Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post13 Mar 2009

sukhi wrote:Well, to be honest, I was first upset and disturbed reading the PM as I am still recovering but I guess feeling better now. Thanks to you all over here.

Thanks to you too. It was incredible. A full on attack pulling at all and any strings of guilt and mental pre-conditioning. A perfect piece of Brahma Kumarism ... those are who you will be going to the Golden Age with, if you believe in it.

The funny thing is, seeing mention that it came from Singapore based BK, we had a poor women from Singapore come onto this forum because she was in love with and dating a Brahma Kumar from Singapore. They too were having a sexual relationship. Yes, the active BK who had brought his family into contact with BK and was trying to bring her into the BKs ... even though they were having sex. I do not need to spell out what that means to you.

She was in a terrible mess too. She had no wish to be a Brahma Kumari, just simply be in love with a lovely guy. This is what they do to couples ... and yet someone from the same center, or may be even the same person for all we know, is writing like that. You see them telling you how to use the relationship to pull someone else into Gyan.

    ... that is not true spirituality.
Personally, I do accept the value of practising celibacy at some points in your life ... but not allowing it to crush an destroy you. I am not that stupid not to. But to wrap it up in all this superstition, fear and guilt

    ... that is not "Knowledge".
Lekhraj Kirpalani had a full life and THEN moved on. He made his life, had a wife and family and extended family relationships to support him. Perhaps you should follow 'his path' not the 'Brahma Kumaris path' ... which is running an exclusive religion and living off other peoples' money?



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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post13 Mar 2009

Hey Sukhi - he thinks he is master creator but, as he has shown by trying to bait you, he is just another master baiter.
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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post13 Mar 2009

Hi Sukhi,

Even if it turns out he is right and we are completely wrong (which I doubt), what actually is he offering? A life of extreme disassociation - where you are always two people; one having a thought, and the other pulling the thought to pieces and making sure you do not follow it. And all for what? A nice house and a flying car? You know the BKs, for all their stated love of God, have a heaven which is the only one that doesn't have God in it. The BK heaven is totally empty. It is like a soap opera set in California - all these beautiful people, with lovely kitchens, who haven't a real thought between them.

This guy has just demonstrated clearly how the BK life makes one incapable of loving humans - he was actually trying to be nice to you! The best he could do was use blackmail, manipulation and hypnotic language to make you feel awful, and not just awful but extremely awful, dangerously awful. And he did it with the sensitivity of a Nazi guard who is having a good day, and so wants to crack some Jewish jokes with one of the gas chamber workers.

I really, really do not want to go to any kind of heaven where these so called people are in charge. It would be hell on earth. They'll need to consult a rule-book before they smile in the mornings. I would like to say that I respect his position, but he does not have one. He did not express a single actual thought that was his. He has totally stopped all thinking and feeling. That is his strategy - to, basically, not think or feel. Surely that is some kind of crime? Indeed, is not that the crime that leads to every other type of totalitarian regime? If Baba told him to go out and kill Jews he would because whatever Baba says is right.

I, for one, would rather think for myself and happily pay for that proportion of my thoughts which are misguided than to not think at all. My strategy promises learning. His strategy is just Destruction - destruction of all identity and conscience now, and Destruction of all human existence to follow soon.

BTW, terry you are a genius!!! :-).
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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post13 Mar 2009

Eug - you're so funny - Thank God for humour and for using it! Sukhi - I am reading your post and, in your honesty, I can say to you that, "You're cured!", if I am 'allowed' to say such. You just be happy in your life, that's all that anyone of us ever needs to be and that's the geatest service this world can get from any one of us.

Keep posting.

Terry, you've also got a really dry sense of humour eh? "Master b.....r", hmmm, now that's really funny! I am laughing my socks off (if I had any on that is, remember I live in Africa ...).

To be able to laugh is a great gift and I thank you all for providing that this morning.
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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post13 Mar 2009

One thing for sure, we should invite this guy on to the forum explain himself and discuss our findings to date.

I wonder if he is talking from experience as regards all this "vice" stuff? All the inarguable evidence that show the degree of deception, the historical revision, the corruption or abuse and so on, are just reduced to "stories". Well, I am sorry. No. They are not "stories". They are clear facts. It is the BKWSU that have been publishing "stories".

    Sukhi, the truth is life just goes on. You have good times, you experience, you learn and you grow as was intended for YOU.
If I told you how remarkable a life I have had since leaving the BKWSU ... they would just say, "oh, he is just using up his good karma". If I mentioned any normal human difficulties ... they would dig amongst the rubbish heap of my life for "evidence" of my bad karma caused by leaving. We cant win.

In my own personal case, I wasted about a decade of my life - at the most important time - because I believed what the senior Sisters and Murlis told me, that the world was going to end in the mid-1980s. I made no plans, I started no family, I was caught in an inbetween world like you are now "just in case" it was all true. It was not. It did not happen. Listen to people like him, I felt like I had to hand over my friends and companions to the BKWSU. I seen new BKs doing exactly the same today. Thankfully, your generation has the internet. We are able to share experiences.

In my case, firstly from other demi-BKs, I discovered about the corruption in the BKWSU going right to the top. I was shocked. I could not believe it; favoritism, the Maryadas being thrown out the window etc. Then I discovered about the illicit affairs and abuse going on in the BKWSU, I was even more shocked. Then I found out about the suicides of people I knew. And I knew about my own experience at de-programming. I was not shocked but I was saddened at the waste of life, for what?

And, lastly, I discovered by my own efforts that there was an entire hidden history going back to the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s of repeated failed predictions of Destruction, no God Shiva and all other sorts of information that they knew about but had hidden from me. False predictions that others had gone through and no one had told me. I had been deceived.

I met other old time ex-BKs that had terrible times leaving, because they too did not know what to believe, who read the site and were shocked as well ... they too had not been told. They said, "if I had known, I would have never joined in the first place". The real picture of the Brahma Kumaris started to appear out of the fog.

The BKs often say, "life is a test" ... well, that is true. Actually, they say, "Baba is testing us" ... and that is not true. Its complete rubbish. What God would "test" his children by torturing them with fear and guilt, false promises and false punishments!?! Please, you are an interesting, intellgient woman, go and get on with your life.

Be practical. Go and find ex-BK Brian Bacon of the SML course and ask him. His wife is also a very talented healer. Go find ex-BK Marneta Viegas or Relax Kids, ask her if her life has been destroyed for eternity. Go and find ex-BK Lucinda Drayton of Bliss and ask her if her fortune has been "destroyed", she too is a healer ... go and get a life. Your own life. Please. Decide if you want to be amongst people like them. But, please ... get on with it.

Life is short and hard enough without a having bunch of vampires feeding off it.

It looks like master_creator is a reincarnation of master creator who in 2007 confirmed he had only been on Gyan a few years. That explains a lot.
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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post13 Mar 2009

I really strongly agree with what ex-l is pointing out - that the time when it was excusable to be such an idiot has long since gone. There was no way we could know the bad as well as the good about the BKs. Now you really have to work quite hard to filter out the bad news.

We were in the dark, these guys are wilfully shutting their eyes.


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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post14 Mar 2009

Here is a tactic to get us, fall in love with these man. Its done to me and he is still doing it ... Lighthouse Mighthouse Stage.
ShivBaba says that if you cannot transform others, at least make them unconscious and bring them for the mighthouse to complete the transformation.

A spiritual lighthouse is one who shows others the path to liberation and liberation in life by first attracting them with the fragrance of peace, love and happiness, but tactfully pointing them in the direction of Shiv Baba by becoming detached. Lighthouses simply consider themselves as humble instruments with a pure, sweet nature doing the task inspired by ShivBaba (bhav, bhavna, swabhav).

Those who have to perform the destruction need co-operation from you benefactor souls. They require the signal of' your thoughts. Until you adopt the form of fire, you are not able to give the signal.


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Re: Hi - I am a newcomer and want help with my relationship

Post14 Jun 2009


I admire your guts in seeking help. This might be too late of a response but I am going to try. I could very much relate to the situation you are in, I will tell my story later.

There is nothing in this world that you need to feel guilty of. You would have to measure your strengths and weaknesses and make the best of it and move forward, whether it be according to Gyan or not. Accepting Gyan and following it is a change in your life, if the change is small you can cope with but if the change is too big and you try to handle it all at once you will bungle up. If the change is big you should be managing it incrementally. To draw an analogy, if you turn your car slowly on a curve on the road you will be fine, if you turn too fast there are good chances you will be in an accident.

The way you win over kama is by instilling purity in you slowly day by day, and NEVER by deliberately refraining from sex. Given the position you are in, if you repress your strong sexual feelings or any desires for that matter because of guilt, there are good chances they are going to drag you down emotionally and show up in a good-sized tumor after a few years.

The fact is you were already having sex even though you were not totally in it by having thoughts, etc. The conscious mind doesn't differentiate between a thought, the imagination of doing the thought and the act of thought itself.


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