Hello from Terry - The Power of Anonymity

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Re: The Power of Archetypes

Post20 Jul 2009

Is it OK to ask for a more specific explanation as to the information received about Terry seeking to expose another member?
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Re: Hullo from Terry - The Power of Archetypes

Post20 Jul 2009

terry wrote: I could post only pro-BK stuff if it was helpful in any way ...

To me this means saying, "I would sell everything even bullsh**, as long as it helps people". How can it ever be helpful to talk nonsense? What is the meaning of 'helping people' in this way?

Give me the truth, even if it hurts, it is the only stuff which will help me!

By 'give me the truth' I do not mean, and I fully agree with ex-l, contributors should be forced to reveal their identity. In many ways it is not even relevant. If the intentions are clear, the identity is not so very interesting. Some are here to recover, some to discover, some are looking for answers instead of dots to their questions, some want to take away the BK veil which was hanging for their eyes too long, some want to share their experiences and are happy to find a public with genuine interest.

And some of them want to help others. This is tricky business. To me, this forum is firstly a self-help tool, not a place where we have two types of contributors: the ones that seek help and the ones offering help. The beauty of this place is everyone is helping others by helping themselves.

So I think for the majority here there is an inner drive to contribute. A very personal emotional drive, related to experiences within the BK. This shines through the contributions. In more than one thread, Terry seems to be very curious about the gender of ex-l. But what should this information add to the contributions of ex-l? To me, the personality and inner drive of ex-l at this forum is very clear through the consistent tone of voice of the contributions.

I even think it is very smart for a contributor as ex-l, not to expose their identity. ex-l has a very explicit opinion about the BKWSU and made historical documents about the BK public. And many of us know the world and specially the BKWSU universe is full of people who would do anything to take the louse out of the fur.

Exposing one's identity cannot be seen simply as a sign of honesty or courage. I know from experience (working for several years now with a journalist in Minsk, Belarus - which is the last dictatorship in Europe) it can be dangerous, life-threatening even.

I think we cannot have enough lice and if it comes to a point they are likely to be destroyed, the ones that took benefit from them, should be ready to do something about it and speak up.

Hope I did not go off topic too far ...
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Re: Hullo from Terry - The Power of Archetypes

Post21 Jul 2009

If a so-called therapist is exposing individuals' private information on public websites, then I would feel no compulsion whatsoever to expose them. Especially when they have had their faces plastered all over BKWSU websites.

I feel no inhibition at making public what Brahma Kumaris get up to whilst seeking power and influence ... because they are abusing individuals and the general public with their dishonesty and deceit. It is a public service to warn people about them.
lokila wrote:In more than one thread, Terry seems to be very curious about the gender of ex-l. But what should this information add to the contributions of ex-l?

Yes, the point being it could have been any member, or any woman, on this forum ... I agree. Are women less intelligent or more irrational than him? Does a women saying something de-value it?

    As far as I remember, when he was prying on you, you were quite a new member. It must have made you feel a little insecure?

it wont be clear to you, as we do not know each other, but all the way through terry's posts he is peppering his conversation with little jibes and tantalizing hints to the fact he had found out who I was. At first he did not know. He had made up all sort of prejudices in his mind. I have a list of insults he made, mostly based upon me being an embittered and mentally imbalanced, middle-aged old woman.

The fact is he discovered he knew me from our time in the BKWSU. I had absolutely no desire to start up any personal relationship with him. I found his deliberate misrepresentation of what I was saying, and non-specific accusations, tiresome. I know a whole lot of personal information about him, including what others thought of him during his time in Gyan, that I would never dream of making public.

I spent some time with him 'off forum' explaining what was going on. It was not about me, it was the terms and conditions of this forum.

We had an even worse situation happen sometime ago with an Admin called Proy. Proy accused a newcomer - who was actually at that time living in a BK owned house next to a center and was in the middle of exiting - of being a fake account, not who or where they were. He went on to publishing personal information maliciously on another forum when he got caught out.

Roy did get banned and rightly so. The woman's location was deliberately changed in order to hide her identity. It was not just an terrible abuse but pigheadedly stupid and insensitive. Proy was given the evidence and yet continued to dig a hole for himself. He stubbornly insisted on keep the information public until eventually he got bored and shut it down.

    Can you imagine how that woman must have felt? I know.
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Re: Hullo from Terry - The Power of Archetypes

Post21 Jul 2009

ex-l wrote:As far as I remember, when he was prying on you, you were quite a new member. It must have made you feel a little insecure?

Thank you for asking, that is so kind. I did not felt insecure, but Terry had a certain tone of voice in his debate which I found agressive (in other threads I read the personal insults which I think are very rude, inappropriate and immature). On the other hand, he was talking about a subject I find really interesting. I started to feel a little stupid not being able to catch up with this 'level' of conversation. Terry was so positive of having truth at his side whilst you were trying to explore different points of views.

The positive thing is you mentioned some books about the subject. Terry's reply was he thought the author of "The Beautiful Side of Evil" is an idiot. This made me order the book and I read it with great interest :D.
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Re: Hello from Terry - The Power of Anonymity

Post21 Jul 2009

You are a rebel :D ! I am the same ;). U-Roy Natty Rebel always inspired and backed me up :D.

An organisation like the BK has no use for people like us.

Animosity, competition, excessive intellectualization (abstract concepts and not sharing real personal experiences), arrogance and the rest, represent a big challenge to the positive sharing on the Forum. But some people seem to enjoy diatribes as if it was a drug or staple food for them. Other fall into the trap of giving them rope ... Don't they have anything better to do with their time, I wonder??

It seems to be a typical male personality trait ( no offence to any mellow guys on the Forum!!). So, what to do? Like that song Sunshine reggae said: "Let the good vibes, get a lot stronger ..." and transform the atmosphere! Circumscribe the fire.

I admit that all the personal wars that recurrently happen between members, often dimmed my enthusiasm in participating. That is the effect and probably some people desire exactly that: disempowering the Forum and turn it into an uncomfortable place to stay.
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Re: Hello from Terry - The Power of Anonymity

Post21 Jul 2009

alladin wrote:You are a rebel :D ! I am the same ;)

LOL, depending on which part of the world we are: rebel in the morning and rebel in the evening :D
An organisation like the BK has no use for people like us.

Looking for a family of free spirits I ended up in Zombie-land.

You are quite right. When I came here as a complete newbie the amount of information for me was overwhelming, the good quality of many writings was (and still is) exciting. I like discussions, even polemics but competitive behavior in this place is not constructive at all. Specially not for the ones who have felt impressed and supressed for a long time within the BKSWU. Possibly it is a type of Alfa-male behavior, and therefore even human.

I think one must have the ability to grasp the atmosphere here, to feel the the vulnerabilities, to sense what is going on before they jump in. From what I saw in my brief period here, the ones who try to evangelize or prove they are right do not find an enthousiastic public. Only those who have the courage to open up and share their experiences have real meetings here, even if they are physically so far apart.

What also came in my mind is that there are ex-BKs who after leaving the BKWSU become guru's themselves. A fellow I knew very well now has published a book about enlightenment, calls himself enlightened and gives courses, based on Raya Yoga mixed with other things. He is not the only one. It seems to me that there is a tendency for some to use their experiences within the BK as a stepping stone to become spiritual leaders themselves. Maybe the intentions are good. Still I am not sure what to think about this.
I admit that all the personal wars that recurrently happen between members, often dimmed my enthusiasm in participating.That is the effect and probably some people desire exactly that: disempowering the Forum and turn it into an uncomfortable place to stay.

Please stay ... Let the good vibes, get a lot stronger ...!

duty bound

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Re: Hello from Terry - The Power of Anonymity

Post22 Jul 2009

I have backed right off. Not looking for conflict, just a space to share because I feel I have something to offer. There is a lot of intellectual wanking going on.

Less head more heart people ...
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Re: Hello from Terry - The Power of Anonymity

Post22 Jul 2009

Good advice. I had to laugh at what you said Lokila

Starchild asked about evidence of skullduggery ... watch this space because someone really has a bee in their bonnet and is digging up or trying to throw **** at me in my private life right now related to the Brahma Kumaris.

To be honest, its kind of to be expected in the world of cultic religions and it does not frighten me off at all. Fine ... let's all go to court and tell the judge. Why is it that the internet bring out the worst in people?

What irked me most about Terry was that he would always twist what I said. So even if I explained something patiently, he would still take it out of context and make it something else. He is still doing that over at Joel's forum. Telling people that I believe I have a Greek Orthodox priest as a spirit guide ... attempting to discredit me. Of course, that is not actually true. I was winding him up because he does not believe in spirits and came from a Greek Orthodox background ... but when ever did these people even care what is true!?!

What I still don't understand is why Terry has an axe to grind with me. If anyone has any clues, or wishes to mediate, please tell me. All he is doing is the BK's dirty work for them. Work that one out!

He boasts about working the private message system here to save people from me ... which is what they all do.

Its funny because they go on about "Freedom of Speech" and how much better their forum is than this one ... I asked Joel to set up for weeks to take some of the load of this one ... but they won't let me post there.
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different ways to get satisfaction

Post22 Jul 2009

Thank you, Duty bound, for the concise post. I feel totally in tune with it. Wanking is the word and this is why I was asking how come some don't get satisfaction somewhere else in some more productive way. But each one is turned on by different things ... Some cannot share, they can only argue.

"Heart" people are free to cluster together and ignore those skirmishes.

If you picture the Forum as a village, or a ground for mongrels to play, you will remember that not all kids like the same game. Some are into violence, to the point of creating rival bands and end up going home bruised and bleeding, their form of having fun. They need to be ignored. They deserve no time or energy. In fact, not even a thought.

The rest, that are probably more imaginative, can invent different games all day long that exclude competition and are, IMHO, more formative.

From the start, on this Forum, I practised long and high jump, regarding certain posts and members, as my time is limited and I prefer to invest it in reading those which I deem interesting and helpful to my progress. Excessive intellectualization, wars, aren't.

What pundits say, is irrelevant, doesn't strike any chord in me.

I know that trouble makers at some point need to be dealt with, but often the story can be cut short. I choose, these days, to give my energy to those I love and love me back, not to those who are destructive towards themselves and others and radiate hatred and negative feelings.

Feeding the need of some to be at the center of the attention in a negative way, is like giving cash to a junkie.

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