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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by john morgan
Most people that study at BK centres experience something in the first few days of study. They have an "experience" or feel more peace than ever before, something like that.

Then the BK come along with knowledge. Faith! Important to have faith! When I was put in a class and they read the Murli my mind was pulled here, there and everywhere. Gradually I came to like it.

Most people cannot change even if they wish to. The reason for this is that they do not have enough strength. They are what they are full stop. Yogis talk about sanskaras, for the student some are deep and required others are deep and not required etc. Miraculously change enters everyones head at BK centres, yes, I must improve, I must become like Bap Dada. Some resist and some comply or do their best to anyhow. The person with full faith sits at the front of class and the person with doubt at the back etc. The play of sanskaras goes on. All this seems pretty solid to the student, its all happening in his mind.

The student is waking up. Consciousness is made of light, it is not made of matter. Solidly the student understands different thoughts, different actions, different sanskaras. Later in the study this solidity is much more fluid and the student has instant control over what may have previously taken years to alter. The Knowledge is about self control and there are tremendous spin offs.

Some people are more susceptible to The Knowledge than others, perhaps some just know there is more to life than their current experience. I do not know the reason why. That Baba is finding his children seems as good an explanation as anything else. (susceptible = lucky?)

I am banned excommunicated damned and totally worthless. The BK don't wish to know me and I feel terrible about it. How could my dearest Abba abandon me like this? I cannot go to classes and the phone has been put down on me. Can you imagine my state of incredible (in alphabetical order) anxiety, depression, doubt, grief, guilt, negative states of mind, neuroses, sin and suffering?

Well my friends, this is a drama, its all a play of consciousness of light, everything is fine, just as it should be.

If I wish to study and create blame doubt and fault I can, I can go deeper and deeper into it for all eternity.

There are more positive studies, possibly the BK provide one of them. Can faith open the door to reality?

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by alanna
Ack, look - the reason I am not very clear on some things is that my parents did not Ram BK down my throat and allowed me to make my own decisions, so I grew up surrounded by BK stuff but never had any of it methodically explained to me, and I've never taken the course. It's not because my dad's a bad teacher.

Sorry ex-l, you're not going to get any fixed answer out of me on God - I am genuinely ambivalent and not interested in spending time thinking about it.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by alanna
john morgan wrote:I am banned excommunicated damned and totally worthless. The BK don't wish to know me and I feel terrible about it. How could my dearest Abba abandon me like this? I cannot go to classes and the phone has been put down on me. Can you imagine my state of incredible (in alphabetical order) anxiety, depression, doubt, grief, guilt, negative states of mind, neuroses, sin and suffering?

That's really awful. I don't understand why they cannot keep up a dialogue, welcome people who are just interested in some aspects of BKWSU etc. Maybe it would be different at certain centres? From reading here it certainly seems like there's a lack of consistency between the attitudes adopted in different places and by different people.

Best wishes, John.


Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by john morgan
Good for you Alanna,

To tell ex-I off in such an accurate way is just what he needs.

Perhaps now he'll behave and stop trying to confirm what he believes or doubts through his interaction with you.

Kindest regards,


Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by john morgan
Hello again Alanna,

I just saw your reaction to my post. That I am banned is true but please also be aware that I am feeling quite mischievous today, so all is not as bad as it seems. Life is progressive and very interesting at present, the banning may turn out to be more the BK's loss than mine, time alone will tell.

Note on being banned

The BK world is ruled by head office, so if someone is banned by London (English Head Office) the ban is worldwide. It is possible to sneak in incognito but that not a viable option because I don't sneak :D.

Thanks nice person,


Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by ex-l
What was that Groucho Marx quote about "not caring to belong to any club that will have me as a member".
alanna wrote:Sorry ex-l, you're not going to get any fixed answer out of me on God - I am genuinely ambivalent and not interested in spending time thinking about it.

Heaven's a betsy, I almost fell right off my meditation chair ( ... available from Brahma Kumaris Publications, ltd price; £ 30.00).

Well, don't let me be the one to chastise you ... but it is your eternal destiny we are talking about here :shock: and I will tick the box labelled "serviceable contact soul" in the meanwhile. Never mind, I think the basic deal is that you are meant to slip into for low caste birth towards the end of Heaven on Earth merely because of your Father's efforts. Not sure how that works, so ask to have it in writing (see mention of Will, above).

I do note, however, that they let you go to Madhuban and meet the God Father Shiva without doing the course. So you will probably realise the errors of your ways and start remembering him like Hell once the nuclear bombs start raining down or meet your Father in his angelic forum on your way "up to the light". Any other question about BK "Knowledge", just let us know and we can clarify them for you ...

What does ambivalent mean? 5 out of 10 ... floating voter ... bets covered both ways?

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by bkti-pit
It seems like ex-l is in a mischievous mood too!

Alanna, I like your common sense.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by tete

As the mother of a much younger child than you, I think you have every right to determine what is right for you. Let's not visit the sins of the parents unto the child. What ever choices your parents made, it was their choice and you are by no way expected to be held accountable for it.

The road of life is often filled with detours and we some times get off the road, some time by choice and some times not. You chart your own path, make and find your own happiness. We cannot hope nor ever want anything less for our children than their happiness. Big cyber hug to you Alanna and thanks for sharing with us.


Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by bansy
I had previously commented
john morgan wrote:I find it very interesting that Alanna should be the daughter of a BK and not be very clear about who Bap Dada is
bansy wrote: The concern is not for Alanna, its her dad's.

And Alanna has given maybe or not a reply, but I'd like to clarify below just in case ...
Alanna wrote:It's not because my dad's a bad teacher.

Alanna, my reply was not directed at whether your dad should teach or not, I am referring to the fact that your dad has a view of BapDada, and you have your own views of BapDada. I am trying to dissolve the other posts linking you as a daughter of a BK and thus connected to BapDada,
e.g. My dad plays Mahjong but that does not mean I do.

I hope it was clear in the first place regarding my comment, but if not, my apologies.

So good, stand your grand girl !

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by ex-l
bkti-pit wrote:It seems like ex-l is in a mischievous mood too!

Whaddaya mean mischievous!?!

I did quote Marx saying, "I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member" and not "I don't care to belong to any cult that will have me as a member" ...

Secretly, if only the truth be known, I am jealous of john morgan for having reached such a challenging level of spiritual consciousness that he could have been banned from the BKWSU worldwide and willfully starved of Murlis. For all my efforts, the best I get is a second hand invitation to their Palladian mansion in the country.
tete wrote:Let's not visit the sins of the parents unto the child.

And let not the child visit them unto others ... "ambivalently", I say.

I don't know. This is not a polite dinner and it was only a fairly straightforward question. At least I did not embarrass her by asking her to sign a form asking, "Who is the God of the Gita?" like we did in our day.

OK, alanna ... so who is the God of the Gita then?

I mean, come on, I accept Baba is only an ambivalent part of your life right now and so consider it an academic question to see how much you were paying attention in all those morning classes you attended.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by john morgan
Hello ex-I,

Possibly the mischievous bit is because you persist in asking Alanna questions on topics in which she has little or no interest.

She has brought a fresh sense of perspective here. She has answered the questions that she can openly and honestly, so let's not ask her the type of questions that can only be meaningfully asked of a BK.

It's great news ... your invitation to ... is it Oxford? When are you going?

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by ex-l
When? The Brahma Kumari followers are organizing a whip round to see if they can afford the air-conditioners required to make hell freeze over as I type. Come on ... that was as much of a tease as "God of the Gita" was to Alanna, and I am sure that she can cope with me herself.

This is a serious matter though ... are we witnessing the birth of the "SBK" (the Secular Brahma Kumari), born of the Living Values/Values Education type service programmes, or just another meme carrying "sleepwalker"? On the other hand, perhaps she is "The One", immune and carrying the antidote to it all.

Here is an interesting one ... ADULT CHILDREN OF CULT MEMBERS (ACOCM).

I don't like using the c-word as a habit but the article goes on ... "An ACOCM, who was exposed to a cult from birth or before 14 years old, has no pre-cult identity to fall back on. Their plight has received much less attention from cult scholars until recently. In my work with therapy clients who are adult children of cult members (ACOCMs), I have been struck by the similarities of their characteristics and those of adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) ..."
Challenge: Cult leaders do not recognize boundaries and tend to create environments in which everything exists to serve them. As a result, ACOCMs may be raised by parents who have trouble drawing appropriate boundaries. This may carry on to the next generation: ACOCMs may have trouble recognizing boundaries. Some ACOCM's were raised with loose or highly rigid sexual rules, which can interfere with adult intimacy and healthy boundaries.

Strength: Once channeled, the ability to be flexible with boundaries is an important skill for family and intimate relationships.

Recovery Task: To successfully develop intimacy, without becoming enmeshed inappropriately with others.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by alanna
ex-l, john, bansy

I am in the middle of finals, hence my sense of humour failure, Sorry! Blame the French imperfect subjunctive ...

And bansy, I misread your comment - sorry again! I have a tendency to be a wee bit over defensive.
# Challenge: Totalist cults tend to indoctrinate their members with inappropriate, unachievable missions to save the world. ACOCMs may feel a restless need to "make a difference in society" — to "save the world."

Yes! But my rescue kit is stuffed full of garlic, red wine, and a well thumbed copy of the kama sutra. Much more fun than getting up at 4am ...

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 26 May 2008
by john morgan
Hi Alanna,

Good luck with your finals.

Re: Hello from daughter of BK

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2008
by global

Thanks for sharing your story. I often wonder how many families have been destroyed and what consequences will be caused by the misinformation.

We cannot blame God for this but some really bad misinterpretations and intent to control.

From an outside world perspective, how can this be seen as loving when you are offered vegetarian food and do not accept? Or not offer a hug if needed?

I can just imagine what your mother must have gone through. It is like she was living with a stranger. I am glad your dad has become more himself.

I remember after spending some time with the BKs people commenting, boy, you have changed and my Dad mentioning to me I became "Rude". This coming from a man who, for the most, was very kind but not a BK.

When he mentioned that, I really had to check myself and see what was going on in my head.

I guess I was struggling with the reality, do I continue to believe this or realize I have wasted a lot of time here?