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Make the sofa really uncomfortable!

PostPosted: 03 May 2007
by alladin
There's a tale i was told as a child, about a prince wanting to marry a shepherdess. She was too humble to accept the offer, so he was trying everything to get her close. One of the devices he tried, was placing some needles into her mattress, so she couldn't sleep there. Why don't you do the same with your sofa? Either he becomes a fakir, or he will become a man and climb back into your bed! :wink: Sorry about these witchlike suggestion!

In fact, what it be a therapy in order to break the spell, if you did such obnoxious, I mean wild, unpredictable things that would make him crack up laughing or is his depression too severe to laugh and see the funny side of anything? I never forget to send you good vibes!

And, sorry, if I am joking, I don't want to sound disrespectful. I know it's a very serious situation!! But if I was near you, for sure beside the serious stuff, we would end up making some jokes about it all! Just to make it light for a while!