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Re: Help me

Post23 Jul 2009


By "blackmailing" I mean 'blackmailing in the emotional form', even subtle blackmail can be more powerful. It is a method used by most religions, and parents (e.g. if you leave home, when you come back, I will be old and dead or who knows what will happen to us).

I am in a rush. More later. Whilst I drive, I will compile mentally a list to clarify further.
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Re: Help me

Post24 Jul 2009

I think Dadi Janki and a whole lot of others Seniors' classes are full of emotional blackmail, projecting sentimental states onto the image of God, or false god, that they worship. Ethically, that has to be the worst. I have also seen Janki pull on people's guilt or heart strings using herself and adherents adoration of her. She's a real actor.

Just to keep on topic and relate back to Meghna ... Meghna one thing a little lacking in your correspondence to date is any mention of a searching for God, or a history of previous commitment to esoteric seeking.

Just to take a step back, do you think your parents will pay your dowry over to the BKWSU or to keep you there?

Would not they rather you went to college or something and learnt to be useful for society?
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Re: Help me

Post24 Jul 2009

Please I am a teacher before for the Brahma Kumaris. Please do not do this, your life is ahead of you.

You will lose everything, you will not bring happiness to your parents.


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Re: Help me

Post27 Jul 2009

Dear All,

I am 21 years working lady.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I am not belonging to a very strong background. I belong to a very middle class family who is working to fulfill her family's needs.

As you all told me, there I won't get my mumma's hand made food, so I just wanted to let you know that I have stop taking my proper food since a long time ... maybe an year. I do eat once in 2 days, and that is also forcefully.

I have lost all my interest. I don’t like eating, I don’t like talking to others. You know there was a time when I couldn’t even think to live without DANCE. But now dance is just like once in a blue moon for me.

So I think this (BK) is the perfect place for me.

Meghna Subba
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Re: Help me

Post27 Jul 2009


It sounds to me as if you are suffering from real depression following a broken heart. A broken heart can often take a year or more to heal. I think how it heals is one of life's mysteries but time has its part.

Did all these feelings start after the failure of your relationship, or did you have problems beforehand?

Please tell us a little bit more about your life.

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Re: Help me

Post28 Jul 2009

Dear Meghna,

You must have an iron will that you can stay two days without eating anything. And learning that you have to work as you say, it must be extremely hard for you to concentrate and to spend the necessary energy without taking any fuel for your brain and for your body.

I know that if you have so much will power to stay so long without eating anything, you have also the willpower to heal yourself and live on balanced and healthy food.

Heal yourself dear Meghna and stop this incredible torture and violence you are doing to your soul, mind and body and to your parents. The parents suffer more than their child in cases of child's anorexia and depression. You have the power to heal yourself. Sing and dance whenever you have time and heal yourself. You can start your healing process in his moment.

For help, I would advise you to visit the website of a master healer and teacher of Soul, Mind and Body Medicine, and author of many books on Soul Power, Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, (, where you can watch and listen to Dr.Sha's videos teaching how to heal oneself with singing and soul dancing. You can also download with a small fee his powerful Soul Songs Blessings for the health of all body organs and for situations like anger, grief, depression and anxiety. Many friends and relatives of mine including myself have been healed from serious health situations by practicing his methods.
meghna wrote:So I think this (BK) is the perfect place for me.

Just the opposite dear Meghna. The BKs don't have any understanding and any empathy for their so called BK Sisters and BK Brothers with any health problems. Even they report to the Seniors if one BK can not eat some sort of food like dairy products because of allergy or other health situations, as ex-l reports today in another thread from his own experience.
ex-l wrote:I used to discover that my center-in-charge reported anything I said (or thereby 'had thought') which stood out to the Seniors. In the "worst" case, I wanted to stop eating dairy products as they made me sick, I was made to phone up the Seniors (Jayanti) in London to explain myself.

I myself have been years long serving as a BK teacher and have been in different BK centers, several times to Madhuban and Oxford Global Retreat Center, and stayed for longer periods everywhere, helping in the kitchen.

They don't like anyone in the centers without any appetite. The kitchen is considered as the heart of the center. Cooking for the Brahmins is considered as the most important service and should be done by the experienced teachers in the center. If any BK does not eat their Brahma bhojan, it is a great insult for all of them. Even BKs with diabetes have to eat their heavy food full of carbohydrates and sugar, which would mean poison for such people.

I have observed that generally most of the BKs eat too much I must say, most of the female BKs including some top Seniors like Big Mo from New York and the late Manohar Dadi for example, had eating disorders with some sort of food addictions. For BKs, too much eating is, in my opinion, a sort of compensation for all joy of life they are missing.

They don't want anyone with depression or some psychological disorders or severe health situations in the centers because they don't know how to help them. So they don't care for their so called Sisters and Brothers if they break down. The only way they know is to send them to their family home (if their family is still alive) as it happened to many important BK instrument teachers who had surrendered their lives to the BKWSU and served the BKs decades long. The best treatment(!) I witnessed was given to one of my previous instrument teachers, who was left alone to die in one of the rooms of the Global Hospital without any help and assistance to feed him, as he was not able to eat by himself any more.


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Re: Help me

Post29 Jul 2009

Dear Meghna,

I find it very alarming that you have lost your appetite and have been eating only one meal every two days for a year. I do not know if you are suffering from anorexia or something else but, whatever it is, it can lead to serious health problems, irreparable damage and even death. I do not know what kind of resources are available in your area to help with your condition but if you were living in my country I would strongly suggest that you consult with a medical doctor. You can also search the Internet for information on anorexia and other eating disorders.

I also have some concerns that your reasons for wanting to join the BKs might not be the right ones. I do not understand why not being able to marry the person you love and having lost all your interest in eating, talking, dancing, etc, would make it the right thing for you. Can you explain?

Do you know about the teachings of the BKs? Have you taken the 7 day course? Do you know about the Murlis? Have you listened to them?

Do you know that what the BKs say about the origins of their organization and its teachings is false? Most instrument teachers in the Centers do not even know it themselves because they have never been told the truth by their Seniors.

Many original documents from the Brahma Kumaris that have never been shown to the followers but can be seen on this website prove that. It could be explained to you in details if you want.
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Re: Help me

Post30 Jul 2009

Dear Meghna,

Please talk to us. You must understand from our posts that we are worried about you. We care for you. We here are all mature posters who have been through very tough things and are able to understand you with respect if you share with us.
bkti-pit wrote:I would strongly suggest that you consult with a medical doctor.

Bkti-pit is right. Your life is in danger. Please immediately go to a hospital and let your body and your blood values examine by medical doctors. Listen to their advises and take their medicaments and vitamins.Become bodily healthy to become mentally healthy and to dance and laugh again.

You are so young. In my country, in the big cities, girls in your age study or go to work but they don't marry so young any more. You have a full life with endless opportunities in front of you. What a shame if you cripple your body or your brain in this age because of a broken heart, instead of living a full life with all joys and adventures whatever comes.

As you are talking very little, I need to fill the gaps. I am understanding that your friend and your friend's parents have broken your heart. Your lover hurt you by saying that you both belong to different castes therefore he can not marry you, and his parents broke your heart because 'they are not ready for this marriage'. Am I right? If not, please correct me.

So, dear Meghna, be thankful to God instead of grieving that you had the opportunity to understand their character. Earlier the better. Some women understand the real character of their husband after they have children, and after they suffer incredibly from the selfishness of their husband and his family. But then it is too late. It is a blessing that you could see their real face before you married him.

The man you love is not a man with character and it is obvious that he is not able to love you as much as you love him. For a man, being in love means to carry the responsibility of the beloved woman. Being a man, means that his love and care belongs primarily to the woman he loves and not to his parents. Your friend must be too young and immature and probably not financially independent, living still with his parents and obeying their orders. Dear Meghna, this man and his parents are not worth the pain you are suffering and letting your family suffer through your depression.

Let go everything about him, and about his parents, and never look back again; even if he comes back one day and asks for your hand. Enjoy being alive, sing and dance and see which surprises and adventures life brings to you.

In my understanding you, yourself, are still a child, and it is for you too early to think about a marriage and children. Children are the greatest joy of life. Never give up the hope to have children one day when you feel ready. I am very grateful to God that I became parent before my BK life so that I have not missed the greatest blessing and happiness of my life.

Take good care of yourself


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Re: Help me

Post31 Jul 2009

Hello All;

Dear bkti-pit can you be more specific about this please?
bkti-pit wrote:Do you know that what the BKs say about the origins of thir organization and its teachings is false? Most instrument teachers in the Centers do not even know it themselves because they have never been told the truth by their Seniors.

Many original documents from the Brahma Kumaris that have never been shown to the followers but can be seen on this website prove that. It could be explained to you in details if you want.

Thanks and regards ...
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Re: Help me

Post31 Jul 2009

Hi Menezllero,

Have a read over the History forum and the Library. There are many original books and posters from the 1930s and 1940s that the BKWSU leadership has kept hidden from its followers.

They prove, for example, that there was 'No God Shiva' mentioned in the Yugya AT ALL until at least after 1950 ... that Destruction had been predicted for WWII and 1950 (before the later 1976 and mid-1980s predictions) and a whole lot of other stuff. Adi Dev has been made up at a much later date.

The detailed discussion is all there.
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Hi megna

Post05 Aug 2009


I am from India.

My advice is this ...

1) Wait, don't make decisions in a hurry.

2) And even if you are firm in your decision not to marry and to join a spiritual movement ... don't join the BK because they are not a spiritual movement at all, they are just a cult.

They are a kind of 'Bood, dead atma worshipers'.

3) I think you are watching BK Shivani's programme in Astha TV. Let me assure you something after 2 or 3 weeks of joing the BK you will feel there is a change in their agenda. That is, what they talk on TV like 'peace, happiness, atma etc" will take a back step and they will introduce you to a metaphysical entity 'Baba' BapDada etc.

And, in this situation, I feel you can be easily trapped.

4) My advice is wait. Time is the best medicine which will cure all the wound created by mind.

5) Now if you want to divert your thought join some other spiritual movement like ... try Shivyog, Art of Living etc.

6) Don't make drastic decisions now.


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Hi megna

Post07 Aug 2009

Hi Mehgna

Don't join BK system. You will regret if you do.

If you want to select spiritual path, select other systems which are open.

Best advice is, "Wait" ... your pains will be cured automatically with time ... don't make hasty decisions so quickly ... try to be honest in life ... love is not everything ... it is just a part of life.

Hey, girl, I hope you might have seen the movie, "Jab We Met" ... If not watch once ... you are in similar situation :D.



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Re: Help me

Post07 Aug 2009

Dear all

thank you very much for your support and I will surely try to recover from this. But if I will not get peace, or will still feel like the same, I will join it ...

Special thanx to spritual spy!!

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Re: Help me

Post07 Aug 2009

If you join, ask yourself, "how can I find peace if there is always fear of Destruction?"

And remember, there are no shortcuts. The fable of The Tortoise and the Hare is always a good reference.

The Tortoise and the Hare
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Re: Help me

Post09 Aug 2009

Good luck what you chose to do.

I just wanted you to understand that our advice would have been the same whether you were considering to join ANY narrowly focused religion group ...

    a) your current situation and current state of mind are NOT the right one to embark on on such a commitment. You need to fix those first. In your current state, you would be very vulnerable to be used and abused again.
    b) whatever you chose to do, do it without courage ... open ears and open eyes.
Do not "seek the truth" ... always seek "the truth behind the truth".

To be honest, I just felt as if what you really wanted to do was kill yourself and that you thought that joining the BKs was a way of doing that. Killing a self that was suffering so much. Perhaps punishing the others in your situation ... or punishing the others by punishing yourself.

But that part of yourself is only a small part of yourself. You are separate from it. You can let it go without surrendering yourself over to the spirits behind the BKWSU.

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