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News Desk

PostPosted: 03 May 2006
by Tete
Article that shows VIP Service -

Article by Victoria Mary Clarke.

Charlie Hogg

PostPosted: 04 May 2006
by Tete
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:19 pm Post subject: News Desk...

Charlie Hogg Interview January 17th, 2006. -

Interesting reading especially for mothers who have actually had sick children and found that said children did better when Mama was there loving them, caring for them, smiling at them, singing to them, kissing them, holding them, papoosing them (often skin on skin), breast feeding them and offering loving comfort to them in their hour of need.

Detachment if for appliances not children, human beings or any living being; but then what do I know I am just a Mama.



Mama =Mother

The nonagenarian Dadi Janki

PostPosted: 04 May 2006
by Tete
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:05 pm Post subject: The nonagenarian Dadi Janki


Dadi Janki's 90th birthday party article. -



Positivequote Blog

PostPosted: 04 May 2006
by Tete
Brahma Kumaris in Mt Abu have started a Blog with the following: Positivequotesblog,

Free Positive Quotes, Positive Thinking,Motivation Sayings,Inner Peace Thoughts,Love Poems

Free Positive Quotes Blog - Our aim is to provide Rare Positive Thinking Quotes, Help you to attain Inner Peace in your Life. Daily Motivation Sayings for you to Develop Positive Thinking. Special Love Poems, Inspiration Quotes and Thoughts to achieve Inner Peace. Develop your soul in a right direction with our daily positive thinking quotes and making it attractive to God. Enjoy and Feel Positive, Spread Love, Peace and Happiness every where.

They post a daily thought ... this may be of interest to current BKs and others here. It is a little like their positive thoughts book they sell. The comment section is lacking as is common with all Brama Kumaris sites.

So, here is the link:



Control del espíritu y reforma de los pensamientos

PostPosted: 04 May 2006
by Tete
Tomas, Sanvean and Freedom,

I found this report by:
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Eloy Rodríguez-Valdés

Características, funcionamiento y consecuencias psicosociales del fenómeno sectario.

After searching an academic report review where it mentioned the Brahma Kumaris as one sect that was studied and a mention of interviewing ex-members. I still don't have the complete report (this seems to be a major part of that report) and my apologies to the others in that it is in Spanish but the material within the report merits discussion as it mentions many of the topics that XBKs are speaking of here, including why XBKs are here in this type of forum (it mentions it within the report) and it gives conclusions/findings.

In the academic review where I first saw this mentioned it gave several points in English taken from the report and one that was of interest to me. The need to suppress, hide ones involvement in such a group (the reasons for this) and the freedom of coming out (We see XBKs that are already at that stage here on this forum) ... coming to terms with ones association with said group in a public way. I am not there yet even as an NBK but it does give me hope in knowing that eventually it will happen ... and it will be OK!
* Brahma Kumaris (Universidad Espiritual Internacional)

Las Sectas Destructivas se pueden CLASIFICAR en cuatro grandes
grupos, a saber:

Sectas Destructivas: Serían aquellas sectas destructivas que no se
encuentran clasificadas en los otros tres grupos. Abarcaría a las
sectas más importantes, peligrosas, numerosas en cantidad de
adeptos y muchas de ellas con varias décadas de existencia. Entre otras
muchas cabría citarse las siguientes: Ananda Marga, Brahma
Kumaris ...

So, in closing can you read the report and share with the others (in related threads on the forum ...) as you are all XBKs.

Thank you in advance.

Foot Note: The report is currently being translated into English.

Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:15 pm

Brahmakumaris 2006

PostPosted: 05 May 2006
by Tete
For the latest BK news click the link:
The Navhind Times, May 4, 2006
Speaking further, she informed that the Brahma Kumaris are celebrating the year 2006 as the year of peace and good wishes and called upon the people to shun hatred, violence and ill will.

So, it's official ...


Daily Info

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2006
by proy
There is an interesting discussion going on at Daily Info's Get Help for Anything Forum entitled "Brahma Kumaris meditation course - is it dangerous?". This is a link to it -

I have done a search for it on this forum and I did not find any result from my search, so I assume no-one else has posted a link here.

There is already a link to this forum on the Daily Info's Get Help for Anything Forum.

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2006
by bansy
Thanks for the link. There's also another chat in the same forum, here;

Though only two topics re: BKs it seems.

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
HAHAHA that karuna makes me laugh ... what a dreamer.


PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by proy
Mr Green wrote:that karuna makes me laugh

Yeah, me too. He doesn't seem to have a clue does he? Reminds me of SweetChill in the way he never answers questions. You could also see;

Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Brahma Kumaris


Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Brahma Kumaris/Evidence

and their related discussion pages.

Thanks for the link Bansy.

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2006
by arjun
Dear Brother Proy and Sister Bansy,

Thanks for the links. I have for the first time seen a senior BK posting directly on a discussion forum. But the silence of BKKaruna towards the valid questions raised by a member on that forum is surprising.

When he could continue to post in that forum without responding to any member's question, he could as well do some good work on this forum in the BK section for our benefit.

Although many members have spoken against the BKs on that forum, some have also mentioned their positive experiences.

Even the non-BK members of that forum have mentioned about the increasing wealth of BKs which does not match their claims of forthcoming destruction. If the world is going to get destroyed then why acquire so much wealth & property?


The PM's wife, the Druid priestess and the no-sex guru

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2007
by proy
Click on the web link below to see how close the UK government is to the BKs.
Sorry, The link does not work if you just click on it, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. You have to copy and paste it all, including the black bit. Maybe the address is too long to work just as a "click on". Also I have been unable to save the complete web page to my hard disk to keep in my own archive. If anyone knows a workaround for this I would be grateful to know it. It is possible to copy and paste the text from the web page, but I would have to save the pictures seperately, which I have not tried yet.

Here is the text from the web page

The PM's wife, the Druid priestess and the no-sex guru

Dwina Murphy-Gibb: Cherie Blair's closest confidante.

Cherie Blair found herself being steered through the audience towards the back of the room. She had just finished speaking about the 'empowerment of women' and was smiling, in her bashful way, at the enthusiastic applause.

Julia Hauserman, her host that night, barely allowed the Prime Minister's wife to pause to acknowledge familiar faces.

Instead she delivered Mrs Blair straight to an exotic blonde woman standing, incongruously among 70 or so lawyers and human-rights activists, with her pop-star husband. Mrs Hauserman, whose charity was hosting the function, announced that the woman, Dwina, was someone Cherie simply had to meet.

As she predicted, they got on famously because - although the reasons may not seem immediately clear - they had 'a lot in common'.

And so began, a year ago almost to the day, Mrs Blair's extraordinary friendship with Dwina Murphy-Gibb: erotic artist, one-time fetish- magazine model, part-time Druid priestess and bisexual.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Mrs Blair's association with Dwina, the wife of Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb, extends way beyond their much publicised festive holiday in Miami.

They have grown close over the past year and are understood to have met several times at Downing Street.

In fact, it would appear to many in Mrs Blair's circle that American businesswoman Martha Greene - her friend, agent, travelling companion and 'fixer' - has been usurped by Irish-born Dwina.

Sources close to Mrs Greene play down these suggestions but there is no denying that, where the former advertising executive was once a ubiquitous figure at No10, she is now seen much less frequently at Mrs Blair's side.

To add further weight to Dwina's 'lady-in-waiting' status, callers enquiring about Mrs Blair's public speaking engagements, who were once referred to Mrs Greene, are now told to write instead to 'the Prime Minister's office'.

Even by the standards of some of Mrs Blair's previous friends - former glamour model Carole Caplin, for instance - Dwina's past is colourful almost beyond belief. But there is something else - potentially dangerous - that yet again places a question mark against Mrs Blair's judgment and the almost kamikaze, ill-advised way she embarks on certain friendships.

It is Dwina's close involvement with Brahma Kumaris, a women-led spiritual organisation that, while striving for world peace, has allegedly used 'pernicious' methods to control its followers.

The group is led by 90-year-old Indian spiritualist Dadi Janki, a woman Dwina regards as her guru and whom she consults, according to a source close to her, 'about everything'. Both Dwina and Robin make regular donations to Brahma Kumaris, which translated means Daughters of Brahma, the Hindu god of creation.

But besides its concern for world peace, the organisation is also notable for its sex ban. "Former members and the families of members have told me that Brahma has driven a wedge between husband and wife,' said Graham Baldwin, a cult expert who has counselled former Brahma members.

"There have also been complaints that it encourages single women and widows to donate property and savings to Brahma and move into a group house."

Brahma Kumaris demands celibacy because 'sexual intercourse, while capable of being an expression of love at the human level...pulls our consciousness firmly into the material domain'.

Ian Howarth, of the Cult Information Centre, said: "I have the same concerns about this group that I have about the Moonies. People have come to us complaining that some loved ones who have got involved with it have undergone personality changes and have become alienated from their families."

The organisation confirmed to The Mail on Sunday that Dadi Janki had met Mrs Blair at a function organised by the charity Rights and Humanity UK. Both are patrons of the charity and Dwina is also closely involved.

It was Rights and Humanity, led by Julia Hauserman, that hosted the meeting Mrs Blair addressed last January. It describes itself as a multi-faith international movement that aims to protect human rights and dignity. Mrs Blair is its Women's Human Rights and Empowerment Network Patron.

Lynne Franks, the former PR queen on whom the Bollinger-swigging Absolutely Fabulous character Edina is based, also has close ties to both Brahma Kumaris and Rights and Humanity.

Now a self-styled lifestyle guru and 'visionary', she is the founder of a network called SEED, which runs 'empowerment programmes' for women. On at least one occasion SEED has jointly staged an event with Brahma Kumaris, which Dwina attended.

Asked exactly what Mrs Blair and Dwina have 'in common', Mrs Hauserman explained: "They are both very committed to the rights of women and empowering women. They have since become good friends and both have spoken at a number of our events.

"Dwina has even read some of her poetry, which has been much appreciated by our audiences. Mrs Blair, as our chief patron, has also hosted a number of meetings in Downing Street."

The most recent, classed as a private discussion, took place in December and 53-year-old Dwina was one of the guests.

"They really do have a lot in common, and as friends they speak to each other often,' said Mrs Hauserman, who founded Rights and Humanity 20 years ago.

She knew in advance of the Blairs' controversial stay at the Gibbs' £5.2million beach house. And she confided that the arrangements had been made by Mrs Blair and Dwina, making it clear it was not the Prime Minister's friendship with Robin Gibb that brought the Blairs to Miami.

The Bee Gee is also a follower of Dadi Janki and credits her with helping him overcome the death of his twin Brother Maurice in 2003. Both he and Dwina wear red lapel pins with a tiny diamond to represent the point of light Brahma Kumaris members use as a focus for meditation. Once asked what she thought of the "BKs', Dwina replied: "They are living, walking angels on this earth. They can help us become angels too."

A spokeswoman for Dadi Janki confirmed that Dwina had been a regular visitor to the Brahma Kumaris global retreat in Oxfordshire, but was unaware of her ever being joined by Mrs Blair. Speaking from India, the spokeswoman added: "Dadi Janki briefly met Mrs Blair at a function organised by Rights and Humanity, but as far as we are aware Mrs Blair has not expressed an interest in meditation.

"Mrs Gibb, however, does. She has met Dadi Janki on a number of occasions."

Is Mrs Blair, perhaps under the influence of her exotic friend, in danger of being drawn into the world of Brahma Kumaris?

It does not require a great leap of imagination to see this as a possibility: her fascination with alternative therapies such as crystal healing and 'thought field therapy' is well documented, as is her interest in India, particularly its female population.

No doubt Dwina would be delighted to recruit her. And if Dwina has been successful in displacing Martha Greene, it would represent another remarkable milestone in her life.

She has come a long way from the modest bungalow in a remote Northern Irish village where she was born and raised. Her elderly widowed mother Sarah still lives in the house in Kilskeery, County Tyrone.

Undoubtedly, the more outrageous aspects of Dwina's lifestyle would raise eyebrows among the strict Catholic community.

"I am not going to talk about her - I am not that kind of person at all, at all,' said her mother with a chuckle. Asked about her daughter's association with Cherie Blair, she would say only: "They're just friendly, that's all. They do charity work together."

Dwina left Kilskeery in the early Seventies, moving to London where she was free to indulge her outlandish tastes. By the mid-Seventies, she was an established fixture on the capital's 'alternative' scene.

Gillian Lee, a friend from this period, told The Mail on Sunday: "I first met Dwina at the flat of an accountant called David in Belsize Park. David was teaching people Kabbalah, and Dwina was interested in learning as much as she could. She used to wear her hair dyed all the colours of the rainbow in concentric rings.

"I was given the impression that she was having a sexual relationship with David. At the time I was also studying Kabbalah. Together with David and a number of other people we frequently met for Kabbalistic study and the practice of magical ceremonies.

"Later she moved to a house in Plumstead which she shared with a man called Andrew, who was also into Kabbalah. He grew Psilocybe magic mushrooms and believed he was the anti-Christ. He also built a dome inside his house in which he and Dwina inhaled oxygen.

"At the time her cousin was working as a bodyguard for Robin Gibb, and he arranged a meeting for her."

According to Dwina, who was then trying to make it as an artist, she impressed Robin with her drawings. The couple married in 1985 and have an open relationship.

"I knew Dwina was gay when we married but that doesn't matter because I was in love with her,' Robin has declared. "And, anyway, she is bisexual with me. She's the best wife any husband could want."

Asked about the allegation that Brahma Kumaris has wrecked marriages because of its sex ban, a spokeswoman said: "This is very much a minority thing. In any organisation there are people who gain a huge amount and that is what you need to focus on."

She declined to comment on allegations that it encourages followers to donate property and savings.


PostPosted: 07 Jan 2007
by proy
Sorry, having problems getting the picture from the Blair article onto the forum, can anyone help please?


The picture is of Dwina Murphy-Gibb from the web site linked to above.

This site has been de-linked in Wikipedia

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007
by proy
This site has been de-linked in Wikipedia

The BK IT team under the direction (so stated in the Murli) of Big Mohini, with Bksimonb as team lead has removed the link on the Wikipedia site to It was Bksimonb in fact who removed it under the ruse that it is an "attack site" because it lists Luis Alberto Riveros on the News and Articles section.

I personally think it is do to the listing of the Murlis and the talk of the Dwina news that they don’t want the others to know about, hence the hypocrisy being revealed at long last.

Are they afraid of the truth?

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Proy, I find that post very intersting and if true alarming. I am so incredulous that I can feel a twitching sensation at the corner my nose which I know to denote that tears are not far away. This is an open forum and restricting access to it is criminal.

However just to remind the BKWSU in case they are watching this site: the path that it will have to walk in the cause of world renewal will eventually dictate that EVERYTHING becomes public knowledge. If it is true and actions of this nature originating from within the BKWSU persists then the organisation will lose students but it will not cease to exist becaue it's footprint on the world stage is too far reaching for that , however that could well be the BKWSU's achiles heel! Why? Well you think about it.

And now I am going to go into rant mode: Dear BKWSU please, please, please tell us why you are doing this? We souls are here because we want to understand our journey? Many of us are already familiar with your teachings so these actions attributed to your organisation seem only to serve to diminish free speech. Can anyone stand up in morning class and discuss these things with any prospect of getting a serious hearing? I personally am not anti-BKWSU but we are 'self-gagged' by the very systems that the University has in place and I do confess that I have never attributed ill-intent to any of those systems, however I might have to think again ...

Just imagine how the world would react when it hears that there are children attending BKWSU classes? Are you going to say that any misgivings that may arise as a result would be only be due to the information contained in the Wiki postings or because of the 'poisonous pen' of posters such as myself ? if you edit everything that is discussed about you unless it has the BKWSU stamp of approval then what does it mean? How can any parent feel comfortable knowing that his/her child is having their thoughts 'moulded' in such a manner! And what of the parent him/her self?

For the most part we found ourselves at your GOD's door of our own free will but your actions seem intent on abusing that human expression! What is the problem BKWSU, do not you believe in human rights or do you only believe in 'soul' rights that are in accordance with your teachings? Have I got Maya?