What's pulling me away

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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

On the "I get in or pull him out" thread the Gyani points come thick and fast meanwhile some await the answers to practical questions. Dear God, is your truth so absolute or our ways of giving your message so seeped in that knowledge that we, your children, ratatatat ratatattat points even though there are a few issues that require clarification? God , it pains me to see.


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Post31 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Ah, the sweet sanctuary of one's very own topic. What a blessed relief.

Thought I'd also gatecrash here and disturb your silence :P :P :P
It looks as though the author of the thread has posted a direct quote from a Murli -

The Murli quote was from a PBK, not the author of the thread.
To cut a long story short, or would that be to turn a mountain into a mustard seed, one could ask whether a preponderance/misinterpretation or innapropriate application of
Gyan hinders one from developing the social skills necessary to engage successfully in a world in which souls may want to relate to each other on the basis of soul conscious human empathy rather than an apptitude for God's Murli points? Or perhaps a mixture of soul conscious human empathy AND an appreciation for God's Murli points administered wisely?

In the lokik world, I am human first then diety second. In the alokik world, I am a diety.
Well we have to try to turn lokik situations into alokik. Only after "checking the pulse". So far, the corporeal world to me is a lokik world with patches of alokik here and there. Although you can always prance around Oxford Street chanting and beating drums, like a bunch of bald headed orange robe wearing folks (I saw a few times in London, it was quite hilarious, almost wanted to jump in and have fun too). :P

Ah well another one of my posts that doesn't make much sense.

Actually whose does ? :? Keep it on.
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

More and more interesting the thread becomes. I am glad that I have this little bolt hole. Based on my earlier classifications the Soul-consciously informed human empathisers have finally returned to the scene. However ... Children cry when they don't understand..
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

Though I shall entertain the intruder I don't want it to be taken that I find intruders entertaining ;) ;) ;). Thanks for passing by.
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Jan 2007

hello world
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abrahma kumar

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Post01 Feb 2007

Don't intend to be here much today but before I go wanted to leave myself a couple of questions that I might explore some other time.

Is it possible that during our discussions arising from 'being' BK/ex-BK/PBK/ the nature of GOD and the Divine connection we are seeking with that Being gets obscured (by our various allegieances)?

Do any of the exchanges on this forum simply reflect a similar process - could be individual - that happens in the respective institutions but is either not spoken about through personal censorship or through the in-built engineering of group dynamics?

If so, what happens to the energy we see displayed here whilst we are back 'in-house'?

Is any discussion about God bound to end up in 'factional disputes' - not through over-zealousness or ill-feelings towards 'competing' groups but because God really is a mystery? A mysterious entity that the human race has invested/expended an enormous amount of energy on exploring, sustaining, deriding, but ultimately will never KNOW ...?Unless of course that being announces it's presence in a way that all souls can recognise
(n.b. Use of the term human race rather than souls was deliberate)

Ah well ...

P.S. Wasn't intending for this post to 'go that way' as a friend of mine says but there it is. How does the song go? There are more questions than answers ...

Om Shanti

Abrahma Kumar
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abrahma kumar

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Getting behind Organisational PR when web-browsing

Post01 Feb 2007

Am posting this as an offshoot from a brief exchange on the Newcomers News Desk in January that raised the issue of how to use the internet to access non-PR information about an organisation i.e. information that the organisation may prefer remained unseen. This post only details the methods not the results ;). Some of the suggestions may already be part of the techniques you use though I appreciated finding an 'expert' systematic response to a direct question of this nature. As in all things www the user has to have some sort of criteria and methodology for assessing quality of info, corroborating results and discarding rubbish. In some further investigations that I have done on this area the concept of the Deep Web was encountered. (BTW the BKWSU was the topic under discussion in the mail from which I am re-presenting these methods)

1. Try and identify criticisms of it and/or its founder/leadership. Obviously this will also produce a highly biased picture, which may include falsehoods, but the information can serve as an interesting counterweight to the PR and can open up avenues for further research.

2. Bear in mind the organisation's self-professed mission i.e the kind of institution they claim to be. This gives you an idea of the contexts in which it sees itself as being of use to those it wants to attract. Might also throw up a lot of PR but you will quickly learn how to skip those links i.e they might have the organisation's name or something similar in it's www root.

3. Bear in mind the very opposite to organisation's self-professed mission i.e. they claim manufactur the best stain-remover so you would try to find any information about stubborn and persistent stain reports ;)

4. Bear in mind the organisations self-professed affiliations and use the same techniques on those affiliates. Yes you might get tangled in an interminable web but you might be surprised on how much 'mutual back-scratching' goes on in the world of large institutions

5. Try to search for academic sources of information. I.e Reputable sources that do not have a stake in prooting or denigrating the information they provide.

Lastly and this my very own idea: Simply ask them for all the hidden stuff via email and wait for the response. Then try the Deep Web.

Happy Surfing


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abrahma kumar

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destruction 6 years away ....

Post02 Feb 2007

The recollections that came to mind whilst responding on that destruction 6 years away thread were so poignant and a bit funny - to me at least - that I thought I would come continue the conversation over here. During my response up popped the memory of the "BKWSU-Issue" blue plastic fold-up jerrycans for emergency water supplies that were available "from a centre near you" in readiness for Y2K. Does anyone else recall those days? Were they available all over the BKWSU world?

At the time I surmised that seeing as chips - no, not the microwavable potato variety but computer chips - were proliferating in about every imaginable device then one couldn't be too careful. So i dutifully complied with the BKWSU guidelines so as to be "ever-ready" for Y2K. And remember how we were encouraged to buy same for the lokiks? Oh boy what must they have thought of us? The lokiks thoughts us I mean.

(Bear with me please as I break from these remembrances for a while as I am experiencing an attack of "childish foolishness".)

Question: So what do you call a virtuous facility, one that every BK student can safely depend on? Answer: A Device (get it? A facility with the vice removed). I said it was childish.

And BTW how come i aint yet seen a post about 'charts' screaming out at me in the forum? Come on, don't tell me there are no BKWSU chart stories to relate. Really? Do they have charts in PBK's? And ex-BK's surely you must those charts? What about the "108 points for becoming bodiless" chart ; and then there was "21 yuktis for egoless stage" :roll:.
And then there are the charts I love the most, yes. You know the ones that require your answer to be expressed in percentages to the nearest 10 significant numbers. Jeez, unless you were really pukka you could well need a snort from a vial of smelling-salts to recover from the dizziness in your head that some of those charts induced.

What are those charts about anyway? To remind us of how imperfect we were/are? Perhaps I need to drop the royal 'we' and look only at myself.

Hopefully by now you must get the drift that this post represents a light-hearted wander down BKWSU memory lane. So please don't hold it agianst me. Thanks.

Mention of the jerrycans brought on the crazy idea of a spoof e:bay style auction site for Godly student memorabilia (surplus to requirements memorabilia of course) - BKWSU Murlis NOT TO BE INCLUDED obviously. Observing some of ALLEGED revelations in the UK national press commerce in Gyani bric-a-brac might not create too much of a stir. But to be on the safe side instead of cash we can use special-issue promisory notes redeemable on the Banks of River Jamuna in 6 years time (precise end date negotiable of course as I would never conduct business without some sort of insurance policy - just in case). Destruction 6 years away ...

Om Shanti

do not take life too seriously ... more in this light-hearted vein to follow at some later date.


And now for Amrit Vela lovely. Thank you Baba.
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abrahma kumar

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The New president of the USA

Post02 Feb 2007

The following attributed to the President, Brahma Kumaris, USA:
the story of the world is now very old. This ancient story has grown so complex that it has become difficult to discern truth from fiction. It is a story that to some is now wholly out of control and whose basic values have come into question. It is a story that perhaps has had its day.

Is it a BKWSU confession?
Which ancient story - 1936 or Ancient Raja Yoga or tales of the Yagya History?
What has grown so complex - Keeping track of all the Murli Revisions?
Difficult to discern what truth from what fiction - is not BapDada coming today after all?
Who are the 'some' that find the sory to be out of control - Posters on this site?
Basic values have come into question - Really? I am a celebrity get me out of here.
It is a story - will the ending be a happy one?
That perhaps has had its day - Any time soon? Perhaps.

Om Shanti.
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abrahma kumar

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I get in or pull him

Post02 Feb 2007

Having decided to watch but not post on that thread I nonthelsess would like to explore a few thoughts on it here as it develops. It was mentioned that:
He is so full of Baba, and glows when he talks about the Golden Age, that is were he is preparing for. I don't belief he is doing all this talking (service) just to get me in. He is sincere and not show a systematic plan towards me to get me in (am I getting blind?) Is he brainwashing me, I can hardly belief it.

In line with this I can share that within the last couple of days whist presenting one of the Yagya's courses I was asked out of the blue directly by a student while the soul looked me straight in the eye so that I could tell that the questions were deadly serious ones: Why should I believe what you are saying? Is it because you say so? Is it because you believe it? How do I know that what you are saying is true?

In that look I felt the un-uttered but clearly present feeling in the soul as follows: "What you are sharing with me sounds very reasonable; I cant even think of any reason NOT to accept that what you are saying is true but why do i feel so compliant with it all?

Then I wondered how would I feel in that soul's position? Why did not i feel that way when I took the same course all those years ago? Has my awakening to the forum opened me up so that without consciously knowing it I am now able to send subtle signals to the soul - 'warning' the soul not to let go entirely of it's own support structures? Or perhaps to put it in another way: Had I for the very first time 'asked' a soul's permission to open up so that the information could find its way into and start to mould the deep recesses of its intellect?

Was I for the very first time allowing the soul the option to express it's will or even it's vague concerns? Does Baba feel that I have now developed to the degree that I can accept/respect a soul desire to remain 'whole'. Have i finally arrived at the point where any service i do will be accurate according to the needs of the soul being served and not of the Yagya's. And if there is merit in any of these thoughts what to make of the fact that the scenes i related took place within the Yagya - so something doesn't quite fit. What exactly is Baba's Yagya? Is all of this just my imagination playing tricks on me again?

Obviously the converse of all of this being the following: Is it the case that when we are engaged in "Baba's work" or maybe any sort of mentally stimulating effort there is an energy present that assists in the process of 'quietening' the soul (ourselves included) at least to a degree that the information is at least not rejected.

Having said all of that if I were to even attempt to respond to the posters questions I would have to say I am sorry but I am not sure, I am just am not sure. So please take care because as you yourself said: I can hardly believe it.

Om Shanti

have a great weekend.
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abrahma kumar

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I get in or pull him

Post04 Feb 2007

Taking a look around the forum it appears as if since the end of January the 'I get in or pull him out' topic has had input only from the thread originator and Ex-BKs, my so-called 'Soul Conscious Human Empathisers' which I find interesting. Is it accidental?

Whatever the reason I find it very interesting because my early impression was that the early input provided a contrast between "straight 'Gyan" and "Soul-conscious human empathy" which seemed to almost reflect a 'battle' for the soul. But which soul? The poster or the BK Brother? Both God's children.

I wonder what would be the BK view of how the thread has developed?



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Re: I get in or pull him

Post05 Feb 2007

You wonder what would be the BK view of how the thread has developed?

So do I.
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abrahma kumar

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Re: I get in or pull him

Post05 Feb 2007

jannisder wrote:You wonder what would be the BK view of how the thread has developed?

So do I.

Om Shanti

:P Was looking at your thread in order to check on whether I had declared my self-imposed exile as a permanent. Saw that i might be back (was relieved). But as you see I have been having a little natter to myself about it over here. How you doing?
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abrahma kumar

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Post05 Feb 2007

BKsimonb is busy removing the links about the prevented cult suicide information of Heidi Fittkau-Garthe (I am told she was in the "inner circle" before her departure to form her own group) on wikipedia. Perhaps she got tired of waiting for destruction? The BKs hide this from us when joining and all the past dates for destruction. Why do they want to protect her, and her actions?

Depression and suicidal feelings are very common when leaving, or trying to leave the BKs. I am preparing an article about this for my Psychic Dimension thread.
I see some people have quoted me here on the Newsdesk, talking about BKsimonb, including ex-l. Sorry I have not been joining in, I did not get any reply notifications.

ex-l wrote:
Searchin man wrote:
Don't worry MER-C, Celibacy as with most every other BK 'principle', as far as I can make out is a recommendation rather than a pre-requisite. [[User:Searchin man|searchin man]] 00:47, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

I wish they had told me that celibacy was an optional recommendation! I missed out there obviously.

Not hidden from me. Anyway this story is all over the www and I was told by a reliable eye-witness that Heidi Fittkau-Garthe was indeed the recipient of Dadi Janki's star treatment especially in Madhuban. In retrospect according to my source this was because ancient wise Dadi's Janki foresaw that the soul had a particular part to play in the drama so ahead of that Dadi administered extra amount of love. Thank you Dadi.

I think that this website needs a bit more publicity amongst the BK's.

I remember one Sakar Murli in which BapDada said words to the efffect that when the devoted followers of a certain well known miracle worker and spiritual guru find out that his claims to miracles, Godly task, blah bblah were untrue, they (the devotees) will call for his head in a noose! Well, right about now I am feeling as if I co-operated with the BKWSU in placing my own neck on the chopping block.

Imagine what some of the newer students of BKWSU who have access to and contribute to this site will make of this sort of revelation.
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abrahma kumar

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India Launches New Cruise Missile

Post05 Feb 2007

I was anticipating that today would not find me with much to post however the above article caught my eye. The details are as follows:
India launches new cruise missile
Sunday, February 4, 2007
A new cruise missile has been successfully test-fired by the Indian military.

The Brahmos device is designed to carry a 300kg (660lb) warhead over 290km (180miles).

It was launched from a test centre in Orissa state in Eastern India.

It was not clear whether Pakistan had been informed ahead of Sunday's test, but tensions between the two nations have eased considerably with Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh (pictured) continuing peace talks over Kashmir.

Brahmos Cruise Missile. A name to close for comfort ...?

Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BrahMos - that wiki provides more info

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