stage and not on Destruction. We also started taking it in true form, i.e to prepare ourself first, the Destruction (transformation) will automatically occur.

Regarding Murlis. No, I cannot upload them on the computer. As it is strict instruction from our Senior Sister, not to leak Murlis as there are so many anti-parties like the Shankar Party misusing them.
