Islam and BK

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Re: Islam and BK

Post03 Mar 2015

What interests me ... is putting words to the intentions that are not verbalised by Brahma Kumari teachers.

In such as case as this, and BK expansion in the Middle East in general, there are two intentions at play;

a) the Brahma Kumari teachers are prepared as if on a secret mission, to "find" other Brahma Kumari "souls" who "lost" their way, left Lekhraj Kirpalani's klan and Hinduism and converted to other religions. The definition of a "Brahma Kumari soul" would be 'someone who swallows the BK teachings hook, line and sinker' (completely) and "recognises it as the truth and their original religion.

b) to deceive non-BK souls, who do not accept their teachings and never will (because they are not lucky enough), into accepting part of their teachings and 'indebt' them into becoming cooperative to them (including the giving of free land, money, labour and other goods, services or introductions.

BKs separate the two sorts (roughly speaking) as "heir souls" (BKs) and "servant" or "devotee souls".

For decades they have be told to go out into the world and "create their kingdom" or empire of "servant souls" (low ranking BKs) or "devotee souls", non-BKsouls who will literally worship them as a god, deity or angel in a future life.

This is literally what they teach.

As theIndian spiritual market filled up to capacity they have expanded to other regions of the world, generally targeting emigrant Indians as a financial base and then reaching out to convert locals, be they Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus etc.

Such is the mindset of the Brahma Kumari elite.

All other religions are inferior to theirs; impure, utterly degraded, incomplete.

Specifically Lekhraj Kirpalani their guru and alleged "medium of god", has referred to priests and temples carrying out weddings as "brothels" or "slaughterhouses"
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Pink Panther

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Re: Islam and BK

Post04 Mar 2015

ex-l wrote:All other religions are inferior to theirs....
Interestingly, this can be applied to all the monotheist religions. And within the monotheist religions, each denomination even thinks that way about the other denominations!

For all its faults, polytheistic Hinduism at least sees other religions as fitting into its schematics, i.e Buddha and Jesus etc are incarnations of the godhead just as Ganesh and Rama and Narayan et al are (although each sect will argue which one a priori and which is a ‘lower’ manifestation of the other).

BKism departs from the traditional plurality of Hinduism. It adopts and reinterprets monotheism to suit its founder’s ends. Monotheism must reach a particular consequential, logical conclusion - that the believer in that One true god is superior to the non-beleiver, or the believer in some other God.

Interestingly, YHWH (Jehovah) in the old testament says he is is ”a jealous god” (jealous of whom?) and in the Commandments says ”You must have no other God before me” - i.e. there are other Gods, but YHWH is the #1 God for Abraham’s tribe, so don’t you go worshipping the other ones! The one and only true god of the Hebrews became the one and only true god, fullstop ... and so it goes ...


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Re: Islam and BK

Post28 Sep 2015

In Islam, instead we say, "There is no God but Allah" i.e the one God. So Islam begins with negation of all false gods and then confirming the one true God, and the core message of all Prophets was to direct worship towards this one God, who alone is worthy of worship.

Yehowah could be the Hebrew name for the one God , and the statement you mentioned could be a result of numerous translations and retranslations of the Jewish scriptures over years.

Anyways, we are discussing BKism in this forum, and I have some questions if you could please.

I would like to know
    1. What was the scene around during Lekhraj Kirpalanis death, did he know that he would die that day ? Since according to him he was being taught by God himself he should have been informed by God that he would die on that day,were the BKs confused at that time as to what would happen after him? , or what would happen to the revelations after him ?, or had he appointed anyone to succeed with his message? or were the BKs expecting the world to end during the lifetime of Lekhraj itself ?

    2. According to BKs the new spirit Gibrael taught Muhammed, but Gabriel is mentioned both in Jewish and Christian scriptures, which means he existed before Muhammed, how do they explain this?

    3. According to the Abrahamic religions God spoke directly to Moses and gave him the ten Commandments inscribed on a Tablet. From the BK perspective who is the source of these revelations and inscriptions?

    4. According to BKs the deities are pure and vice less and hence do not give birth but instead create children, so the female deities will have no wombs?


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Re: Islam and BK

Post29 Sep 2015

Some things of oddity. I have seen original of BK Tree Picture shown above. All picture is hand drawn and coloured. Except one thing. Prophet Abraham blue clothing, as in picture, is a small piece of stuck on blue metallic shiny stuff as used in chocolate wrapping. Goodness knows why. Also it is interesting that Abraham name is translated as 'the one who is not Braham/ Brahma'. I think something interesting is at heart of BK world, but institution now going to the dogs.


Re: Islam and BK

Post29 Sep 2015

Leonard, can you please explain how the "Institution is now going to the dogs"? ... In what ways?
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Re: Islam and BK

Post29 Sep 2015

In Hebrew, Abraham means "Father of many".
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Pink Panther

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Re: Islam and BK

Post02 Oct 2015

The Syllable ”-bra-” is the Indo-European root for many words to do with expansion, outward or forward direction. Through the Greek ”bro-” becomes ”pro-” and links to the word ‘progenitor’, as in Father who was told to ”go forth and multiply”.

Brahma has the four faces looking outward in four directions. Brahma Kumaris on the other hand are two-faced.


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Re: Islam and BK

Post08 Apr 2017

It's been a long time I have posted here since opening this thread.

Along the while I had been listening to lectures of BKs and reading the Murlis regularly, and participating in some discussions on forums elsewhere. The more I contemplate on the Murlis and the BK teachings, the more certain and receptive I am of them, I feel more at peace and certain with myself with the BK beliefs.

As for the religious readers, I simply couldn't believe that they had hallucinations, simply because it is not possible to take such huge life threatening risks based on imaginations. The preachers were certain of their faith, were consistent, behaved well, made sacrifices, and were great leaders, orators and reformers.

(... and the election of Trump as POTUS, and the way he is dealing in Syria makes me more certain of the BK predictions of the end of world).


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Re: Islam and BK

Post08 Sep 2017

Such is the talk of many, search.

Many BKs rail against Trump; yet they are supported by the US government, come from other countries, accept Medicaid, and other free sources ... as well as being supported as niwassis in centers by local and far contributions.

I have been told by some, that they don't want Trump in case some of that ends. In any event, they don't understand drama either, if what all are told about the end is true, then Trump is in the right place at the right time.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post08 Sep 2017

Are they importing Indian Sisters to run the centres where you live?

That's a typical thing to do for the BKs. They allow Westerners to start up service, suck up to local to get funds and properties, then once a centre is established, 'parachute in' a submissive, conformist, non-questioning and generally Gujerati Sister to run the business. (They ran low of Sindhi Sisters a long time ago, Gujerati [Patels] seem to be the second choice).

I never thought of the 'anti-Trump anti-immigration' angle before, e.g. the BKWSO's mouthpiece Sister Jenna, and her "Political Zen", being an Indian from Jamaica.

What right has she, really, to tell Americans to run their own country?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Islam and BK

Post10 Sep 2017

search wrote: The more I contemplate on the Murlis and the BK teachings, the more certain and receptive I am of them, I feel more at peace and certain with myself with the BK beliefs.

Here we come across the perpetual paradox of how to prioritise:
    subjective versus objective
    feelings versus truth
    unpleasant cold fact versus pleasant fiction with warm emotional impact
    what all the evidence shows versus what we want selected evidence to show
    value judgements (good/bad/better/worse) versus accepting that things are what they are until we make them something else - through our ”judgement"
    short term subjective experience versus decision making and acting for the long term
    Immediate needs versus long-term development
    Is peace more important than truth?
    - (Which one is the goals and which is the means to the goal? )
    Which is the longer harder more worthwhile road and which the "fast food” drive-through road, quick and cheap yet ultimately less satisfying?
Now that you are finding peace you should be able to be more objective surely?

In which case, now that your need for peace has been met, maybe you can apply the same acute critique to BKism that you applied to the world at large when you decided it was ‘wrong”.

Like a painkiller can act as an immediate shortcut to relief which allows you the ‘peace’ to find and rectify the cause of the pain, so too BK teachings may provide you respite but if you don’t move on from that, you may lose yourself in a spiritual ”codeine/opiate” dependency.

Most of us here found peace and respite with the BKs. Most of us here eventually realised that although the medication worked for a while, the doctor has a vested interest in keeping us coming back for more scripts (scriptures!)

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Islam and BK

Post10 Sep 2017

The historic and archaeological data from the Amarna Dynasty of ancient Egypt places permanent question marks on BK ideas or dogmas, which become points of academic debates in which the BK will not win.

Christian monotheism had it origins from the influence of Akhenaten of the 18 Dynasty. Jesus Christ and his family had origins from the Amarna Dynasty. What will be the BK response from the writings of Edgar Cayce that one of the incarnations of Jesus was as Adam and another was a Joseph? The BKs claim Dada Lekraj as Adam.

Studies by Ralph Ellis indicate that Paul or Saul and Josephus were one and the same person. Though I have some disagreements with Ellis, especially on the life of Jesus after the crucifixion, Jesus survived the Roman punishments, his studies corroborate the data from the studies by scholars from Harvard and Oxford.

I would also add that with respect to the Amarna Dynasty, the evidence has been demonstrating that Akhenaten was Moses. Moses was a Pharaoh. Many of the major biblical characters portrayed as tribal leaders were pharaohs, including Abraham, David, Soloman, and Jesus. The analyses of Robert Duval and Ahmed Osman demonstrate that the bible is a spun version of the history of the people of ancient Egypt as the super power of the time until Rome and the surrounding nations, including Persia, now Iran.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Islam and BK

Post10 Sep 2017

I would like to add to Pink's ideas on BKism's effects on souls as a metaphysical anesthetic/analgesic. With respect to spiritual nourishment, souls through BKism are fed micro-waved versions of spirituality as food for the soul.

Spirituality is a life long practice. However, it is not a life long study/practice in which the student remains at grade 1 or elementary school for decades. Progress has to happen year by year, month by month.


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Re: Islam and BK

Post10 Sep 2017

YES, ex-I ... that is EXACTLY what they are doing.

Also, there are not enough Westerners and there are very few wanting to be surrendered to fill centers.

I know 2 friends of mine who were niwassis, and left to their own apartments now. A great many are coming from India over the past few years.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post10 Sep 2017

Maui wrote:I know 2 friends of mine who were niwassis, and left to their own apartments now. A great many are coming from India over the past few years.

How are they getting visa?

We discovered evidence that BK Hansa Raval had been making fraudulent visa applications on behalf of well paid Indian IT workers, calling them "Priests in the community".

What a joke ... my feeling was they were cash cows, money earners, for the BKWSO.

Many of the "surrendered" Indian Brothers are on a deal where 100% of their wages go to the centre, and then the center-in-charge hand the Brother back pocket money to survive on. If that's $50,000 or $60,000 ... where does that money go to? Is it funnelled back to India?

Are the BK Sisters being brought in on religious worker visas?

Again, in other countries, we know some have existed on temporary holiday visa going in and out of the country to earn new ones.

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