What kind of life after BK?

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Re: What kind of life after BK?

Post29 Aug 2010

I left a long time ago in the early 80s. My "story" is scattered over the early part of this forum and the xBKchat archive. This gives me a sightly different view on the BKWSU. At that time, The Knowledge and system were much more rigid and, I thought, "as it was". It was only a couple of years ago that I discover how much it had already been re-written.

I think my most interesting story is discovering original documents from the 1930s and 1940s that show and prove that they history has been falsified, that until 1950, there was no God Shiva in their religion and they revered or worshiped Lekhraj Kirpalani as God. They always claimed Shiva entered Lekhraj Kirpalani in 1936.

For me, this paints a very different picture of the leaders in many ways.

About 4 or 5 years ago, I looking back at my life. I discovered xBKChat Forum (which was very hidden and unknown back then) and I started to find out about many terrible things that had happened, the child sex abuse, the suicides, the financial abuse, the families being torn apart and how they work I already knew. I began to research what was going on and found even more, some the business and I decided to document it so that the world could see them as they are.

When BK Hansa Raval tried to sue us to close us down, I helped fight that legal case. We won, they lost and it came out that even as a center-in-charge, she had been hiding many things which were against Shrimat ... In fact, that she did not even have permission to start suing us but was just using the charity for her own person aims, suing for her own personal sake.

I also discovered how willing they were to fight battles across families even where there were children involved (Raval had left her own child to join the BKs) splitting couples up and that the leadership was not even united or in complete control. And much, much more.

When one starts to see all that, it changes your opinion deeply. I am sure you are quite right to say in your center things were all very gentle and mature but, in my opinion, they are deeply rotten at the core ... you just never got that close to see it.

How did you relate to all the End of the World stuff, death of 6 billion, Nuclear War and the sinking of the continents to make way for Heaven in India?
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Re: What kind of life after BK?

Post19 Oct 2010

Interesting what you learn. So Hansa was the one who took you on? Having once lived in the San Antonio Center, I could tell a few stories but I won't. No point dragging up old gossip.

Life after exiting the BKs? After 14 years, it was like simultaneously divorcing about 100 people - I had no life, no friends, nothing outside of Raja Yoga, and had neglected my relatives. I moved in with a non-BK, living with a woman (but not in a relationship) for the first time in 14 years, one who could not understand where I was coming from, even though she was into Rajneesh (about as far away as you can get from Raja Yoga ideas about celibacy). Dealing with guilt and more guilt about not getting up at 3.30am, eating meat, smoking cigarettes and then dope, getting drunk, finally the big one, starting to have sex again.

It was climbing a mountain on my knees, but never once did I regret breaking away and doing it. It took five years before I felt free, and two years later I went to Mt Abu to see if I was really free of the BKs in their stronghold. I was, enjoyed the visit, stayed in a Hotel in the village, caught up with Madhuban niwassis whom I still regarded as friends, etc, saw Kumarka before she died, then went off to the Himalayas with my fiancee, later wife, now ex-wife (s**t happens). Went to the New Year's Eve Baapdada program in Taleti, getting back in time to grab some blended Scotch whiskey from the Wine Bar in Mount Abu (which in typical Indian fashion, doesn't sell wine but beer and whiskey) and seeing in the New Year with drinks overlooking Nakki Lake. And most importantly, not feeling a shred of guilt or conflict over doing both things on the same night.

These days I regard the BKs as a "nice" cult, unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and largely irrelevant to my life except lifelong friendships with both BKs and ex-BKs. I do not regret my time with the BKs, and feel my life is richer for the experience, but I am equally glad not to be involved with them. I've gone back to atheism and am comfortable with that, regarding religion as part of the human evolutionary process. I am happy with who I am, and proof that there is life after leaving Raja Yoga, no matter how deeply entrenched you are/were with them. Take the challenge and break away and you'll find plenty of support. Just don't let the BK experience make you bitter - all part of life's journey. I wish you well.

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