Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post01 Nov 2016

ex-l wrote:Could it all be real? Is there a "Devil", or many devils, and armies of demon servants pulling strings behind the scenes? Who knows ... it asks a lot to believe in that. If it is true that "the Devil has all the best tunes", as they say, he's also got much better at Public Relations since then.

What I fear most about movies like that is how they play on our deeply cultural and early childhood conditioning by the Christian Church playing on that part of us that is still medieval.

But is not that medieval element within Christian just the same as BKism (or vice versa) ... using fear based control mechanisms? Fear of devils, fear of Destruction, fear of being outcast from the community?

The connection of the New Age to the return of Nazidom is pretty clumsily made. Surely they are not blaming the right parties for that? Since 1984, I can see the argument for it, what with the rise of state of surveillance and media control that the Nazi could only have dreamt of; America as the world's police force with its constant warring and arming up against its own people; the erosion of human rights and security etc.

I must say that we are staying marvelously on topic :).




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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Nov 2016

Universal Religions Initiative

Universal Religions Initiative, boldly headed toward the New World Order?
The idea for URI came to California Episcopal Bishop William Swing in 1993, after an invitation by the United Nations to host a large interfaith service in San Francisco, marking the 50th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. He asked himself, “If the nations of the world are working together for peace through the UN, then where are the world’s religions?”

Through dozens of meetings with world religious leaders, he discovered a thread of competition, a focus on expanding individual denominations, and little institutional commitment to building bridges. But in those at the grassroots of the world’s religions, he found a deep desire for cooperation and peace. From this inspiration, the vision for URI took shape: a supported network connecting people across religions and cultures in the service of peace and justice.

Bishop Swing hired a small staff in San Francisco, led by Executive Director Charles Gibbs. In partnership with Professor David Cooperrider from Social Innovations in Global Management at Case Western University and Dee Hock, developer of VISA and the Chaordic Alliance, they launched a four-year organizational design process that included meetings among hundreds of stakeholders of diverse religions, cultures and disciplines all over the world. What emerged was a group of committed founders who formed the heart of URI’s global community, and a highly regarded, inclusive Charter that provides a unique, grassroots-based structure and a set of principles for action on behalf of the common good. With the signing of this Charter, the global URI organization was born on June 26, 2000.

You are warmly invited to participate in the life of URI and become part of this extraordinary force for peace and justice around the world.


And here comes the punchline, one that any BK will recognise :) ...
URI is not a religion.

We are a global network of interfaith groups, each made of members from multiple religious traditions, that seek to better their communities through interfaith cooperation.

And please do not miss the wristband decorations featured in the illustration on the Charter Page, however, please don't have any waste thoughts about whether BapDada caught an interstellar ride from the Subtle Region landed on Earth, gave then powerful drishti and tied them, lock, stock & barrel with raakhi as a bond of their commitment to the New World Order.


Don't mind me, am only chatting to myself.




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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Nov 2016

20 Members

Traditions: Christian Catholic, Interfaith , Brahma Kumaris, Shinto

Action Area: World Interfaith Harmony Week, International Day of Peace, Peacebuilding, Youth, Environment, Women, Civic Engagement, Indigenous Voices, Interfaith Dialogue and Action, Other Action Areas
Region: Multi-Region

Website: http://www.uri-un.org

Based at the United Nations in New York, our members are representatives to the UN of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The purpose of the URI-UN is to provide an ongoing presence for the United Religions Initiative at the United Nations...

URI-UN hosts events for NGOs, Ambassadors and UN agency staff in relation to UN issues that highlight the principles and spirit of the URI, often demonstrating the Appreciative Inquiry process. URI-UN actively supports the UN International Day of Peace, the Millennium Development Goals, the establishment of a UN Decade for Interfaith Cooperation, and building a Culture of Peace.

Our CC activities include interactive workshops using Appreciative Inquiry; panel discussions offering religious and indigenous perspectives on UN issues; luncheons for diplomats, NGOs and UN staff; and co-sponsorship of events with religious and spiritual NGO groups. In 2009, URI-UN hosted nine events highlighting the International Year of Reconciliation.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Nov 2016

More on the BKs and the UN later, but one question.
    What's actually wrong about the idea of a One World Government (... if it served the people and the planet, obviously)?
I find some of the American Right/Conspiracy Theory freak out over "Big Government" a little imbalanced and irrational at times. I kind of think they'd be happiest in their lodges and bunkers up in the Woods, shooting their own food frontier-style (along with negroes, homos and "liberals" ... (by which they mean anyone with half a brain), and wonder how they think the world could really run without some kind of governance and international agreements? It's like they are locked into an C 18th pre-American Civil War mentality.

It strikes me they see anything else other than NRA membership as evidence of their other great boogeyman "communism/socialism" (of which they have not got a clue, and cannot tell apart from Hitler or Satan).

My general take on all the interfaith stuff the BKs are infiltrating - out of an asperation to appear like a mainstream religion ([i]and cherry pick a few Brahmin souls back)[/i] - is that all religions feel threatened by science, rationalism and other improvement to human development, and are trying to gang up and agree on some common ground, in order to protect themselves and their interests ... their financial interests and the "soul imprisonment" of their adherents.

I think we should chuck all of them out of schools and politics, especially those cults like the BKs who twitter on nonsense about "being spiritual, not religious".

The other reason the BKs do it, IMHO, is to learn trick and "yuktis" from other religions. Having no tradition of their own, it's something they've always done from their very beginning ... beg, borrow or steal tricks (and gods) from other religions, giving them their own unique twist before re-packaging them and selling them on.

Before swallowing the "woo" and jumping into bed with them, it's always good to ask "who is selling it?" and "what is their agenda?".

These American Christian Fundementalists folks really do believe that Satan is behind the UN and the One World Government/NWO. They, like the BKs, are actively Pro-WWIII ... their End Times being the BKs Destruction.

Do you remember what I was saying about them also being tied in with hard core, Zionist Israeli politics? *

Here, for example, is one of the women in that documentary you linked to, doing tours of Israel (for money), while peddling her Woo, to her followers.

Caryl is married to Pat Matrisciana, the owner and president of Jeremiah Films, who has been flagged up as a CIA operative.

* (If you dig in further, you'll quickly find that the Zionist government of Israel is actually sponsoring these fundementalist Right Wing religionists to come to Israel as part of their expensive propaganda drive.)

Now, you tell me which side "Satan" is really on?
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Nov 2016

I don't know how involved the BKs are in it (see here), but I had a very quick look at that United Religions Initiative site ...

Ha, $50,000 for a table for 10 at their Ritz Carlton Hotel gala dinner!

God's agents shell out $5,000 a dinner when 71% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day (and 1.5 billion people living on less than $1.25).

There's certainly money in them thar religions peacebuilding initiatives ... and it takes donors' money even to just keep up with the game.

I've long criticised the BKs for defining as "service" what basically just PR ('Public Relations'), social climbing, and self-advertising.
United Religions Initiative (URI): BKs have been represented on the Global Council and are actively participating in Co-operation Circles worldwide. BKs have taken an active role in the URI interfaith summits around the world and hosted the first URI European Conference at the Global Retreat Centre near Oxford in 1997.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Nov 2016

Hi ex-l, I bumped into that whilst idling away some time online. With present company in mind, I was struck by what looked like a raakhi :) & the interfaith outreach to a melting pot of faiths out of which a deity-less congregation (I mean worldwide faith) emerges.

Unfortunately, I did not pay much attention to the $$$ so bedazzled was I by the sight of the raakhi :). But though I missed the dinner offerings the 'flavour' of the United Religions Initiative struck me as being right up the BK street - don't think I was wrong on that one.

Yes, I do remember your mention of World War III. BTW, is it the second time that the Great Deceiver has been mentioned on this topic? (I wonder how many, many in the BK community - PBKs included - think that's a reference to Ravan?).

If BKs were into the habit of crossing themselves and saying Hail Mary's when coming face to face with blasphemy :), this topic would be given a wide, wide berth.

In hindsight, I think that many of us who find ourselves involved with these cults, may come to realise that one of the personal 'prices we pay' is a dangerous form of 'dis-association'. Don't get me wrong, for this dis-association may well have existed before engagement with any cult, but sure as hell it wont make discerning and facing reality any easier.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Nov 2016

Taken from another place on the site but judged to be on topic.
Admin wrote:Administrative move

For further comment, see here: Re: New scientific techniques refine carbon dating techniques
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Re: onvalianthorwatch

Post03 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations. Why?!

Why from the BKs' point of view, or why from the UN's point of view?
onvalianthorwatch wrote:But ... the United Religions Initiative struck me as being right up the BK street - don't think I was wrong on that one.

If there's an IP or a VIP there, the BKs will be there too.

Religious stuff is just a soft belly of power, and easy ladder for the BKs to climb in the "Snakes and Ladders" game of life.

OK, so why not tell us about your BK experience ... what got you into it, how long you were there, what got you out of it? Your impressions and experiences ...

There are load of other websites on the internet covering all that other stuff, we're really here to document and discuss the BKs and BKism.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post04 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:In hindsight, I think that many of us who find ourselves involved with these cults, may come to realise that one of the personal 'prices we pay' is a dangerous form of 'dis-association'. Don't get me wrong, for this dis-association may well have existed before engagement with any cult, but sure as hell it wont make discerning and facing reality any easier.


Now you see it, what are you doing to get grounded, to not merely transfer that pattern away from BKs and to some other anthology of ”boy's own adventure” theories? To what is your "earth" wire connected?


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post06 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:Yes, onvalianthorwatch. Whose New World Order is it anyway?

Hi & welcome back, (I do oh so love talking with myself :).

Seems like some house-keeping been going on to fit into the the site's stated mission so maybe it will not be too mush trouble to ask if the helpful Admin can remove the profile name from the topic title (as was done with the other spin-off topics. Thanking you most kindly.

Mind, this is by no was to imply that I agree with the thought process behind the split, but as they say ... it's all good.

So it look like am still around sharing with ya'll for now, living and learning and it looks like I will be participating around these parts for a while yet. brb

Thanks in advance to the Admin



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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post06 Nov 2016

ex-l wrote:Could it all be real? Is there a "Devil", or many devils, and armies of demon servants pulling strings behind the scenes? Who knows ... it asks a lot to believe in that. If it is true that "the Devil has all the best tunes", as they say, he's also got much better at Public Relations since then ... What I fear most about movies like that is how they play on our deeply cultural and early childhood conditioning by the Christian Church playing on that part of us that is still medieval. But is not that medieval element within Christian just the same as BKism (or vice versa) ... using fear based control mechanisms? Fear of devils, fear of Destruction, fear of being outcast from the community?

The connection of the New Age to the return of Nazidom is pretty clumsily made. Surely they are not blaming the right parties for that? Since 1984, I can see the argument for it, what with the rise of state of surveillance and media control that the Nazi could only have dreamt of; America as the world's police force with its constant warring and arming up against its own people; the erosion of human rights and security etc.

ex-l has hit at so many searching questions. Important questions. As I look at the world, Luciferic symbology is way too prevalent NOT to ask oneself this question and follow through on whatever insight and personal convictions are gained on the matter.

To be blunt (inho), The Holy Roman Catholic Church, having long since chosen to bedeck itself in the (proverbial) harlot's garb, is a fraud. And I say this having researched the greatest authority on the matter :) lol. It is beyond doubt. I could point you in the direction toward my own enlightenment but why don't you 'churn your own ingredients' so to speak.

I will brb ... meantime please do not be shy in sharing your research; it's gonna be real interesting to see how long it will be before this topic is split hehehe




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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post06 Nov 2016

To be blunt (inho), The Holy Roman Catholic Church, having long since chosen to bedeck itself in the (proverbial) harlot's garb, is a fraud. And i say this having researched the greatest authority on the matter :) lol. It is beyond doubt. I could point you in the direction toward my own enlightenment but why don't you 'churn your own ingredients' so to speak.

I will brb ... meantime please do not be shy in sharing your research; it's gonna be real interesting to see how long it will be before this topic is split hehehe


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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post07 Nov 2016

(I do oh so love talking with myself :).
Yes you do. I noticed you ignored my direct question. Please refer to my previous, posted on 4th November


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post07 Nov 2016

Pink Panther wrote:Now you see it, what are you doing to get grounded, to not merely transfer that pattern away from BKs and to some other anthology of ”boy's own adventure” theories? To what is your "earth" wire connected?

the study of humankind, in particular:
the comparative study of human societies and cultures and their development.

Hi Pink Panther,

As I said am just settling in.

Looking at that definition of anthropology I do have to confess that you guessed right. Yes, I have indeed found myself responding to a calling to ... get myself an education about myself, my reality & the world i live in - long may it continue. But since your ask, I can tell that I am in fact living and experiencing the life about which the term 'the world is your oyster' has been coined. Admittedly I use in with reference to its modern interpretation rather than that intended by that Shakespeare fellow in whose works the term appears. So, truly everything is good.

My earth wire as you call it (wonderful description) is ever rooted in Mother Earth about whom we can read: "Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

I am being alive in these times.

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