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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by bansy
I still don't understand how a married couple is going take advice on how to life a good married life from a group of woman who are not in a household path?

Maybe going off topic but most women I know, at eligible age for bearing children, want to have children because there is simply a choice that a man does not have. There is much between a mother an a child. When a women reaches the age when they are unable to have children, or that the society takes too much toll on such activity, then they wish to give up but in their mind they have wished they could have taken the opportunity to have children. Nowadays, society pressures is pushing for families to break up.

BKs (Kumaris) tend to leave it behind them but many still often talk wondering what marriage would have been and what having a child would have been like. Thus it is mothers who (at least according to PBK, but it is in the BK Murlis too) are given the leading roles. Even if (unluckily) a child is born out of illegitimate way, there is still a huge bond between that child and the mother, and even to this day Dadi Janki has the occasional reminder herself. Because the soul of that child is strongly linked to the soul of the mother, and regardless of the strives pains and hardships a mother goes through, the gift of love a mother brings to a child is both physical and spiritual love.

So the greatest love you can get from any BK (Kumaris) is the love of a Sister. That is why folks do have love for BapDada (in the role of the mother and Father) as it is missing. But many Sisters still talk about (and thus implied yearning) of what it would have been like to be a mother. Because a BK can only play a role of a Sister, and there is no role as a mother. When Robin Gibb sung the Mother song for Dadi Janki, it does not seem to work because in the end of the day although she has accumulated much wisdom, it is that of a Senior Sister, so each time that "mother" word is sung will simply remind her of the past.

There is much difference when speaking to a BK who is single and a BK who is a mother.

Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear souls,

To know the importance of a BK and right action.

Suppose say, a soldier is doing duty on his country border. If somebody, may be the citizen of his own country comes and asks food from him, then should the soldier give his food to him? It would be mistake, because he is on the highest duty of the country. Similarly, BKs are on the duty of the Highest of High, The Almighty Government. He is a soldier who fights the real enemy; the vices. He is the fire brigadier or fighter who continuously quenches fire of lust and anger.

A soldier can share his food with another soldier, because both are on the same duty. Sharing with others will be an offence in front of the Government. Hence a BK’s property should go to the BK institution. That is why Baba says, “Pavitr aatmaa ko hee daan denaa hai” [Anything is to be given, give it to one who follows purity].

If you see, the one who has no lust will have no bad habits. The cause of degradation of society is due to wrong habits. Lust is the biggest wrong habit. Hence Baba aims to conquer it. But, as a duty, a BK has to look after his family also since it is he who has created, and I have mentioned Murli points previously. I can explain in even more detail. But I think it is not necessary. [Even in Indian scriptures, it is written; Give daan (donation) to a Brahmin].

If there are two families in a house, and there is no non-veg food, then it is not a problem for a BK if the other family cooks and eats itself.

I had already replied that a BK cannot take food prepared by others if he has to attain highest status.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear Bansy,

It is very clearly said in Murli that in Sangamyug, just ShivaBaba is our all relations (srava-sambandhi) [twameva maataashcha pitaa- One God is Father, mother, Guru, all relations]. A boy alone can understand love from a girl. A Christian alone can understand love from Jesus. Similarly a soul-conscious person alone can realize God fully.

Regarding couples, Baba has already said to sacrifice lust and lead a pure life. Baba has also said “stop giving birth through poison (lust)”. If you are still in bodily attachment, it is left to you. Baba has also said for matas (females) who are in knowledge and their husbands disturb then for lust to reply to their husbands. “If you want lust, you can find somebody. I will remain pure and serve you and the family”. You see, The Knowledge is very deep.

Dear bansy, Raja Yoga is like taeching how to love God. By loving God, you can love all really. Even if your friend becomes enemy, you will not wish bad to him tomorrow. There will not be any enmity at all. Such an unconditioned unlimited love is possible only through Raja Yoga. Brahma Baba has done it in his life.

*I think instead of answering individuals, it is better to give complete knowledge step by step which clarifies all or maximum topics.

Dear Global,

BKs are doing service even to married couples. They give knowledge to all. Baba has also said, "The one who has come late (from Paramdham) have part of happiness now. Do not disturb them (because they will definitely not become BK as since they have come late) and do not get disturbed by them (by seeing their fashion, activities, etc)". No field should be left without service. That is why even prostitutes also should be given knowledge. That day also will come.

If somebody asks you, "How to become doctor?" The question can be of one sentence, but the answer ...? So if you are really interested, then you need to have patience. This is why it is said, "Slow and Steady wins the race". Why not fast and steady? Because by hurrying, you cannot learn. While learning to drive, one should learn to drive slowly first. Then drive with high speed. First a child learns to stand, then walk, then run. So it is up to you dear souls.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear bansy soul,

You are correct: "There is much difference while speaking to a BK who is single and who is a mother"

The reason is the BKs have not developed the true soul-conscious stage now. Brahma Baba used to call everybody as soul, like Yashodha-soul, Kumarka-soul. BKs just say, like Bhat Brother, X Sister. While uttering the words Brother or Sister, there is no love at all. Even BKs just utter words "Om Shanti" without being peaceful. So what is the use? You are 100% correct. I agree. But you see, only 8 souls will pass this Raja Yoga 100%. Next 100 souls to the lesser degree. Next 16,000 souls lesser. These 16,108 souls are eligible to the status RajaYogis. Others are not. Baba has said this. Not only that, this is the result at the end. So present result will be poor, right?

[But if you compare to other spiritual institutions, there is maximum simplicity, open atmosphere, no partiality about religion. Practically, there is no force to do money service also. If a student says no to money service but maintains real faith and discipline in Murli and wishes to attend Murli classes, nobody will disturb or think bad of him].

To proceed in knowledge, you have to see just ShivaBaba, Murli, Brahmababa, Mama Baba and nothing. Otherwise, you are influenced by Maya. I will just give an example to what extent BKs are influenced. Some students put money in cover and give it in the hand of BK teachers. Both are mistakes (in emergency, it is OK). Because the money should be put into Bhandar box. I and you can say many things but they are not of much use, right?

Baba has said to proceed in this knowledge, one has to be business minded. A good student's mind is the true business mind. Developing the self by all the right means. That is why our life is Godly Student Life.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by bansy
This is the result at the end. So present result will be poor, right?

Would this imply that there are souls who are running BKWSU centres around the world with poor effect and hence results are poor ? Or are all the centres bursting with Rajayogis ? Is this fact ?

Practice and theory. I'll leave it to that. This is Alanna's thread and so I am glad her family is in good order and I am sure her situation gives her more practical experience of what is spirituality than any theory offered by those who are not in her position.

BKs and prostitutes ?

Well since no-one is pure in the Confluence Age, I would like, for evidence, to see a photo of a BK with a prostitute. So which BK (male or female) is going to be the first to be with a prostitute (male or female) ... teaching that is, of course ? Does the number one soul also do this ?

Can anyone come up with all the Murli points relating to BK serving prostitutes, so as to make things clear ?

New thread perhaps ?

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2008
by arjun
sisterbansy wrote:Can anyone come up with all the Murli points relating to BK serving prostitutes, so as to make things clear ?

"Baba says, ‘Prostitutes must also be uplifted. This is a brothel. They have spoiled India’s name. In this mainly the power of Yoga is required. They are completely sinful. The journey of remembrance is required to become pure. Now that power of remembrance is very less. If you uplift the prostitutes also by considering them as souls then you will not feel any hatred towards them. Although all the souls have become degraded, but one feels hatred towards them (i.e. the prostitutes). He (i.e. Prajapita Brahma) is number one sinful one. Then he has to become number one pure. Although this birth (of Brahma) was good (monetarily) but he is number one sinful, isn’t it?

So these Ganikas should also be uplifted. Only then will you become famous. If you consider yourself to be a soul and feel that you are explaining to a Brother, then you will not feel hatred. But that stage has not arrived. One must uplift the Ganikas also, isn’t it? There must by very good experienced mothers who can go and explain. Kanyas (virgins) are not experienced. Mothers can explain, “We were like this. Now Father says, ‘Become pure, then you can become the masters of the world. This world will become a Shivalaya (a temple of Shiva).” It is not that the prostitutes cannot change. They also will come. You take a challenge and then leave it off. You should invite the leader of the prostitutes to take all of them and come. Can obtain the highest post in the 21 birth of Golden Aged Shivalai.

There is so much sorrow here. People keep diving in the ocean of vice (sex lust). They have a lot of associations. Among the prostitutes also there are numberwise, some are very rich possessing very good houses. You can know everything from the Government. You explain them also. Father says, “Now take up the vow to become pure”. They will come out (of this ocean of sex-lust), but the body consciousness has not gone entirely. In order to purify such sinful souls the sword of the power of Yoga should also be very sharp. Perhaps it’s a little late. One should talk to the Government regarding the prostitutes. Those who explain are also number wise. Prostitutes and Ganikas will also come, who will gallop faster then you. They will start singing first class songs and start giving first class lectures. They will make such first class songs that listening to which people’s happiness would rise.

If you uplift such fallen souls by explaining (The Knowledge) then you will earn a lot of fame. They say, “These people uplift the prostitutes also into such great heights”. They will themselves say, “We were shudras (untouchables in Hindu society, here it refers to sinful people). Now we have become Brahmin. Then we shall become Deities and then Kashtriya (i.e. dwellers of Silver Age). Prostitutes can also make efforts and become the beads of rosary, because they are very sorrowful. They will start making effort with a lot of vigor. In future you will observe all these things."
[Revised Sakar Murli dated 3/1/74 Pg-1 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK]

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2008
by john morgan
Hello Alanna,

How did your exams go?

Kindest regards,

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2008
by bansy
mbbhat wrote:You are correct: "There is much difference while speaking to a BK who is single and who is a mother"

If you were to read Today's BK Morning Murli 3 July 2008, which you are not since you do not go to the centre, it says on page 2; "You are now receiving divine directions from the Father. The mothers have now received the urn of knowledge. These daughters give devil's nectar to imbibe and make them into deities. Deities are not going to rule in the old world."

The "daughters" in the above statement refer to the mothers. So how many of the Dadis, Dadas and SS or even senior Brothers are mothers ?

Thanks for the previous quote Arjunbhai. From what I understand from it, mothers will do the service of uplifting prostitutes. Would singles or Brothers do it ? :shock:
mbbhat wrote:I have plans to; to do service of prostitutes ...

(PS : this is my last post for some time. Apologies if I cannot reply for some time).

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2008
by global

I hope your exams wen't over well. Do you find yourself at times torn between BK knowledge and lokik life have you been able to simply cut the ties? especially with your Dad still being involved?

If you do not feel like responding to the above I understand. is not the words "Om Shanti" some what of a bhatkimarg, along with wearing white?

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2008
by robinramsay
ex-l suggested I visit this thread to comment about BKWSU and Wills. The views expressed are so fine, honest and clear ... touchingly so, especially by the daughter herself.

The recommended BK Will option as I understand it, say in a Family situation where a BK Husband dies is; 1/3 to the wife, 1/3 to the children, 1/3 to the PBKIVV.



Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2008
by alanna
Hi John and Global,

My exams went really well, thanks, I got a first and am graduating in a couple of weeks :D
global wrote:Do you find yourself at times torn between BK knowledge and lokik life have you been able to simply cut the ties? especially with your Dad still being involved?

Not at all. As I said earlier, growing up with BK knowledge (insofar as a child can understand it) meant that it was all very normal to me, rather than something special or to be hugely valued, so I don't feel I have lost anything by choosing a lokic path. I am interested in certain aspects, and actually want to take "the course" to see what I make of it from my perspective today, but, unlike my Father, I don't have any great desire to understand "the bigger picture", I just want to get on with my life and help people in the here and now in the way I see fit.


Your comments are very interesting, but I don't think I can add much as my understanding of BKWSU structure etc is very limited at the moment - I need to keep reading! I have had some interesting conversations with my dad, though, about the "gender" of souls and God/Supreme Soul. He's very into the masculine/feminine - which I see mostly as limiting social constructs - and says that every soul, in its purest form, has an equal measure of both; as does the Supreme Soul. YET He, masculine pronoun of course, is seen more as the Father than mother so I agree that using female subjects to channel what is seen as a male voice is problematic.

I must say that from the outside BKWSU seems more pro-women because of the focus on female leadership but I was unaware of the situation you describe and the "masculated" theory sounds like it could have a good deal of truth in terms of the roles taken on by the senior Sisters. After all, there is no liberation for women - for anyone - if we just take on the roles and continue the power structures of the oppressor.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2008
by john morgan
Hi Alanna,

Congratulations!! :D :D :D :D

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2008
by alanna
Thanks, John!

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2008
by global

Great job have fun at the graduation.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2008
by ex-l
robinramsay wrote:The recommended BK Will option as I understand it, say in a Family situation where a BK Husband dies is :is 1/3 to the wife, 1/3 to the children 1/3 to the PBKIVV.

Is that what you have done? Can you confirm that is current "Shrimat"?

I only wondered because yours is an interesting case. You have money, you have family. You are a committed BK (and so are two of them) and the leadership values you. I am always interested in what people or organizations do rather than what they say.

I have never heard of that breakdown. I have only seen, read and heard of the 100% donation. On this site we have an example of the standard BK Will handed out for "surrendered" BKs to sign and on this forum we have read of a number of cases where the 100% donation cause either legal problems. In one case where the family sued and another where the BKWSO got involved paying funeral cost to recoup a health insurance scam only for the lokik, tales of a family blowing the whistle on them and the BKWSO losing it all, the last where the widow (who lost the house etc and therefore her freedom), was then offered a job in some center kitchen by Janki.

The first case was in the Caribbean, the second in the US/India I believe. The Will from the UK. If you had asked me, I would have said the 100% donation was seen a sign of firm faith to be rewarded by maximum benefit, anything less a sign of lokik attachment. Thanks for the response above but I notice Alanna never got back to us on that one. It is an area that causes great grief within families. We were even told the BKWSU holds boxes of such Wills ... but I have no way of confirming that.

I just feel that their policy should be openly stated and it should be equal for all.