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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2008
by ex-l
Just out of interest, mbbhat ...

    I asked this question for alanna to check. Who should alanna's Father write out his Will to?

    When he dies, who should he leave all his property, money and other wealth to?
We have questioned the Brahma Kumaris habit in this area before but I wondered what the accurate answer is.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2008
by global

"The BKs become purer and purer" ... interesting.

Living amongst other BKs in a center does not make you purer.

It's a hiding place from reality.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Take help of center only to get Murli. Not more than that. You can maintain minimum discipline just to be a right student so that you are not a disturbance to others. No BK will refuse entry to you.

In a college, good students study. Others just roam here and there. Some take drugs. Some make girl and boy friends. But a good student's attention is always in the study.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by ex-l
Good advice regarding centers, mmbhat, and can you answer my question about the Father's Will and the family's inheritance ...

Should it go to the Brahma Kumaris or should it stay at home with the family who, I dare say, will look after the parents in their old age whereas the good Sisters in white might otherwise be engaged "serving the world"?

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear ex-l soul,

I am writing in hurry. From Murli, I have these points about money or property.

    1) It is responsibility of a BK to get his girl child to marry if she desires and has no interest in BK knowledge.
    2) If the son does not wish to remain pure, there is no need to give him property. (But Baba has not said to send him out of home. So what I think is you give him education and let he stay with you in your home. Let you have no expectation from him. If he wishes to marry, let him settle of his own. If your house is large, they can live in one part but if you want to open a geeta-pathashaala (sub-centre), then it may not be possible. You have to decide yourself).
    3) ”After your expenses, with the remaining money, keep 2/3 in the bank and put 1/3 in Bhandara (service)”. This is the easiest thing to do for anybody but it is not said what are expenses. I consider having one house. Cut your monthly expenses. Then what remains, you divide it proportionally.
    4) ”The most intelligence is to bind (wind-up) all the work and surrender into Yagya” - “sab-kuch samet kar samarpit honaa achha hai". Something like this Baba has said.
    5) ”You keep your money with you. But be a trustee”.
    6) ”Giving to Baba and forgetting are one and the same”. See the way of bullets from Baba. [This is both a bullet and a rose].
    7) If you are nashta-moha (having no attachment), you can do anything” [What a Baba we have got!]
So, all depends on becoming pure.

Dear global or Aladin,

There is no need to go to centre. You can study yourself. Baba has said, "after taking one week course, you can be anywhere else". Also it is said, "Do not miss even a single Murli". It is also said, "why do you need Murli? You can churn (rotate) swadarshana-chakra wherever you are".

Dear ex-l Soul,

Just see what freedom Baba has given to us. When we become BK, our expenses reduce. We sacrifice Bad habits, take veg food which is cheaper, no need to see movies. We enjoy highest bliss. So, is it not correct to share our property with Baba? That too Baba returns it with multi-fold. We should keep balance in our life. Baba says, "Balance brings Blessing". Understanding balance is the life. That is why we are in Confluence Age.

Another thing regarding will of property in the Murli, “Vilaayat meim kisee se companion hokar rahate hain. Pavitr rahate hain. Marte samay apnaa sab-kuch us par will kar dete hain”. This was said for those who are alone in their life. "In foreign countries, some stay with a companion. They remain in celibacy. Before death the person (male) writes will in the name of the companion". So, it clearly indicates that you can give your property to anybody who looks after in your old age but you should not have attachment. That’s all.

Dear respected, sweet and lovely Global Soul,

Murli says, “If your intellect wanders even when you are here (sitting in front of Baba and listening to Murli), you are absent. If you are far, but churning swa-darshana-chakra, you are present”

"The real Godly student stay cannot even a SECOND without this study”. This implies that real study is not in the centre. It is continuous. That is why it is said, "student life is best life". Life means always. Student means enthusiastic, non-egoistic, centered, least bothered about external things, continuous developing. Our present life is really precious. There is still chance! So, it all depends how much we love ShivaBaba.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by ex-l
I am not so much interested in the theoretical point of view. I would like to know what the practical evidence is.

What would you do in his place or what have you done regarding your Will ... what have others at your center done ... what do the senior Sisters and center-in-charges tell you to do?

We have documented some messy incidents where there BKWSU got tangled up in family business and even legal cases. Someone said, unconfirmed at present, that the BKWSU hold chests full of its followers' Wills made out in their favour.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear Sous,

Murli speaks- “Jo shreemat par chalet hain- vah kaheen se bhee khaaye, Baba ke bhandaare se khaate hai. Jo asuree mat par chalte hain- vah kaheen se bhee khaaye raavan ke bhandaare se khaate hain” – Those who follow Shrimat eat from Baba’s bhandaar whatever the food they eat and those who do not follow Shrimat eat food from Ravan’s Bhandar whatever the food they eat.

Just see- this is a very important message to BK teachers or anybody who forces BK students.

But dear souls,

There is need of discipline when an institution is to be run. Hence these rules are must. Otherwise, it will not be a cleanliness. You prevent your children from somethings that may cause danger. You do not give a knife to a child. After it is grown, the knife will not hurt the child. Similarly, when you follow Shrimat, you will not have greed of wrong food or be lazy to cook food. Only in extreme circumstances they will take outside food. So discipline is needed to prevent misuse of the above point.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by ex-l
That does not answer the question at all mbbhat. I am being serious.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear ex-l soul,

I take vegetarian food outside during some functions. I do not take spicy. Such occasions will be around 10 times in a year. I do not take salty, chilly food in my daily diet in the first two meals (morning and afternoon). In the evening food, I will take a little rasam (soup) with rice. But I take brown bread from supermarket whenever required. I will eat it with raw apple, cucumber, carrot, banana, etc. I do not take tea, coffee, pickles. A very few times, I take fried foods, (say not more than 1/4 Kg per year).

Sometimes I will have something ready while I browse (visit) the site. So I will post it immediately and then answer your question. I am a Kumar. So I will write will in the name of BK itself. I have already told this to my mother. She is also a BK. My Father is not BK. But it will not pose a problem. Because I will definitely keep something to them (parents). I will write about this in detail in the next post

My intention is to spend some money in service (I have plans to advertise “Geetaa kaa bhagavaan”) in TV and newspapers and write books. I have plans to;

• to do service of prostitutes and poor people who are ready to follow celibacy and vegetarian diet. If I open such things, then I will form a separate trust. But the question is, whom should I make trustees? Baba has told, "You have to uplift even prostitutes" but at present I do not get any support from BKs. So there are so much plans.

* I also have plan to make a movie so that The Knowledge can easily be understood
* To publish a monthly magazine in English, Kannada and Hindi Languages, etc etc, etc.

At present, due to these writing activities, I do not get time. Hence I am not a regular student from past three years. I go to centre whenever there is seva and a call for me. Otherwise, I visit centre just once in two weeks. Rest everything is in my home and office itself.

* Even still I do not wake up in Amrit Vela at all. This is a big mistake from my side.
* Even if I do not read Murli daily, I can maintain my mind comfortably compared to other BKs. I am not expressing ego, but telling the reality.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear Souls,

I am not unhappy by asking me about myself. But we need to know about Baba and Drama. Hence I would like to throw knowledge about those. Otherwise, people will think more me than Baba. So more things should be said about ShivaBaba, then BrahmaBaba, then about self.

As I write, you will come to know about me automatically.

All the best for all.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2008
by alanna
Just to make things clear - my Father may have upset me over the food issue, and caused other problems with other people in his early BK years which I am not and was not fully aware of - but now he has an excellent balance between BK and family life.


I am afraid your marriage example really doesn't work with me. The idea of giving a woman from Father to husband, her leaving one home and set of people for another, is based on what is traditionally good for men; on the notion of woman as property and not on the woman's own freedom or happiness. In both your view of what a BK should do (leave lokik family behind) and in this patriarchal notion of marriage (woman forced to leave her family due to her status within patriarchy) the woman's feelings are entirely ignored. Neither situation is positive, in my opinion.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by ex-l
Your response interests me. The Brahma Kumaris were quick to be, somewhat uncomfortably, accepted as evidence of a "feminist" religion. I would argue that they are not all and that the "women up front" tactics of Lekhraj Kirpalani was not feminist in origin but merely a strategic move used to defray and exclude other male influences from the Om Mandli, e.g. the concerns of the local Panchayat leaders. It is further 'use' of the feminine to achieve the patriarchal aims. A "Yukti" in BK terms.

In one feminist critique of the BKWSU, questions are raised about the inherent power structure based of women becoming the mouthpiece of a male spirit. That power still remains with the masculine. I would take that further, picking up on your comments, to suggest that the leadership within the Brahma Kumaris have challenged the patriarchy any more than they challenge the caste system ... they just seek to supplant themselves in the topdog position, i.e. the Brahmins at the top of the caste system either within or without the BKWSU, the Panchayat clan leaders.

Others have commented on how some leading Brahma Kumaris have become 'masculated', a word coined by Genevieve Vaughan of the World Congresses on Matriarchal Studies. That is to say that they lose their femininity whereas other Brahma Kumaris in the system are forced to adopt the submissive female position, e.g. the little Brahmini 'wives' of SS. (How Senior does a Sister become before she is "given" a young girl as her servant "taken" from her own home and family ... dowry included). Females enacting traditional male female roles to the point that when the 'husband' Brahma Kumari dies (either literally or by moving center or up the ranks), the 'wife' Brahma Kumari gets nothing and is thrown on the pyre of the organization.

Rien ne change plus ... so what is the difference? These are social systems embedded into the core of the BKWSU. I am interested in your response, alanna. Its sometimes unusual to have educated discussions around here.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by mbbhat
Dear Alanna,

actually I wanted to explain everything in detail so that one should not get hurt. But there was instant question from ex-l and I was as if forced to answer immediately. In the beginning itself I have told that there is no mistake from your side. I will tell about me something here.

I had quarrel (heavy oral arguments) with a Sister in charge. But there was some awareness in me always that anger is not right. These all things are part of conflicts of our old sanskars. I am not telling that woman is a property to give. I have two Sisters. They are married. We have good relation with them. They come to home and go. What I meant was if there were no two kitchens and sufficient space in the big house, then if one family cooks non-veg food, then it is difficult for the BK family.

ShivaBaba has come to solve problems of all. But the problem is maximum. Hence there will be drastic change.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by ex-l
I hope alanna responds to my question too ... but it is not just "non-veg" food, is it?

Even if a non-BK cooks vegetarian food, even if they are a better cook, a better person, more strict in their diet ... the BK will not eat it and are told by their leadership not to. Even if the cook is a grandmother (who we can safely assume is celibate and celibate for longer than many BKs) ... the BK will not eat it.

I would rather suggest that this is more about social control and mind control ... an entire separation and divorce between the BK and non-BKs.

I do not feel that you entirely asnwered my question about Wills but good luck with your idea of uplifting prostitutes, especially if you can start with the child ones.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2008
by global

That is great your trying to do service to prostitutes and the poor. I hope your plan goes along well.

Why not do service to young married couples because are they not prostitutes as well according to the BK's?

I still don't understand how a married couple is going take advice on how to life a good married life from a group of woman who are not in a household path? It makes no sense to me.

Allana is better off to distance herself from the BKs because it will in her best interest for spiritual growth.