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An enlightened soul?

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2007
by di
Today I had a visit from an old friend (male) who i have known for years. First from him since my breakup and I found out a very interesting aspect of this person. He was fully aware of entities and the devastating effect of the sort of sociopathic behaviour akin to the BKs through his own experiences. he had never heard of the BKs but had had similar experiences with other people in his life. He had made a indepth study of many old and New Age religions, using many of the tools he felt appropriate for his own development without attaching himself to any one particular sect or doctrine.

He never called his 'stilling of the mind' meditation but referred to it as self-hypnosis. He disliked all organised religions as he believed they were a tool to empower the leaders and to de-individualize the person and to disempower them. To suck the spiritual energy out of the person.

His experience with a particular business partner had left him shattered, ill, and he doubts he will ever be the same; voicing the controlling of an entity which had power over this other person. He could not put into words the effect nor the draining of this connection, just as I cannot describe the effect that the ultimate dark experience has had on me. There are no words to describe this. I know I will never be the same person. It is like a loss of innocence. Very sad.

He knew he was light. He talked about the attraction of the dark to the light. He talked of how the entities would portray themselves as light. Most importantly his view was that truly spiritually developed people did not have to align themselves with a group (which ultimately disempowered them). They are fully enough developed to feel a love and connection will all others. The point was the CONNECTION with others.

It was people who were searching for spiritual fulfilment which would allow themselves to be drawn in and brainwashed in their quest. I have to agree. i could not understand how a person needed to shun themselves from the world, get off on meditation to connect with God and to totally detach from all others in order to be able to feel God. i only have to look around me, or go quiet and I can get that.

I could never understand how my ex could not see it and would not allow me to show him even though he had said on occassions how he wished he could be as spiritual as i was. It is through my belief and connection with other people that I get the strongest experience of God's love. Without that I would be alone and detached from God. It is through the giving and receiving of genuine love that love is generated. To do that, you have to connect with someone.

I will add that this man is one of the calmest, most serene people i have met. He will do anything to help anyone and nothing is too much trouble. He generates an aura of love and acceptance. Something I think the BKs say they can show the way to and aspire to, but the methods are the opposites to what I have seen work.

I have always had a fear of channelling and mediumship practices. Unexplained for my whole life. Where I am very sensitive in some areas, I have always gone out of my way to avoid this. My involvement with my ex and the entities that attached themselves to him and then attempted to intimidate myself and certain members of my family made me face that fear and deal with it. Successfully, i might add, with help from some very special people. (You know who you are). Obviously something I had to go through for my own spiritual development.

I consider myself now to be one of the most fortunate souls on this planet. Yes, I went through hell through the effects of a spiritual organisation, but I came out the other side stronger with more belief in myself, a greater knowledge of how truly loved I am by others close to me and a whole group of people from around the world who were prepared to offer their experiences, love and support to someone they did not know. Most importantly with The Knowledge that no matter what I have to face, I am safe and I always will be, God looks after me and shows me the way. I only have to have the courage to trust that what I have been given. This whole experience has made me closer to God and strengthened my trust in the supreme power.

Incredible what you find out about a person you have known for years and had no idea of their deeper self.

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2007
by bansy
Hi Di
He had made a indepth study of many old and New Age religions, using many of the tools he felt appropriate for his own development without attaching himself to any one particular sect or doctrine.

Would he join and share in this forum? If it is too much BK top heavy for him, he could join the Cult Exit website. Could helps others to see things in a different way?

Anyway, it seems God has sent the right person round at the right time. Have a nice day.

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2007
by tinydot

you have a new beginning! Keep it up.