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Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by dilse
Hi everyone. First of all I want to apologize for my English as it is not my mother tongue and I am still not perfect in it.

I am very glad to find this forum and it answered many question for me. Thank you all for the work and research that you've done here.

Here is my story. My mother became BK in 1990 and after 1 year I became inspired and joined the 1 month introduction course. I was 13 at the time. After 8 years I left. It was very tough to do. Didi in charge tryed her best to pull me back by making phone calls, sending me sweets, gifts through my Mom.

I felt so much guilt for being traitor and not fulfilling all those promises that I made in all those years to Baba. But I just couldn't be there any more. First couple of year were really difficult, I had to adopt to lokik world and remove all the hooks of BKWSU out of me. I think I made it and I was enjoying my life and my job. 3 years ago I got married and love every day of my married life. This makes my mother very unhappy as she hears in Murlis that marriage is the worst thing that can happen to Kumari.

She is still a regular BK, she does simple physical service everyday in Yagya and has a part time lokik job. Now she wants to give our 2 bedroom flat we both own to BKWSU. Since I don't live in it and in Russia at the time being, she insists I should give her the rights on my half of the property. I love my Mom I have only good wished for her. She is practising detachment when I phone her she will hear but not listen as the famous yukti says. I understand how much pressure is there in Yagya for surrendering properties but knowing where money will go I totally disagree.

In one of our conversations she clearly told me that she wants to finish all the financial and physical relations with me. That was so hurtful for me that I said I'll go to press and tell them how BKWSU break families. Which is, BTW, 100% true. She said if I do so it will be defamation, anti-service and I'll be punished by serious illness. I did not go to newspapers etc but after 6 months I fell very seriously ill. I don't know if it is pure coincidence or I've been punished.

During my treatment Mom never came to visit me but we were keeping in touch. As soon as radiotherapy finished she started again this property talks. I've not agreed to dividing or giving up our flat but offered to sell it and buy identical one very near Lighthouse (name of the centre she goes) to make her life easier. After sometime she agreed to it. As she will turn 60 soon there might come a time when she will not be able to do physical service and if she surrenders her property as well she will of no use to BKWSU and will be left out at her old age. My family and I will be more than happy to have her with us but she clearly made me understand that it is not an option for her as we all are impure and shudras.

Dear friends I would appreciate your help and suggestion or just support. Once again my apologies for my English and maybe I've written my story in too many details. I would be happy to reveal my identity if not my Mom could get into trouble in her centre where Didi in charge is extremely strict.

But if it will be of any help I can share my experience of being in Gyan as a teenager, why I left and how the Russian Yagya was.

Thank you. :D

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by john
Welcome Dilse.

That's a sad situation your mother is in. From a lokik point of view it seems corrupted.

From a Gyan point of view tell your mother that Mama (Om Radhe) became a top BK soul and she gave nothing material because she had nothing to give. The highest service for a BK is to remember Baba and give love and purity, not give material things.

Is she trying to buy a place in the Golden Age?

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by bkti-pit
Dilse wrote:If it will be of any help I can share my experience of being in Gyan as a teenager, why I left and how russian Yagaya was.

I enjoyed reading your story Dilse and I would like to learn more about your experience, if you don't mind sharing.

I think your illness has nothing to do with your intention to contact the press. Do not let your sense of truth be influenced by fear.

In my understanding, detachment is a virtue by which love can flow unrestricted, with no demand or expectation and no emotional dependence on how my love is received. It seems to me that your mother has not been acting out of detachment with you.

Re: Thank you John.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by dilse
Thank you John for the warm welcome.

I did ask her if she wants to buy status in Golden Age. But I suspect that she is helpless in front of Didi in charge who tells from her stage to give properties to Yagya as the "Destruction" is very soon. She might even invite Mom in a separate room and ask, "So Sister why are you living in a luxury of 2 bedroom flat alone when Yagya is struggling to find enough money for the bigger hall?" An "instrument" of God personally tells Brahmin to do something, how can one disobey? That is a lot of pressure.

I don't know how are things in other centres but in this one Didi closely monitors the life of each and everyone there. She has plans for everybody in her mind. Total control. We Russians are so used to this system due to Communists regime for at least 70 years.

Thank you bkti-pit for your thoughts.

I will definitely share.

Yeah, there is no love but detachment with emotional blackmailing.

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by john
I think you have come to the right place and should get some good support from here.

By the way, the BKs have been saying Destruction is close from as far back as the 1950s and probably even before, they even said World War 2
was the world destruction.

You should ask the Didi in charge how 'soon' does she actually mean for Destruction? Trust me she will not know :D.

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by ex-l
bkti-pit wrote:It seems to me that your mother has not been acting out of detachment with you.

... and certainly neither she nor the Indians are acting out of detachment for the free labor, monetary value and property your mother represents to them. Ti-Pit, I know you understand detachment. We both know how wrongly it can be expressed. This is not personal towards you.

Its strange but before you posted Dilse, I had exactly the same the same thought about the mental conditioning of the Communist regime being exploited by the Brahma Kumari leadership.

Excuse me making this real but ... are we talking about Brahma Kumari Chakradhari or Brahma Kumari Santosh Kukredgja who teaches her "mission is teaching the harmony of life, the harmony of souls" and lectured on "Women and Family Values" in 2005 at the St Petersburg IFMO University? The BKWSU claims, "Sister Santosh’s depth of knowledge and spirituality has created a flourishing centre" but mentions nothing about the other divine art of the Brahma Kumaris ... the ability to conscienceless suck up finances and properties.

Born Delhi in 1964, connected to the BKs since childhood ... how are these people getting visas to come and stay in Russia? She is no "Didi", that is just Bhakti.

Brahma Kumari Santosh and Vijay, St Petersburg
BK-Santosh-Vijay-Russia.jpg (15 KiB) Viewed 24822 times

Firstly, you should know that this pattern goes on internationally. Janki Kripalani has proven a prime example of doing exactly what you say this BK is doing. Exactly. They must train them to do so! (Is it just me or does Vijay on the right look like some Mafia guy?)

Secondly, you must defend yourself and you must speak out. You must not be afraid of them.

If that means legally protecting your family ... your mother's family ... from the Sindis, then you must do that. Do not be bowed by them. If selling the property damages your financial interests, e.g. loss of tax etc, then equally refuse. As others have said to their wives and mothers who are splitting family and sucking money out of it for the center ...

    Tell her, "... if you want to leave and the Brahma Kumaris are willing to look after you ... then go. Do not be attached to money, worldly property. Will Baba not look after you?"
At that point you will probably see the true face of the spirit of the BKWSU. If so, you can tell her, did not the Dadis leave their own home with nothing and achieve a high status?

You have a small problem in that, legally, I suspect she could force you to sell so let her take action against you. Perhaps the compromise you have suggested is good but I would suggest that you put the new property in your name as you will have to look after her when she become old. The Brahma Kumaris will not.

You need to be as hard nosed and ruthless as the Brahma Kumaris are ... but honest, as they are not. (Recently BK Karuna Shetty lied to the Moscow Times about Destruction being removed from their teachings). I am sure they have not told all the Russian BKs about the failed predictions of Destruction in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s, the 20 years of God Brahma with no Shiva existing and so on. Santosh herself probably does not know about them. Print off some of the old posters and Murli points to show them to her ... start trying to loosen their hold on her mind.

See, here: A Home for the Soul.
BK-st-petersburg.jpg (10.01 KiB) Viewed 23006 times

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by paulkershaw
Welcome to the forum Dilse - I commend your courage in telling your story in such an open manner. It seems many people have had similar experiences. Is it possible that your illness was partly caused by all the stress you were under, by the way? Illness and stress-related factors are certainly linked.

My suggestion is that you could write to this 'Didi' and caution her against trying to get your mother to give the home to the BKWSU and tell her there will be serious legal consequences for her and the BKWSU if she continues trying to do so. Make sure you inform her that you own a percentage of the property and that percentage is yours and not for anyone else to decide what to do with. You will, of course, ensure to keep a copy and register the letter. Let your mom have a copy of the letter after you have sent it to the centre. Then see what the outcome is. Also what does your spouse say about the situation, by the way?

Of course, it's very easy for anyone not involved in your situation to give you advice and I can read that you obviously love your mother but honestly speaking what can one do when they are stuck in the system? You are one of the lucky ones - having made the difficult but necessary choice to remove yourself from their 'chambers', so to speak. From what you have written there seems to be only a few choices here, i.e you force your mother to keep the home and you keep sharing the costs, you give up all ownership completely and walk away, or you have your mother agree to sell the place and she can then do what she wants with her share of the sale.

One of the BKWSU personality traits is to always have everything go their way, according to their systems, so your mom may fight you on some of these issues but, really, what can she do if you don't agree to give it to the BKWSU? Nothing at all I would suppose, except try and make you feel inferior and misaligned at the most, and you seem much stronger and determined than that!

Do let us know if we can offer further suggestions, it may help you lots. I look forward to reading your comments and posts and wish you much luck and love.

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by dilse
paulkershaw wrote: I commend your courage in telling your story in such an open manner.

Thank you. It took me few days to decide whether I should write about it or not. The thought that I am only going to tell the truth won over hesitation and fears.
paulkershaw wrote: My suggestion is that you could write to this 'Didi' and caution her against trying to get your mother to give the home to the BKWSU and tell her there will be serious legal consequences for her and the BKWSU if she continues trying to do so.

I could do that but it will directly result that Mom will stop all communication with me. Didi will happily except the challenge as she has huge experience of dealing with such cases. She will not be scared at all of the legal action as there are BK lawyers and they will do their best.

There was a case few years ago when one very successful businessman Aleksandr Ksenzov became BK and gifted to BKWSU his luxury apartment in city centre. After few years he left "knowledge" and naturally asked if he can get his property back because he gave it in totally brainwashed state of mind. There was a huge media campaign against BKWSU on TV and in newspapers but in court he lost his case. Though he had very good lawyers and money to pay them. I don't think I will be able to do that.
Also what does your spouse say about the situation, by the way?

My husband comes from a background where Seniors should be greatly respected and his suggestion is to give mother what all she wants as long as it makes her happy.
From what you have written there seems to be only a few choices here, i.e you force your mother to keep the home and you keep sharing the costs, you give up all ownership completely and walk away, or you have your mother agree to sell the place and she can then do what she wants with her share of the sale.

You are very right these are only options left. My main aim is to keep relationship with my mother to be there when she needs me and take care of her. As she told me she wants to finish all material and financial karmic accounts with me by dividing or taking all the flat. So if I give up she will take it and say, "now let's go our separate ways". If we sell the flat and divide the money I think the scenario will be the same.

I agreed on moving close to the centre just to keep her happy but I know that will never be enough for her. So I feed her false promises that one day I'll agree to all she wants just I am not ready to do it now. I tell her lies that there is crisis, it is very dangerous to sell properties and there are so many fraudulent estate agencies how can we find a trustworthy one. etc etc. I justify it for myself as yuktis to keep in touch with her.

Before my wedding mother told me that I am stepping on path of sorrow and one day I'll return to her in tears full of repentance to tell how right she was. So far I am very happily married but cannot share it with her. Instead, before making a phone call, I will sit and think of imaginary problems I could tell her because that will make her happy and satisfied that she was right. That's another of my burdens I wanted to share. Am I wrong to do that? Am I a liar? I just try my best not to lose the contact with her.

I would appreciate your thoughts and may be someone had the same experience with their BK relatives?

Apologies for my English.



Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by dilse
I probably look too desperate. But I have my reasons. The long story short. When me and Mom were BKs, we completely abandoned and ignored my Father, for he liked alcohol and we were pure swans. In couple of year he perished and we felt no sorrow about that. In the same year his parents passed too. We were thinking that now we are free from bondages and obstacles from relatives.

After I left BKWSU and looked back, I was horrified by what has happened at those times. That I was so cruel to my only family and caused them so much sorrow. In my heart I asked their forgiveness but is not it too late to do? And don't know if I can forgive myself ever for what I did.


Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2009
by john morgan
Hello Dilse,

I read your story about the real issues in your life. You seem to be doing very well. The first point I'd like to address here is whether or not you should invent imaginary problems to keep your mum happy in proving she is right. My response to this is, definitely no. Stand on the truth and speak your truth and use your imagination to create good things. You obviously care a lot about your Mum but it is not in your interest to invent stories for her. Practice loving yourself too, its so essential. Clear pictures of perfect health can be very healing, use your imagination for that.

Secondly, you could ask the Didi you refer to whether or not she has specifically stated that your Mum should give her property to the Yagya. To make every aspect of the situation clear is a good thing. The clear mechanics of transfer of property from here to the Golden Age are also worthy of exploration. If the BK require the property for service and your half remains yours that may be another matter but do what you consider is best for you and remain guilt free. For example, would they be interested in renting your half or why does such a wealthy organisation need your little bit too? It is your situation and you are free to do what is right for you, take a leaf from the BK book and turn it all to your own advantage.

I have not addressed all the issues you have raised, though a thread here called "Hello from daughter of BK" may be of interest to you if you have not already found it.

I'll read your future posts with interest as you have a lot to offer this forum, take care,


Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2009
by dilse
Hello john morgan

Thank you so much for you comforting words. I thought a lot today and, yes, truth is the best option. I am going to stick to the truth and see how it goes.

I still cannot decide about writing letter or going personally to Didi as that can possibly damage my Mum's position in Yagya, and may be Didi will not treat her nice.
Clear pictures of perfect health can be very healing, use your imagination for that.

Thank you. My health is perfect now. The illness experience made me realise and learn many things. :D

I am so glad to receive support from forum members. I think that is what I needed all last 8 years.

The thread of Alanna I read today but as I see her experience is totally different from mine. You will notice that since from tomorrow I plan to start sharing my experience as a teenager Kumari in "Gyan". I would like to know if I should start another thread for that?


Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2009
by john morgan
Hello Dilse,

You are quite amazing. Your mum treats you so badly and you care so much about her. I cannot see how it would harm your Mum if you were to ask the necessary questions as it is she who wishes to give your share of your mutually owned property to the BK. It may be that the BK would help your Mum to see things a little clearer, or it may be that the BK are greedy, grasping fanatics who will stop at nothing to grab what is yours. :shock:

Many people live with unresolved issues for many years, it is worth the time and effort to sort everything out. If I were you I would ask the questions, at least that way you understand everything. It is my hope that the BK will become allies with you as your Mum has a long way to go in Gyan. Bap Dada would not put you through the mill as your Mum does, he would be kind and loving and not at all interested in your property (I think!) So ask the questions and sort it all out once and for all.

Yes, Alanna's experience is very different to yours, although there are similarities in your stories, sometimes a totally new perspective can be interesting.

I, and I am sure many others, are so looking forward to hearing about your teenage experiences in Gyan in Russia as your beauty shines in your words. It would be my preference to find your writings here (unless you contribute to other threads). Why not do that unless a moderator intervenes?

Kindest regards,


Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2009
by ex-l
dilse wrote:may be Didi will not treat her nice.

If Brahma Kumari Santosh Kukredgja "nice" treatment of followers is dependent on them handing over money or property and moving close to the center so that they can work for free then is she not at all "spiritual". Turning on the lights may be the best spiritual medicine your mother ever had.

I think since our successful defence against the Brahma Kumaris' full on legal assault, intended to do damage or shut this forum down and its rise (and the rise of other websites) in the search engines, the game has changed and it is safer to speak out now. May be not in India yet but certainly in the West.

If you are still available for some 'seva' (... yes, we are slave drivers too, old habits die hard), it might be good to translate some of what is on this forum and website into Russia or the BKWSU Wikipedia page.

I very much appreciate both John and Paul's responses to you. What your mother said to you about your health is nothing less than an evil curse attempting to exploit a vulnerable individual's susperstition. As a mother, she will have a thread that runs right into the core you and will be able to hurt you and tug at you the most deepest.

It is through these "threads", or cords between us, that the spiritual influences of the Brahma Kumaris are able to work, and so it might be a good idea if you imagine plugging yours up at your end and dissolve it away so that you are not open to her or the BKWSU related spiritual influences. Letting go of it so she can go her own way. In our experience, the psychic influences around the Brahma Kumaris are mixed. Not all are good.

It might be worth also taking a look at the topic, [Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions and sweetsajani's other posts. She was brave enough to sign her posts, Pooja Patel. Even contacting her. Her mother was being played by the Brahma Kumari center-in-charge, and she was left to look after her Brothers and Sisters, whilst the mother took money out of the family. Her Father finally blocked it and gave her only a credit card which upset them very much. There is another topic about another family being broken by the Brahma Kumaris and the BK teacher even tried to use their follower's address to get a credit card. Another financial fraud.

Since this forum has been running that makes similar reports from American, Russia, Australia, Middle East, India, UK ... god knows how many we do not hear about.

Send your letter by recorded mail so that they have to sign for it on delivery. Send an official copy, to;

    The International Coordinating Office (Overseas)
    Brahma Kumaris Global Co-operation House
    65 - 69 Pound Lane
    London NW10 2HH
And tell them both that you have registered a copy of your letter at BrahmaKumaris.Info.

If you need help writing it, someone here might be able to do so.

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2009
by john
Sakar Murli 2008/12/22 Revised
Baba says: Achcha, if you are poor, don't put anything aside. Understand knowledge and become Manmanabhav. What did your Mama give? She still became clever in knowledge. She is doing service with her mind and body. There is no question of money in that. If, at the most, you give one rupee, you receive as much as a wealthy person. First of all, you have to look after your household. You children shouldn't be unhappy.
Your money is now being used to change Bharat into heaven, and so every penny of yours is worth diamonds.

Yet the Dharna point added by some BK
Essence for dharna:

2. Use every penny you have in a worthwhile way in order to change Bharat into heaven. Surrender yourself like Brahma Baba and become a trustee.

Murli says every penny you give is worth diamonds and Dharna point is saying; use every penny you have. To my mind, two different meanings and which give a different slant from the Murli points. Also added in the Dharna point is 'Surrender yourself like Brahma' and as we are told he surrendered all his money.

Yet how many know that the Dharna points are not Murli, but added afterwards by the BKSWU?

Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2009
by john
dilse wrote:There was a case few years ago when one very successful businessman Aleksandr Ksenzov became BK and gifted to BKWSU his luxury apartment in city centre. After few years he left "knowledge" and naturally asked if he can get his property back because he gave it in totally brainwashed state of mind. There was a huge media campaign against BKWSU on TV and in newspapers but in court he lost his case. Though he had very good lawyers and money to pay them. I don't think I will be able to do that.

Sakar Murli 2008/09/16 Revised
To purchase a tape recorder and donate it or to purchase a building and donate it is very good service. It is the children who would sit and do service. The building would remain yours, but you would receive the fruit of its use. In return for that, you will receive huge palaces there. The time will come when you children will be offered many buildings and people will continually bow down at your feet. What would we do with those buildings then? We simply want to do service. Why should we accept a building and then have to spend money on it'! This Businessman is clever. He is such a sensible Businessman.

Here it is saying to donate in the sense of 'to loan' for buildings, not donate as in give to the BKSWU.