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Re: BKsimonb

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2007
by proy
Abrahma Kumar wrote:Not hidden from me. Anyway this story is all over the www

I think the main trick is to search for Brahma Kumaris rather than BK. I searched for months for BK when I was a BK myself. BK+forum was my favourite search. Just too lazy to put in Brahma Kumaris maybe, slow typist. As soon as I put in Brahma Kumaris + whatever it all opened up.

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
After a wonderfully enlightening month or so posting and reading the inputs of souls on the the site I am just about to go 'incommunicado' for a week or so. Have fun and more power to all of your elbows so that the good work keeps keeping on. Hasta la vista.

Om Shanti

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2007
by ex-l
Abrahma Kumar wrote:After a wonderfully enlightening month or so posting and reading the inputs of souls on the the site I am just about to go 'incommunicado' for a week or so. Have fun and more power to all of your elbows so that the good work keeps keeping on. Hasta la vista.

You are not going off to the 'Brahmos Kumaris' in India for Baba's season, are you?

Pick up some nice gossip for us will you? Have fun.

Yup, "Brahmakumari", "Brahmakumaris" - all one word - also pulls up a load of Indian stuff.

Try the Vishwa Vidyala bit too.

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2007
by john

If this video did not have BK on the front I wouldn't have known it was. I don't recognise any of it as BK???

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
John wrote:If this video did not have BK on the front I wouldn't have known it was. I don't recognise any of it as BK???

Thanks John, just listened to 6 minutes of it. No BKWSU logos and, yes, you could even miss the BK meditation link which lauches the Video.

IT SOUNDS LIKE A NEW SPIN ON THE REALITY AS BKs SEE IT BUT after 23 minutes no mention of Shiv Baba!
"The Cosmic energy that exists everywhere ... the bond which keeps the whole cosmos together "... "Cosmic energy is the base of all our actions .. received in deep sleep and total silence" ...

I think that some of the experienced posters on the site would love this spin. Cosmic energy as a replacement to Shiv Baba.
"Abundant cosmic energy is available through Meditation." ...

Anyway everyone can listen to it themselves. i picked the links up randomly and pasted them without listening so thanks for bringing this to our attention.

"To do meditation we have to stop all movements of our body and mind. Thinking, Speaking, blah blah blah." Meditation commentary is going on around in the background as I type this. If you stick it through to around the 17 minute mark you will hear a totally different reason for our illnesses etc.

Pyramid and Pyramid Power. When the heck is that?!

I am going to take the liberty of creating a new topic in the common room for this. What a pity i am boing to be away for a while but I am sure that this video and the concepts discussed will create quite a stir. I am sure listen and you'll see.

Boy oh boy this video and commentary is a gold mine.

"Cosmic energy cleanses all illness of the body. Thereby we will be healthy without medicine ... More and more meditation leads to higher understanding capabilities ... Meditation helps us to get all answers to all our questions ... meditation can be done at any time ... in one sitting meditation should be done for a time equal to one's age. "

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Just wanted to say hi as a sort of welcoming myself back to the forum. Though I have been away for a while i did take a chance to scan the site once so as to keep in touch with the the community, however today is my first lengthy visit for a week or so. Many of the threads have been kept going in a very informative way and hopefully i will catch up with it all as soon as time permits. Om Shanti

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Found the driedexbk post entitled "Absolute Truth" enoyable reading and as seems to be my wont every now and then I thought that I would come ever here to divest myself of a few of my mind's ramblings. I do not have enough knowledge/wisdom to speak in similar assured terms as those expressed in the opening sentences of driedexbk's post but at the same time i personally find a lot of what was said worthy of consideration if not wholehearted acceptance.

I really enjoy the site and would not swap my brief involvement here for any other type of online self-expression but in the time since my last post I have been wondering whether I have become anti-God? Or to put it another way is my current stage just not right for the forum? Should I just cart myself of to an altogether less Godly place? No, I am not saying that there is anything wromg about the forum/its' contributors/the topics. For instance I have herard my own self utter these words of driedexbk's so many times on the service field:
Can anyone else play our role in the drama of life better than we can? Of course not! Even Raja Yoga teaches us that.

And this too seems reasonable.
We are as complete and as perfect as we can be at every moment in the drama

A question that might arise: Can those 2 observations lead one to 'self realisation' or a more 'fulfilled existence' without the 'extras' that a BKWSU life brings with it? As BKs we speak with so much aurthority about so many things but where is the proof ...? Or am I falling into the trap of seeking after logic when all that is required is humility.

Thanks driedexbk, looking foreward to reading more of your posts

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Following on from my last post in this my little bolt-hole and my updating myself with some of the more recent posts on the site since I have been away I admit that there has been a subtle shift in my consciousness - more about that later perhaps. But for now I would like to apologise unreservedy for seeming to unquestionably assert that the video was a BKWSU one - that little episode has been bothering me ;( so I thought I would get it off my chest) I was reacting to the the fact that it had a link against it on the google page.

What attracted me to BKs part unknown of a Work-In-Progress

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Anyway a friend told me about the BK's after having they had attended a weekend retreat aimed at one of the BKWSU's specific target audiences. That weekend was recollected to me as being full of all the kind of esoteric stuff - and more - that we would spend hours and hours chatting about so I would definitely find it interesting.

Timing wise certain aspects of my life were on the verge of meltdown - though I did not fully recognise it as such at the time - so I rang the nearest centre and did the PT course. I confess that the 'hook' that PT hung itself from within my psyche was a lifelong quest to manifest my existence as God truly intended the human being to (whatever that meant -head in the clouds or what? ;). The PT course gave me an insight into the self as 'creator' of its own thoughts blah blah blah. I must have been looking for that understanding to counter-balance all of the negative stuff I had experienced - a lot of which was by my own doing. I guess i wanted to live and experience the practical powerful life of an enlightened soul. So not I am not one of life's bleeding-heart victims as I really do recognise that I have been around that cycle and done it all ;).

Anyway I got switched on by the PT info, dived right into the meditation course thereafter and started attending an evening Murli a week till i took the dive into regular morning class about 9 months after that. I am trying to chose my words carefully because i have told this story out in the world quite a few times ;).

Though born into a Christian family I lived in a very mixed cultural environment in which a lot of the BKWSU bhakti-referenced pictures and stories blah blah blah were not at all new to me. Same applies to my exposure to all of the other main religions - this physical birth had given me exposure to all of them. And a lot of the BK imagery just seemed to confirm that every step I had taken in this up to that very moment had somehow prepared me for this knowledge.

Truthfully i cannot remember the 7-day course much by which I mean i can not remember any of my emotional or intellectual 'feedback' with the infromation presented to me via the course. I always joke that Baba must have knocked me out every single week just so that I could sit there and take it all in. Just so that his long lost child could hear the Murli. But the main thing was that the PT course awakened a certain power within me. it was the power of self determination and not to forget the prospect of being a better human being.

Jeez, I have written this stuff without batting an eyelid. Wow but before i ramble on I declare that BKWSU teachings seemed to hold the key to my desire to experience life as God intended the fully soul conscious human to. No negativity, No sin, no pain blah blah.
Primarily a knowledgeable Soul that is what i was after i guessed. So no I wasn't looking for the Maryadas; I was already a vegetarian; I was not looking for God per se - though I was/still am a believer; I was not looking to end my Bhakti. I suppose that I was looking to rediscover soul consciousness as a prasctical reality.

To be continued perhaps

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Another great few days on the forum. Take care all.

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
sakshi Delhi - Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:02 pm

Dear Brother

yes, senior Sisters and Dadis are aware but they do not want
to tell any thing , so its better you ask this question to the BKs.

Abrahma Kumar Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:10 pm
Sakshi Delhi, are we to understand from your response that your
opinion is that God's children are ALWAYS and ONLY directly mouth-born?
If that is the case how do we human soul's stand a chance distinguishing
the ONE TRUE GOD from all other soul's that make their presence felt on

Does it mean that since the Confluence Age started there is always a
Godly Chariot on earth? Does it mean that such Godly Chariot's will be
amongst humankind till the end of the Confluence Age or God Shiva's task
of establishment is completed?

Was looking back at the above sequence of posts together with the one's inbetween and an observation came to mind which I would like to record here for what it's worth.
5 days have elapsed between Sakshi's post and the last one I made on the thread. Prior to my last post my input was only to ask Sakshi that he/she kindly share some thoughts on a few questions that some other posters had raised.

However today I revisited the thread and suddenly a whole slew of other questions - as quoted - escaped the intellect. How come? I visited that thread countless times but till the moment I completed my post today I can honestly say that I had not the slightest inkling that those questions were lurking within me.

Now, when I look at the questions I get the feeling that exploring Gyan on their basis may be at least a little useful - even if just to myself :|

So the question I asked myself is: If those observations/questions were lurking in the intellect all this time what was it that enabled them to 'pop-out' at that particular time today? And why? Were they 'prompting me' subconsciously everytime I looked at the thread but I could not hear them? Is it the collective energy of every single one of the posts on the site that facilitates this sort of happening?

What I am driving at here I suppose is this: Does the site represent a valid avenue for continued BKWSU/PBK/Vishnu Party etc spiritual study? And if so can the site really be designated as 'anti' anything?

Does studying Godly knowledge leave the soul with a sort indelible 'mark' in the intellect? (rhetorical question because i know the answer is 'yes') Is it a 'mark' that can always be accessed even if NOT (seemingly) through a deliberate act of will but by the simple fact that drama is being revealed at every single moment? i.e. the more we play the game the more gets revealed to us.

Or are such happenings always willful but our conscious-self/mind needs time to 'catch-up with the drama' so to speak? Is our engagement here on Brahmakumaris.Info representative of new paradigm in the dissemination of Godly Knowledge? A newness that will one day become much more common by which I mean accepted as relevant by our respective institutions? Is the Shiva soul 'using' this site?

Ah well ... I think that's me done here for today.

Om Shanti & Vaya con Dios mi hermanos y hermanas

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Today not a good day for me to post on the forum as i my overall demeanour would best be described as incandescent with rage. Will be back when I cool down a little. It is such a blessing that i discovered this forum through which i am able to get first-hand experience of the mindset of some so-called Godly students! Om Shanti.

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
I was going to be a good little soul and keep the lowest possible profile today but alas i notice that another one of my ramblings seems to have 'spawned' a topic of its own. This time the Birth of Radhe and Krisha in the Common Room - honest it wasn't me wot done it, really! Yesterday it was 1976 ... in the PBK part of the forum.

Ah well this cyberworld is sure fun except that i am becoming concerned that somewhere in the real world there may be a AbrahmaKumar doll with lots of needles and pins sticking out of it ;) ... Ah Acuuuuuuuuuupuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctuuuuuuuuuure! I feel better already.

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
Actually I need to go. Feels as if the forum is becoming 'sharper' as if souls are saying in no uncertain terms that they refuse to have their head's messed around with anymore. How will the 'messers' respond? Are we all messing with each other's heads? Or are some of us simply getting rid of the mess in our heads albeit sometimes in a messy way? Anyway that's me for the day. Vaya con Dios.