BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

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Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post17 Mar 2016

To dismiss facts like a child born out of a mother's womb, or presence of hypothalamus in the brain or something is as obvious as denying the breathing through respiratory system. Just because it's not mentioned in the muralis and calling it manmat is unwise.

Today, sitting down and sending pure good wishes and vibrations just because today in Murli Baba did not instruct to do so and calling it manmat is being dumb too. Everything we do different from as told in Murli is not manmat. We may inflict unsurmountable guilt on ourselves for whatever reasons, and beat ourselves unlimitedly, Baba cannot specify everything in muralis.

The Muralis are summary of vast knowledge that begins to activate within us. It touches our being and the revelation takes place internally that unveils our potential within. And when it becomes a internal process there is no speculation. You just see it happening. Nothing to guess. Trying to prove others wrong and say predictions failed and beating about the bush and going merry go round happens when there is a void and vaccum within us and we are not in touch with our inner being.

Whether it's mentioned in muralis or not heart still continues to be the most powerful electromagnet that gives us the power of intuitions which we call higher sacred self and is interminably connected with the brain. It's a instrument that soul uses to receive higher guidance. Now it's never mentioned in muralis, and Baba didnt tell us, does it mean knowing and implying this knowledge in our life is manmat.

Certainly the attempt is to find all lost souls of the last Golden Age of which 99 percent are in India, most of whom find roots in rural India (doesn't matter if they live today in cities), so that they can re emerge their pure form which is nothing new. Now when, in the West, when BK centres open, a lot of souls window shop and like it and want to become that. But soon, despondency takes over as all efforts are in vain. A cow cannot become a buffalo or otherwise.

Cheating, burglary, fraud and all kinds of unpleasant things happen in the centre because it's all people like us trying to manage it. Just for even one moment we get in touch with our inner being we will just stop blaming anyone because it's all waste of time. The kind of Hindi we read in muralis is the a very affectionate and loving version of Hindi, as a loving grandfather or grandmother would talk to us. It's just felt even to a newcomer on day one. It's obvious.

My first question was first day to my teacher who took my 7 Day Course was how do our Western BK brethren understand Murli after translation as the loving aspect of it may be diluted. She agreed to it and said we wish to have them come back to India as they will have to anyway soon. West is full of illusions and the very processed food explains that. When I left for the West her concern was, if am I going to be lost in this illusionary world too. I promised her I wont.

Many BKs teachers do not have good qualifications or completed schooling. During a phase, when I was very hurt and depressed before coming in gyaan due to betrayal by a friend my teacher who was, nobody for current world helped me recover from all that. A small center which was just a flat was close to my home in rural India. I would go there everyday and offered meals with great love cooked by her. She would ask me to do things like posting a letter or buy her few greeting cards so that she can bless me.

I had no job and no cash given by my mother to spent lavishly. She knew she would not get anything out of me. But she would support me unconditionally knowing I am not going to give her anything. My elder Brother who earned a lot, she would not pay him much attention as she said her focus is only on Baba's children, and she would consider him so if he asks her for gyaan himself. When I told her I want to do 7 Day Course she have me a week to decide and explained what I am expected to do in terms of changing lifestyle. I do Amrit Vela and muralis everyday.

Just within first 6 months my life changed in all angles.

Divine guidance started to flow.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post17 Mar 2016

My interaction with white people started when I was 7 years old because a lot of them visited my town. I used to be so much captivated by their looks and new bodies. And me having old body would just transport me into hours of introspection.

Westerners have fascinated me with their Golden Age (which is going on right now wherever whites live). I, personally, came in touch with many Westerners and interacted wih many and developed friendships since I was 15. It was when I was connected with a south Indian organisation. They had visitors from all over the world. Their concept was also working towards Golden Age.

The founder claimed a lot. As usual Western souls flooded in with all their wealth and power. There was a fees of around US dollars $5000 to personally meet him. All lot of Americans and Europeans came. They had wealth and they always circled around him. A Swedish young man and woman, less than 30, became his Western disciples forming 8 and 9 after the 7 Indian disciples he already had since 1989.

This woman and man just thought they are closest to the founder just because they shed a great deal of money in this organization. I was watching it all like a show. In matter of just 5 years, these Western disciples turned anti and started spreading negative news of their experince which, even if true never, was important cause it was directed at management.

Now I saw the woman who once was devoted to the founders wanting to defame him and do things nobody ever did. I want to actually convey the nature of Western souls. Anything new in the market that seems unworldly, spiritual, powerful and promises spiritual virtues and some words like positively motivated and evolve, conciousness, higher sacred self and so many more airy fairy words, they are the first one to take a lead and want to just reserve ownership rights and want to patent it.

Another trait I have noticed about white people is they always take the literary or the intellectual side of any discipline. They are very good with taking and understanding things intellectually and explaining it to others. They are great researchers. No matter what age they would be researching. The problems comes when empirical side of things doesnt work for them.

I will continue writing ...
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post17 Mar 2016

Interesting ...

Who was the "south Indian guru" and was or was there not a controversy? I'll look into it. It sounds like Conny Larsson (male) and Sai Baba, the child and homosexual sex abuser. It sounds like they got conned, saw a lot of corruption, and then - rightly - kicked up a fuss about it. What's wrong with that?

We've developed such ideas as morals, ethics and objectivity in the West instead of caste and slavish devotion. I think I'd criticise anyone ripping people off $5,000 just to meet them too ... there's a long list of Indian "gurus" exploiting rich Westerners' naivety in such a manner which native Indians would just dismiss as being con men and fraudsters.

But do you know the real Lekhraj Kirpalani story? How he also paid a vast sum of money to be initiated into mediumship, or some other practise, by a Bengal sadhu ... causing the spiritual changes to come over him? I am still trying to find out who that sadhu was and which tradition he was part of.

Lekhraj Kirpalani was one of those rich and gullible people, led to believe he was Krishna and Vishnu and Brahma and "greater than god" according to the old Om Mandli material.

Ditto, do you know that from 1932 to around 1956, there was no mention of Shiva in the religion, only God Lekhraj Kirpalani (Prajapati Brahma)? It's not in the "official" history but it *was* mentioned in the Murlis and early documents. Unfortunately, the Murlis are being so whitewashed that the version you, as a new student read, are only a fraction of what they once were.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post17 Mar 2016

Certainly the attempt is to find all lost souls of the last Golden Age of which 99 percent are in India, most of whom find roots in rural India (doesn't matter if they live today in cities), so that they can re emerge their pure form which is nothing new. Now when, in the West, when BK centres open, a lot of souls window shop and like it and want to become that. But soon, despondency takes over as all efforts are in vain. A cow cannot become a buffalo or otherwise.

Then why don’t ‘Western’ BK centres send people away?

Better yet, based on your argument, why do they bother operating in the West at all? Could it be because of the prestige and wealth it brings in?

Sure, an experiential buzz from meditation and hearing spiritual platitudes is nice. No one here denies it, its why we all became BKs.

But, just as you say, people who operate only on logic and intellectual analysis are missing out on a complete human experience, so too do those people who deny logic and intellectual analysis. You make a false dichotomy then give them an artificial value.

The ‘spiritually high’ experience was had by many people before BKs ever existed. It’s had by many who are not BKs, in different traditions or religions, old and new, and even by those who are not "religious" in the way you probably think of "religious". Each such person validates their articulated beliefs based on these experience. Are they all equally true as articulated by each belief system because of their experience? Who is to say whose spiritual experience is ”truest”?

It's particularly ironic when different believers who claim quite different exclusive truths based on different religious or divine authority, because of each one’s "most powerful electromagnet that gives us the power of intuitions which we call higher sacred self" - a not uncommon description, in maybe different words, by so many ”spiritually intoxicated” belieivers.

When Om Mandli began, they had a different kind of experience to what is taught and had today. It was a closed community, expecting the world to end and they were not looking to convert/find the millions of ”deity souls” of ”Golden Age”. They had their rosary of 8 and 108 worked out. The top 8 then, as named and shown in pictures of the time, are different to those considered ”the 8” today.

When they ran out of money, they began proselytising and accepting donations. At first, and for a long time, they only accepted money from those who followed the teachings & principles and earned their money honestly in accordance with those principles. Nowadays they don’t care where it comes from, unless it presents a PR problem.

Sure, those who are "served” and welcomed do not always have money per se, but they have energy and time (which is never costed or treated the same way as monetary donation). A person giving 4 hours time in a task gives a double donation but is not regarded the same way as one who gives money, e.g. if 4 hours of work is done, and for that work someone normally is paid say, 250 rupees, well, they have given 250 R of that time/skill and have also given up earning 250R, i.e its monetised value is 500 R.

The BKs are happy to monetise what they give out - not asking a fixed fee for what they offer ”in service” but cleverly play on the emotional response and traditions of donation in India to accept money and gifts of property, happily buy property, real estate, and even chase a share of inherited money property if they know a ‘student’ is coming into inheritance (or divorce settlements etc).

Why do BKs (talking about the senior administrators) accept property and donations at all, let alone at the scale they have over eight decades, when what BKs offer is non-material, especially when it is (or used to be?) taught in Murli that all you need to 'do service' is 3 square feet of ground, have good Yoga and good ability or ‘yuktis’ to explain?

And why were they accepting massive material donations (money and property) in the years and months leading up to their various predicted, clearly stated, dates of Vinash (if they actually believed them)? If they did not believe them themselves, they allowed those junior to them to believe it. Why?

You were not around during the Cold War, there were many people, not just BKs and other apocalyptic religions, who really thought an atomic war was imminent.

If so, why did ”Avyakt BapDada” send Janki to London to oversee foreign expansion and to buy houses or accept large, nay, very large, donations in 1976, when that was the year clearly articulated as ”The End” in Murlis and on much BK literature? What good is money and property to a yogi if the world is ending?

OK, you say you are ”strong" and don't let them into your finances, but many people are not and are taken advantage of. In some places, it is a crime to not intervene if safe to do so when one sees a crime being committed, or to not report it.
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Mr Green


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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post17 Mar 2016

the original Murlis weren't in Hindi, they've been translated

Have you not heard of double foriegners? They are original souls, if you believe that stuff
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post17 Mar 2016

Pakka brahmakumar wrote:The problems comes when empirical side of things doesnt work for them.

I will continue writing ...

I guess you mean 'experiential'? I would say "empirical" relates more to being objective and verifiable. Not just subjective feelings.

I understand the BK Knowledge™ behind your comments, e.g. "first or second birth Westerners have a Golden Age at the end of the BKs Iron Age" etc. We could discuss why Lekhraj Kirpalani and the early BKs came to believe that. I would argue that it was just a way of mentally compensation for them ... a way to feel better about the disempowered, uneducated, degraded world they lived in, and British domination of it. Strangely though, Lekhraj Kirpalani was a great British patriot and royalist before Partition. And anti-Gandhi and Independence.

To start to understand BKism, you need more facts than they tell you, and have to start by seeing how it was all built up based on Lekhraj Kirpalani's often confused or erroneous state of mind (they thought it was god for about 20 years and he allowed it to go on).

What worries about me about your story, Pakka, is how the BKs seduced you when you were hurt and vulnerable. That's such a typical story within cult recruitment.


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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post18 Mar 2016

Pakka BK

One never knows when it is enough untill one knows it's more than enough. Most of us here on this site belong to latter category, so gain something from our experience. We can see where you are coming from, but pity is you cannot. We can also feel sympathetic (or may be pity) for you. Just see how you guys accept everything that science and technology gives you but ridicule it when it questions your stupid ideas of history of mankind. Wake up dear ...

All the best

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post22 Mar 2016

LET'S TURN AROUND THE Motion for a while and considering what you guys are saying is true, and let's say what Baba or the Brahmakumaris claims doesn't happen, and it all turns wrong.

If Nothing happens I am not at a loss. I still gain by following purity lifestyle. But just consider if everything is true all the naysayers will feel bad.
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post22 Mar 2016

You're putting a false value on an absolutely abstract and maleable concept the BKs have encouraged you to believe in. Define "pure". If you need an excuse not to have sex, or hide your sexuality, or not get married, then fine. Be honest about it. Just don't fall for believing it makes you better than others.

How is more "pure" ... someone who has sex now and again, but spending their life helping others and never lies ... or someone that does not have sex but lies and manipulates and only really helps themselves?

You'll lose a lot from not just being human, and not growing up. You may end up wasting your life if it does not happen.

Have you ever had sex or a relationship ... did it kill you?

Your mother did more than once, and it gave you life. Perhaps she did not really love your Father and did not enjoy it ... and subconsciously her attitude towards sex and men has influence you?

Perhaps you are just gay?

Firstly, there's no consensus of opinion here. Every one has their own. Secondly, the *factual* matters we have discovered and exposed are most certainly true. No doubt about that. But more than that, I think the issue is really about the values the Brahma Kumaris are instilling in you ... like an unquestioning attitude, a submission to falsehood, the manipulation of others etc. Hypocrisy ... and shared delusions of grandeur.

We are what we do, not what we say. The BK leadership puts great emphasis on their facade ... their mask ... their PR and VIP chasing etc. It's all external. In truth, a false but marketable replica of "spirituality", including your so called "purity".

Purity in that context, is just a marketing concept with extra added caste ascendency value. How more "pure" are you really? How much more purer than me, or a little old grandmother who's done nothing that look after others all her life, or a little Tibetan kid living etc ...

How can you be "pure" and "false" at the same time? How can the acceptance of falsehood as truth, be "Pure"?

Pure falsehood?

You are better off being an honest sinner, and waggling your willie about a bit, than being a dishonest hypocrite playing at being an angel.

Look, get real. God Lekhraj Kirpalani said Destruction was be in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1996, his earthly representatives in 2000, 2012 ... The Murlis said, "40" ... then "50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation" until they changed them and removed it. We have already pass the date Krishna would have had to be born on Earth to be crowned as Narayan.

Now, knowing all that, as a scientist, what probably would you give the next spin or prediction to be true? What's "pure" about that, and not admitting to outsiders?

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post23 Mar 2016

What a down graded trick to label someone's sexuality a name. Well even if i were gay or whatever nothing would have changed. However in case with me I always felt there is difference as i never had attraction to either gender. And whole world doesnt seem to talk about third sexuality. Either straight or gay. I am asexual.
Krishna will be born in 2018. By 2036 he will be 18 and ready to be crowned. But i think its not about lamenting on events to happen. Right now its about bringing in personal changes in oneself through followibg basic lifestyle like getting up early in the morning , eating vegan diet, meditation. Rest can be put to question mark or just ignore. Doing these three things can merely begin the revelation for you. I realize i am dealing with very very old people here. Probably over 80s who seem to have no hope as they think this life time is wasted just because they didnt get it right. However rest assured it doesnt matter if you are dying tommorow, all that matters you need to just get it right and face the truth. I am not denying some things that seem in happen in BK centers however it people missusing their power. Got nothing to do with the truth.
My advice live your life before its too late and face the truth. Just because you didnt get it right doesnt mean you keep on criticizing it. As i said its a internal process. One thing that heavily contributes to all this is Western upbringing which is very limiting. I wont go on and on. Feeling tired. Talk rest later.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post23 Mar 2016

Lies can can be spoken as long as thwy do not harm others.
Yes thats true doing all these things like helping others, generosity , philanthropy and kindness are in secondary position to purity. Purity is the highest virtue. Just purity in character is up above all the benovolent things one could ever think of. Purity is so powerful that kust purity can defeat science, todays educational system, all rationalizations. And thats what its is hinduism was never a religion in the begining of times. It was this same deity world in India. Right from when in these families kids aee born they are educated and told about their history. This history is again all coming from scriptures written by faint memories partly true. Mostly understood mythologically not symbolically. Now BKs have recealed the hibdu scriptures in the right way never done before.
Om Shanti
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post23 Mar 2016

Pakka brahmakumar wrote:Krishna will be born in 2018. By 2036 he will be 18 and ready to be crowned.

Good. It is always good to have some touchstone by which one can test one’s beliefs. Einstein was apprehensive for the few years before1919 when he knew that a predictable astronomical event would 'make or break’ his new General Theory of Relativity when it occurred and was observed.

He knew that if the light from Mercury did not bend around the sun as he’d calculated, when it was on the other side of the sun from earth, he would have to scrap his cherished theory and start again. It was a definite touchstone, and he was willing to accept he was wrong if it went wrong. It didn’t and two weeks ago , 100 years later, his ”gravitational waves” were observed for the first time.

That is, he provided a broad, encompassing completely new view of the whole universe, with definite evidence providing a real explanation of its total cosmology, a universe that goes back billions of years, but he did not claim divinity or expect anyoe to consider him other than a human being exercising human faculties. He was humble enough to say he had merely stood on the shoulders of those who went before, people like Newton. Quite a contrast to his contemporary, the sindhi jeweller who thought he was god, then god’s chosen vehicle and who taught that the universe revolves around him and his harem, with a vision extending only as far as the boundaries of vedic India of 5000 years. Talk about pure - pure parochialism !!

So dear Pakka, you, like Einstein, will have to wait only two years to know. Will you be honest enough to admit error when the facts do match the belief?

As for your prejudices about Western culture and upbringing, simply by using your computer or smartphone you are using the fruits of Einstein’s proofs.

I could list the lakhs of things that are from the West and cultures other than India that you yourself use regularly in preference to what traditional vedic culture ever had and call you a hypocrite for using them while professing such attitudes, but I won’t.

As for age and history - those who do not learn from it are destined to repeat the same mistakes, you are repeating what we used to say, that is what we are trying to tell you here. It not a cycle of 5000 years my friend, its each generation.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post23 Mar 2016

Accepted if Krishna wont come in 2018 and Destruction, in a massive way, wont start, I will certainly say things didnt happen and it was just false predictions. And appreciate you guys for waking me up.
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post23 Mar 2016

Pakka brahmakumar wrote:Accepted if Krishna wont come in 2018 ...

Why 2018 ... is that what they are saying now? 2036 - 2018 equals 18 years old at coronation.

Is that what they are saying now? If so, that's changed too ... but it fits in with the same "2 or 3 years model" they have been exploiting since the 1980s.

That's what we were told on a regular basis back in the early 1980s from the leaders, "2 to 3 years" ... it's just long enough for someone to think, "oh, that's not so long, I'll gamble on it" but long enough for them to separate, indoctrinate and enculturate individuals ... and it has kept on being spun since then.

I suppose they could then claim he has been born but "in secret", and spin it out longer ... but how would they explain BapDada still coming?

Then how long is it going to take for Destruction and Creation? Who is going to clean up all the corpses, develop the science and do the manual labour?

And where are they going to go afterwards? There's going to be a lot of labourers, miners, smelting factories, PCB manufacturers, waste disposal plants etc.

Accept it is just a nice place to go and sit and be silent ... just don't listen to all the indoctrination or waste your money and labour on them. A lot of people do that. Many leading Western BKs - including desis - do just that. Stopped going to class, started their own business, gotten married to each other so they can have the best of both worlds and drop in for some peace and quiet when they feel like it.

That's not my path ... but, hey, who listens to me anyway?
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Mr Green


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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post23 Mar 2016


Just wake up now Pakka, don't waste your life following twaddlde

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