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PostPosted: 31 May 2007
by proy
di wrote: Definitely 'mad' or insane eyes. This leads me to wonder, how much of this is he actually being fed, or has this centre head's psychic and mental influences pushed him over the edge?

I can say from my own experience that being commited to the BKs was a form of temporary psychosis that I suffered. Well, actually, I was not suffering. My wife, friends and family were suffering. I was in a world of my own. Definitely psychotic, and that was definitely encouraged at the BK centre.

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2007
by di
An interesting aspect is I have spoken to 2 doctors, one a highly regarded specialist whose god is Shiva, and my personal doctor who is of the Priest caste. Their reactions were, "... this is not a religion, this is nothing but a cult" ... and from the other whose God is Shiva who had never heard of the BKs and after a google search found the official website of the BKs, "... this is b*lls**t, absolute b****". Both were highly incensed at what had been done to their beliefs and religion. I must admit, I get offended and incensed at the way Christianity and Jesus Christ's name is thrown around. It is offensive to my religion to have a mere 70 year old cult twist and distort Christianity to suit itself, for its own means and profitability. Now I am not saying my belief system is perfect, far from it, but at least I have a choice.

Now i know no one wants to know the nitty gritty of my personal life, but I only tell this to demonstrate what happens when an individual ceases to be an individual and becomes an 'instrument of god', and how unbelievable quickly it can happen.

Funny as situations change how you really get to know a person (or is this now a non-person?). That is just a technicality. Ultimately, it is his choice. Now he has left the house I am openly being treated as "Shudra". Obviously, I am only in existence to be his convenience, not to be informed of any plans as to when he intends to remove the rest of his belongings in the garage.

If any agreement is made, it's OK to back down, not to inform, not to make contact before coming onto my property, only to be used. Oh, and to pay the mortgage and bills of course. So now I have to bring in the lawyers to demand some resemblance of decent behaviour and get him out of my life forever. Sad when you actually have to set the dogs onto someone. And then they look at you as if you have no rights and how dare I?

To be told, "... you must be strong Di, be strong to get through this" in a condescending manner. But attempt to hold him accountable or responsible for actions, for pinning him down to be in a position so he can stop using me as a convenience for unpaid storage ... then we see the evil that really lies just below the surface. Nothing exists in his mind except total self-centeredness, and he has every excuse to behave that way. In his mind, of course.

I might be so brave to suggest that if you are betraying and turning your back on your family, those you made a full commitment to protect and look after, that one might behave in a manner that would ease the burden. But that would only happen if i was of any real value ... just shows what a clever centre head can do in such a very short time ... Once this man was prepared to die for me ...

What I have to say certainly does not, I repeat, does not apply to the great many of incredible, genuine people I have met here who have shown me nothing but love and support in this most horrendous and difficult time of my life. You know who you are and those that have become close friends. A thought is, maybe what separates you truly spiritual people from the people I talk about in the next paragraph, is that you inquire, you have a depth of spirit that does question and therefore looks for a deeper, truer spirituality and I can honestly say I believe I have been held by angels here. You are obviously prepared to accept responsibilities, move forward and be accountable. So this doesn't apply to you ...

One thing that has become obvious to me now. Please remember, these are my own personal observations and my personal experience, as well as personality traits in some BKs I have read on this forum. Not many, but it is there in a few. Both PBK and BK. The BKs I have personally met, and the one I was to call husband, all seem to have a thin veneer of 'sweet niceness' which coats a not so nice core. Only press the right trigger, ask the correct question or even give the right inquiring 'look' reveals a very quick tempered and barely controlled angry response. This is also evident in the very well know temper of Dadi Janki, known world wide for her intimidating outbursts.

It dosen't take much to uncover or expose the true turmoil and suppressed feelings not far below the fairyfloss surface. I admit, the gentleness and the apparent spirituality was one of the original things that attracted me to him. He just failed to inform me of all his weird hangups that went with it. Truly a wrong thing not to inform me and to mislead me like that. The fact he professed his love before he had kissed me led me to believe he was a deep, meaningful person and that he genuinely did love me. How wrong can one be? It was a laquer to cover untrustworthyness, addiction and all the behaviours that belong to an addict. And at the time, he believed the deceptions he was telling himself.

Now whether you are addicted to hiding from life, betraying family, searching for further meaning, the absolute euphoria of intense meditation and the release of the body's own highly addictive opiates, fear of commitment to others, relationships, hiding from childhood traumas and unresolved issues, the BKs have the absolute and most brilliant excuses that pardon inexcusable despicable behaviours and make it all OK. I've been looking at some of the pics ... private jet plans ... millions and millions of dollars in real estate ... wonder where do they get it all from? It is disgusting in my book. Once again, the excuse that is not what BKs are really about ... rubbish ... this is exactly what they are about. They openly flaunt it ... non-profit making my ar** ... and they offered my husband the best excuses that could ever be imagined so he could embrace and run to that instead of standing up and being a worthwhile person.

The worst thing of all ... this is done in the name of God. To know BKs condone abortion, child abuse (cover ups = supporting), fleecing hard working innocent families of money, manipulation of mothers, fathers, wives and husbands to desert their families and commitments, and use psycic influences and occult practices. Don't give me the heaven family and charity at home. The other big, big thing I've noticed about BK doctrine is the outright deception. We accept any religion ... rubbish. Duty of care is of utmost importance ... rubbish. What they say and what they instill in the head are two opposing forces. The more silent, insidious one is the one that is the loudest.

I wonder how many people would have become BKs and gone to the 2nd free meditation had they been given full disclosure to the core beliefs and practices of this system? The devastation and destruction it would bring to their families and finances. The psychosis and years of therapy, the guilt and fear? The mind control practices?

If video games have to legally come with a disclosure saying it may cause epileptic seizures, then why is the BKSWU not legally responsible for full disclosure before anyone is allowed to walk in the door? Only then, and only then would it be acceptable for this organisation to continue. Only then are people free to leave at any time they choose.

I must say, it is a relief not to have him here. There are not the huge emotional outbursts, the highs and lows. The arguments and the cool detachment he became so good at. Now I have times of peacefulness and i can feel myself healing. Once the strain of having him gone completely out of my life is finished, I can truly then begin to move forward and embrace what I have learned in this experience. (Later I will be able to, but not yet).

I cant be nice now, I don't feel sorry for him. I hope he gets what is coming to him. I hope he gets to feel the full weight of the pain and he feels the full responsibility of what he has caused. Trouble is, I'll never know ... Apologies, but this is so unlike me to be vindictive. So this is what the BK love and light generates in a person and a family. I will not be there for him if he ever comes out. He has lost the best friend he ever had.

Di's update

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
There is no real need to add further comment to Di's post, except to recall that; Di must save herself and family according to the best way she sees it. Brother has his Baba.

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2007
by Mr Green
Dear Di

don't forget he has entered a sort of temporary insanity. He really cannot see reason at all. Not sticking up for him as his actions stink but he is unfortunately asleep.

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
di wrote:I wonder how many people would have become BKs and gone to the 2nd free meditation had they been given full disclosure to the core beliefs and practices of this system? The devastation and destruction it would bring to their families and finances. The psychosis and years of therapy, the guilt and fear? The mind control practices?

If video games have to legally come with a disclosure saying it may cause epileptic seizures, then why is the BKSWU not legally responsible for full disclosure before anyone is allowed to walk in the door? Only then, and only then would it be acceptable for this organisation to continue. Only then are people free to leave at any time they choose.

Very pertinent questions. I can imagine that there are some BKs who would like to think they were exercising free will when deciding to hang around beyond the Meditation course. But I bet that if the BKWSU incorporated rudimentary aspects of psychological profiling as part of the 'joining' process, we would quickly discover if we are really well enough to make decisions that would have such far-reaching consequences and impact the lives of so many.

Would it be an interesting study of the adhakumar population to ascertain what percentage made full disclosure about the BKWSU to their non-BK female partners? Might there be some inherent fear of disapproval contained in the psyche of a statistically significant proportion of the BKWSU's male students? Would such a 'need' leave one vulnerable to certain forms of delusion? The other side of this coin would be to query whether some Brothers feel a compelling need to be approved of? And if so, what might be its basis?

It is a pretty lofty aim indeed to attempt to live a life that will be approved of by none other than God, so what is the deep drive that finds us yoking ourselves to that mission. Is it the God gene, or some form of temporary insanity?

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2007
by di
All I can say is if sex is supposed to dull the intellect, then he must be behaving like a rabbit ...

And seeing how he is celibate, what is it that is so adversly effecting his cognitive functioning? And he refuses to see it or admit he cannot function? He cannot run a business nor does he appear to have any ability for problem solving. So, maybe its not the sex that dulls the intellect, but possibly the altered mind state and the hypnotic influences that BKs continually subject themsleves to.

Remember, the mind will believe whatever it is told as long as it is enforced and done under certain conditions. It doesn't matter how much it is fabricated, deceitful or pure fantasy land. Told enough, the mind will believe it and the body will respond accordingly. Hate to throw cold water on the celibacy issue but i cant explain how much the word 'pure' rankles with me. To me there is nothing 'pure' about this. You cannot get pure out of lies, deciept and coverups. Its just that simple. You can CALL it pure, doesn't mean it is.

What form of Purity?

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
I wonder if there is a particular form of Purity that most attracts Brother(s)? Is it the purity of celibacy, as a restraint against wanton sexual desire? Is it the purity of transparency? Or Purity that we learn of as mother to Peace and Happiness? Is it the purity of Holiness? Or Purity as a balm to still a conscience riddled with guilt over past sexual indescretions? Is it the Purity of the Promise of a Golden Aged birth? Or is it purity as a strict regime toward acquiring self-control? Or is it just plain purity?

Intellectually impoverished by BK "knowledge"

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by joel
di wrote:All I can say is if sex is supposed to dull the intellect, then he must be behaving like a rabbit ...

Having one answer to everything does not lead, it turns out, to richness in one's responses to the world.

A teacher recently told me, "The moment you think you know something, you stop sensing and observing."

A baby who responds to all stimuli predominantly in the same way obviously has a problem. So, too, for an adult, or an adult-child BK. We feel the difference in how we respond to someone who is open, and how we respond to someone with a narrow agenda such as a salesman or telemarketer, or a missionary or a panhandler.

Many BKs create their personalities as "simulated richness overlaying narrow goals and expectations." So it can be uncomfortable to be with them, as it also might be with a parent (say a mom) who wants to feed you, show you pictures, do anything but allow conversation to wander in the many uncertain, threatening, intimate issues at the core of our lives.

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by paulkershaw
Abek wrote:Might there be some inherent fear of disapproval contained in the psyche of a statistically significant proportion of the BKWSU's male students? Would such a 'need' leave one vulnerable to certain forms of delusion? The other side of this coin would be to query whether some Brothers feel a compelling need to be approved of? And if so, what might be its basis? It is a pretty lofty aim indeed to attempt to live a life that will be approved of by none other than God, so what is the deep drive that finds us yoking ourselves to that mission. Is it the God gene, or some form of temporary insanity?

Sounds as if you are really questioning yourself and your own role ABek? If so then I reckon its all part of the process of allowing in ones own truth about life ... ... As the whole BK cult 'system' is designed to make its male participants feel inferior (despite the denials) then one can also recognise that the men-folk will also have to seek approval through everything they do. And not only from G-d.

There has been much comment in other postings about this matter and about what attracts one to 'Gyan', we do know that there is simply no such thing as equality within this organisation and maybe one of the reasons why most of its male members (!) are generally soft and gentle guys ... and I doubt if its only their meditation practices which made them that way ... on the surface it looks like 'its in the genes' and perhaps ABeK's comments about this have scientific value ... perhaps one who has learnt to live in authenticity of self would either not be attracted to joining or if already in - would be handled differently?

But its not only limited to the menfolk, the women too can seem desperate sometimes: ... I remember a scene in the centre one day when a ex-'bro' came to visit who was originally instrumental in setting up the BK system in the country and had subsequently gotten himself involved in a physical relationship and was no longer seen a BK.. The Sisters were all running around him, seeking approval and trying to vie for his undivided attention like little schoolgirls. I couldn't believe my eyes - it was like GOD h'self had arrived in the room ... and took me a while to realise what was going on. They were simply responding to their hormones and genes. :roll: Man. that ex-Bro truly had power and knew how to use it ...

Re: What form of Purity?

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by paulkershaw
abrahma Kumar wrote: I wonder if there is a particular form of Purity that most attracts Brother(s)? Is it the purity of celibacy, as a restraint against wanton sexual desire? Is it the purity of transparency? Or Purity that we learn of as mother to Peace and Happiness? Is it the purity of Holiness? Or Purity as a balm to still a conscience riddled with guilt over past sexual indescretions? Is it the Purity of the Promise of a Golden Aged birth? Or is it purity as a strict regime toward acquiring self-control? Or is it just plain purity?

Apologies if I am being facetious here! But WE all want a bit of sweetness in our lives, the purity of toli provides that initially huh? ...
Maybe we should be asking exactly what 'Purity' makes us feel like? Superior? or challenged? or special? or different? Purity itself is a BK themed word - try changing it to something else that one can understand and see if it makes a difference ...

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
paulkershaw wrote:Sounds as if you are really questioning yourself and your own role ABek?:...

You really perceive that from the post Paul? If i am just kidding myself with ideas about those questions having general relevance (when in fact they relate to no other person but me) then I am not sure how I feel about "hanging myself out to dry in public" so to speak. I need to think about the implication of this possibility because the www may not be an appropriate place for someone to unveil this sort of internal processing. Especially if not consciously aware of the autobiographical sub-text lurking within what is being said. Thanks for the feedback.
paulkershaw wrote:If so then I reckon its all part of the process of allowing in ones own truth about life ...

I will bear this in mind as I journey.
paulkershaw wrote: ... As the whole BK cult 'system' is designed to make its male participants feel inferior (despite the denials) then one can also recognise that the men-folk will also have to seek approval through everything they do. And not only from G-d. There has been much comment in other postings about this matter and about what attracts one to 'Gyan', we do know that there is simply no such thing as equality within this organisation and maybe one of the reasons why most of its male members (!) are generally soft and gentle guys ... and I doubt if its only their meditation practices which made them that way ... on the surface it looks like 'its in the genes' and perhaps ABeK's comments about this have scientific value ... perhaps one who has learnt to live in authenticity of self would either not be attracted to joining or if already in - would be handled differently?

Interesting thoughts. I do not quite understand the full implication and practical experience of the phrase to "live in authenticity of self" so I will watch and learn. As for the male inferiority angle, again I have to look backwards and try to examine my past and ongoing experiences to see if i spot any parallels. Will think about the rest ...

Thanks a lot Brother

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by paulkershaw
abrahma Kumar wrote:You really perceive that from the post Paul? If I am just kidding myself with ideas about those questions having general relevance (when in fact they relate to no other person but me) then I am not sure how I feel about "hanging myself out to dry in public" so to speak. I need to think about the implication of this possibility because the www may not be an appropriate place for someone to unveil this sort of internal processing. Especially if not consciously aware of the autobiographical sub-text lurking within what is being said. Thanks for the feedback.

Oooooppsssss! I must then perhaps apologise to you Abek, I may have to remember that I should mind my own business here and there, I do realise that I just automatically respond to things that I perceive in my own intuitive manner, so sorry if I got too deep into your 'stuff' and pushed some buttons.! It was non-intentional.

However I also know that my role in this forum has been to support where possible so please accept my intereferences as such wouldya!? I will try assist anyone who wants to recover and heal and become themselves in all senses of the word. Call me a healer if you like but also know that in order to be healer one would have had to also go through their own healing too, as has everyone of us on this forum. Heal the Healer kinda thing ...

But I must reply to your comment about 'general relevance' - perhaps you would consider that you're one of the few who have the courage to talk about these things, if its in you then it must be in many others too! Please don't stop posting and "hanging the washing", we've all seen/got the T-Shirt/s, even if you feel someone is looking too deep, please know that every one of your postings has helped someone else to look inside themselves and discover new planets of opportunity and truth and its only deep honesty which will stimulate someone's own need to live their truth.

At long last one can be honest and this is the start of being authentic.
Interesting thoughts. I do not quite understand the full implication and practical experience of the phrase to "live in authenticity of self" so I will watch and learn. As for the male inferiority angle, again I have to look backwards and try to examine my past and ongoing experiences to see if I spot any parallels. Will think about the rest ... Thanks a lot Brother

To develop this aspect of living authentically is an on-going process and as truth is ever-changing, so are we. I sincerely hope to have stimulated some other aspect within you, I already know that you are well on your way to living in your own light.

With kind regards and best wishes.

Comarederie aka Brothers join arms to face dire straits

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2007
by abrahma kumar
Hey Paul, fret not as you know that we are all fearless here and the mere fact that you retained your humour in response to my feedback is taken as a sign of genuine comarederie.

You read the subtle aspects coerrectly and everything is just fine 8). For all the concerns I expressed in the post I confess that the protestations I uttered were meek, and dare i say, yielding! So yes, part of this process seems to involve an opening up; and the more I do the more I discover that that truthful unveiling perfectly compliments an introspective nature. So I sit back and enjoy myself.

Thanks for all your support, which in my expereince is both powerful and genuine enough to render dire straits into a cakewalk. And so, as Brothers in Arms let us journey on to who knows where ... and if along the way we hear drums calling us to dance, there ought not to any place for fear nor wonderings about who it is that marches by our side. Why? He's a Brother of course!

Once upon a time I was new and needed guidance; and look what i found in this forum place ...

Thank you soul.


PostPosted: 13 Jun 2007
by andrey
Dear Mother Di,

So your ex-husband is the worst man and the BK organisation the biggest evil? You used to say you loved him, then you like him away. Is it the way someone who loves do. You will not listen to him, who is supposed to be the closest one to you, but will come here to relate his shortcomings and will listen to strangers here better. You will throw coffee on him at home but will kiss and hug everyone here. So is it the BK that destroy your family?

A woman is supposed to sustain the familly. How can she chase her husband away? Just because the house is yours, he does not bring money at home or likes to change himself. It is always this quarrel, call it however you like. Some like following celibacy and others don't and they quarrel amongs themselves. Who destroys the family? The one who likes to follow this path or the one who does not like to follow it? Were you not supposed to follow whatever your husband follows? If he is good or bad, he is your husband after all.

You value people here more than him, then who is your husband? What advice will a woman receive from strangers? People here are teasing you - calling you "princess", can you tolerate that, whose princess are you? Why is the need to put blame on the BK? One very easily becomes expert. Why should the ideas that the BK propagate be wrong? Which ideas are better? Or you could be already a perfect being? You are a deity or do you have divilish traits? Is this the old world we live now, or is it a new world?

The family system has failed. You could have seen also the youngster seva on the youth forum who has put an advocate between him and his parent. He will not talk to his parent but will search the net to find information regarding the "background" of his parent. Hey, your parent is at home and where are you searching? He will be listening to strange people who will make him feel scared. There is a lot of difference as how things are presented. In the BKs, there are various people as everywhere else. Now the face has become black which also cannot be balanced view. But always those who are on the right are proved wrong and it is always easier to throw stones when you see that many already are throwing stones.

See how innocent the ideas are and how easy a path to follow, still why is this polarity created? I can assure you, if it makes sense to you, that the BK is not a normal sect or cult as some like to present it. Of course, it is partial view but there are many objective proofs, like such fast expansion. Those who now tell it is a lie, or manipulation, yesterday believed it was true and the people were genuine. What is the guarantee they did not have the right idea yesterday and today they are lying calling it a lie and are not under the illusion of the illusionary world?

Just because shortcomings are generously presented one gets wrong idea. We all have shortcomings. So what it is good to know them. You have seen the worst side. May be there is a bright side of the medal as well.

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2007
by di
Dear Andrey, an interesting post.

I will make this very, very clear ... I did not desert him. I was prepared to stand by him. I was the one who stood by my commitment. If you read my past posts carefully, you will see.

He, NOT ME, is the one who leaves the family path. Why? Because his feelings for me are so strong that he cannot be around me and live a PURE life! I have not forced myself upon him nor used EVIL ways to seduce him. Do not put the responsibility on this upon my shoulders. It is HE and his persual of the BK doctrine to the extent he will leave and deceive those who have done nothing but support and love him ... IT IS HE who has worked so thoroughly on detaching and stop loving his family just as instructed to do.

There are worse men than him in the world. But you explain to me given your ????? rationale how I am at fault and love those on this forum more than i do him, how according to him I was the perfect wife, was not lacking in anyway, everything he could want in a woman, and his love for me was strong ... BUT he admits - and TAKE NOTICE as I told him 6 months ago from the good honest loving people on this forum - that BK life and family life were 100% incompatible.

He told me then how wrong I was ... NOW he tells me that the two cannot co exist.

Do not treat me in a condescending arrogant manner, as though an IQ of 130 means stupidity. Arrogance is ignorance. How dare you presume to be my superior, to judge me and my actions; tell me how to live my life and that I am unethical or immoral. Take a closer look at what is happening if you can take your BK blinkers off. But i will tell you one thing ... the people who have helped me here, they have shown me more commitment and integrity than my so called husband has for 12 months. They obviously have more spiritual knowledge and genuine love than you are aware of or, in your altered state, capable of recognizing.

You dare infer that I betray my ex with preference to this forum? He admits he betrayed me. Go re-read what has been written. And this time read it not see just want you want, so you can justify your sick thinking.

Where do you get off telling me to obey my husband??? Do you think I am a brainless imbecile who is prepared to subjugate myself and my children to a psychotic idiot? Why would I do that? And what world do you belong where women are subordinate to men? I married a PARTNER, I do not want to be a child in a relationship nor do I want to look after and run after a 46 year old child who is unable to take any responsibility. I have a moral obligation to protect and look after my children. I will not sacrifice them for some distorted promise of some Golden Age that comes if you do all the wrong things to fellow man now. I would have to be insane to accept such conditions, and may i suggest your 'logical' thinking is severely warped.

And you got it right, the BKSWU is one of the biggest evils. It is not god channeled, I will speak my mind here. The amount of suffering and horrendous evils that have been committed under this flag are just starting to be exposed. How dare you tell me that God has ordained that human beings can go around destroying families, turning their backs on child abuse, abortion, deceit, money profiting and says, "go for it, that is all OK, that is how you lead a pure life?". Get with the program Andrey, get real.

This life is not a dress rehearsal. We are accountable, not your karma, the biggest excuse for inexcusable behaviour i have ever heard. There is nothing more important than what we do now and our motives. To act in such an disgusting totally selfish, self-serving manner because you are told your going to be a deity in a Golden Age has nothing to do with love. It is pure self-centeredness at everyone else's cost.

So you believe if my EX starts shooting heroin then I should follow??? I don't know what country you hail from but hate to tell you, they stopped burning witches at the stake a few centuries ago.

He was lucky he only got coffee, and i did not throw it on him. He just happened to be in the way of the sink :wink:. Any one else would have decked him with a lump of 4 by 2. (for those not from OZ, that is a bloody big lump of wood).

The blame, sorry RESPONSIBILITY of his actions is first and foremost his, NOT MINE, under the very careful guidance of the BKs ... Get a grip.

No, not everyone is bad and evil in the system, but how many of those very, very knowledgable and experienced teachers who post here are now having to deal with the repercussions of having brought in newbies with results like this all with the thought they were doing the right thing? Now they find out they were not. What sort of impact do you think this has on a person? Their heart was in the right place, just naive and innocent. And they were misled by who? Why the greatest 'souls' in the world. Now tell me again how it is God speaking? The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

Now, if the original teachings and system was genuine, then those in charge had a full responsibility to control the fast expansion and monitor what was happening, not just raking in the souls and the money.

There may be a bright side to the coin, but if it is only blackened lead underneath the shiny coating it is only of token value. Nothing permanent. It is not what it seems, not what it presents itself as; and is a falsity, counterfeit. I am not interested in shiny exteriors, give me a tarnished finish any day. If it is pure gold underneath, then it only needs a polish.

Stop the lies Andrey, I did not push him away. I did everything for family survival. The BKs killed my family, that at their total disregard for ethics and morals. I got news for you. You are not special. You are not better than lokiks. Just a lot more stupid and arrogant. I am not afraid of knowing myself. I am a damned decent person; honest and I can hold my head up.

I AM NOT ASHAMED OF WHO I AM UNLIKE THOSE WHO SPEND THEIR WHOLE LIVES HIDING FROM THEMSELVES AND WHAT THEY FEEL. I HOLD MY HEAD WITH HUMBLE PRIDE NOT ARROGANCE AND THE BELIEF I AM BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. You tell me if you know what honesty is, what is the more spiritual of these two, and which shows true unconditional love and acceptance?

Advice from strangers? Cult specialists in 2 major cities, doctors, specialists and the very, very experienced knowledgeable people on this forum that do not have ulterior motives, unlike the BK regime. The only stranger in my life is my ex and that is his choice. All of his choice. Nothing to do with me. He says HE does not want a relationship. It wouldn't matter who it was. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. It would be the same with anyone. Turn your BK mind control conditioning off, you might see the TRUTH, not the BK B**S**t you are told and want to believe cause life is just too difficult for you to face.

Bloody hide. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. If you do not like what i have written, don't set yourself up to be judge, jury and executioner on my values and personal integrity and insult me to such an extent. Nor do I have to defend myself to you, but I will for clarification and truth. My tolerance level for idiocy is at an all time low. What a ******. Only reply if you want to talk reality. I am not interested in fairy tales.


So all of you out there that espouse to knowing absolute truth, guess what? You are in for a big, big surprise and, like it or lump it, the truth is now letting itself be known; and one of the ways is via this forum.